anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Blog Post Week 15- Mel Pulido
Slacktivism has become a fairly popular way to seem performative on social media in terms of being “woke” or an “activist.” Most recently this pops up in the forms of “retweeting” a political tweet on Twitter or “reposting” a charity link on Facebook. Ultimately, these actions achieve nothing aside from being spread on the internet. While the negative aspect of this is the fact that a simple retweet does nothing, there are others who tend to take more initiative than their slacktivist counterparts, where they tend to take their actions to the streets and actually donating to profitable causes. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Blog Post Week 13- Mel Pulido
Social media, specifically Instagram and Twitter in my case, have been at the forefront of movements during recent political moments. Most notably, with movements such as Black Lives Matter and MeToo, the movements have made the most impact on the platforms that were previously stated. These platforms allow for rapid spread of information as well as allowing it to reach more people than the people that follow you. However the issue with this rapid spread of information is the lack of actual engagement with the issues at hand. For this recent pandemic, many flocked to social medias to instigate change for worker conditions within Amazon, where workers were getting infected with COVID-19 and still working with no proper equipment to work with. To this day, Amazon is still fully operational with a lack of of medical equipment and the death toll of workers still an ongoing issue. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Blog Post #12 Mel Pulido
As recently noted, it has always been communities of color that have been most affected by pandemics, and it still manages to stay relevant as it is mainly African Americans and other minority, low income communities of color. Inequitable access to healthcare has always been prominent for these communities however the lack of funding in terms of assistance for them has increased the death toll for them in conjunction with their impoverished living conditions.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
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Week 10 - COVID-19 Memes
Mel Pulido
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Wk #15- Fionna Guzman
I see plenty examples of slacktivism on Instagram. Many people tend to post a post on their Instagram story an to “share,” yes it may give their followers a sense of awareness to x topic. However most people are not taking a second step in order to help the cause or issue. I saw this a lot with many people sharing post about the fires in Australia, but didn’t bother to donate. 
This also reminds me of the celebrities singing ‘Imagine’ thinking them serenading the poor would for put us at ease from the pandemic. There truly was no purpose to that video, they didn’t mention the pandemic nor help the issue, they just sang with no purpose. Its just odd how those celebrities can do a lot more than others in contributing to the issue but instead sang.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Wk #7- Fionna Guzman
I believe Facebook should have been more clear in regard to collecting data of their users, whether that be resulting to a better ‘Terms & Conditions’ contact. Or even simply sharing their relationship with Cambridge Analytica before the court trials. Especially when users are not aware of the money Facebook is making with the users accounts, there still is a gap with the lack of knowledge to where our data truly goes and what is done with it. I don’t believe that you can never have true privacy online. Even if you try your best to protect your profile by making it private or limiting the amount of users to see you page, the company still has access to you data. You delete everything online and on all platforms but you’d still have an internet ghost, where your data still can remain in the system
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Caroline Bescoby Week 15 4/28 
Unicef, known for its sweet halloween campaigns and saving babies, sends a hard call-out to all passerby with this ad campaign. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Caroline Bescoby Week 13 4/17
In the first month and a half of shelter in place, I can certainly attest to the fact that most of my day was riddled with thoughts of COVID, and that almost all of these thoughts came from my social media feeds. With nothing to do but avoid the world all day I could retreat into my phone, yet instead the whole world with COVID would be sitting there waiting to greet me. Half of the time it would be humor, though I appreciated when the other half would be a mix of comfort, caution, and ultimately helpful tips. I still am skeptical about those who share news on platforms such as Instagram as I frankly do not see myself fact checking Instagram stories, but I like when people share cute no-sew masks, information on when Whole Foods workers will be striking, how to support low-income families, and ways that charities have been the focus of many campaigns run on instagram or other social medias. I personally watch a youtube account run by Youtuber Chris Klemens who dedicates his weekly videos to a different individual, charity, or small business and directs his viewers to contribute. These are all forms of activism I think are effective in these times as they require low effort and commitment yet are easily effective in spreading awareness and knowledge and garnering support. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Caroline Bescoby  Week 5 2/20 
Emmanuel Macron is the President of the republic of France, known for being one of the youngest presidents of the country as well as for having married his former school teacher, Brigitte Macron. His twitter is very formal, and he was recently notorious and somewhat criticized for his descriptions of the Coronavirus. For a period during the shelter-in-place and closing of borders in France, he referred to the virus as “la guerre,” or “the war” translated in English. His tone is serious, precise, and hopefully compassionate if an emotion must show through, even though his nation would not believe it. His tone around the virus throughout everything motivated the country to be patriotic and support each other as they would the troops in a serious war against an enemy invader. 
I’m looking at Kim Kardashian West’s twitter account and she continues to promote her various brands, and I do not see much mention of the virus. It is still relatively poised, and allows herself to have a little more emotion. She also reserves excited-mom/wife tone for posts of her family. She uses emojis and more punctuation.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Caroline Bescoby Week 5 2/18
A group I am part of on Facebook is the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen, which has 35,000 members, 3 admins, is private, and has a strict set of rules against hate speech, intolerance, and Food Only. It is not so much a meme page, even if memes do make it onto the feed so often. There are very often pleas from chefs for advice on recipes, techniques, what makes the best knife as a gift for an aspiring chef? We are soemtimes treated to adorable tea parties by mother daughter duos, or a gorgeous birthday cake. I consider it a community for how much diversity is posed yet bridged and how much interaction takes place inside it. Everyone is united by common interests, even if they sometimes clash in ways that blow my mind. In addition, it has existed since 2018 and remains active. I think the community is effective in sharing advice, recipes, cultures, and most importantly stories and joy.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Caroline Bescoby Blog Post Week 4, 2/13
If i had to choose only one social media platform, I think I would choose Facebook for its universality, longevity, and messaging purposes. Firstly, I use facebook to message my friends on a daily basis as we all have different phones (not iPhone) and it’s easiest for us to chat as a group on Messenger. Further, Facebook has been around longest and I think has proved most useful in tracking down people for long-term relationships, which I think was the first and continues to serve as a useful application of a social network. Finally, I find people in every country use Facebook, even if it’s not their primary network, and it makes it easy to keep in contact with people on a more intimate basis than an instagram DM.
I’ve never thought about it, but if I woke up to a deleted account I think I would greatly grieve the loss of photos as memories and hope to find some methods to recover as many as possible. I’ve probably deleted a twitter account. I don’t remember if I’ve deactivated an account.
I usually delete content when I think further about how it might be perceived differently than how I intend it to be and if it might come off insensitive as I tend to make many jokes on all platforms. I’ve also deleted things when I’ve asked friends for positive reinforcement and they’ve let me down, leading me to believe the content wasn’t good.
I remember Facebook being the first social media moment in middle school, and I was late as I sat watching others around me join til I probably joined in 2012 or 2013. I do not remember much about it.
I block people who harass me. I mute people who I feel bad about not wanting to be friends with but don’t want to unfollow I just can’t see on my feed.
I don’t have a finsta.
People could compare my regular instagram to a finsta.
Attached is the ratio of posts to followers to following I have.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Week fifteen 4/28- Eliza Bowker
I found this article to be the most recent of slacktivism dealing with how Twitter has become the most easiest and fastest political activism in social media for the government and its citizens. It is recently said that twitter is a good platform to get your opinions and voices heard by many people even more than those who have made a speech in front of thousands of people live. Moreover, with the internet voicing their opinions daily, twitter also has a drawback of getting that opinion or hashtag quickly out of the lime light as well. Some people think they are making a difference on this platform but can be easily forgotten as it can be easily spread and that is one of the drawbacks social media has today.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Eliza Bowker Blog 4/17
This article shows that the Bay area is making a strong outreach to have the shelter-in-place rule be more effective and important during this time of outbreak to limit the spread of the virus. Having the bay area stay indoors for awhile longer while places in the U.S for example, Georgia and Texas, to be opening their shops and other stores in the upcoming weeks is a perfect example of social activism right now to keep the people safe. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Sarah Ali
In class - Pick an online site that you participate in (something smaller than “Facebook” or “Twitter,” e.g. a particular Facebook community, or a fan forum for a sports team). Do you consider it a “community”? Why or why not?
I am currently part of the Coca-Cola Scholars network on Facebook, and apart of Coke Scholars Connect. Throughout the website and Facebook page, I have been able to connect to people from various cohorts and engage in strong conversations. The Coca-Cola Scholars network has given me a sense of community and an ability to better my leadership skills by engaging with business professionals.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Sarah Ali
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I found this meme to be funny. I think that this meme was just needed in this time and many people can relate to it. 
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Sarah Ali
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This post shows the reality of people engaging in online slacktivism. This conversation shows the use of online activism that continues to be utilized in the current pandemic.
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anthroxsocialmedia2020 · 4 years
Sarah Ali
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This blog post shows the reality of the current climate in the United States regarding COVID-19. Many people, in particular, to the southern states have been protesting to open their states.
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