ao3-bookmarks · 8 months
No-pressure writing ask: what's a line or a scene you've written that you still think about because it makes you happy?
Ooh thanks for the ask!! 💛 This one took me a little while but I think it’s probably this little snippet from a post-DAI fic I wrote back in 2020. Idk I just really like this fic 😅
The waiting was almost excruciating, or at least it was for Dorian. His entire future was up there being decided and there was nothing he could do but stare up the mountain and hope for the best. A silence fell over them, solemn and expecting, like when the dark clouds of a storm appear overhead yet not a single drop of rain has fallen. Dorian had no idea how long this silence went on for, but it felt like it could have been days, or at least hours.
Every passing second saw him more worried about what was to happen. What if Solas left him without saying goodbye? What if he did say goodbye but refused to stay? What if he did stay only to leave later, breaking his heart anyway? Dorian didn’t know which option was worse.
He suddenly felt a wave of nausea pass over him. He rushed quickly to the side of the path, hoping to preserve some of his dignity as he hurled into one of the decaying bushes which had previously lined the way. His breath was ragged and uneven as he shook from the combination of nerves and the aftermath of the battle. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take this.
As if by some miracle, he suddenly felt a hand on his back, firm yet gentle. He would know that touch anywhere. He twisted around swiftly and was greeted by the face of his husband, his tired, battered down husband, but nonetheless his husband. He hesitantly reached out to touch Solas’ face, almost expecting him to dissolve upon touch. Yet, he remained even in response to touch.
“Solas...?” he spoke, as if it were a question.
“I will not desert you, Dorian,” he reassured him, pulling him closer using the hand planted on his back. “I did not marry you only to abandon you now.”
“But your plans..?”
“Like I told you, my plans have changed. I have changed.”
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ao3-bookmarks · 9 months
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I compiled the comic on AO3, (/rutobuka) if you'd like to read there!
🐺 Click here to read! 🐺
Bonus spin-off included, of course 😉❤
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ao3-bookmarks · 9 months
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getting shoujo vibes from reading this lovely fic written by @finalgirlfrnkiero
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ao3-bookmarks · 9 months
A mage kidnaps Jaskier and sets him with a sleeping curse as a way to prove that witchers are heartless, bloodthirsty monsters themselves who know nothing but to kill-
Geralt swifty makes his way to Jaskier, who is currently laying dramatically on the ground near a tree. Just as quick, he places a soft almost playful kiss on the bard's sleeping lips and-
"Get up, come on." Geralt rumbles unhelpfully, smacking the bard's face a few times, smirking down at Jaskier who yawns right in his face.
"Shit, again? What is with you mages and true love kiss curses? And always around this time of the year too! Are you all just collectively lonely and bitter nearing Belletyn?" The bard hauls himself up, yawning once more while he leans on his witcher's side. A warm, armoured hand clasps the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
"Are you complaining?" With a bark of laughter, Jaskier answers with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hardly. Just wish there was a bit more variety, you know? Say, oh i don't know, true love's blow j-" He receives a smack up the back of his head and a chuckle at his side.
"Fuck off and find the amulet for the contract-" With a flourish, Jaskier pulls the amulet out of his coat pocket
"All done, darling. Do keep up." The mage watches from the sidelines, still tied up and horrified and embarassed. The two turn to him, one looking menacing and the other smiling brightly down at him. He's not quite sure which one he fears more.
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ao3-bookmarks · 10 months
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“You keep forgetting I’m a farm boy from Tatooine. You belong here as much as I do.”
“I don’t even know how to dance,” Din admitted. Luke laughed at that, but not at him.
“That is easy to fix. I can teach you, Leia taught me.”
Din thought about the sweeping, whirling motions he had seen the twins doing and shook his head.
“I saw you two dance, I can’t do that.”
“You don’t start there,” Luke said and took half a step back from Din. He held his hands up. “Here, I’ll lead. It’s easier to learn when you aren’t leading.”
Din had no idea what that meant or what to do with his hands and he shrugged.
Luke grabbed Din’s right arm and put it on his shoulder. He put his own left hand on Din’s waist and tilted his elbow up, making a sort of shelf that Din could rest his arm on. He then held out his other hand and laced their fingers together, holding their hands up at about chest height.
“Uh,” Luke looked down to consider the space around them then pulled Din back with him so they were more centered on the balcony. “Okay. Here. You start with your left foot backwards and go from there. Put your full weight behind each step.”
Din started to protest that Luke hadn’t given him nearly enough information but then there was gentle pressure on his hand and waist, guiding him, and Luke started to move forward with his right foot. Din had no choice but to move back a step.
“Line your right foot up with your left but a little wide.”
Luke pushed, still so gently, to the side and back. Din looked down, sure he was going to trip.
“Don’t look at your feet, keep your eyes on me.”
From Crash and Burn, Chapter 15
For the @dinlukeweek​ prompt, Mand’alor and Jedi Master
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ao3-bookmarks · 10 months
Boba loves Din. Really, he does. But if he has to hear one more word about Luke Skywalker he's going to strangle Din.
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ao3-bookmarks · 10 months
For so long, Din fought the reality of giving the child up, giving him to the jetii and moving on. He had prepared for it, packed a bag and left it all behind, so his son could have the life he deserved. All until he didn't have to. Or the one where Luke rescues Grogu on Tython, and Din rescues Luke in return.
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ao3-bookmarks · 10 months
Ficlet: Kale seeing Chai in glasses for the first time
Kale walked into Chai's "office" which wasn't the exact office the company gave him. He thought it was so stuffy and pretentious that he declared the 'hideout' his real office.
Kale may have been surprised that Chai was actually looking through some paperwork for his next assignment as an Ambassador, but he was more surprised by something else.
"Since when did you wear glasses?"
Chai looked up, his glasses slipping slightly so he had to adjust it. "Hm? Oh, this old thing?" he shrugged, "Since forever, really. I just don't often wear it. You don't see a lot of Rockstars wearing them, after all."
Kale was still confused with his boyfriend's obsession with becoming a rockstar, but he tries to be supportive. On one hand, it's a shame that Chai doesn't wear them often. It does look quite good on him. On the other hand, it might give Kale more rivals. He's already become popular recently with his work in advertising Vandelay products, and their profits increased significantly compared to when Mimosa was in charge. Seeing Chai with glasses might skyrocket that fame once more.
And Kale doesn't like sharing.
"Kale!" Chai squeaked in surprise and before Kale realized it, he was nipping the younger man's neck. The brunette nudged his boyfriend before slapping a hand to his neck. "I'm working here!"
Kale smirked, "I don't see the issue," he said. "You wear a scarf, anyway."
"Still, it's the principle of the thing!" Chai huffed, still rather flustered.
Kale winked, "Just marking my territory." he said. "Carry on."
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
"That's not... Oh, never mind." The voice made an irate airy sound, "Just... Do me a favor and never introduce yourself to Kale Vandeley."
Chai raised a brow as he jumped over some obstacles, gears gravitating towards him as he went. "An oddly niche request..." He hummed, "Since I doubt I'd actually meet such a handsome big shot like him, well for now anyway... Sure."
"Did you just... Ugh, please let it not be you. It cannot be you."
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
Kale X Chai (kinda) another early morning thought.
Everyone even Kale thought Chai was a morning person, so the first time he finds out and the others are there.
Kale's all like I'm gonna go talk to him about his mess.
Macaron looks at Peppermint: Has he had his morning caffeine boost.?
Peppermint sipping her latte.
Macron nods and keeps drinking his vitamin drink.
Korsica walks in like
what's gooin on here then? Yer all seem pretty shifty Ta me.
Cnmn: Master Chai has not had his morning coffee and Mr Vandelay is talking about conversing with him, I'm honestly pretty excited to see what the out come of this will be.
Korsica has to stop herself from smiling
"Have at it Mr Vandelay."
She sits down next to Peppermint with an arm around her.
Kale's only slightly confused as this band of people have always been offbeat.
He enters the kitchen and feels the darkest energy he's ever felt, he thought it was bad when he hadn't had his coffee...he saw chai staring at the machine as if he was trying the pull government secrets from it. The air feels thick like he's wading through some unseen force.
He notices the machine isn't even switched on....and leans forward quietly pushing the button and it's like some Japanese horror movie as Chai turns his head and looks up at him.
Alright.... definitely don't tell him to clean up his mess right now.
"Chai sit down I'll make it."
Kale whispers, afraid of speaking any louder he might invoke the pre coffee demon before him.
Chai makes a few grunts and Kale understands them as instructions as to how he likes his coffee.
He lets Chai sit at the kitchen table and brings forth the offering of hot coffee.
Only to accidentally say
"After this clean up your mess."
Cnmn out in the other room: 1....2....3
Kale is yeeted into the wall and is embedded in it and the kitchen door slams.
Peppermint laughs so hard she snorts, but still asks if he's alright.
Kale on the other hand is smiling dreamily
" I don't think I've ever been so in love."
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
“They’re here...” James said putting on a spooky inflection.
“Stop it!” Ginny snapped irritated.
“Mum it’s a joke. And frankly As long as Albus doesn’t announce he’s pregnant again he can deal with it. And even then” James insisted. “He’s the one who can’t keep his legs shut.”
There was a knock on the door. “If you two say anything!” Ginny warned exasperated. She pulled open the door and looked relieved when she saw Ron and Hermione standing there. “Thank Merlin.”
“Happy to see us Gin?”
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
"Hey. Jaal."
"Help me think of something, quick. You know a lot of ner- uh, scientifically-minded individuals. What can we do that would appeal? Overwhelmingly?"
Jaal snorts. "You want incentive for your brother, to keep him by your side."
"Maybe! Some of us just have the one, you know."
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
" I suggest we tell him. " came SAM's voice. 
Lexi nodded her head. She turned her back for a bit to pull up the scans to show Scott and Jaal. 
"This was the scan we did while you were sick. We at first thought the thing we saw was a parasite or a virus." Lexi began. Scott saw the small thing in his stomach area. 
"Till we worked with the Science team and some Angaran." Harry said. 
"We ran tests after tests on the samples we took." Lexi said. 
"You're pregnant, Tooshay." Jaal said, excitedly. 
Scott's eyes went wide.
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
“R-Reyes…” Scott gasped, rotating his hips, wanting —no, needing Reyes to be inside of him now.
“Shhh….” Reyes hushed, pressing one last kiss to Scott’s entrance, beginning to make his way up Scott’s spine with a series of open-mouthed kisses and bruising bites. Reyes wasn’t going to be rushed tonight, bracing himself over Scott’s body, his chest to Scott’s back, brown fingers interlocking with Scott’s pale ones. No, he was going to take his sweet time and worship this man. Because he deserved it. All of that, and more.
"I-I have to have you,” Reyes breathed shakily. "All of you."
"Reyes..." Scott whispered, hooded eyes meeting Reyes’ intimately through the mirror. “It’s all yours.” Scott shuddered at the words. Meeting his lover’s eyes resolutely, he sternly added, “Take it.”
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
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ao3-bookmarks · 11 months
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ao3-bookmarks · 1 year
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