antitheticpages · 2 years
FULL NAME: maggie parker reynolds NICKNAME(S): mags, ren, agent reynolds ALIAS(ES): anna bullock, cherilyn sarkisian AGE: 33 (though varies depending on the verse) GENDER: cis female PLACE OF BIRTH:  inglewood, united states of america HOMETOWN: inglewood, united states of america EDUCATION: associates degree from hudson county community college; bachelor’s degree in law from rutgers university ACCOMPLISHMENTS: juris doctor degree from ru; successfully completing education at the academy in quantico. JOB HISTORY: legal aid, manhattan; fbi special agent
EYE COLOR: hazel, often presents as green HAIR COLOR: brown HEIGHT: 5’3” WEIGHT: 125 lbs. SIBLING(S): twin brother, mason parker reynolds (deceased) EXTENDED FAMILY: charles reynolds (uncle) ; lorena reynolds (aunt), deceased; cousin, layla reynolds PROFESSIONAL: john verico (fbi), jordan taylor (dea contact) PERSONAL: nick wilson (ex-almost), sarna ashford (deceased)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: familial death, mentions of terminal illness, terrorism, & human trafficking.
responsible father deceased when they were young, mother dropped the ball but they took care of each other, as well as her. as teenagers, maggie and mason (14) were taken in by their aunt and uncle, charles & lorena reynolds and their daughter layla (10).  they were moved from california to new jersey. tragedy struck just two short years later when lorena was involved in a car accident that took her life. charles was left raising three children under the age of 18 by himself. two of which were not his own, yet he raised as such.
after graduating from high school, maggie attended columbia university for a bachelor’s degree in law, which she received before continuing onto a career in the legal profession at a law firm in lower-manhattan, where she worked for five years.
Instead of enrolling in college, mason enlisted into the military. once he returned from active duty, deciding not to pursue a military career, mason was the original of the twins with the desire to become a special agent for the fbi, and eventually was able to convince maggie to train alongside him. when they turned 27, after a thorough vetting process, they were both accepted to the fbi academy in quantico, virginia.
the start of her fbi career, at age 28, was as an agent within the counterintelligence division, of which her brother was also pledged. Both individually, and in concert, the twins began tackling case files and assisted in the apprehension and arrest of those involved within terrorist organizations. Eventually they both joined the undercover program and were occasionally split up for their respective cases. for maggie’s first undercover role, the drug enforcement agency requested her (due to lack of available female agents) for a case that targeted a medical doctor who was trading prescriptions for sex. after a few easy visits to the office, they were able to obtain enough information to arrest and prosecute.
everything changed four years later when mason was tragically killed during the planned infiltration of a terrorist cell. for some time, maggie was kept out of the field until she was able to pass rigorous psychological evaluations that proved she was fit for field work once again.
upon returning to the field, her resolve was greater than before. she wanted to do the best she could to prevent further loss of innocent life. Eventually, she joins the human trafficking task force within the criminal investigation division and dedicates herself to prevention, detection and rescue of human trafficking victims.
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antitheticpages · 2 years
skills  /  equipment   /  the photostatic veil  /  the faustus method  /  scars  /  mcu timeline  /  codenames
agent alex depaul  /  tobias palamas  /  hercules
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antitheticpages · 2 years
the massacre  /  the asaro farm   /  the color purple  
sal asaro  /  tony angelo  /  maria bertinelli ( mother ) /  justina bianchi
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antitheticpages · 2 years
NAME: kara lynn palamas NICKNAME(S): agent 33 (don't call her this) GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her BIRTHDAY: october 15, 1981 AGE: typically early to mid 30s SPECIES: human SEXUALITY: bisexual CURRENT LOCATION: manhattan, new york OCCUPATION: historian; agent of shield ETHNICITY: sri lankan-american NATIONALITY: american PLACE OF BIRTH: portland, me HOMETOWN: baltimore, md EDUCATION: high school; phd from brown university in classics, specialty in greco-roman studies & archeology JOB HISTORY: shield researcher; historian
FACECLAIM: maya stojan PHOTOSTATIC VEIL FACE CLAIMS: maggie q, kristin kreuk EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: dark brown, nearly black at times HAIR TYPE: thick, straight BODY TYPE: athletic HEIGHT: 5'6 WEIGHT: one hundred and thirty-five SCENT: PIERCINGS: none SCARS: you're going to have to read my long headcanon about this.
MOTHER: sheila palamas FATHER: tobias palamas SIBLINGS: leah palamas (sister) CHILDREN: verse dependent; penelope catherine hastings RELATIONSHIP STATUS: varies per verse; wesley isaiah hastings (deceased) FRIENDS: leo fitz is her best friend in the world. ENEMIES: hydra, sometimes shield
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of various types of death, kidnapping, torture, mind control.
Kara was born in Maine, but later moved to Baltimore, Maryland with her family when her father left active air force and was recruited by shield. When she was 13 years old, her father, Tobias Palamas, unexpectedly died. the details surrounding his death were unknown, but the military spared no cost in seeing that her father has an honorable memorial service. at the time, Kara’s family knew nothing of his affiliation with shield, or even of the agency’s existence. they are never told of the heroism Tobias displayed in the moments leading to his death. it’s a mystery that follows her around for the next several years.
at 17 when she graduated high school and subsequently moved Providence, Rhode Island to begin her collegiate career on a full scholarship to brown university -- or at least that’s what they lead her to believe. she’s always enjoyed mythology and the ancient world, but her interest in the Ancient Greeks particularly manifested early on. in her junior year, she decided to continue onto higher education after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in ancient history and classics.
at 21 years old, Kara was accepted into Brown’s ancient history phd program. Her plans were interrupted when she was approached by an agency that calls themselves SHIELD, explaining that her help was need for a secret assignment in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Upon arrival of the shield containment facility in Los Alamos, she was assigned an agent to oversee her work and see to her safety during her time at the facility: thus, it was then she first met Agent Alex DePaul.
After the events that transpired in New Mexico, Kara had proven herself an asset in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they decided it is time to fulfil their decades long plan of recruiting her as not only an asset, but a full blown agent. She decided then to commit to the agency and follow in her father’s footsteps, the details of his death having been finally revealed to her in thanks to Alex DePaul. For the next year, Kara spent nearly every day going through the rigorous motions of a compacted and unorthodox training program created and overseen by Agent DePaul, her official supervising officer. he taught her everything she needed to know in order to become a field agent. In this time, he became like a second father to her. 
Simultaneous to her training with agent DePaul, Kara was assigned as a researcher to project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., a previously decommissioned initiative that was reactivated by the world security council following the events in New Mexico. due to the highly sensitive nature of the research conducted there, shield also provided its security force, including one of shield's best operatives: CLINT BARTON.
Soon, Kara began working at a joint dark energy task force facility in the Mojave desert as a part of PROJECT P.E.G.A.S.U.S., working alongside ERIK SELVIG, whom she had previously met only briefly in Los Alamos. still among the team was CLINT BARTON, on orders to keep watchful eye over the tesseract – and those who were working on it. 
due to recent activity, agents NICK FURY and MARIA HILL visit the facility and decide that the facility must be evacuated. before any necessary precautions can be made, the tesseract activates, opening a portal from which LOKI appears. announcing his intention to conquer earth, Loki steals the tesseract and uses a scepter to enslave the minds of SELVIG, CLINT BARTON, and several agents, aiding him in his getaway. 
Kara was one of the lucky bystanders that not only escaped LOKI’s mind control, but are able to flee the building before it collapses. She lost dozens of friends and co-workers that day, but was grateful that both she and Agent DePaul made it out alive. 
Not long after, Kara was in New York continuing her training with Agent Alex DePaul when all hell broke loose in midtown, Manhattan. All hands were needed on deck and Agent DePaul was then authorized to bring her along to Stark Tower on her first active mission, although under strict orders: she is not to engage without threat of her life or without further instruction from a superior within the agency. She watched first hand, from Stark Tower, as events unfolded. it is the first time in her life she had ever witnessed such destruction, and it only strengthened her resolve to fulfill the duties of an agent of shield. A few months later she spent her 30th birthday as a part of PHIL COULSON's new team, where she remained until temporarily being reassigned to the Iliad helicarrier, which is where she was at the time shield fell.  
Much like the tale Homer scribed within its namesake, the helicarrier’s purposed defeat lay within. the operatives that Hydra planted within all levels of S.H.I.E.L.D. served as a TROJAN HORSE with the sole purpose of bringing down the agency from the inside. they didn’t count on the loyalty and determination of the agents that dwelled beneath. The last thing Kara expected was to look into the eyes of someone she trusted wholeheartedly and realizing he was playing for the other team. the last thing she expected was those eyes to belong to Agent Alex DePaul: the man who taught her everything she knew, that taught her how to become the woman she had become. the man she shared a multitude of memories, regarding extensive training, long nights spent bonding over the life of Tobias Palamas, and the general struggles of life. The last thing she expected was to be the one to take his life.
Following this betrayal and subsequent fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Kara went into hiding and took refuge in one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s many safe houses: a mistake she would come to regret for the rest of her life. Soon after arriving at the safe house, she was ambushed by Sunil Bakshi and a team of Hydra agents and kidnapped. Her hell only began there. 
Once brought to Hydra leader DANIEL WHITEHALL, Kara was put through torture in the form of the faustus method, a device used to control minds of the unwilling, in hopes to have a high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent on their side. after days, Kara was able to free herself from her shackles – but all was lost as DANIEL WHITEHALL took away her last hope by locking her back up. Before she knew it, she had lost control. She went on to inflict heinous crimes in the name of her enemies. 
One of the many missions they send Kara on first introduced her to the photostatic veil: a piece of nanotechnology that allows the wearer to take the appearance of another: in this case, that other was AGENT MELINDA MAY of S.H.I.E.L.D.. The mission takes a turn, and after Kara ended up in hand to hand combat against the one and only Melinda May, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent defended herself by using a fractured livewire to prevent Kara from inflicting further damage. The mask malfunctioned and became permanently seared to her face.
Kara's hell continued until San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2015 when DANIEL WHITEHALL was killed by PHIL COULSON, releasing her from his control of her mind: but also leaving her in a state of shock and confusion. Her instincts kicked in and it was decided that the priority at hand was escaping from those that have killed Whitehall. 
While making an escape, Kara discovered former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent GRANT WARD bleeding on the ground having been shot multiple times. He offered her a way out, guidance while she had nothing and nowhere to turn: so despite rumors of his shifted alliance since they had last met, she helped him from the ground and together they escaped the clutches of both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. After saving his life, GRANT WARD promised to help Kara get her life back — and revenge for what had been done to her. It was through the mission of regaining her true appearance and agency of her mind that the pair fell into a romantic entanglement, despite all odds standing against them: when she would later look back on this time, Kara often considers whether or not she had been in a consenting state of mind during this time.
For a brief moment in time, Kara and Grant built a life together: short, but one that convinced her that the possibility of being happy again — until the arrival of PHIL COULSON and his ultimatum. Either they help him in his mission against Hydra or die. Neither of them sharing allegiance toward the former, they chose to go along with Coulson and are brought to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ.
While Grant goes out on the mission with their old team, Kara remains and is tested by their resident biologist and former friend, JEMMA SIMMONS. She delivered Kara with a clean bill of health: she had her faculties back. there were no remaining signs of Hydra's control...but as an inhuman attack is imminent and their lack of trust in Kara, they imprisoned her into Vault C: a place Grant has spoken near-horror stories about. Kara remained in Vault C, even despite the fear of vile treatment from those holding her there until matters settled down and eventually she was granted a visitor: LEO FITZ.
He had questions for her, and she could only imagine it was some form of closure he’s looking for. an answer. some sort of reasoning for what Grant did to him and Simmons. Kara wanted to help him, so she came clean with the story she was told: it was the only chance they had of survival, that JOHN GARRETT would have assured that both agents Fitz and Simmons were gifted bullets to the head, had grant not done what he had done. Through this conversation and subsequent ones with Fitz, Kara once again earned the trust of the team she had once been apart of. S.H.I.E.L.D. agreed to release her, and gave her the option of joining their team. 
They called it her redemption. 
From then on, Kara continued her rehabilitation with the help from new & former shield associations. she eventually joins a team (the renegades) assigned to rescue former shield agents & assets who had been displaced during the fall & left behind like she was.
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antitheticpages · 2 years
NAME: helena bertinell/i NICKNAME(S): miss bertinelli, huntress, hel GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her BIRTHDAY: february 14 AGE: typically early to mid 30s SPECIES: human SEXUALITY: bisexual CURRENT LOCATION: varies by verse, typically in gotham city OCCUPATION: verse dependent; school teacher; orphanage patroness; vigilante ETHNICITY: italian-american; latinx heritage from her biological father NATIONALITY: american
PLACE OF BIRTH: gotham city, united states of america HOMETOWN: gotham city, united states of america EDUCATION: gotham preparatory; institut le rosey in rolle, switzerland; università degli studi di palermo ACCOMPLISHMENTS: bachelor’s degree in early childhood education; associates degree in criminal studies. JOB HISTORY: third grade, gotham public school (previously); english language teacher, palermo university & community center (previously). FACECLAIM: lindsey morgan EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: dark brown, nearly black at times HAIR TYPE: thick, wavy, voluminous BODY TYPE: athletic HEIGHT: 5'11 WEIGHT: one hundred and thirty-five SCENT: limoncello; rosemary PIERCINGS: none SCARS: so many
MOTHER: maria panessa bertinelli FATHER: franco bertinelli (assumed); santo cassamento (actual) SIBLINGS: pino bertinelli, salvatore asaro (cousin, akin to big brother), mario cassamento (half, mario is unaware) CHILDREN: verse dependent RELATIONSHIP STATUS: yeah, no FRIENDS: yeah, no ENEMIES: the cosa nostra
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of mass murder, blood, child death. also mentions of catholicism. if you find anything else here I should tag, please let me know because I do not want to trigger anyone.
I have chosen to base my portrayal of Helena on the origin story within the Huntrcss: Year One comic run. I also take influences from Bctman/Huntrcss: Cry For Blood and may even reference other sources in my portrayal. It is important to note that there are still canon divergences from these runs.
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Princess to one of Gotham’s infamous crime families, Helena was born to Maria and Franco Bertinelli on a chilly spring morning. Months prior, Frank had accused his wife of having an affair with a man from a rival family of the Cosa Nostra: Santo Cassamento. While she assured Franco that it was impossible and that she would never run around on him, the truth of the matter was that he was correct. Maria Bertinelli had accidentally fallen in love with another man, and through acts of devotion, it brought her a daughter. Thus began the plot to end the Bertinelli family mafia dynasty. It took years to pull off the scheme: years and many a favor owed, but eight years after her daughter’s birth, Maria had lured the whole of the Bertinelli clan into a trap in the guise of a celebration on the following Helena’s birthday: February 16th, 1997. 
The day became an event that would come to be remembered by those in Gotham and beyond as 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘. Despite all of her planning, Maria’s children, Helena and Pino, were in attendance due to a mistake made by the family governess. Little did she know, she was walking them right into the slaughter.
By the time Maria took notice, it was too late. the shooting had begun. Maria had succeeded, but not without a price: shielding her children from what she herself hath wrought, Maria and her son Pino were struck by bullets...leaving the young Helena as the only survivor of the massacre. The next decade of Helena’s life was spent in Sicily being raised in secret by Santo Cassamento’s family: his sister Antonia, her husband, Nicola Asaro and their son Salvatore...a family of sicilian assassins.
In Sicily, Helena was homeschooled and was taught to fight by her cousin Sal, who had become like a brother to her. When she was 15, she began to attend boarding school in Switzerland. This lasted until she graduated and returned to the farm, although it was a short time spent before the Italian government began cracking down on the Cosa Nostra: the entire Asaro family was arrested for their crimes, once again making Helena the last one remaining. 
At 18, Helena began University in Palermo: which began her true education on what the Mob truly was. Growing up the daughter of a boss, she had been indoctrinated by certain myths and taught to believe that the people in charge were pious, rather than criminal. It was during her time at college that she also eventually met (or rather, became reacquainted with) a former classmate from kindergarten, on vacation with his family from Gotham City. It was then that Helena began a brief and chaste affair with Tony Angelo, the son of Nino Angelo ― the mobster who took over for her father after his death and now ran Gotham.
When she turned 21, she could finally legally claim the Bertinelli fortune that had become her inheritance: something she had looked forward to for years. She met with the Asaro family lawyer the night before to discuss the amount in full: a mere two million dollars. Helena, knowing something was wrong, threatened the lawyer and forced him to tell her where the rest was. He obliged, but in doing so (and under Mandragora's orders) set her up for ambush that would lead to her to rebirth. With the memories of the day that she lost her entire family still strong, Helena felt there was only one thing left to do: continue to seek vengeance from those who had wronged her. Thus, Gotham’s (eventual) Huntress was born.
Within the first year of becoming the Huntress she was able to take down many individuals she held responsible for the death of her family, including Stefano Mandragora, the boss of all bosses when it came to the Cosa Nostra. Her initial goal had been to retrieve her true inheritance that had been withheld from her rather than the two million euros she was offered: hush money. her rightful inheritance was three billion euros in the form of a diamond necklace, which she stole back from Mandragora during his attempt to ambush her.
It was the night she killed Mandragora that she learned that the list of mobsters involved in her family's massacre was deeper than it appeared. She also learned that her mother, Maria Bertinelli, had planned an escape with her birth father and that together they had approached him about the hit. Next on her list was a man she had only known as "The Pope", whom of which she was forced to follow back to the one place she swore she would never return: Gotham City. When she returned, she discovered that Tony had married the daughter of a wealthy politician: giving the Cosa Nostra family ties to Gotham’s local government. A marriage of convenience. 
No more distractions. Helena forced herself to bury Tony in the past, and set forth to focus on her hunger for vengeance. The next several years were spent traveling the globe and taking down each of the men responsible for the decimation of her family.
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antitheticpages · 2 years
sideblog  for  resources  to  @antithetica,  do  not  follow  here.
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