anxiouswiccan · 6 years
The Witch’s House Rules
Put your spirits in a bottle or leave them at the front door.
Do not perform any magic without hosts permission.
No negative energy. Only laughter and singing.
Don’t touch the tools or crystals. Appreciate with eyes only.
Respect the fur/feathered/scaled babies of the house!
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
This post is going to rushed but I’m still shaking and it’s hard to type but I NEED people to know this
My mom just took my dog to the vet She(my dog) was(still is?) having a seizure
Last month we took my dog to the vet and they told us she had developed diabetes, they told us it was caused by the food she was eating, purina beneful. They told us that there have been many many many reports of Beneful has been causing diabetes, seizures, and even death in dogs.
We had no idea
We immediately switched her food and put her on a special diet plan for her diabetes, unfortunately the effects were already permeate.
Today at 11:20 my mom woke me up crying, I helped her carry my dog to the car (while she was still having a seizure) and watched her drive away red faced and still crying.
Please please PLEASE if you are feeding your pets Purina beneful PLEASE switch their food ASAP Beneful is poising dogs and I don’t want anyone else to experience what I just did Also if you could please help me signal boost this so everyone can know
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
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🌫Nightmare Hex🌫
This hex is intended for someone who has tormented your thoughts for days on end. The kind of person that leaves you haunted by their actions or words, crippling you with anxiety.
The recipient of the hex will experience multiple nightmares depicting their darkest horrors over a 30 day period.
You will need:
🌙 Black Candle
🌙 Salt
🌙 Thin paper
🌙 Black pen/marker
🌙 Mugwort tea
🌙 Teacup
🌙 Spoon, stick or water and heat-proof wand
🌙 Chalk
🌙 Boiling water (be careful)
🌙 Amethyst
The Spell
🔮 Light your candle
🔮 Draw a pentagram on the underside of your teacup using the chalk
🔮 Write your target’s name on a small piece of thin paper and place inside the cup
🔮 Pour boiling water into the teacup
🔮 Take the amethyst into your non-dominant hand, and with your dominant hand using your utensil of choice, stir the tea clockwise and chant the following spell until the paper disintegrates in the water:
I send the spirit of your malice
To haunt you in your sleep
Bestial, dark and callous
Now fear shall make you weep
🔮 Sprinkle salt into the tea in a circular motion
🔮 Pour melted black wax into the tea to blacken their dreams and complete the spell
🔮 Dispose of the tea at night, preferably near a place they fear or find unpleasant or close to where they reside
To undo the hex:
☁️ Place a piece of paper with their name inside a bag along with an amethyst and some salt
☁️ Place the bag under your pillow before you go to sleep
☁️ When you awake, the spell will be broken
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
💗 Valentine’s Day Spells 💗
💖 for feeling beautiful 💖
glow like the moon - to reclaim youth and past beauty
glamour to attract comments - to help get comments on a selfie
rabbit heart - pop culture spell for courage and confidence
venus transformation - sailor moon spell to feel beautiful and powerful
sailor moon glamour -  a glamour to feel confident and beautiful, even when nervous and self-conscious
💕 for confessing 💕
charlotte’s entrance glamour - spell to make an entrance
seductive words - lipstick to make your words more persuasive
no light no light - to help you confess when you don’t know the words
howl love spell - to strengthen yourself before a confession
clear speaking glamour -  a spell to aid with speaking clearly
contact spell - to get that someone to text you first
see my feelings spell - a spell to help someone realize your feelings
💘 love spells 💘
cosmic love spell - pop culture spell to lead you to your soulmate
simple love attraction spell - to attract general love and romance
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
show me your love - to help your signif show their affections for you
buried and decaying, we plant new seeds - to build new bonds over the breaking pieces
sweeten your feelings - simple jar spell to sweeten a bond
over the moon - full moon spell to bring love
the smoulder - glamour to spark “love at first sight”
greg and rose romance - to aid unconventional couples
rose quartz altruistic love spell -  a spell to encourage unconditional love
lust spell -  a spell to increase lust in oneself or a consenting individual
💞 for past loves 💞
what kind of man - spell to help get away from a bad relationship
nostalgia spell - to resurface old, fond memories in someone else
alexandrite separating spell -  to separate toxicity from a person, whether it is a toxic situation, person, or behavior.
rekindling spell - for relationships that have lost their “spark”
curse for a player -  a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually
breezeblocks curse -  to affect someone you resent for leaving
🖤 for unwanted approaches: 🖤
anti-lust spell -  a spell to lower lust in oneself or a consenting individual
unwanted lover spell - to repel unwanted lovers
moon tiara magic -   spell to protect against people ragging on you
possession vigor potion -  a potion that distracts your enemies from you, and brings their ill-attention to one another instead
💔 for broken hearts 💔
steven universe shielding spell - pop culture spell to protect your feelings
alice tear jar spell - a  jar spell to help keep you afloat in your sadness
lover to lover - for a fresh start and reassurance
bubble your feelings - to hide away feelings that are causing you harm
arms of the ocean - pop culture spell to comfort and give you strength
hurricane drunk - pop culture spell to turn pain into invincibility
rose quartz healing tears - simple ritual to heal emotions
“nuka-cola” potion -  a frosty potion recipe for emotional healing
elixir of the wounded heart -  a potion made to soothe an injured heart
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
The peak of witchcraft is wondering if you could smoke sage instead of weed.
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
*passes joint to spirits in my house*
AHAHAHAH gottcha bitch, that was sage get the fuck out.
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I can’t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if you’d change anything up! Let’s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protection  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.  Oils: Used to speed up a process.  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up another’s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someone ‘cough it up.’ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
Self love milk (a Potion)
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Notice: this won’t 100% heal depression. This is made to attract self love.
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🥛Milk (the base), Any type of milk works
💓Vanilla extract/Stick (Not essential oilh
🥛Cinnamon powder/Stick
🥛Pink Candles
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ㅁLight a pink candle, practice fire safety
ㅁHeat your milk up
ㅁMix in your honey, then add the Cinnamon and Vanilla.
ㅁIf you’re using Powder Cinnamon give it a good stir.
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-If Cinnamon gets on to your skin it can cause irritation
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
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The Rose Serpent
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
emoji spell to make a particularly slow day go by faster
Like to charge
Reblog to cast✨✨✨
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
this week on
am i crying because i’m an empath or is this just me being a lil bitch ?
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
Empath Info
Here’s the 7 different types that are.
Receptive To Physical Pain.
These types of epmaths respond to the physical pain of others. They absorb the physical suffering of those around them. Because of this, they make excellent healers.
All empaths have a “gut instinct,” but certain types of empaths have a stronger sense than others. They are the ones who can tell if someone is lying, or going to lie, before they even speak. These types of empaths tend to say they “just know,” or “have a feeling” a lot of the time.
Animal Communicator.
There are special types of empaths who can easily communicate with animals. They feel the joy, fear, and pain of every living creature, and animals are drawn to them.
If you feel like you have a strong connection to plants, trees, and the earth, you are most likely a geo-evolutionary empath.
Energy Clearer.
Certain types of empaths can pick up on energies of inanimate onjects, and feel the emotions tied to them, like a photograph or book. They can do this with people as well. Combined with an empaths natural healing abilities, an energy clearer can be quite helpful with removing unwanted energies.
This type of empath can tell what someone is thinking without the other person needing to say a word. They can read people like a book.
The visionary empath receives and interprets messages through dreams or animal guides. This usually manifests as a precognative experience; you can predict events before they occur.
Alternative explanations.
1. Emotional Empathy is the most common – you will feel and process the emotions of those around you either knowingly or unknowingly, if you feel drained in the presence of those that are struggling or feeling hindered it is a sign their emotions have leaked into your aura and cleansing is recommended.
2. Medical Empathy is a lesser known gift, most commonly it is not used by practitioners in a conscious way they may just ‘feel’ an awareness on or in their physical body when reading for or treating someone or bringing through a loved one who passed from a condition, they can also ‘see’ blockages in a person’s energy field that may need treating. Medical empaths are more common than you would know, and if you have this gift you may find yourself replicating the symptoms of your friends, partner or clients even if you are not physically in the same country as them and you may not even be aware of their health issues. If medical empathy is something you possess, learning to strengthen your own energy field will help this gift get stronger whilst being able to be ‘turned off’ when you are not with clients it also means that you will not be affected by another’s health issues all be it by default.
3. Place empathy is another gift which goes largely unmentioned. If you have the awareness that you are uncomfortable or alternatively really happy in a certain location then this is your particular brand. Place empathy can occur remotely by tuning into a photograph or area remotely, you can also use this gift when moving on lost souls, or loved ones to heaven. People with this gift will often exhibit ‘chills’ or ‘wanting to leave’ if the location they are in houses old energy or emotions.
4. Intellectual empathy is a gift that is a real benefit depending on the company you keep. If you possess this gift then you will tap into the thoughts and perspectives of those around you. This is wonderful if you keep high vibrational company even remotely. It allows you to ‘duplicate the consciousness’ of individuals that you admire and would like to be just a little bit alike. the great thing is this doesn’t take from them as consciousness is always available on a mass scale as well as personally.
However, if you have people or clients that are worried or upset or operating from a ‘lack’ point of view, then protecting your energy and your mental body is a must. Signs that you have this gift are changing your language over a short period of time, experiencing views that are out of character to you, and suddenly developing an urge to seek out information of a new kind in a way that hadn’t presented itself before.
5. Environmental empathy is one of the least known gifts, and the souls that possess this are called Earth Primordials. They will often feel great sadness when the Earth is going through trauma and transition, and will also pick up on the sadness or fear in certain geographical areas.
You will also find if you possess this gift you are drawn to animals and nature, and will feel a kinship to woods, trees and landscape and want to keep them as natural as possible. Environmental empathy can be exhibited by those that use their healing powers to send love to Gaia and also those who take on the causes of the Earth to make it a better place for all to live.
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
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catra, shadow weaver is coming! ohmygod, she has airpods in. she cant hear us! ohmygod!
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
To Ruin Someones Life
You shall need. 
1 Black Candle
A Photo of the person 
Musk Incense 
Graveyard Dirt 
A Bowl
Light the Incense and conjure up all the rage for you have for this person. Light the black candle continuing letting the rage build. Look at the persons picture and say 
“ (Persons name) I curse you, i summon, call and conjure all the dark to one, Fill you mind with rage. To ruin your life, To tear your life apart from vein to vein I command this” 
Feel again the rage you have for this person build up inside you. Allow it to fester and boil inside you. Place the picture inside the bowl, Pour the graveyard dirt over the picture as you visualize your hatred for this person.
Place the candle on top of it at the top of your lungs scream
Put the candle out, Each night after light the candle, and feel the rage you have for this person and scream “Destroy” repeat this each night until the candle burns out.
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
The Gaston Curse
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 *Curse to knock someone off of their high horse and make them feel the pain they have inflicted upon others and/or you* **pretty strong curse as most of the few curses I have written are, so beware and keep track of the reversal in case it is needed**
-a jar or container of some sort that seals well -red candles (optional but not absolutely necessary) (you can change the colour if you wish red just reminds me of Gaston so-) -a small piece of bread or something that can get mold (or has mold if you have something like that around-) -Something that can rot (I usually use a part of a banana peel) -Salt water (think of putting salt in a wound and the sting that it brings, especially in deep wounds) -two pieces of paper -Pen to write with (permanent marker works better or water proof makeup if you have any) -Scissors
~on one paper write the name of your target very clearly, then below it write what they have done wrong or what quality of theirs is the worst (write them pretty close together no space in between)
~ on the other piece of paper write out Gaston, then underneath that write down a quality that the target shares with him. (preferably the worst you can think of, like his ego, his anger etc)
~use the scissors to cut around the words, cutting as close as possible without cutting through the words, imagine boxing that person in tightly, making it hard for them to escape the energy of the spell
~put the papers into the jar, folding them if necessary
~put the mold catching object into the jar along with the rotting object
~ you can add some additional things if you wish (cigarette or incense ash, rusted nails or pennies)
~ pour the salt water into the jar, enough to cover most of the objects
~Close the jar and shake the contents a bit, putting all of your negative energy into the jar
~ if you really want you can make lyrics to the Gaston song but rather than naming good qualities, name bad qualities of the target as you shake the jar. You can think it, say it or sing it whichever works for you
~If you have a candle lit, pass the jar over the flame (but be careful not to scorch the jar or burn it or anything else!! remember your fire safety!) imagine it sending your energy it the target
~if you did the above step, seal the jar with the candle wax
~put the jar in a dark, isolated space and do your best not to come into much contact with it
~put up wards and such if needed
~remember post cursing cleansing etc
**In order to reverse or remove the curse simply retrieve the jar, and bury its contents as far from your home as possible**
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
Reblog to protect yourselves against any curses
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anxiouswiccan · 6 years
The Ice Does Not Forgive Curse
A pop culture curse inspired by a quote from Six of Crows by the lovely @lbardugo: “The water hears and understands, but the ice does not forgive.”
Meant for abusers and/or other toxic people who hurt you.
What you need
- A glass of water
- Pen and paper
- Several ice cubes/chunks
- A place to pour water and smash ice
- Write the person’s name on the paper and place it where you can pour the water on it and smash the ice on it.
- Pour the water onto it, imagining the knowledge of what they did to you washing over them and drowning them in the realization.
- While pouring, say, “With the force of rivers and the force of seas, understand what you have done to me.”
- Let the water sit for a moment, focusing on them having this terrible epiphany.
- Smash the ice onto the paper individually, imagine each one as a wave of guilt hitting the person like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of them.
- As you do this say, “With the force of ice and the force of frost, your peace of mind shall pay the cost.”
- Concentrate on them being affected by the guilt until the ice melts.
- Rip the paper up and throw it away to close the spell.
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