anytimedetoxcleanse · 3 years
Anytime Detox Cleanse
Four years ago I went off my thyroid meds and took 6 months to do this, so my body could adjust to eight years of medication dependence.  Once I had healed meant that I could truly help others to do the same with my methods.  
I work with the Medical Medium Knowledge, and was part of his former global practitioner group, where along with others, learnt directly from him for 3 years. Just a bit of background there, and if you are not sure who this person is you can look him up and see all his six published books. Now to my main information: About 95% of people over around 50 and over have a sluggish liver.  Not a diseased liver but one that is slow and struggling. With this we start to experience some symptoms, that likely are attributed to the health of the liver.  The liver is actually responsible for over 200 symptoms.   Isn’t that amazing!
Here is a list of the most common as provided in: Medical Medium, Liver Rescue, Anthony William, 2018, Hayhouse Inc.com. A few symptoms that relate to having a sluggish liver
·         Weight gain especially around the middle, or weight loss
·         Premature ageing
·         Bloating
·         Blood sugar issues
·         Brain fog
·         Dark circles under the eyes
·         Constipation
·         All skin conditions
·         Food sensitivities
·         Gout
·         Gut problems
·         Hot flashes
·         Adrenal problems
·         insomnia
·         mood struggles
·         sinus infections
·         varicose veins
·         Mystery hunger
·         Cravings
·         Heart palpitations
·         Dehydration
·         PLUS more
So what are we to do with any of these, if you experience any of them? Clearly we need to give our liver some love and care. The truth is that our livers absorb toxins and pathogens, solvents, medications, pesticides other cides, adrenalin from stress, old DDT, and radiation from the years gone by and then it finds it hard to keep working well with so much hidden within the liver's compartments. So how do we help our livers? For the past 4 years I have done a cleanse in most seasons.  This weekend I'm going to start a 9 day liver cleanse called the 3:6:9 which is done in sections. Unfortunately, we all need to cleanse these days to keep our liver and body’s systems functioning better.  A great way to start is through doing my ANYTIME DETOX CLEANSE.  This two week cleanse can be done as a beginner cleanse to ease you into gentle cleansing, or it can be done in a deeper way.  It will help the liver and your overall health.
You can find out more about this cleanse here:  https://amandabigelow.com/anytime-detox-cleanse/ Warmly,
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anytimedetoxcleanse · 3 years
Anytime Detox Cleanse
Four years ago I went off my thyroid meds and took 6 months to do this, so my body could adjust to eight years of medication dependence.  Once I had healed meant that I could truly help others to do the same with my methods.  
I work with the Medical Medium Knowledge, and was part of his former global practitioner group, where along with others, learnt directly from him for 3 years. Just a bit of background there, and if you are not sure who this person is you can look him up and see all his six published books. Now to my main information: About 95% of people over around 50 and over have a sluggish liver.  Not a diseased liver but one that is slow and struggling. With this we start to experience some symptoms, that likely are attributed to the health of the liver.  The liver is actually responsible for over 200 symptoms.   Isn’t that amazing!
Here is a list of the most common as provided in: Medical Medium, Liver Rescue, Anthony William, 2018, Hayhouse Inc.com. A few symptoms that relate to having a sluggish liver
·         Weight gain especially around the middle, or weight loss
·         Premature ageing
·         Bloating
·         Blood sugar issues
·         Brain fog
·         Dark circles under the eyes
·         Constipation
·         All skin conditions
·         Food sensitivities
·         Gout
·         Gut problems
·         Hot flashes
·         Adrenal problems
·         insomnia
·         mood struggles
·         sinus infections
·         varicose veins
·         Mystery hunger
·         Cravings
·         Heart palpitations
·         Dehydration
·         PLUS more
So what are we to do with any of these, if you experience any of them? Clearly we need to give our liver some love and care. The truth is that our livers absorb toxins and pathogens, solvents, medications, pesticides other cides, adrenalin from stress, old DDT, and radiation from the years gone by and then it finds it hard to keep working well with so much hidden within the liver's compartments. So how do we help our livers? For the past 4 years I have done a cleanse in most seasons.  This weekend I'm going to start a 9 day liver cleanse called the 3:6:9 which is done in sections. Unfortunately, we all need to cleanse these days to keep our liver and body’s systems functioning better.  A great way to start is through doing my ANYTIME DETOX CLEANSE.  This two week cleanse can be done as a beginner cleanse to ease you into gentle cleansing, or it can be done in a deeper way.  It will help the liver and your overall health.
You can find out more about this cleanse here:  https://amandabigelow.com/anytime-detox-cleanse/ Warmly,
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anytimedetoxcleanse · 3 years
Why Cleansing is Important Today?
Being alive today is not like it was ten or twenty years ago.  We are living in an advancing industrialised world which means we are living with more toxins from our environment. This is due to the products we have created since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, which have steadily increased terms of harmful chemicals, pathogens and the use of heavy metals that can lead to many chronic illnesses.
What do I mean by that?
The industrialised societies we live in mean that our bodies absorb all the toxins like pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, as well as pharmaceuticals, old DDT, solvents radiation, heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminium, viruses, and now even micro amounts of plastics.  
All of these things must be processed and stored by our livers, and now our livers are overloaded with them and struggling to do their job properly. The result is that many symptoms will start to develop.
Cleansing is a way to support the liver and our bodies systems and to stay on top of disease.
Chronic Health conditions and the importance of cleansing
Chronic health diseases are growing not shrinking in our world. They include obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancers and cardiovascular disease, as well as many other diseases.  (World Health Organisation, Anthony William, Medical Medium).
To be healthy today demands of us to act for our health in more specific ways, and this includes cleansing.  
What is Cleansing all about?
Cleansing is like taking your car in for a service.  It goes in needing a tune up and comes out running well for the next few months.  We all know that this is standard practice otherwise things can, and do go wrong.  It’s the same with our bodies, especially if we already have a few symptoms.
When we take a week or more to do a cleanse we are gently removing toxins from the body.  We are helping our livers, adrenals, digestive health, weight loss, skin conditions, inflammation and many chronic illnesses.  
There are cleanses that gently remove toxins, pathogens, and help to restore the liver, and enable all the bodies systems to rejuvenate.
The Anytime Detox Cleanse
The Any Time Detox Cleanse enables each person to choose the level of cleansing that is right for their body and lifestyle.  
It’s great for beginners and experienced cleansers.  Beginners can choose a lighter cleanse and then graduate to deeper.  If you’re experienced you can start the Anytime Detox Cleanse as a deeper cleanse.
My cleanse will also teach you about cleansing foods that you can add to your normal diet beyond this cleanse.  That way you are improving your diet and helping your body to lose weight or deal with some symptoms.
The Anytime Detox Cleanse involves:
One week of preparation, and two weeks of actual cleansing. This enables you to get ready for cleansing by learning more ahead of the cleanse, shopping, and setting up life so you can actually do the cleanse fully.
Guidelines, recipes, shopping list, handouts, knowledge and information as videos from me PLUS four great bonuses:
1.  A live Q&A with me where you get to ask your questions along with other     students.  
2. A detailed guide for helping adrenal fatigue and reducing stress.  
3. Access to a private FB group for support and sharing.
4. A 15-minute initial consult with Amanda before starting the detox cleanse.
Why not do one great thing for your health.  Sign up today and start the journey of looking you and your amazing body.
You can learn more and access The Anytime Detox Course here: https://amandabigelow.com/anytime-detox-cleanse/
Yours in true health,
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