antinousxwild · 3 years
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“If you go to war and don’t kill anyone then what if the point?” He snaps. “I know full well that there are other ways to fight back, I have done every single one of them. But if you stand by and doing nothing, that’s when you let them win. Sometimes violence is the only option.”
from here //
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“    i —-   ”    it took a moment; for her to blink ( shifting gears ) ; and step forward, the air just a little different around her.     “    there’s always another option; there’s always another choice.    ”
// @antinousxwild​
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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“No. I’m sorry Doctor but there isn’t.” He replies stubbornly. “I despise violence, but when it is the only language they speak it is the only way to reply. I had to fight back. I didn’t have the privilege of peace.”
from here //
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“    i —-   ”    it took a moment; for her to blink ( shifting gears ) ; and step forward, the air just a little different around her.     “    there’s always another option; there’s always another choice.    ”
// @antinousxwild​
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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“Did you see any other option?” Enjolras snaps. “I didn’t have a choice”
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“    awh, did you have to do that ??    “           //   open starter
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antinousxwild · 3 years
What body part are you?
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Here is the largest organ, seemingly unimportant and forgotten in favour of larger meatier cuts of flesh, but it is living and breathing but wholly on the outside. You feel everything so much all the time. You wear everything on the outside, nothing about you is restrained or held back, authentic and truthful, even to a fault, even revealing all the ugly parts you can’t cover. The blows and injuries you take cannot be hidden, so be cautious. Always remember scars do not heal, they can only fade.
tagged by stolen from: @fatherofthevortex​
tagging: anyone!
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Destroy My Muse On Anon
Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Send “What happened here?” to find my muse after they’ve finished fighting a brutal fight.
Alternatively — send “You shouldn’t be here.” for my muse’s reaction to stumbling upon yours post-fight.
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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Although it had been a very difficult few months, Enjolras had been adjusting as best he could to his new home. He’d found friends, a place to live, a place to study. If anyone didn’t know the truth, they’d assume he was just another wealthy early 19th Century student. Which of course was the hope. He hadn’t let anyone know the truth, he knew the dangers of anyone discovering his unique biology and past. In a way hiding it helped push away the anger and bitterness he felt towards his home planet.
The blond sensed his father instantly, he always knew it was him. Scanning the busy street, Enjolras’ hearts stopped as he landed on the figure. A new regeneration apparently, but he would recognise him anywhere. He stormed forwards, grabbing the other’s wrist to get his attention and hissing softly.
“What are you doing here? What do you want?”
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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It was hardly the first time Enjolras had been dragged away from a protest, bleeding and in handcuffs. Although this was the first time internationally. It was fairly similar though, and despite the pain Enjolras still struggled against the grip of the police officer. It was more for pride than anything.
The head wound though was making him more daze than he liked. Blood was staining his blonde curls and dripping down into his mouth. Sighing heavily as he was handcuffed to the bed, Enjolras sat down and watched in the distance before what he presumed was a doctor approached.
“I’m assuming you’ve been told the whole story. Or at least one side of it.” He started, leaning his head to the side to try and change the direction of the blood.  
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antinousxwild · 3 years
//plotting call!
I finally have time off so like this and I will come and plot with you. I have multiple verses!
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Noticing Trauma sentence starters
Feel free to alter dialogue to suit your muse!
“That really spooked you.” 
“I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” 
“Well, pretend I’m not here. What would you say if nobody could hear it?” 
“Does this happen a lot?” 
“Hey, what happened between you two?” 
“When is the last time you ate?”
“Is this okay?” 
“This is the third meal you’ve missed this week, are you okay?” 
“What did he/she/they do?” 
“This … hurts you.” 
“You don’t feel safe, here.” 
“When you look at [trigger], you… what is that?” 
“What can I do?” 
“You were crying in your sleep.” 
“What do you dream about?” 
“Whenever you get stressed, you do this thing with your hands. What is it?” 
“You’re right, I don’t understand, yet. Will you help me?” 
“Should I leave a light on for you?” 
“I brought you some water.” 
“I won’t judge you.” 
“It doesn’t have anything to do with trust. You don’t have to tell me. But I’ll listen, if you do.” 
“Count your breaths with me, okay? Ready? One, two, three, four…” 
“I’m here.” 
“Talk to me.” 
“You don’t need to tell me everything. I just want to know how I can help.” 
“Let me hold your hair back, at least.” 
“You used to love that [item].” 
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Your muse finds mine, staggering down a road at night, with torn, dirty clothes and nothing else. Send “How did you get here?” to pick them up.
To switch roles, send “I don’t know where I am.”
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antinousxwild · 3 years
reblog if you want to receive angst inducing anons
e.g. asks about tough subjects for your muse, blaming/guilt-tripping, bringing up fears, pointing out insecurities, etc.
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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He should’ve recognised Javert earlier, but it had been dark and Enjolras’ mind had been focused on the battle to come. The moment. Gavroche pointed out who it was, Enjolras felt his blood run cold. There was nothing he could do, if he let Javert go then they would be betrayed. And yet no one could know exactly how he knew the spy. So he was forced to order his men to tie the other man up, dumping him in the Corinthe until they had enough gunpowder to execute him.
Enjolras tried to distract himself, but it wasn’t enough and the temptation was too large. He walked into the cafe, looking down coldly at his father. “I know we have had our disagreements, but coming to spy on me? That’s low and cold even for you.”
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Enjolras knew the dangers. He faced risks every day he walked own the street but they were always ones he was willing to take. The idea that he would die or get seriously injured in one of his protests was something that he had imagined and accepted a long time ago. Even if Enjolras had less of a death wish than people realised.
It all happened so quickly. He heard the gun of course, and Enjolras found himself shoved to the ground. But apart from his arm being scratched up he hadn’t been hurt. He turned around, eyes widening in horror as he saw the gunshot in the boy next to him. “Merde.” He cursed. “Stay still, I’m calling an ambulance.”
@antinousxwild liked for an angst starter
He wasn't here as Spider-Man. It was always kinda - funny to him, actually, when he got hurt as Peter Parker and not the web-slinging superhero. No. He was at a protest, of all things - his Tingle had been going wild, as the police presence built but still they marched on, waving their banners, ignoring the boos. New York wasn't bad, but it had it's fair share of idiots and transphobes - lots of red hats in the booing crowds - so the firing of the gun wasn't all that unexpected.
But the tingle had kicked in - he had moved fast, pushed the leader out of the way, and taken the hit in his side. He stumbled down, falling to his knees as all hell broke out, pressing his fingers to the blood already spouting out of his side.
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antinousxwild · 3 years
//it’s 2am, I'm isolating and missing my job. like for a starter! probably be a paragraph but maybe more
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antinousxwild · 3 years
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Enjolras let out a cry of pain, not daring to look behind him as he panted heavily in fear. He’d been in life-threatening situations before, had been in danger that most could not even imagine. But suddenly here, dangled over the roof with just his shoulder stopping him from falling, Enjolras came to the sudden realisation that he really didn’t want to die, he wasn’t ready.
“Alright! Alright, there is no need to be pedantic.” He replied, staring up at the other seriously. “Put me down on the roof properly and explain what it is you want with me. I cannot do anything if I am dead.”
@antinousxwild​ asked ; “Let go of me!”
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it was an exchange. guy knew some details about oscorp; spider-man, and other interesting facts in this universe. but the guy had a problem. several problems, actually. protesters. it was simple, really. get them to sign a deal to back down & then harry got what he wanted.
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he flung the man over the roof, but gripped him by just by the shoulder. had to hurt, especially since harry had a firm grasp. lowering himself down to crouch on his glider, he spoke. rather casually, actually.    “   you really want me to let you go, monsieur ??   ”
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antinousxwild · 3 years
Terrible First Meeting Starters
For breaking the ice in the worst possible way, featuring themes including: kidnapping, murder, stalking, injury, monsters, and just general meanness. [Brackets] indicate spaces to include your own words to personalize your ask!
“Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!” “You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” “Oh my god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?” “I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” “Get out of my way before I move you myself.” “Please, let me out of here!” “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a [monster/vampire/demon/etc] before.” “Hey. Pretend you were waiting for me. You’re being followed.” “You don’t know me, but something terrible is going to happen.” “You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Please, someone help!” “You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” “Stop shining that flashlight on me! I’m not a damn ghost!” “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” “Shh, don’t scream! I’m not trying to attack you!” “I’ve never seen anything like you before.” “Stand right there and don’t get any closer!” “Now that you’ve seen this, I can’t let you leave and just tell anyone.” “Ugh, my head. What happened to us?” “Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” “If you come near me, I will scream at the top of my lungs.” “Holy shit. What have you done?!” “Is that blood? Is that YOUR blood?” “Don’t panic, I can explain!” “I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.” “I won’t hurt you if you just keep your mouth shut.” “Who are you? Where are you taking me?!” “This is for your own safety. I’ll explain later.” “What the hell was that thing back there?!” “There’s something wrong with me. I need your help!” “Please, someone, there’s been an emergency!” “You can’t leave. You’re a witness and now you’ve involved.” “I’m being hunted, and now they’ve seen you too.” “If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” “Shh! Hide here, and don’t move a muscle.” “Can I walk with you? I think I’m being followed.” “I’m so sorry. I don’t like tricking people, but I had to lure you here.” “Fuck off, this is private property!” “I’ve seen some weird shit, but you’re something else.” “Oh my god. Are you a [monster/demon/angel/etc]?” “Don’t look at me like that, with those eyes.” “That isn’t your blood. What did you do?” “I promise not to tell anyone, just let me go!” “Come with me. I want to show you something.” “You’re not going to eat me, are you?” “You should never have approached me. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” “Go away, I’m not looking for a conversation.” “You don’t just follow people to their homes! I’m calling the police.” “Please, I’ll do anything, just untie me!” “I’m sorry if I scared you.” “I had to tie you up. You didn’t leave me any other choice.” “I don’t even know you. What do you mean, I ‘have’ to go with you?” “We almost died back there. Maybe we should introduce ourselves.” “Let go of me!” “I’m hurt. Please, I need you to call an ambulance for me.” “You have to come with me, something bad is about to happen!” “I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been following me!” “Seeing as we may not survive, I should tell you my name. It’s [name].”
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