antediluvianenigma · 7 years
Cersei’s probably even fabricating the baby so yay Jaime for getting out (low key had a small heart stop bc I thought the Mountain would turn him into a shish kebab)
jaime finally packing his ass up and leaving cersei because of honor and brienne
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antediluvianenigma · 7 years
Lyanna: His name is Aegon Targaryen.
Ned: Uhhh...
Lyanna: Promise me, Ned.
Ned: Sure.
Lyanna: *dies*
Ned: Fuck that stupid name. His name is Jon.
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antediluvianenigma · 7 years
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New drawing! Ref pictures are: this, this, and this.
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antediluvianenigma · 7 years
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It appears that the barista gave up on using my name and just drew my face instead...it works, I guess?
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antediluvianenigma · 7 years
some embarrassing things from the 2016-2017 school year
1) Accidentally slapped a horse in the face with sweatpants on my arms when I heard Humble. playing. I then proceeded to sob and shoosh pap the horse even though by that time it was already ignoring me again.
2) Was dared to scare a teacher, attempted to do a frighten, then realized 3 things:
        a: I do not know how to scare people
        b: I had collapsed on the ground
        c: I had just split my pants
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antediluvianenigma · 7 years
Tagged by @zorajurre (sorry fam just saw your post)
Name: Minhee 
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′4″ (to be honest I have no clue right now and I’m too lazy to find out)
Nationality: U.S. (Ethnicity: half Korean, half Taiwanese)
Favorite Fruit: uhh...strawberries? I don’t really know
Favorite Season: late summer/early fall (where it’s not too hot but not too cold)
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Flies by William Golding (either that or A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness)
Favorite Flower: Chrysanthemum
Favorite Scent: freshly baked brownies, I guess...
Average Hours of Sleep: while school is in session I probably sleep around 4-6 hours--during the summer, approximately 6-7 hours
Cat or Dog person: DOGS ALL THE WAY
Favorite Fictional Character: Probably Major Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, or Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: 1, lmao what’s up with this question. If I get sick or it’s just really cold, sometimes I sleep with 2 blankets
Dream Trip: Nowhere special, just a nearby beach with some close friends or a best friend
Blog Created: lol actually I got an account around 1 year ago to keep track of my drawings and do collabs with @zorajurre
Number of Followers: 5? I really don’t know, I mostly use tumblr to browse and keep track of my drawings really...
I’m tagging:
anyone who sees this, I guess? I don’t know that many people besides Christy who tagged me in this lol
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
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I made my talksprite today!
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
Ever heard of mr robot? @terminallygalactic
me: *writes 1 line of code for my theme*
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
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If this isn’t an indication that the Condesce has revealed herself, then I don’t know what is...@terminallygalactic
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
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reminder that the Green Sun is literally an ICP reference
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
have people in horror movies never seen a horror movie
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
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A recent sketch I drew based off of this.
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antediluvianenigma · 8 years
why do big dogs go boof.. 
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