anunlikelypear · 3 years
He could only grin at her groan. Oh why did he love to push her buttons so badly? To see the flash of annoyance and anger on her face before she calmed back down? Maybe he just liked to see how she improving? “no? Oh come on, we could rock to Jailhouse rock.” He teased, loving to push it. Loving to just push her a little. A little shrug to her shock. “I probably don’t know everyone. I just know a lot. And then others are similar-looking, or family with someone I know, so it gets harder to see difference.” He explained. Although, he definitely didn’t keep track of them all. He continued to move them around on the dancefloor though, to the music. “Oh that’s not news. Have you seen your people-glare? You seem the most at peace when there’s at most two people around you.” 
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“Jailhouse rock?” Lila repeated and gave him another weird look. What the fuck was that? She sure didn’t know, but it sounded like some sort of weird old thing. She had to shudder and shake her head at him. He really was some sort of freak. Who rocks in jailhouses? She’d never understand. “Probably helps with the business though, since connections are everything,” she remarked, knowing some things, but obviously she’d be shit at that for herself. She moved around with him, slowly getting a bit more comfortable with it. “No? How could I? Do you think I can see my face right now?” she retorted and lifted an eyebrow as she looked up at him. Okay, so there was the sass. “Yeah, two is MORE than enough. One is better. Zero is best.” Or so she thought, but she would actually get pretty lonely if always on her own. And revert to some extra grumpy and hermit type ways. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
“I’m not but their dynamic just fasantes me. though demon hybrids will always be my true scientific love. But there’s just something about the social circle of the vampires.” it was abouns to work with so many, see those dynamics at play. “I want you to, of course, lets go see who we can pull away from a convocation.” who to introduce her to first? “So very jealous, you can’t manafuatre the kinda like she has for me.” 
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“And not witches? Should I be offended?” Elodie inquired, only teasing him, since of course he’d studied her abilities, too. Not nearly as dramatic as say fire witches, but still worthy. “Vampires are strange, though,” she added softly and looked around at them all. There was something about them that gave her the creeps? But maybe she just didn’t want to be lunch. She laughed at his last comment and shook her head. “I will have to keep an eye out then and make sure she doesn’t steal you from me,” she teased and turned to wrap her arms around him. She eyed him a moment before leaning up to kiss him. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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“Oh you are? I’m pretty damn sure the paddles at home would disagree.” He purred back at her. Oh how pretty she’d look with those red marks all over her body. “Doesn’t mean you actually want me to bite you. Like right now. Letting my teeth sink into your body…” His fangs brushing against her neck, reminding her what he had to bite her with. It was tempting though, but, he could wait. He was patient enough for that. “As long as you come back to me, I could always wait. Make a game out of it, sit here, enjoy my drink, and watch you get it on with people, just to bring them back to the room? It’d be entertaining.” 
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“Hey!” Charlotte protested with a laugh and playfully swatted at him. “They would never,��� she breathed, teasing, and smiled at him. Okay, so, maybe she misbehaved on purpose. That was hardly the same thing at least in her mind. She groaned when his fangs lightly caressed her neck and sighed in disappointment when he moved away. “So mean!” She pouted at him for that, but would certainly be made up for later. “Well, you want to watch me with someone else, that can always be arranged, too,” she reminded him and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Hell, she liked watching, too, at least until she wanted to join in on the festivities. “You see anyone you like?” she asked, scooting closer, putting her head on his shoulder so they could survey the crowded room. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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Aries feigned shock with his eyes sparkling mischeviously. “Nitara!” he jokingly scolded. “So should I have gone as an old aged pensioner then? is that what you are trying to tell me? Should I start telling you off for not respecting your elders and saying how things were so much better in my day?” not that his day was something he reflected on. “Chaos, you thinking drunken chaos or Maladh is being dramatic again chaos?” he asked.
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Nitara smiled rather slyly and nodded at his suggestion. “You think I don’t hear that fifty times a day? I only respect elders who deserve it. Still not sure you do,” she retorted, though it was mostly in jest. He was a good boss, so to speak, and pretty much let her do what she wanted with the library. “Umm, both? Is there really a difference?” As long as they destroyed things after she left, it’d be fine. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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“And you are good at it,” Cass was definitely grateful to have Poppy around on the team. Sure he couldn’t eat her baked. treats. but she did bring a sense of warmth to the team. It was needed in such an environment. “Meeting at a bar, having drinks, socialising. I also like going to the odd club, but I prefer going to bars over clubs,” he told her. “I’ll occassionally go to parties though, just not a fan of more formal ones. Like more intimate affairs,” being work friends with Ace meant he got the occasional invite. He just. didn’t stay too long. “Just don’t stay long, what about yourself?” he asked. As they got to the bar he ordered a bourbon. 
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Poppy smiled to show she appreciated that comment, because, well, it was a nice thing to hear every now and again. Her job wasn’t as stressful as theirs of course, but it wasn’t exactly easy either. “Clubs, huh? I can’t picture you dancing, so you may have to prove me wrong on that one,” she teased while smirking at him. She did enjoy dancing after all and it had been a while. She sort of chuckled at the question and ordered herself something simple as she debated her reply. “Hmm, I like smaller less formal parties definitely. Dancing. Karaoke. Volleyball. Playing games. Umm... I’m pretty much up to try anything at least once? Try to be spontaneous when I can, too, which has gotten me in trouble every now and again,” she answered, laughing. “Nothing major or you’d have busted me for it,” she joked. But it was more like breaking her moms rules than the law. She so did not miss living under that roof. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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NITARA ‘ITA’ BHANDARI is a PANSEXUAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN that works with NEUTRAL and some say SHE looks awfully like AMITA SUMAN. The DEMON HUMAN is 40 years old and have been said to be ALERT & ANALYTICAL and PRIVATE & CALLOUS. Let’s see what they bring to Maladh…
Brief Bio: 
Didn’t find out about the whole demon thing until she was about ten years old. Her parents didn’t know. Dad was possessed, got mom pregnant, baby was born and poof. It was a very strange time in their lives but they managed. 
They moved around a lot, so she doesn’t have a firm sort of identity. 
Came here years ago to learn things. Which is how she ended up working at the library. 
Information is power. Information can be found in books so there we go. 
There’s totally a “restricted” section in the library that she guards like a hawk. If you try to get in there without permission, don’t be surprised to find your back on the floor and a foot on your chest in .2 seconds. She will bust out some ninja moves on your ass. 
If anyone gets rowdy or angry around her, she will use those abilities to calm them the fuck down. Otherwise, she doesn’t use them much unless someone is annoying her. 
Lives on her own and likes it that way. 
Cross her once and she will shun you forever. No mercy. 
Current Connections: 
Coworkers: Aries, Alastair, Lorena, Roman, and Xavier
Students: Kamile and Marco
Wanted Connections: 
Love interests? 
Any and everything
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
A little smirk at her words, leaning in slightly, “After this party. When I remove the outfit. Maybe it landed in other places too that are a bit difficult to get” he shrugged lightly. “Then I will show myself very grateful,” yes, Zach most certainly was an idiot at times. “Fruity? What are you in the mood for?” He wondered.
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Buttercup leaned back toward him as he came toward her and laughed gaily. “I may hold you to that,” she said and booped his nose. Given how they’d met and all, it was sort of a given teh night would go that way. But there was no way she would’ve been able to show up at a soiree like this on her own. She’d have to resist helping herself to things. “Hmm, fuzzy navel... sex on the beach... something like that.” 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
His gaze followed the moves of her hand to fix his collar before meeting her eyes again. it had been a long time since she had done this last. “Ah. The whole family then?” No, he didn’t know this man. “And you? Do you have your own progeny?” Samuel wondered. A chuckle at her comment, “I have been doing all of these things lately in a more… classy way,” he told her. More classy and more profitable, most of all. “But I might steal away a beautiful maiden tonight, who knows?” he teased.
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“Just about,” Odette replied and she shook her head. “No, I don’t have any progenies. I’ve never found anyone that I’ve wanted to accept that sort of responsibility for,” she admitted with a little shrug. “Classy, is that what you’re calling it now?” she remarked, lightly teasing him. “Oh, really? Should I watch out for this maiden? Protect her from the likes of you?” she asked, since she couldn’t quite convince herself that he was referring to her. “Point her out,” she added, scanning the area purposefully.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
Evelyn pressed a kiss to Farid’ cheek as he questioned what he was smug about. “Accompanying two beautiful women to an event like this, and getting to be right in between us. Not many men gets that.” Of course, she’d easily have gone to the event alone too, or with just one of them, but she preferred it when both came with her. Got to show off her little family, and be the proud sire and progeny. She laughed and took the photo with the two, happy when the photo was taken so they could do other things. “Okay so, how about the two of you find somewhere we can relax, and I’ll go get us some drinks?” 
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Well, it was true. Not everyone got this lucky tonight. Initially, Farid declined to go tonight. But well, he was convinced after a while to go anyway. He saw plenty of silly costumes, now even more grateful he was wearing something normal. Just a black suit. Just how he dressed anyway. Remaining in between them for the photo, taking a look at it. Acceptable. “This doesn’t look like it has many options to relax.” he nodded towards the people, most on the dancefloor. “Let’s just find a table.” And hopefully far, far away from the dancefloor.
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“Thank you, Evelyn,” Lucia replied about the offer to get them drinks. “I think I see a table over there,” she pointed out to Farid. “Let us go investigate,” she added and since she had his arm, she tugged him over that way. She offered little waves to people she knew on the way and would have to make it a point to go talk to them later. “How’s Bingus? I miss him,” she asked as they weaved their way through the sea of people.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
With a smile pretending to be innocent, he could just grin at her. “I make no promises. Make no promises at all.” He had fun with it, and he had to lean down, talking quietly so it was just between the two of them. “But I can totally go ask the technician to play Elvis next on whatever playlist they have going.” Oh it was just a playful little threat, and then moments later he was back up and smiling. Looking around, trying to see someone he didn’t know or know of. “Uh…” A moment longer and he moved her around, so he could guide her sight to the person over by the corner. “I don’t know of them.” And then, back to him she went. “Not everyone knows me. But part of my old job was to do security. I had to know who pretty much everyone was, in case they were a security risk. And, I’m a big guy. People either hide behind me, or they want to fight me. Or they want me to fight on their side. I prefer the letting people hide, than the fight.” 
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Lila groaned at his comment and knew he would torture her with it. Why did she put up with this again? She had no good answer for it. Just what Melina had said. “Don’t you dare,” she grumbled and pursed her lips. “One person?” She gaped at him and couldn’t believe it. Well, she could, but she couldn’t imagine being in his shoes. “Oh, that explains it then. I was going to say... how could you keep track of them all?” She would definitely be one of the ones to hide behind him, but let’s face it, she’d never be seen back there. She did note some perky blonde staring at him from across the way and glared at her. Oh Lila. You weird little creature you. “I don’t like people.” She was stating the obvious.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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Oh how the look of having to consider things was amusing him. Charlotte looking almost perplexed for a moment before she’d left the car idea, and was fully embracing the idea of the boat. “Of course we could. As long as you continue to be a good kitty and purr so nicely for me.” He told her, brushing a hand over her hair, in between her ears. “You want me to bite you?” He asked, curious to her actual answer. He wouldn’t be against bringing her somewhere more private to cover her with his bites, for sure. “How about if I or you find someone else fun, we can invite them. If not… We can consider it for another time.” 
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“I’m always good,” Charlotte cooed, though that was far from the truth. She nipped at his jaw and chuckled softly. She was spontaneous to a fault and did enjoy teasing a bit too much. “I like being bitten and I like biting. I thought you already knew this!” she exclaimed, laughing. “You can bite me any time or any where you want.” Yes, she’d pretty much already given him blanket permission, which meant she liked him a whole lot. She wasn’t worried about privacy, either. She didn’t really worry about much. Even if she should. She nodded at his suggestion and pecked his lips. “There are a lot of attractive people here. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard... but could you bear it if I left?” she teased, needing to have some fun with him in return. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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“Nitara,” he replied with a smile as she approached him. “Well I have been known to be quite the partygoer. No age is too old to party,” he told her. “Well more so now my favourite librarian is here,” he teased. “How are you finding the festivities?” he asked. 
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“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Nitara remarked and quirked an eyebrow at him. “You m ight be too old for parties, I’m worried about you collapsing any moment from old age,” she added in mock concern. “About what I expected actually. It should descend into chaos any moment, I imagine.” She’d only came for a networking opportunity and a shot at a rare volume. She just hadn’t found them yet.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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“I don’t enjoy them much if I am being honest,” clubbing yes, bar hopping yes. Doing a waltz and having a formal dinner… pass. “I… yeah I do,” he confessed with a chuckle, shaking his head. “Am I that predictable?” he asked. Not that he minded being predictable meant he was stable and people knew what they were getting with him. “No can’t blame you at all,” he agreed. It was an event from the partner of the Mayor he imagined that most would try and be on good behaviour. Though some of the guys here incase there was someone who was thinking of being an idiot. “Marcus, and he’s just like that,” he just liked to have fun and there is nothing wrong with that. “Yeah him and you can see why I would point him out to you. Don’t think anyone here would mess or would want to mess with him,” he had been squashed underneath him enough times during his first weeks as a vampire to know. Cass chuckled warmly and nodded. “Let’s get a drink then,” and held out his hand for her to take so they wouldn’t get split up.
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“I don’t know if I’d say predictable? But it is my job to pay attention,” Poppy reminded him with a teasing smile. “No, I imagine not,” she agreed and looked at Marcus a bit longer before moving her gaze to Cass. She took his hand and walked with him to get some drinks. “Okay, so tell me Cass, what do you do for fun? Since parties aren’t your thing, what is?” It’s not like they’d spent a whole lot of time together outside of work. At least not yet. She ordered one of the signature cocktails and was curious to see what he would drink, too. She didn’t really know if he could have alcohol or what and had never thought to ask before.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
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“I should’ve expected to see you here,” Nitara remarked to Aries before wandering by. “Are you enjoying yourself?” She was not known for her people skills or sparkling personality, but she was trying.
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
“Yeah Hector trust us, when it comes to having a good time we know what’s best.” she backed up her sire. Trying to hide her smirk as she watched her besties crush help her with her jacket, tonight would be fun even if it was just watching them and giving her sire knowing looks. “Yeah, know Val but the others one of the Mayors right? bit of a mountain.” she laughed at the last part. “I’ll get drinks, I know what you drink Vali, Hector beer?” she then sneaked off to the bar with a wink to Vali as she left. 
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“I’m glad I came with the pair of you. I’ll trust you, I’m in your safe hands, just be gentle with me.” He hoped humor would make things easier to easy back into. But having Ratnavali, someone else who was a progeny of Young made things easier. “The Doc didn’t take my manners from me.” He’d always been a gentleman, that hadn’t changed thankfully. “I actually Know Lazar well, one of my ex’s, who I was with for a long time was a family friend. He’s always been rather big yes…” he was amused by the comment. “Yeah a beer please… but here take my card to pay please.” 
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Ratnavali side eyed Yamilet at that look and could only slightly shake her head at her. Tonight wasn’t about her and she would have to remind her of that, too. “Oh, the mountain man?” she questioned and looked about. “I see two, but that one is Marcus, so has to be the other one,” she chuckled. “Thank you, darling,” she called out as she’d wandered off to get drinks. “Do you know him, Hector? Is he a good man? Or is he going to be a horrible mayor for us?” she wondered, since she didn’t know much about the man. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
“Maybe it just sounds complicated in my head, you get your head wrapped around them and then there a whole other line.” he spoke probably making it seem like it was more difficult to understand then it actually was. “ You want to met them? then that what we will do baby. Who first?” his arm slid around her shoulder wanting to keep as much contact as possible while holding her hand. “I’m taking her being mean as liking me, means she must like me a lot.”
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“Hey, I know full well how families can get complicated,” Elodie replied with a laugh. “And that’s basically the same. You’re not one of them? So you don’t have to know how they’re all connected.” She did wonder how she’d feel if he was a vampire, though. “Only if you want me to or if it’d help. I know they like you and all, but if they could like you more?” That would be a good thing. She wanted him to love his work as much as she did. “Oh, do you? Should I be jealous, then?” Ha. She didn’t have a jealous bone in her body. 
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anunlikelypear · 3 years
“Lucia, you are adorable, but no.” She leaned a little bit forward as they walked so she could look over at her. “We’re not posing.” Easy as that. Although she definitely nodded her head to Lucia’s question of Farid being smug. “Oh I am pretty sure he’s smug about this. A real womanizer is what he’s looking like now, real James Bond.” But a photo? They could definitely get a photo taken.
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“Smug? About what?” Well, it was hard to hide, head held up high and proud with two beautiful women by his side. “I think a photo is a great idea. Print it, hang it up in the bank for everyone to see.” Yes. Great idea. “About posing though… we might come up with something better than Charlie’s Angels. I don’t have the right assets for that.”
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“Pity,” Lucia sighed and shook her head, but maybe she’d be able to convince them to humor her later when they were potentially more at ease. “She already said no to posing,” she said sadly and knew she could probably give her the sad face to convince her, but it wasn’t necessary. She’d wait and see what happens. “Hey,” she snagged a passerby and handed them her phone. “Will you take a picture for us, please?” she asked then and they agreed, so they did a simple, albeit elegant pose. “Thank you,” she told them and pulled it up on her phone to see. “Aww, look at how cute we are,” she remarked, holding her phone out for the other two to see. 
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