anyaverma01-blog · 5 years
Know These 4 Things Before You Hire A Wedding Planner
Wedding planning is one of the most important aspects of a wedding. When properly planned the ceremony is just breath-taking and you’ll not have any stress on d-day. But to do that kind of perfect planning requires a lot of time and dedication. So, if you want a breath-taking wedding and have the budget for it, hiring a wedding planner is the way to go. 
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But before, hiring a wedding planner it’s essential you know these 4 important things! 
#1. Outline the vision for your wedding
Before you hire a wedding planner, make an outline of your vision for the wedding. Select the theme and the kind of wedding you want. Hire a wedding planner only after that. While some of them help you find what you want, others will only steer you for generic ones or the one that they’ve already once planned for. 
#2. Choose planners in the vicinity of the venue
Choosing a wedding planner in the vicinity of the venue will help immensely to locally source the items required. They know the area better and the vendors better. So, they know where to find the required items for the best price. Locally sourcing the materials will help reduce your carbon footprint and have a green wedding. So, make the best use of it!
#3. Make a budget and stick to it
The budget is a given for wedding planning. But most of the time you do not take into materials and only make a budget for the tasks. So, take into account everything right from the tips and breakdown your complete wedding budget. Now, that you’ve done that you can figure out which areas you can reduce your spend so you can splurge where it’s needed. 
#4. Choose the planner on the basis of your needs
This may sound like a ‘duh’ point to you. But it is essential you choose the planner on the basis of your needs and the services you require rather than opting for a planner blindly on someone’s recommendation. Make the decision to hire an agency or just a consultant based on the level of involvement you need from the planner. 
So, those were 4 important things I felt you needed to know to make the smart choice. Hiring a wedding planner is a given these days as weddings are getting more and more elaborate. So hire the best-suited one smartly by keeping the 4 points in mind. Happy planning!
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