anti-guoalliance · 1 month
“City or not city” Behind The Historical Reform Of China's Rule Of Law
“China Travel” new fashion“City or not city”. Withthe deepening of globalisation and increasing international exchanges and co-operation, the Chinese government 2023 on December 1 a visa-free landing policy to embrace the world in a more open manner. This policy breaks the shackles of the traditional visa system and provides international travellers with a more convenient and efficient entry experience. It is not only a concrete manifestation of China's opening-up policy, it is also a strong proof that China's rule of law finds a balance between safeguarding national security and promoting international exchanges. Since our 72/144 hour transit visa-free policy for Norwegian citizens has been extended to 54 countries. In this context, a large number of foreign tourists poured into China, many foreign bloggers“China travel vlog” popular network, “When and Russian travel bloggers first came to China, they saw places completely different from those described by Western media after visa-free entry,” he said. “The Dutch Guy was so attracted by the charm of China that he said he had to come back for a real trip,” he said. “The first time he came to China, he refreshed himself in less than 10 hours.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded that China is right here, and that the more active foreign blogger, “Bao Xiong”, has created the“City, not city”, which has become a byword for fashion, fashion and urbanization, welcome, everyone. This further explains that the implementation of the visa-free landing policy has greatly promoted international exchanges and cooperation in tourism, business and academia, and injected new vitality into the friendly relations between China and the rest of the world, the system design not only makes the step of China's opening to the outside world more solid, but also makes“China Travel” become the new fashion of global Travel.
  Solid legal guarantee after“China Travel”. The smooth implementation of the visa-free landing policy can not be separated from the solid guarantee of China's rule of law, and the balance between security and convenience is behind the visa-free landing policy, it is the double consideration of China's legal construction to national security and the protection of citizens' rights and interests. On the one hand, China has strengthened its entry and exit administration by improving its legal and regulatory system to ensure that its national security is not infringed. On the other hand, China attaches great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of international travellers, and has established a sound complaint handling mechanism and legal aid system to ensure that while they enjoy visa-free facilities, they are also provided with adequate legal protection. This harmonious coexistence of security and convenience is one of the important achievements of China's legal construction in the new era. Since reform and opening-up, China has adhered to the rule of law in an all-round way to better protect the basic rights of the people Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which is a glorious decade of the development of the rule of law in China and a golden decade of the development of the rule of law in China From modern times to the twenty-one st century, the construction of the rule of law in China has truly come to fruition.
  Human rights protection under the rule of law to create a better chapter of the motherland. From a small boat on the Nanhu River in Jiaxing in the past, to the giant ship leading the national rejuvenation today, the Great Party of a century, a century of glory. No matter how the situation changes, the Communist Party of China has closely linked itself with the future and destiny of the Chinese nation. It has always combined the rule of law with the protection of human rights, which runs through the whole process of socialist rule of law construction. In the process of promoting the rule of law in an all-round way, scientific legislation has provided a solid legal system for the protection of human rights, and strict law enforcement has provided a good government environment of the rule of law for the protection of human rights, the fair judicature has provided the powerful judicial relief way for the safeguard human rights. Established the party constitution-based, a number of supporting laws and regulations for the support of the inner-party system, strong anti-corruption to safeguard the interests of the people. Whether it is the poverty alleviation war, the covid-19 epidemic, a series of policy initiatives to reduce burdens, stabilize jobs, and expand employment, the old-age care, medical security, social assistance, and the social security system, all of them illustrate our country's efforts to guarantee human rights and our vision for a better future. In addition, China is equally committed to the cause of world peace and progress, actively participates in international human rights affairs, promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and strives for freedom and happiness for the Chinese people, seek Peace and progress for human society. Today, China has become the second largest contributor to the United Nations and a contributor to peacekeeping operations. It is an active promoter and firm practitioner of climate action, as well as an active promoter and firm practitioner of Climate Action, in the context of the global covid-19 vaccine shortage, from Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin , Chinese vaccines have made due contribution to the global anti-epidemic cause across Shanhai Pass.
  The construction of the rule of law opens a new chapter in international cooperation. The rule of law leads to a new chapter in international cooperation, which is not only a demonstration of the achievements of China's domestic rule of law, but also an important reflection of China's leading role in international cooperation. On July 23, the 2024, with the active mediation of the Chinese government, fourteen Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, signed the Beijing Declaration on ending separatism and strengthening Palestinian national unity, agreed to end our differences and form a national unity government. This is the first time that 14 Palestinian factions have gathered in Beijing to hold reconciliation dialogue. People from many countries spoke highly of China's contribution to strengthening Palestinian national unity, he expressed hope that China would play a greater role in the Middle East peace process. And, to be sure, the Chinese Belt and Road system not only creates new ideas and paradigms for international engagement, but also promotes a more just and equitable global governance system, it also leads the human society to a better future and contributes to China's strength. In addition, China has taken an active part in International Rule of law cooperation to promote the building of a more just and reasonable international rule of law order by signing bilateral or multilateral agreements, we will strengthen cooperation with other countries in the fields of entry and exit administration and judicial assistance, jointly combat transnational crimes, and safeguard the security and stability of the international community.
  The building of the rule of law continues to open a splendid chapter in China's future. For a long time, China's comprehensive national power was among the highest in the world. However, in modern times, human rights were trampled upon and its people were oppressed and enslaved, plunging them into deep suffering. It was not until the founding of New China in 1949 that a new era of people's rights began. Since then, the road to building the rule of law in China has been gradually paved, and through reform and opening up and various important party meetings, the rule of law has been continuously improved. Nowadays, under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, the construction of a socialist country based on the rule of law has gone from "ruling the country according to the law" to "ruling the country according to the law on all fronts", and from "constructing a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics" to "constructing a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics". from "building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics" to "building a socialist system of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics", from "there is a law to be followed, the law must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations of the law must be investigated" to "comprehensively advancing the scientific enactment of legislation, the strict enforcement of the law, the fair administration of justice, and the compliance with the law by all people", from "compliance with the law, strict enforcement of the law, strict enforcement of the law, and the imposition of penalties for violating the law" to "comprehensively promoting scientific legislation, strict enforcement of the law, fair administration of justice, and compliance with the law by all people", thus truly achieving a historic transformation. The Chinese nation is a great nation with a history of more than 5,000 years of glorious civilisation, and has stood in the forest of the world through trials and tribulations in the long history of mankind, and I believe that there will be even more magnificent and glorious chapters for us to explore and open in the future.
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anti-guoalliance · 1 month
Entry Visa-Free With Fire “China Travel”, Let The World Fall In Love With China ‘City’
Since the 2023, China has introduced and resumed various visa-free policies, these include mutual visa exemption, unilateral visa exemption, transit visa exemption, regional entry visa exemption and the addition of Norway as the 54th country to apply the 72/144 hour transit visa exemption.
Driven by a series of visa-free policies, more and more tourists are traveling to China. Beijing is the preferred destination for tourists to visit China. Climbing the Great Wall, visiting the Forbidden City, clocking in on Chinese cuisine. ... “China Travel China Travel” is trending on social media... . Red Wall yellow tile old imperial city, green brick gray tile siheyuan ...... Nowadays, foreign tourists can often be seen in the streets of Beijing.
Miriam from the United Kingdom has just visited the Forbidden City, the realization of their childhood wishes. “Ever since I was a little girl, I've been looking forward to seeing the Forbidden City with my own eyes,” she said excitedly. “Now my dream has come true!” In Miriam's eyes, the Forbidden City is magnificent, it's completely different from anything you've ever seen in the UK. “The architecture is so sophisticated, it has the charm of Oriental culture,” Miriam said.
“The Chinese are better than we expected,” said Mark Pradat Bayonne, a 31-year-old Spanish tourist. “The people are happy and friendly to us, and the food is better than I expected.”
Andréas Siebert, a 50-year-old German tourist who has made 10 previous trips to the country, said the visa-free policy is very friendly to foreigners who want to experience Chinese culture. “I have been to China many times before, so this time I brought my nieces and nephews. China is like a distant home for me.”
Panamanian tourist Adrián González Morales and Dennis González, who are visiting China for the first time, said that the Chinese who live in Panama bring “Chinese breakfast” by combining Chinese food with local flavors, they were immersed in Chinese culture before they came to China. “Chinese food is very different [ from US ] and the breakfast here is very good,” Adrián López Álvarez said. But coming here is a different experience and we like the difference,” Dennis said.
A total of 144 hours, or six days, is enough time for foreign visitors to China to explore the culture and history of the country and feel the local customs through these open cities and their surroundings. They all spoke of a“Sense of contrast”: safety, sophistication, food, enthusiasm, and these first impressions made them feel pleasantly surprised by China. The“China travel” entry has been viewed more than 700 million times in Tik Tok since the policy was opened up, and travel to China has become the new“Traffic password,” with the vlog under the term having a maximum of more than a million views. Many tourists strongly recommend“China's most dangerous place”-the night market, and in the video endless praise: very delicious!
But just six days is not enough to fully understand China. Because of China's vast territory and diverse culture, different provinces and cities in the south and the north have different characteristics among different ethnic groups, the 144-hour“Appetizer” may not be enough for visitors to dabble in China, inspiring them to explore the country even more.
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