anwenholmes86 · 8 months
I wish to embrace her
Like the night embraces the stars
How the sun seems to hold the light
Effortlessly in the sky
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
I crave destruction
Like a wrecking ball
In search of a building
To cause devastation
The need for someone to feel the pain
That curdles inside me
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
A mother’s love
Is that too much to crave
A mother’s love
Just enough to feel ok
A mother’s love
Is something she never gave
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
Why do you hold your heart so far from your body? It’s as if you are scared to take hold of it. What is it that terrifies you so, my love. If only you’d take the chance to feel, I promise you it’s not as scary as it seems. Let your heart back in, so that you may let someone else hold it for once. Let me bare your load.
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
Knowledge of such things
Is tragically beautiful
It is better to keep
The sweet bliss
Of ignorance
Than to hold
Awareness of subsequence
In ones hand
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
It’s in the way that I kiss her knowing I only want to kiss her for the rest of my life, it’s on having a good day just because I know can come home to her after it. It’s in the way that my heart automatically lights up when she smiles. It’s the way her hand fits so well in mine, it’s all these little things that make me realize she’s my last
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
These emotions
Build like a tidal wave
Ready to destroy
All hope I still
Cling to
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
There’s an empty place
Where the pain should be
Where the pain aches to be
Which in itself has created
A feeling far worse
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
These emotions that I can no longer feel build
In a hollow chest that once felt everything
So very deeply
The threshold of emotion has become so high
So as to suffocate the woman trying so desperately
To feel anything at all
If even anger for a fleeting moment
But alas the universe is a cruel seductress
Leaving me to only feel emotions which are not mine
I can no longer produce joy
I must make it in others
Only to feel the sweet taste of exuberance on my lips
Once more
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
I ache for you my love
My chest caves under the sorrow
Yet I can not shed a single tear
The drugs make me so brutally numb
To every emotion
In an attempt to end one
I’ve ended them all
Which has made me into your brilliant actress
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
A specter
She visits me in the night
When my spirit low
And mind unguarded
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
You hold yourself in hands
So far from my own
With a rigid spine
And stone cold glare
Is this life too much to bare?
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
Those angel eyes
They’ll be my demise
The way she says my name
With an ounce of pain
Let’s me know she’ll never feel the same
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
My hearts an infinite
Expanse of love
Waiting to be claimed
By someone willing to cherish it
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
This cold wind
Blowing through my window
Reminds me of the nights we spent
Sleepless under winter stars
An infinite sky of beauty
Yet my eyes were on you
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
Late night lover
Drown me in your fears
The ones you’ve kept hidden
For all these years
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anwenholmes86 · 4 years
I put a spell on you
One for good hope
And bad fortune
I pray your days be plenty
And your heart empty
I pray your house be full
And your love dull
I pray your stomach never empties
And your body never satisfied
These words I weave
So may it be
To you from me
Blessed be
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