I bumped into him last saturday and I feel so awful because I like him a lot and it's starting to sink in that I'm not as important as I felt and maybe I should stop being silly and expecting too much when he clearly don't give much of a fact
and suddenly reality hits me
I love him but is it always gonna be like this? Me feeling like a shadow from a shadow that's already there
not being considered much
not being prioritized much
not being asked if I miss you too
I think everything is starting to sink in
I feel so alone in this relationship that's not even relationship
and all he do is do his thing
and he said he wanted me to join his freaking membership but he never really actually added me
did he?
it's been months
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I hope when he feels better, we will meet again
and I hope it's because he genuinely want to
and I hope it's because he wants to see me too
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the only great thing about OT is the free food because...I don't have enough funds for dinner tonight and God answered my prayers.
when is the love story of me and babe :---( that's my long time prayer
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he chatted me with random things idek why he is like that i guess he missed me but has no bandwith to push it any deeper but ugh i just really love him and everytime he does something, he makes me want to melllllllt in all ways, always
idk i wish he will eventually court me now like NOW
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sad i was left on read when i said 'compatible' and it made me even more furious because it's so selfish for him to say such thing but idek how to respond to allegation going on
it was so annoying and it still is annoying but i have to accept someone who cares will never let you go and someone who doesn't wouldn't ever bother
so there you go
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he didn't reply ugh i hate but whatever
we will never still never meet again unless u invite me
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I don't want to embarrass myself any further from all these predicaments hahaha I just teased him about our compatibility idw to emphasize we are meant to be but now I shortly realized how embarrassing could it be and I want to avoid it until lunch time just because it felt awkward and I couldn't bother to know if he fearlessly replied or ignored me again ugh
also im craving fried freaking chicken but mcdo is too far and it made me so sad i'm computing practicality if it's worthy to go there for lunch to take out or something...
maybe no. but in the morning i could buy and microwave it.
i already had quota for the rice anyway.
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film. u. film. u.
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Image via We Heart It https://weheartit.com/entry/152216807/via/1104701
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“Make it a habit to think positive.”
— Anonymous (via neckkiss)
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so fucking much
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Unknown Source
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The Breakfast Club (1985)
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Tokyo Ghoul (2017)
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