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This Friday's meme is: already there
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Her drinking problem: she’s up to a half-gallon of heavy cream a day. The only solution is a 12-step program: she’ll move the couch 12 steps from the fridge and… no problem!  (unknown c.2021)
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i'm sure this has been done before but the song of my heart must be sung
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I am once again paying money to make you look at Gunther.
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You gained FIFTY pounds between March and August this year! :O ... Holy moly, that's incredible!! You must have such a drive to overeat. And eat again after that. Cakes, ice cream, pizza are no match for your belly it seems. I wonder how many fattening calories you manage a day. You must need to eat a lot just to maintain your current size (which is massive btw, compared to what you were, but super-hot all the same :D). With those winter nights drawing in, what is there left to do but eat? ... Any plans for winter weight this year. I expect by January that if you keep all this hedonistic over-indulgence (pure gluttony, if we call it what it is) ... you might be carrying a few pounds more come spring? So tell me fatty, after reading all this, can you tell me in all seriousness you won't be reaching for another snack. Just pat that belly for me. Don't you want it to grow a little more? Doesn't it feel so good? ;) ... Oh well, good luck trying to resist all those Hallowe'en treats :P
Thank you! I do gorge myself constantly. I don't count calories unless I'm aiming for a specific target, but today I baked brownies and cookies and demolished them all, so that probably adds up 🤷‍♀️ my conservative goal is 250lbs of flab by Christmas but I think I'll exceed that easily 🥵 maybe that should be my goal for Hallowe'en! I spend all my time eating and glutting. If I need to walk somewhere, I take snacks for the journey. I'm obsessed with filling my blubbery belly with lard and enjoying being a greedy lazy fatass 🐖
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I have followed for a long time and WOW you are completely massive now. Just in awe
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Yeah I guess there’s a bit of a difference 👀
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i think i accidentally let myself go
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10 donts why not make it 12
I did....🐷
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Also my belly looks soooo big at this angle!! Its really not this big😅 just the angle I swear!
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Even your udders are starting to get that fat girl- rest on belly look 😍
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This Is Gospel - Panic! At the Disco; The left ear is the official album version, while the right ear is the official piano version.
Listen to more of my stuff here.
Download it here.
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