anthonyrosier · 4 years
"I still think this whole thing sucks. As if there’s not enough work here,” Tony rolled his eyes. “Can’t you just do the whole long-distance relationship and you’ll stay here?”
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
“Usually you wanting more alcohol suggests you have stuff on your mind.” Caspian pointed out, dropping the previous subject because he could tell Tony wasn’t really in the mood to listen to it right now. “So this more drink; are you paying for it then?”
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"I suppose I can pay for some, nothing too fancy though,” he warned. “There’s nothing new with me, same old problems,” he shrugged.
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
When Diana woke up, she was surprised Tony’s side was cold. He was usually sleeping until noon during his days off, trying to catch up on sleep. She slowly dragged herself out of the bed and went to the kitchen, wanting to grab a cup of coffee. She almost walked into a wall when she noticed the plates on the kitchen table. “What is this?” She asked quietly. She looked from the table to Tony, smiling softly.
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Tony turned, smiling back at his wife. “I thought I’d surprised you,” he explained, moving to give her a quick kiss before he went back to the waffles. “There’s fresh coffee if you want,” he motioned at the pot.
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
“When you want attention you don’t let anyone get anything done do you.” Marcus pointed out as the papers were pushed aside. He sighed softly, rubbing at his eyes. “Yeah, always, why’d you ask?”
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“Do you not want a break?” He asked, sounding slightly surprised.  “Just thought I’d ask. Diana said she hasn’t seen you in a while...”
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
"Let’s just take a short break, those files are not going anywhere,” Tony muttered and pushed the papers away. “You good?”
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
Tony put a shirt on and quietly moved to the kitchen, hoping he had enough time to put together a breakfast before Diana woke up. He tried not to make much noise and thought he did a pretty good job. Breakfast food was actually the only food he was able to make so he felt pretty confident.
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anthonyrosier · 4 years
"Less talky talky, more drinky drinky,” Tony commented after finishing yet another beer. “Although if you manage to to summarize everything in two minutes, I will be impressed.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
“Can you not?” Archie took a step back, trying to avoid being hit with another glittery bomb.
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"You okay there?” Tony asked his brother quietly. 
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
Diana took a deep breath. “Should I even be surprised? You already missed two in a row,” she said quietly, hoping she sounded calm.
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“I know, I’m sorry, Di. I don’t want you to think I’m giving up on us, because that’s never going to happen,” he reached out to take her hand into his.
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
Caspian smiled at that and shook his head. “Your concern is appreciated Tony but there’s not a whole lot you can help with here. It’s my own mess I some how have to clean up.” He admitted, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. “And you aren’t a shitty person and I don’t think there is a way to fix this.”
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“Ah, so you screwed something up,” he nodded in understanding. “From experience I know it’s best to deal with it as soon as possible. Running away could make it much, much worse.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
“Home?” Archie snorted. “Do you even know where it is? You haven’t been there for years!”
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Tony clenched his teeth, telling himself to remain calm. “That’s fair,” he said finally. “But that doesn’t stop me from trying to be better.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
“I wouldn’t waste and worrying over it T. You know how they can be.” Katherine assured the man, patting his shoulder lightly. “I’m not sure why they thought complaining to me would get any different of a response but I do think they regretted it.”
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“As long as there are no bodies for me to dispose of, I trust you handled things well,” he noted.
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
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“There’s more than one thing to sign there, Anthony. Anything you don’t want to sign, you can leave with one of the aurors down the hall.”
“Which one of them wrote this? Maybe you should think about sending them on some writing course.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
“That’s what I said. In much less polite terms actually.” Katherine answered calmly. “I don’t think they appreciated it but then they should be used to my frankness by now.”
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“If they have any issues, they can address them with me or the head of the department.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
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“You’ve got paperwork to sign.” Margot said, handing it to him, “You know, the most fun part of our jobs?” She asked sarcastically.
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Anthony looked at the papers, scanning them slowly. “This is very badly phrased. Whoever wrote that needs to fix the majority of the text. Then I’ll think about signing it.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
“Hm?” Caspian murmured looking up from his drink, realising what Anthony had said before giving a small smile. “Nothing you need to worry about really. Do you ever feel like you’re a shitty person though?”
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“We’re out and about and you look like you wish you weren’t here. It’s hard not to worry,” Tony pointed out, then sighed. “I know I’m a shitty person, but only in certain cases. The key is to know how to fix that.”
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anthonyrosier · 5 years
"This makes absolutely no sense. Who told you that?”
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