aolfangirl · 7 years
Beautiful review of a beautiful episode ❤️
I totally agree, I have only one consideration to add: what if Danny is being so willing to help rachel dealing with her divorce not only for the good of his children but also to keep a close eye on rachel intention and avoid possible truobles later? Because what if she ends up with a messy divorce and wants to move back not just in jersey but maybe even in england?
I think it is possible the plan is: having her moving far away but since she and danny are in a good place she'll leave both the kids with him in Hawaii where their life is.
Then Steve has health issues that bring  him to have to retire and so they both open the restaurant together.
The restaurant name can't be Steve's because clearly Danny has already a name in his mind... what if the authors give us an ‘in joke’ and have the series finale  showing the inauguration of McDanno’s giving us our happy ending in a somewhat implicit way?
My thoughts about episode 7x25
This episode. Oh, my God, this episode.
I searched “emotional roller coaster” on the Merriam Webster dictionary and this whole episode was there. 
Amazing, painful, heartbreaking, heartwarming. It leaves you full of fear and yet full of hope.
It’s an episode that literally oozes love out of every frame.
I will start talking about Steve and Danny, because I have so many things to say about them…
I loved how Steve shows up in Danny’s office as soon as he arrives, like he was impatiently waiting to show him his gift. How sweet can this man be? Same goes for Danny, so protective of Steve, constantly worrying about him, constantly checking – silently or explicitly – how he is. This scene is loaded with hints that foreshadow what will come later in the episode, it’s like Danny can’t help but feel something is wrong, and we start feeling the same way: the acting, the way the episode is built make you feel that way and it gets stronger and stronger minute by minute, and it’s so gut wrenching.
Plus, the way Danny and Steve act around Charlie is adorable. The way they look like a married couple, obviously, but – even more than that, if possible – the way they protect him, talking in code about Rachel and Stan’s divorce, because this little guy has been through so much already… To think they both were there the day Charlie was born, looking at him through the glass, loving him already even if they didn’t know yet he was Danny’s child… it makes me emotional.
And what about that scene in the car, when Steve starts talking about Rachel, out of nowhere, as if it’s something he can’t help thinking about… he’s worried, maybe even angry. He’s bitter, he’s jealous, most of all he’s still the man who, back in season one, told Danny: ““I don’t want you to get hurt. Okay? I just want you to be happy, Danny. That’s all”. 
Steve tries to joke – he tries so hard, how painful is that? – and says “if you ain’t got nothing nice and positive to say, keep your hole shut … unless you’re “talking” to your ex-wife”. He knows that Danny, out of his good heart – too good sometimes – is trying to put under the rug all the bad things Rachel did to him, but … they’re just under the rug, they’re still there, they can’t be ignored, or he’s going to suffer again, to be manipulated and walked over, again!
And so Steve says it, honestly… “I don’t think this thing with you and Rachel is a healthy thing”. It’s not healthy, he says. I think it’s a very meaningful choice of words. Both Steve and Danny have been dealing with toxic relationships that sucked the joy out of their lives and I hope with all my heart they’re done with those relationships for good. Please, let these guys be finally, truly happy, please let them heal each other’s heart with the love they have for each other. They deserve that.
What about Steve telling Danny “I know that I’m out of my mind, but I also know that you’re in love with your ex-wife […] you got a shot to make things right”? First of all, Rachel was the one who put Danny through hell with her constant threats of taking Grace away from him and not letting him see her and then lying to him for three years about Charlie, so it’s really not up to Danny to make things right, he didn’t do anything wrong, he was a victim! 
And I think that what we have here it’s Steve voicing his worst fears in the hope that Danny will prove him wrong. And I so hope Danny will prove him wrong. I believe he will prove him wrong. He already told Steve “you’re out of your mind” for thinking he might be still in love with Rachel and I think he was being honest, I think he’s just being civil and kind with her, he’s tired of fighting, he doesn’t want that for himself and most of all he doesn’t want that for his kids. I hope I’m not wrong.
Then Danny sees Steve taking some pills and his alarm bells start ringing, but his focus shifts on trying to talk Steve out of risking his life pulling probably the most dangerous stunt he has every pulled.
And just moments before Steve jumps, risking his life, the writers start working a whole new kind of magic, in my opinion, giving us some of the most subtle and yet most romantic and emotional moments I’ve ever seen.
How? The chef’s hat. Yes, the chef’s hat. I really believe they masterfully wrote some of the best, most touching declarations of love ever to be heard, just playing with words around that chef’s hat.
Even if he’s trying to pretend he’s not scared of the consequences of that jump, Steve knows that it could go horribly wrong. He didn’t want Danny to open the gift when he wasn’t there and now, thinking that jump could kill him, he needs to tell Danny those words before it could be too late.
“Chef’s hat”, he says. Meaning: there‘s nothing I care about more than you, more than your happiness and your dreams, because I love you. 
And Danny understands what Steve means, he promises him he will be there when he’ll open his restaurant (when they’ll open their restaurant?) and, later, he says: “thank you for the hat, seriously”. Meaning: thank you for loving me the way you love me. And Steve closes his eyes for a moment and then says “You’re welcome, seriously”. Don’t tell me that wasn’t a “I’m in love with you”, because it was. I’m so sure it was.
And I obviously loved that adorable scene with them walking away together, holding each other, talking about Steve’s feelings and how the last thing on Earth Danny wants to do is hurt Steve’s feelings. The way these two guys cherish and love each other is so beautiful and it warms my heart.
And then… oh my God, my poor heart bled seeing Steve so tired, so pale, so scared… call me crazy, call me stupid, but I worry about him even if I know he’s just a fictional character… it makes me cry to see how he tries to minimize, how he tried to keep things for himself, to hide his health issues.. but he couldn’t hide from Danny, because Danny wouldn’t let him. 
Life made Steve believe that he was undeserving of love, that there always was someone or something more important than him, someone or something that made people walk away from him, and now that he needs love more than ever, now that he needs someone next to him more than ever, he tries to hide it… but Danny won’t let him. 
It broke my heart to see the look in Danny’s eyes, to see him so lost at the mere thought of Steve being sick. I so hope, with all my heart, there will soon be… I don’t know, another doctor’s opinion, something that will take this terrible sword hanging over their heads away from them. 
One thing I’m sure of is that Steve and Danny will be together through all of this, and together they can face and overcome everything. Danny will show Steve how deserving of love, how important he is, how much he needs him and can’t even imagine a life without him. More than ever, Steve needs to be loved, to feel indispensable for someone, and Danny will be there reminding that he is, every step of the way.
I talked a lot about Steve and Danny, for obvious reasons, but there was so much else to be loved in this episode.
Abby and Chin, their sizzling chemistry and their growing love for each other.
The party to celebrate Jerry getting his badge… it was so endearing to see him so happy because these people love him. He was so lonely when we met him back in season 4 and now he really has a big family.
That super sweet scene with Kono and Sara at the market, Sara being absolutely adorable and Kono buying a pregnancy test… a moment that sheds an even more meaningful light to many other moments in the episode… her scene with Moani, that chilling, heartbreaking moment where she found that doll in the girls’ room, the talk she has with Lou about being a parent … I loved, so much, what she told Lou: “I could feel them in that room. Their pain and trauma. The fear they went to bed with every night”, because it was my same feeling watching that scene. She wants to make the world a better, safer place for these girls and thinking she might be pregnant makes that purpose even stronger, even more urgent. And I know she will succeed, she’s a force of nature, so compassionate, so strong, so brave. I hope we will get to see her fighting this horrible crime, but I also hope she will be back in Hawaii soon. Maybe, and hopefully, the two things aren’t incompatible. Her and Ohana - and we - needs her.
As I wrote when I started with this review, this episode leaves you full of fear and yet full of hope. I will hold on to that hope that makes me believe that these people will get the happiness they deserve. Steve will be fine. Kono will succeed in making the world that better place she desperately needs right now. And true love will conquer all, because today, more than ever before, I’m sure that Steve and Danny share the purest and truest love of all.
Thank you for this episode and for all the emotions!
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aolfangirl · 7 years
ICYMI: here’s the master list of PP stories, always updated :)
Praemonitus_Praemunitus stories on McDannoLand
I’m proud to host on McDannoLand the stories of one of my favorite H50 fanfic writers, for those who don’t know her, Praemonitus_Praemunitus writes great whump!Steve stories, great AUs (the only ones I actually read besides H50/Sentinel fusions) and has a great way of writing the dynamic between Steve and Danny, while she used to be mostly for a bromance version of the boys, lately I corrupted her and now you’ll find McDanno Romance in her story too :)
I always love how she writes Danny and Steve, you can see they love each other deeply even with all their imperfections, just like in the show (when they don’t write McDanno OOC :P)
Feedback about the stories is welcome: through McDannoLand or on twitter where she’s @Oleshka24Prae
The Fox
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Part I: In the name of Family  *COMPLETE*
[Chapter 1] ~*~ [Chapter 2] ~*~ [Chapter 3] ~*~ [Chapter 4] 
[Chapter 5] ~*~  [Chapter 6]  ~*~ [Chapter 7] ~*~  [Chapter 8] 
[Chapter 9] ~*~ [Chapter 10] ~*~  [Chapter 11]   ~*~ [Chapter 12] 
[Chapter 13]  
Part II: The Last Dawn
[Chapter 1] ~*~ [Chapter 2] ~*~ [Chapter 3] ~*~ [Chapter 4] *NEW*
Stand Alone Stories
It rains in my heart as it rains on the town *NEW*
The Kiss Cam or Why Danny Will Probably Never Be Taking Steve to Another Football Game
If you can’t take it back [ Part 1 ] [Part 2] 
Amo Ergo Vivo
Mercy for the Aching
And Many More
Episode Codas
Ha’iole Redux - 2x01 coda 
Ua Hopu - 2x22 coda/fix-it 
4x19 episode fix-it
Family Comes First - 4x22 fix-it
Reason - 5x25 fix-it  
6x03 Coda 
6x06 fix-it  
Season 7 Premiere Coda
7x04 Coda
7x07 Coda
7x08 Spoiler Coda
7x11 Filler AU
7x11 Filler AU: The Rescue
7x14 Filler AU: Driving Test 
7x18 Fix-it  
7x19 AU Coda *NEW*
It’s a Kind of Magic Series
What Sorcery Is This?
Aye, There’s the Rub
Deliver Me from Evil
Uhane Hoa (Soul Mate)
       Note:  Kaikua'ana (Brothers) becomes Uhane Hoa (Soul Mate)
What if (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Adrift. Part 1: Anger (Ch 5) / Part 2: Fear (Ch 6) / Part 3: Anchor, my anchor (Ch 7)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
End of Days: Part I (Ch 10) / Part II (Ch11)                      Part III (Ch 12) / Part IV (Ch13)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Sticks and Stones (Chapters 18 and 19)
Real Person Fiction Post 5x07: Part 1 (ch 20) / Part 2 (ch 21)                                                   Part 3 (ch 22) / Part 4 (ch23) 
Steve and Grace (Chapters 24 and 25)
Falling (Chapters 26 and 27)
Chapter 28
Dum Spiro Spero – Hope Dies Last: Part 1 (ch29) / Part 2 (ch 30) 
Leverage: Part 1 (ch 31) / Part 2 (ch 32) *NEW*
Real Person Fiction
Hidden Variables [RPF] (part 1) (part 2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
117 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 7 years
beautiful <3
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I love you, bro.
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aolfangirl · 7 years
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It means a lot to me, man.
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aolfangirl · 7 years
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mcdanno + everyone knows.
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aolfangirl · 7 years
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668 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 7 years
PP Stories are not on AO3, they can be read exclusively on McDannoLand.
Here you can find the always updated Master List:
On AO3 I am currently posting the graphic I made for each chapter and linking it to McDannoLand:
Hope this helps :)
The Fox Part I: In the Name of Family
Written by Praemonitus_Praemunitus
Back to Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
The small cabin he’s told to ride out to is nestled against the far side of a box canyon.  Steep, uneven walls covered with thick vegetation – a perfect hiding spot for any shooters lying in wait.  And with only one way in or out, anyone entering the canyon would instantly find himself caught in their sights.  A perfect place for an ambush.  A kill site.
When Steve was a kid, his father took him to observe some vaqueros round up the cattle in a canyon like this one, corralling them there until they could sort out to which rancho each cattle head belonged.  He remembers very well the chaos of a driven herd, the confusion, the dust, the very real, very deadly danger to a careless vaquero.  
Today he intends to use all that to his advantage.  To burst into the canyon with a herd of cattle, hanging on sideways in Tornado’s saddle, using the surrounding animals and the cover of darkness to get as deep into it as he possibly can before being spotted.  The plan is insane, to be sure, and would mean certain death should he lose his hold on Tornado in the crushing stampede and fall under the furiously stomping hooves.   But it’s his only chance.  It’s Grace’s only chance, and he has no right to hesitate.
Keep reading
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aolfangirl · 7 years
Check the updated Master List of PP stories on McDannoLand :)
Praemonitus_Praemunitus stories on McDannoLand
I’m proud to host on McDannoLand the stories of one of my favorite H50 fanfic writers, for those who don’t know her, Praemonitus_Praemunitus writes great whump!Steve stories, great AUs (the only ones I actually read besides H50/Sentinel fusions) and has a great way of writing the dynamic between Steve and Danny, even not going all McDanno Romance (she’s most for the bromance version of the boys).
I always love how she writes Danny and Steve, you can see they love each other deeply even with all their imperfections, just like in the show (when they don’t write McDanno OOC :P)
Feedback about the stories is welcome: through McDannoLand or on twitter where she’s @Oleshka24Prae
The Fox
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Part I: In the name of Family 
[Chapter 1] ~*~ [Chapter 2] ~*~ [Chapter 3] ~*~ [Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5] ~*~ [Chapter 6]  ~*~ [Chapter 7] ~*~  [Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9] ~*~ [Chapter 10] ~*~ [Chapter 11]
Stand Alone Stories
Amo Ergo Vivo
Mercy for the Aching
And Many More
Episode Codas
Season 7 Premiere Coda
7x04 Coda
7x07 Coda
7x08 Spoiler Coda
7x11 Filler AU
7x11 Filler AU: The Rescue
It’s a Kind of Magic Series
What Sorcery Is This?
Aye, There’s the Rub
Deliver Me from Evil
Kaikua'ana (Brothers)
What if (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Adrift. Part 1: Anger (Ch 5) / Part 2: Fear (Ch 6) / Part 3: Anchor, my anchor (Ch 7)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
End of Days: Part I (Ch 10) / Part II (Ch11)                      Part III (Ch 12) / Part IV (Ch13)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Real Person Fiction
Hidden Variables [RPF] (part 1) (part 2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
117 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 7 years
yes, all the time <3
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You guys talk telepathically?
[evidence files: one, two, three, four]
1K notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 8 years
updated Master list :)
Praemonitus_Praemunitus stories on McDannoLand
I’m proud to host on McDannoLand the stories of one of my favorite H50 fanfic writers, for those who don’t know her, Praemonitus_Praemunitus writes great whump!Steve stories, great AUs (the only ones I actually read besides H50/Sentinel fusions) and has a great way of writing the dynamic between Steve and Danny, even not going all McDanno Romance (she’s most for the bromance version of the boys).
I always love how she writes Danny and Steve, you can see they love each other deeply even with all their imperfections, just like in the show (when they don’t write McDanno OOC :P)
Feedback about the stories is welcome: through McDannoLand or on twitter where she’s @Oleshka24Prae
The Fox
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Part I: In the name of Family 
 [Chapter 1] ~*~ [Chapter 2] ~*~  [Chapter 3]
Stand Alone Stories
Mercy for the Aching
Episode Codas
Season 7 Premiere Coda
7x04 Coda
7x08 Spoiler Coda
It’s a Kind of Magic Series
What Sorcery Is This?
Aye, There’s the Rub
Deliver Me from Evil
Kaikua'ana (Brothers)
What if (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Adrift. Part 1: Anger (Ch 5) / Part 2: Fear (Ch 6) / Part 3: Anchor, my anchor (Ch 7)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Real Person Fiction
Hidden Variables [RPF] (part 1) (part 2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
117 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 8 years
Reblogging for those followers who may have missed this: master list (constantly updated) of all PP storiess published exclusively on McDannoLand (you find a direct link to this post on McDannoLand home page) :-)
Praemonitus_Praemunitus stories on McDannoLand
I’m proud to host on McDannoLand the stories of one of my favorite H50 fanfic writers, for those who don’t know her, Praemonitus_Praemunitus writes great whump!Steve stories, great AUs (the only ones I actually read besides H50/Sentinel fusions) and has a great way of writing the dynamic between Steve and Danny, even not going all McDanno Romance (she’s most for the bromance version of the boys).
I always love how she writes Danny and Steve, you can see they love each other deeply even with all their imperfections, just like in the show (when they don’t write McDanno OOC :P)
Feedback about the stories is welcome: through McDannoLand or on twitter where she’s @Oleshka24Prae
Mercy for the Aching
It’s a Kind of Magic Series
What Sorcery Is This?
Aye, There’s the Rub
Deliver Me from Evil
Kaikua'ana (Brothers)
What if (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Adrift. Part 1: Anger (Ch 5) / Part 2: Fear (Ch 6)
Season 7 Premiere Coda
7x04 Coda
7x08 Spoiler Coda
Hidden Variables [RPF] (part 1) (part 2) (part3) (part4)
117 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 8 years
I won’t ever understand why they deleted *this* which is the cutest McDanno moment in S6 where they are so themselves... so in character (like Season 1 in character!) and left us with a bunch of scenes where the boys where bitter and angry and totally OOC. 
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I gotta tell you buddy, teaching was not so bad. If I ever get maimed in the line of duty ‘cause of some stupid stunt that you pull, I have a fall back, which is nice.
2K notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 8 years
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McDanno goes viral ….
83 notes · View notes
aolfangirl · 8 years
Just the frame I needed! ;)
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my hand slipped ;)
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aolfangirl · 8 years
It is exactly what happened! ;D
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Clearly Hawaii Five 0 has romance all figured out. ‘I hate you and your stupid face,Steve.Shut up and take half of my liver so there’s a part of me with you forever. ’’ ~A heartfelt love declaration by Danno~
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aolfangirl · 8 years
#NowPlaying Stand By Me by Bootstraps So… #McDanno may not be canon (for now) in #H50 but this is a beautiful Love song
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aolfangirl · 9 years
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You’ve been around every time that I’ve been down (insp. by erienne1983)
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