aoxri-koolai · 2 years
one thing i never get tired of in songs is when they include some sounds from the recording booth like a laugh at the end, a ‘was that good?’ or like, the sounds of the guitar being put down, a chair creaking. it’s nice how music can be used as an escape but also something that ties you right back down to earth. it will affect you so deeply & then ur like wow… you just played that. it’s grounding & magical & just one of my fave things ever!
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aoxri-koolai · 2 years
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/taps mic . . . listen
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aoxri-koolai · 2 years
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Hi guys!!! Soooo this was a BIG passion project for me; as an avid theme parks fan who knows how important character autographs can be to visitors, I thought it would be really fun to create a mockup of what a Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex autograph book might look like! I tried styling it similarly to the US Disney parks' autograph books, with some of the character autographs included on the back cover.
Click the read more for some notes on each characters' autographs! :0) I arranged them here (save for DJ Music Man and Monty, switch those two) in the order of which I drew them out. Enjoy!
🚫⚠️ Please do not use my art/illustration without my permission and please do not repost. If there is something you'd like to use it for, please ask me first! ⚠️🚫 Thanks!
Each character typically has their own preferred pen or marker to write with.
The Sun Daycare Attendant's autograph is written with a dying orange Sharpie marker. He's my favorite so of course I had to tackle his first! He likes to use whatever stickers he has on hand to decorate the page. Also worth noting: He has many different monikers with the daycare kiddos and just... in general, so he will often times write whatever name you refer to him as. "Mr. Sunshine", "Sunnyface", "Sun Guy", etc., thus his autograph often varies.
Freddy's autograph is... too perfect, so I either chalk that up to 1) his robotic dexterity is just that good or, more realistically, 2) he uses a special stamp for the name portion and writes/draws out the rest, because he's accidentally broken so many pens/markers trying to get it perfect and left some kiddos crying. Which make him feel HORRIBLE!! Best to avoid that at all costs!
(p.s. I am totally behind the fan theory that Bonnie went by "Superstar Bonnie" and/or called Freddy "superstar" and that's who he got it from. Freddy probably started adding that "To my superstar" bit to his autograph some time after Bonnie's decommission. Yes I ship Bonnie and Freddy so hard shhh 💔💔💔)
Superstar Bonnie's autograph was slightly inspired by the Palmer chocolates logo (and subconsciously, according to my friend Connor, the Cadbury logo). There's a joke here about chocolate easter bunnies. Anyways! Bonnie wrote in a purple ink fountain pen. The bunny face in the "O" was going to just have three dots to represent a bowling ball, with bunny ears incorporated on the "B", but I thought I'd combine the two for cuteness's sake. :-) His autograph is (obviously) very very rare since it's now impossible to get. Probably goes for a lot of money on eBay in the FFCU (Freddy Fazbear Cinematic Universe).
Sorry to any Roxy fans who were expecting something a little more exciting with her autograph! 😭 I just honestly didn't see her as someone who would spend too much time embellishing her writing with cutesy stuff... but I did put a lot of thought into what I wanted hers to look like. Since she's a raceway girl, I gave her a more "human-like" autograph. I wanted it to be reminiscent of a race car driver who signs giant posters, so the tails of her autograph often drag off of the page and it takes up basically every bit of space that it can on the paper. And of course, to give it that authentic "race car driver autograph feel", I tried rendering it like a silver Sharpie marker. :0)
Glamrock Chica just seems like the kind of girl to have a million glitter pens and highlighters and write in bubble letters... like every girl in middle school (and I mean that in the most endeared way possible).
DJ Music Man... bless his heart... he is VERY enthusiastic to sign autographs because he is rarely ever asked, but... he is so big that his autograph takes up two pages, often times with varying legibility (you have to hold that book STATUE STILL for him). However, large t-shirts are often slightly easier for him to write on, so he might have room to draw a music note or vinyl record for you! ...Or just carry a big ass poster board into the pizzaplex if you want. Go crazy! LMAOOO
Monty... as a Bonnie fan, he is on thin ice for me but I respect everyone who loves him LOL so I hope this does him justice! His paper is a bit more crumpled than the others and has a noticeable hole in it from his thumb claw accidentally stabbing the paper (yes, he is left-handed in my brain shhh). He is trying his best y'all 😭
And lastly, but definitely not least (I knew I had to hold myself back from drawing his until the end or I'd never finish all of these LOL), we have the Moon Daycare Attendant! Not much I can really say here about the autograph itself aside from the fact that he too draws a smile on his autograph, just like Sun does. His autograph is, unsurprisingly, basically just as hard-to-get as Bonnie's is nowadays. Once Vanny hacked into him and maintenance couldn't figure out what was causing him to act so... scary... they probably slapped that warning label on the back of the Daycare animatronic's head panel and decided that the Daycare's lights were to stay on indefinitely. Buuuut when he wasn't acting up, he was just as silly and kooky as Sun, just with a slightly different temperament. WE DO NOT STAND BY THE "MOON IS MEAN" THEORY IN THIS HOUSE HE IS A SILLY BOY ALL OF HIS IN-GAME ART IS VERY FRIENDLY IT'S NOT HIS FAULT HE'S ACTING LIKE THIS AAAAAHHHHHH
ANYWAYS!! Thanks for reading my big wall of text if you did!! <:'-) I hope you guys enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed making it!
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aoxri-koolai · 2 years
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Moschino Pre-Fall 2022
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
might start doing this then 💖 i genuinely dont have ppl to talk to esp in my hobbies & anime/manga and i dont think anyone would be ready for the massive info/brain dump theyre gonna get so might do this!!
unpopular opinion but I love it when people write essays for fun on the internet. I don’t think it’s cringe if you’re being polite and coherent and making your own post instead of making unwanted additions to other people’s posts. why say something in a 7 word meme format sentence, faking disaffection and chillness, when you could flesh it out in 7 paragraphs of sincere and substantial nuance. not just for seriousness but for fun concepts, is what i have in mind. for talking about a story or character. for talking about life. talking about anything. this is a wordy person safe zone
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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Trilogy ❤️ 4-6 ❤️ AAI ❤️ TGAA
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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I didn't follow the story but they could be nice together. (It's just a two favs ship I guess)
There is some gorgeous fanarts for this game, I hope people don't mind quick sketches!
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
I know this is like my millionth crk post in a row but I really wanted to talk about the character designs in Cookie Run and how amazing they are
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Devsis seems to do this very simple design trick where they use a 'shape-motif' for each character, thus making them memorable despite their complicated looks.
It's also really clever how they incorporate the cookies' 'flavors' into the design. The circles on Espresso resemble coffee mugs or swirls, the scallop shapes on Madeleine look like madeleines.
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Even with cookies that don't have obvious flavors or design elements, devsis still manages to make their design memorable
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I could go on and on about how much I love devsis's character designs, I just love it so much! (and even their world designs!). Hope you learned a little something abt designing with this post, despite how messy it was 😅
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
prominent member of the tummy hurts community
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
PSA: dont use l33t speak in AO3 tags
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[image ID: an AO3 tag that reads ‘implied suicidal thoughts’ but with exclamation marks in place of the letters i]
if you do this, congrats, you’ve totally defeated the purpose of the tagging system!
AO3 is not tiktok. it is not run by a mega-corporation that sanitizes content for advertisability and shadowbans or deletes content. it’s an ARCHIVE. 
by doing this, it means people won’t be able to exclude or include your tags. and if they use a text-to-speech reader, you’ve made it ten times harder to understand. 
this goes for tumblr too!! if you put “su!c!de tw” anybody who has “suicide tw” blacklisted will still see your post. it’s not a warning if the words aren’t able to be read or recognized by the systems.
no hate if you’ve been doing this! just fix your tags and don’t do it in the future.
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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here's the story. i know expressvpn has been recommended in some 🏴‍☠️ how-to posts but it is not trustworthy. the parent company, kape technologies, not only used to distribute malate but has ties to multiple state surveillance agencies. and be careful where you look for info about good vpns, because kape technologies owns a bunch of "vpn review" sites too
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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Koko @ Mikey rn
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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I wish chifuyu was there for takemichi in this past too :(
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
anyways shoutout to the people who don’t have a specific career / dream job in mind and are just floating through life trying to survive. shoutout to me specifically, actually.
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aoxri-koolai · 3 years
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