aozzora · 3 years
“do you even lift bro?” have you seen the stress im carrying
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aozzora · 3 years
aren’t you going to sext me goodnight?
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aozzora · 4 years
that sleepy “i love you.”
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aozzora · 4 years
“shit it’s 2 a.m.” i say every day at 2 a.m. as if i am surprised
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aozzora · 4 years
whoever first decided to stab small holes in their ears so they could put shiny things in it was a fucking genius
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aozzora · 4 years
If you give immigrants any problems at all ever then fuck you dirtbag, fight me
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aozzora · 4 years
Oh hello, I'm alive.
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aozzora · 5 years
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Monogatari Characters — Streetwear Version.
Something new, I know.
This is just my interpretation guys, I know not everyone will imagine it similarly. But I had this idea like yesterday, dug deep for some cute outfits and did a few edits. I hope you guys like it!
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aozzora · 5 years
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Shinobu Oshino— A Moodboard.
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aozzora · 5 years
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Araragi Koyomi & Senjougahara Hitagi— Ice Cold Gaze or Burning Hot Passion?
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aozzora · 5 years
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—Hitagi Rendezvous.
Hello person scrolling past, I hope you like this edit I've made.
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aozzora · 5 years
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Mayoi Hachikuji - A Moodboard.
I made these myself. I hope you guys like them!
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aozzora · 5 years
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Araragi Koyomi & Senjougahara Hitagi — Moodboard.
I made these myself. If you guys like these, I plan to post a Mayoi Hachikuji moodboard next. Or requests are open.
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aozzora · 5 years
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Something I made today. I'm actually pretty proud of this piece. I hope you all show my edit some love!
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aozzora · 5 years
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aozzora · 5 years
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On bad days, one of my biggest escapes has been searching for and coming across new music and making playlists out of them. Since that has come to play such a big part of my life now, I really wanted to make a playlist here and share my taste in music in hopes that this post makes you feel a little better too.
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1. ❛ Tokyo Nights ❜ - Digital Farm Animals, Shaun Frank, Dragonette.
➥ If there's a song that needs to be played during a late night drive, this is IT. No other words needed. Beginning to describe it would fail to do it justice. It's one of those tunes where only listening to it truly makes you appreciate the song itself and the absolute bliss it gives you.
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2. ❛ Sleeping In ❜ - Phil Good (Ready Set Remix)
➥ Imagine this, you're having one of those days where the last thing you'd want to spend time doing is work. Although that sounds just about like everyday life, doesn't it? When it comes to the urging yearn to escape reality, even just for a few minutes, this song is absolutely perfect. The upbeatness it gives off makes you almost feel as if all the stress has been lifted off your shoulders, even if it's just for a few minutes. It's a euphoric stress reliever, one worthy of countless repeats.
My boyfriend had introduced that song to me about 8 months ago and I'm still not over it because it's just that good.
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3. ❛ Stay ❜ - Slushii.
“And I need you more than ever,
But you say it's now or never,
And you know my love's forever,
And I say, you say, you say just one more day..”
➥ Nothing else can quite spread the feeling of warmth in your heart like this certain song. Whether you're missing someone from all the way across the world or you're heavy hearted from the suffering of unrequited love, this 2 minute song becomes strangely comforting when all you can feel is the entire world is crashing down around you.
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4. ❛ 2D ❜ - Jasmine Sokko.
➥ This girl, is an absolute gem. I discovered her channel the other day and I am absolutely in love with her work, because when I try and think of a word to describe her songs, all I can think of is: "art."
This song specifically stood out to me. It's one of her earlier songs and yet it's THAT good? Her light hearted vocals mixed with her deeply thought out lyrics go together perfectly; ensuring a balanced match. She's still so underrated, yet she deserves so much more love.
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5. ❛ Wait ❜ - NoMBe. (CodeKo Remix)
➥ A hint of romance mixed with the perfect level of chill. It's the type of song I personally imagine listening to with my boyfriend as we're driving through empty city streets at late hours of the night. It's cozy, romantic and relaxing. It makes you want to intertwine fingers with your lover and just watch the sun set before night falls. It makes you want to snuggle under the covers half asleep as sunlight peeks through. It makes you feel love on levels deeper than you could imagine.
6. ❛ All my friends ❜ - Madeon.
➥ This is the kind of song I imagine playing in the background as some sort of a dramatic scenario from an anime when anxiety takes over. I imagine heavy breathing, feelings of an outcast, eyes boring holes into the soul- dashing out of the room and a hasty grab of the bike before taking off.
Because sometimes in order to feel better, you don't need to surround yourself with people. Sometimes all you need is a ride and a breath of fresh air.
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7. ❛ Afterlife ❜ - XYLØ (Ark Patrol Remix)
➥ When I had come across this song, I read a comment that said, "Imagine this song playing when you're dying and you're having flashbacks of your whole life." And I was blown away. Shit, that's perfect.
Infact, that's the best way to portray the vibes of this song. It's not depressing, in fact it's far from it. Yet I can't help but imagine myself as if I was drowning, floating amid water, eyes closed with the world passing by me by in slow motion. This song seeping through the waves, playing in the distance.
8. ❛ Anywhere ❜ - Attom and Blonde Maze.
➥ Dedicate this to a loved one. I promise you won't regret it. That's all. Make someone feel special today. Tell them you love them, you'd do anything for them, you'd go anywhere with them.
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9. ❛ Downtown ❜ - Allie X.
➥ Boy oh boy, is this cheeky. It's seductive. Sexy. As one of my friends would call it, "this can be your stripper song!"
It's a badass song that makes your day whenever you're feeling good about yourself, it's flirty, non serious yet steamy.
10. ❛ Coming over ❜ - James Hersey (Filous Remix)
➥ If the word nostalgia was a song, this would be it. To me, it makes me reminiscence my childhood, the softer aspects of my memories, the ones that make my heart hurt- but in a good way. It makes me miss people I'm not around anymore, makes me miss the version of myself I was a few years ago, makes me reflect on all the things I could have done and said but never did. It makes me realise my regrets and makes me tear up, yet I keep coming back to this heart warming song over and over again.
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So there you go, these are all the songs I've gathered for now. I would like to make this a monthly or even a weekly thing, depending on whether you guys would like such posts from me.
Thankyou for reading. ♡
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aozzora · 5 years
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It isn't every day you get to see a sleepy Shinobu, do you? You're welcome.
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