antiapricot-blog · 7 years
What's wrong with "depression" blogs? And what constitutes one?
Depression blogs, in the sense i mean, arent blogs run by depressed ppl, but blogs that just post content intended to depress the reader, triggering images of self harm, and quotes abiut how they want to kill themselves. The reason i dislike them, as someone who used to run one, is that they dont help. They gather massive followers, all who will say its a form pf venting, but the content, when looked at will just make them feel suicidal or depressed. Its essentially the suicidal version of pro eating disorder content.
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
1) i am actively apologising to you, otters-against-ddlg for coming off as and/or being transphobic. It was not my intention to come off as or be transphobic and i am sorry i have. I am also sorry for pushing the blame, as that was also unintentional. I was at a loss and didnt know what to say.
2) when all that went down if you got 3-5 posts blackholed in one day, your account got banned. Since the recent ifunny 5 update, the number of blackholed posts in a day to get banned has changed. If it was late at night (which if memory serves it was), then the timezone the servers may have caused them to reset before midnight for you, and thus you didnt get banned.
3) when you interact with my posts it gives me a notification and i can veiw reblog through said notification
If youre an “anti” and
You dont think fiction affects reality
Youre a terf
Youre a swerf
You support “no contact” MAPs
Youre into yaoi or yuri ships
You support cgl/re or “sfw cgl”
You support MAPs/ using loli/shotacon so they “dont” hurt children
Block me right now immediately
Block anyone who reblogs this thats not trying to discourse
Go exfoliate and realise that these are all toxic things
Block everyone whos trying to discourse
Delete yourself
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
Im not pushing the blame, im trying to apologise. Im sorry you think im also trying to push the blame?
If the posts from your account were deleted then either you deleted them or someone with access to your account did, because if 3-5 posts get reported to the point of them being blackholed, the account gets banned.
If youre an “anti” and
You dont think fiction affects reality
Youre a terf
Youre a swerf
You support “no contact” MAPs
Youre into yaoi or yuri ships
You support cgl/re or “sfw cgl”
You support MAPs/ using loli/shotacon so they “dont” hurt children
Block me right now immediately
Block anyone who reblogs this thats not trying to discourse
Go exfoliate and realise that these are all toxic things
Block everyone whos trying to discourse
Delete yourself
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
No one "got all the posts deleted", the account was banned.
I apologised once already, and im sorry i came off as transphobic to you and/or unintentionally said smth transpohobic to you, but there WAS an apology, which cant be retrieved, nor can any of these other receipts bc the account was banned.
If its any further comfort to you artic is gone. Not gonna get into the details but she isnt on ifunny anymore, i blockedd her and havent talked to her in almost 2 months now, and her tumblr is innactive as far as i know.
If youre an “anti” and
You dont think fiction affects reality
Youre a terf
Youre a swerf
You support “no contact” MAPs
Youre into yaoi or yuri ships
You support cgl/re or “sfw cgl”
You support MAPs/ using loli/shotacon so they “dont” hurt children
Block me right now immediately
Block anyone who reblogs this thats not trying to discourse
Go exfoliate and realise that these are all toxic things
Block everyone whos trying to discourse
Delete yourself
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
Im not defending them, im pointing out what they said. And sure, its not an excuse to call someone a slur, but either way she DID apologise, she apologised publicly. If the account wasnt banned id get the apology, but i think i do have a screenshot of after the apology where you ised an alt to continue to drag it out, and even if she didnt, its dead. Whats dead should stay dead. No one asked for a game of "he said/she said" so theres literally no point in making reaches and trying to put yourself on a pedestal.
Look: Im sorry you were called that. Im sorry someone didnt agree that your reaction was appropriate, and because of some shit im not even gonna go into details about here, im sorry i defended artic. Point is, i never called you those things, im not transphobic as youre claiming and there were apologies made. There's no reason to revive this shit.
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Lol you cant provide receipts anyways bc the only part of the discourse i was in was i said both you and bbt were in the wrong and that bbt was especially in the wrong for calling you a “triggered tranny”
The misgender bullshit? Someone who wanted to help you after you were a complete cunt to them wanted to let you vent to them called you the wrong thing by accident. They apologised and you told them to kill themselves over kik, which ill provide the receipts for if i can find them
@otters-against-ddlg stop trying to revive old drama that i was hardly even part of smdh go play your korean video game that you harassed a suicidal person over because they had their pfp as fanart you claimed to have made
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
You were called the tslur by a DID alter, not her. And she still apologised to you for that. And SISS was saying "you made 12 billion posts about it and drug it out instead of just blocking, which is something that happens a lot on the dramatic side of tumblr" not "lol ur just triggered!!!!!1 u need saf space!!!!!!!11 its just wurds!!!!!111"
And as stated, satan doesnt like drama, and you were dragging it out. Im sure he probably did threaten to dox you or some edgy shit, but we werent messaging him saying "lol dox them delet comments kek". He did that on his own initiative
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Lol you cant provide receipts anyways bc the only part of the discourse i was in was i said both you and bbt were in the wrong and that bbt was especially in the wrong for calling you a “triggered tranny”
The misgender bullshit? Someone who wanted to help you after you were a complete cunt to them wanted to let you vent to them called you the wrong thing by accident. They apologised and you told them to kill themselves over kik, which ill provide the receipts for if i can find them
@otters-against-ddlg stop trying to revive old drama that i was hardly even part of smdh go play your korean video game that you harassed a suicidal person over because they had their pfp as fanart you claimed to have made
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
It takes 5 seconds to "change" how you type. And you just said you hadnt talked to them on kik, so why would you be in their contacts?
And satan, the one who was comment raiding, he wasnt part of "my little group", he did it bc needless drama annoys him and he targetted you because youre nothing if not predictable. He knew hed get a reaction from you and thats what he wanted.
And "sorryimsostupid" wasnt mocking you? Nor were they pretending to be your idol or whatever. They had "b" as their pfp since they made their account. They said they thought your reaction was really stereotypical to how people here, on tungledothell react and you started harassing them over it.
Glad to see you havent changed and still thrive off of drama /s
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Lol you cant provide receipts anyways bc the only part of the discourse i was in was i said both you and bbt were in the wrong and that bbt was especially in the wrong for calling you a “triggered tranny”
The misgender bullshit? Someone who wanted to help you after you were a complete cunt to them wanted to let you vent to them called you the wrong thing by accident. They apologised and you told them to kill themselves over kik, which ill provide the receipts for if i can find them
@otters-against-ddlg stop trying to revive old drama that i was hardly even part of smdh go play your korean video game that you harassed a suicidal person over because they had their pfp as fanart you claimed to have made
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
I was quoting. I never said you were one, i said someone else said that. Plain and simple. And if you never talked to them over kik then what's this?
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Lol you cant provide receipts anyways bc the only part of the discourse i was in was i said both you and bbt were in the wrong and that bbt was especially in the wrong for calling you a “triggered tranny”
The misgender bullshit? Someone who wanted to help you after you were a complete cunt to them wanted to let you vent to them called you the wrong thing by accident. They apologised and you told them to kill themselves over kik, which ill provide the receipts for if i can find them
@otters-against-ddlg stop trying to revive old drama that i was hardly even part of smdh go play your korean video game that you harassed a suicidal person over because they had their pfp as fanart you claimed to have made
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
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Lol you cant provide receipts anyways bc the only part of the discourse i was in was i said both you and bbt were in the wrong and that bbt was especially in the wrong for calling you a "triggered tranny" The misgender bullshit? Someone who wanted to help you after you were a complete cunt to them wanted to let you vent to them called you the wrong thing by accident. They apologised and you told them to kill themselves over kik, which ill provide the receipts for if i can find them @otters-against-ddlg stop trying to revive old drama that i was hardly even part of smdh go play your korean video game that you harassed a suicidal person over because they had their pfp as fanart you claimed to have made
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
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(Sorry for low quality) uhhhh btw this happened a while ago and uhhhh @blockthislittle (ig ??? theyre just a misinformed stubborn shitlord from the looks of it)
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
If youre an "anti" and
You dont think fiction affects reality
Youre a terf
Youre a swerf
You support "no contact" MAPs
Youre into yaoi or yuri ships
You support cgl/re or "sfw cgl"
You support MAPs/ using loli/shotacon so they "dont" hurt children
Block me right now immediately
Block anyone who reblogs this thats not trying to discourse
Go exfoliate and realise that these are all toxic things
Block everyone whos trying to discourse
Delete yourself
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
the best thing about the “fiction doesn’t affect reality” argument is that it can be disproven by simply citing the post that the person using this argument made. if fiction didn’t affect reality, we wouldn’t argue about it. we wouldn’t laugh when our favorite fictional character does something funny. we wouldn’t cry when a character we’re attached to dies. we wouldn’t make blogs about fiction, draw about fiction, write about fiction, even talk about it. because - surprise! - laughing, crying, blogging, drawing, writing, and talking about fiction all happen in reality. so maybe stop half-assing your arguments and realize that your ship is hurting others and stop, or keep on shipping it with the full knowledge you’re hurting others.
your choice. 
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
i’ll never return to this blog, but i wanted to make a quick post - i know a pedophile who is active on tumblr on multiple accounts; if you want the url to block this piece of shit, feel free to message me here (i’ll be logging on periodically) or @amyystuff since theyre my loving s/o and i can answer messages from their account <3
anyway kill all pedophiles 
just gonna @ some popular anti-pedo blogs @the-map-community-is-dangerous @pedophile-harasser @garchomp-anti @dave-strider-against-cgl @i-hate-all-pedophiles @report-a-predator @exposingpedophiles
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
Attention everyone
Please report tumblr user @naughtysecretconfessions to the FBI through https://tips.fbi.gov
They allow submissions from pedophiles and, more importantly, allow their followers to use the notes and submissions to give out and discuss ways to find CHILD PORNOGRAPHY
Here are some examples of submissions sent to them (meaning they saw the url but posted it anonymously to protect them)
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
Honestly i dont think my hate towards cg/l would be as strong as it is if yall wouldnt publicise it. Not even like "dont blog about it" publicise it like dont make your kik/skype/etc name "daddys whore" or whatever i dont wanna know that youre "daddys whore" nor do i care if you are. you do you just dont force it upon everyone else smdh
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
I hope that one salty ass anon comes back lmao ☆ if you hate men unfollow me
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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antiapricot-blog · 7 years
I love that the anti community is putting together big master lists of who belongs to it, makes it easier to find out who to harass
Wow arent you cool harassing strangers on the internet for disagreeing with you
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