anything-4-our-m00ny · 9 months
people are being awful so here is an inexhaustive list of 50ish of my favourite fanfictions ever in no particular order. most of them have changed my life in some way shape or form and i am eternally grateful and in awe: <3 xo
All The Young Dudes mskingbean89
Blends rvltn909
Sweater Weather lumosinlove
Dear Your Holiness mollymarymarie
The Cadence of Part Time Poets Motswolo
Honey if I'm not BrigidFaye
There's your trouble xxxnoimsiriusxxx
If You're Gonna BrigidFaye
Currents lunchbucket
Liebestrum lunchbucket
The Road Not Taken mollymarymarie
Bird Set Free mollymarymarie
Ever Thus WrappedUp
Just What the Doctor Ordered WrappedUp
wading in waist-high water colgatebluemintygel
Disarm You With A Smile five_ht
10 Reasons to Go to Michigan greyeyedmonster18
Nothing Sweeter than my baby DamageControl
Not another band AU thelovelyzee
A Black Mass Over Highway Ninety Greenvlvetcouch
Solntse lumosinlove
We Can Be Heroes youblitheringidiot
Like Real People Do Third_Crow
Beneath A Big Blue Sky Eyra
A Brief History of Dragons Eyra
The Birthday Boy greenvlvetcouch
The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) epicblueblanket
Till We Have Arrived Home Again prouvairing
The Players Secret WrappedUp
Let's Play Pretend msalexwp
Only The Brave Solmussa
You Signed Up For This Solmussa
Kill Your Darlings Messermoon (this counts for wolfstar and rosekiller too!)
Blue and Yellow Skies Alarainai
What We Pretend We Can't See gyzym
Everybody Hates A Tourist wolfpants
Running on Air eleventy7
Terrible People wolfpants
Way Down We Go xiaq
Draco Malfoy and The Mirror of Ecidyrue starbrigid
Measure of A Man inadaze22
Remain Nameless heyjude19
selfxconclusion spicyxpisces
Beginning and End mightbewriting
How to Win Friends and Influence People OlivieBlake
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love isthisselfcare
Shelf Awareness ghostofbambi
Room Service ClaudiaWrites
A Dress With Pockets PacificRimbaud
The Audacity of Lavender Brown malpal132
Devil's Snare All The Way Down malpal132
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anything-4-our-m00ny · 9 months
might delete later - but on the subject of ppl being dicks over fanfic yet again…
one of the things that gets me so absolutely steamed - even more so than the ignorant online jerks just jerking to jerk - are those who think it’s their GOD-GIVEN DUTY to ~ w A r N ~ others away from reading a fanfic. as though their opinion is worth more than dogshit and that publically, albeit ✨respectfully✨ saying how boring/awful/ooc they thought it was is somehow saving someone from having a less than ideal experience.
because guess what?
more ranting and macaroni salad metaphors under the cut
i’m not going to bother explaining personal preference bc my hope is that if you’re seeing this it means we somehow run in the same circle and that makes you someone with a 🧠 so instead i’ll just tell a little story.
recently i went to a christmas dinner at a friend’s place. there was people there that i knew and people i didn’t, and we all brought a dish made at home - presumably with love. all was going well and when we sat down at the table one of the dishes turned out to be this god-awful macaroni salad. i didn’t know it was awful before i tried it - i sampled it and afterwards decided that i would not be partaking in any more.
but did i immediately pronounce to the entire table how much i hated it? of course not! that would be -
and also??? other people were fucking eating it. not just eating it - but enjoying it. they LIKED it. they wanted MORE. and i didn’t. and that’s okay.
It wasn’t my job to ward people off of the macaroni salad just because my experience with it was a bit more than “meh”. I didn’t know the person who brought it all that well - but i knew that doing so - no matter how ✨respectful✨ i said it - doing so would only embarrass and hurt them. and that they had as much right to be at that table with their terrible macaroni salad as i did. and I’d like to think that most people would choose the same route - avoid the macaroni salad, instead eat the bits of the meal that you DO like.
but when it comes to consuming free fan-made media online, people don’t seem to have the same thought process. so once again, for the millionth time,
If you don’t like something, 🥰 Don’t 🥰 Fucking 🥰 Read 🥰 It.
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How Prisoner of Azkaban should have ended:
Harry: I just don't think my dad would've wanted his two best friends to become murderers.
Sirius: Well if it's anyone's decision, it's yours Harry. *Turns back to Peter* But if you try to transform then we will kill you. Fair?
Harry & Remus: Fair
Hermione: Why don't you just stun him? Then he won't be able to get away?
Remus: That's certainly a better idea, Hermione. Now why didn't we think of that, Sirius?
*Remus bandages Ron's leg with a spell and they prepare to leave, with unconscious Snape and Peter levitating by Snape's wand that Sirius is holding*
Sirius: Wait! Remus, it's a full moon!
Remus: So it is. All of you get out and make sure the willow isn't frozen anymore.
*Hesitantly Sirius leads them all out and talks to Harry about him being godfather and the chance of him staying with him.*
*They arrive at the castle to find McGonagall stood probably waiting for Harry, Hermione and Ron to return.*
McGonagall: S-Sirius?
Sirius, smirking somewhat: Hello Minnie
Harry: Professor! He's innocent! It wasn't him that betrayed my parents! It was Pettigrew!
McGonagall: Peter's alive?
Sirius, nodding: He killed all of those muggles to frame me and then transformed.
*They sort it all out. The minister acknowledges that Sirius is innocent. Peter is sent to Azkaban and Snape doesn't expose Remus to the Slytherins. Sirius leaves the school and says that he'll see Harry at the end of term.*
Harry, looking out of the train window: He's there!
Ron, looking too: This really is your year, Harry.
Harry moves in with Sirius and Remus, who was persuaded by Sirius to move into the house. Ron and Hermione visit a lot and Harry has his first proper birthday party. They all go to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys. Arthur gets Sirius a job in his department.
At the beginning of term, Remus and Harry get on the train and go back to Hogwarts. They all love happily until some other death eater inevitably resurrects Voldemort (probably Bellatrix)
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Reblog if you support asexual!Regulus
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JKR: *Mentions Marlene, Dorcas & Mary once*
JKR: *Explains 3% of Remus, Sirius, James, Lily and Regulus*
JKR: *Makes Peter a traitor*
JKR: *Makes The Marauders bullies*
JKR: *Kills them all*
The fandom: *Comes up with Headcanons for these characters' sexualities, childhood, parents, favorite beverage, favorite food, the way they act when they are drunk, who they date, identities, the way they dress, favorite songs, how they act when they are sad, how they act when they are happy, how they act when they are angry, how they sleep, how they take they coffee or tea, mental illnesses, mental conditions, them as songs, Halloween costumes, Christmas Presents, sweets they like, jewelry they wear, friendships between each other, relationships between each other, when they lost their virginity, how they like sex, NSFW Headcanons, blood type, zodiac sign, religion, how they dance, what shows they watch, favorite movies, favorite superhero, favorite villain, them as dishes, them as drinks, what they wear for a club, what they wear for the beach, what they wear for the mountain, how they manage their social media, what kind of smartphones they have, if they are dog or cat people, if they are vegan or not, ideal jobs, jobs they actually have, future plans, if they want kids or not, dreams and hopes, worst fears, nightmares they have, them as colors, them as partners, them as our partners, how they decorate their rooms, how they act on the dentist's appointment, how they act on a doctor's appointment, childhood traumas, them as Greek Gods, them as celebrities, them as books, books they read, favorite author, favorite singer, music abilities, sport abilities, weird abilities...etc(insert more)*
Literally everyone else: You need help...
The fandom: *sighing* We know
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The Cadence of Part-time Poets by motswolo
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Academic Rivals AU: After being sorted into Slytherin, Harry learned to put his cunning to use and followed the laws of survival of the fittest. Most people knew not to get in his way, but that Granger girl from Ravenclaw always glared at him when he passed her in the hallways. Little did he know that he had beat her by one point in DADA class and that it would be the start to years long rivalry. 😏
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DRUCK [S5] CRACK! | but constantin is being a diva
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me every night after i tell myself i'll go to bed early this time
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