aphakiia · 6 years
&&. Interesting
He was fast, but Aku seemed to smirk a little as he took note rashomon tasted a little of his blood “you really should have kept walking.”
Suddenly he froze up, a shudder running through his body, something didn’t feel right, a sensation he had not felt since Dazai had left the mafia.
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Rashomon dispersed, quickly returning back to it’s owner as Aku’s eyes glanced back over at Danny, an ability user?
“What… What have you done to me?” his voice came out in a harsh whisper, he wanted to get to him, to strangle him but he couldn’t move, it was like the same feeling the one time Dazai just shot at him but this time Rashomon wasn’t protecting him.
He dropped to his knees, breathing heavy as a hand went over his face, but all Danny could see was glaring hollow eyes.
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“I’ll kill you…”
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          “ Your eyes...they’re so hollow. You’re so beyond damaged                that you hold no more emotion...yet at the same time,                so much emotion bubbles deep within you. ”
He should be running...but this...this was different. Such hollow, empty eyes...a person who lost so much, who can no longer grasp onto regular human emotions. Daniel had seen these cases so many times as a psychiatrist but this...this was intense. 
He looked down at him, his ability still active. Who knew what kind of things he’d have the other feel. Intense fear? Fear beyond your wildest imaginations? Fear that alters how you start to see things. A crooked smile found itself on his features. When was the last time he was able to use his ability like this? He was constantly just using it to make people numb. To make useless, depressed bastards stop feeling disgusting. 
Now, he held someone strong at the end of a string. He remembered just how terrifying his ability could be on another’s mind, causing him to chuckle.
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          “ Kill me, maybe you will...I have a feeling you’re a rather                terrifying individual. I wonder if I’ll have a lasting impression. ”
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. suicidal man
   — Dazai growled and took the rope off his neck. Oh sure, he had forgotten that there were cameras everywhere in that damn city. He should have gone back to the river. But he did not feel like drowning in the water, he preferred the rope. Oh c’mon.
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     ❝ I’m going to stop because of the damn cameras, happy now?! Good then. ❞
He started untying the rope from the branch and after that he came down from there. He was not going to leave that rope there, he had paid for it with his money. He would have to find another tree now. He ended up sighing.
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          “ Seems fair enough for me. ”
He closed the window and then stepped out of the building. He wasted his time trying to stop a suicide attempt. That man though...he didn’t seem to be at his last limb or anything. He was acting as if this was an average occurrence. Had he failed so many times that he was just numb to it? It made him curious...oh well. That man would be gone soon correct? Then he had nothing to worry about. 
Just another depressed civilian in the city of Yokohama. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. Monster
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=Stomps his leg down to send a wave of pain through his body, oh ya, he felt himself come back with that, now…for the man who did that to him, just didn’t have to look right?
“Run little cat….but you can’t hide from the WOLF” giving off a laugh. you might think you got away, but its not over, he’ll let you think it is, and pop up when you least expect it…
So go ahead, enjoy your walk, he’s in the mood for a good SLAUGHTER.
He ran a good distance, huffing as he caught his breath for a moment. He wasn’t really athletic, so having to do something like this was tiring. He glanced around, checking the area for the other. Would he be after him? Danny cursed to himself before looking at his surroundings. He’d have to go into a populated area, but he didn’t know where to go from here...
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          “ I’ll have to find someplace safe...I don’t trust that thing. ”
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
Placing his hand down back to his side he let out a sigh, he can’t catch a break today huh? Mori wanted some big named politician blown up who had been causing problems for the mafia, he had been working under the mafia in the goverment but lately had been getting to big for his boots and Mori grew tired of it.
Now he had to go deal with a rat problem, a group of thugs had been stealing shipments from the ports, Aku had to go and dispose of them.
He turned on his heels before he meet face to face with the guy he moved by quickly “…” His alarm bells were ringing, he had seen his face, he could tell the other knew what he had done, it was an act quick kind of thing.
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Black like blades shot out from his clothing, the points aiming for the other man, he was just another kill to Aku, nothing more and nothing less, just a clean up job.
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Another ability user. Those black like blades, they felt familiar. Had he heard of this man somewhere before? Danny saw them coming at him so quickly, he had to respond. He moved out of the way, feeling a few of them scrape his coat and his cheek. There was no getting out of this. He would have to use his ability. 
Danny collected himself, looking the other in the eyes. His gaze wasn’t tired, but intense. 
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          “ Eye of The Beholder! ”
Fear, paranoia, anything like that. His concentration was nearly head splitting, realizing the intensity of things. He didn’t leave just yet, for he had to be certain the other had been affected properly by his ability. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
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=Hearing him speak he was lost for the moment, before he could answer the man tho he was  hit with a wave of pure panic, “ah….AH” jumping away from the man and grabbed at his face, claws digging, he’s scared, why was he scared, he’s….breaking.
Gritting his teeth he took his hand and stabbed himself in the leg to, eyes snapping shut, it was his attempt to get himself to calm down, breathing heavy….
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He took this chance to run, leaving the other in his state. He didn’t want to be around long enough, and it seemed he had enough sense to try and break himself out of it. Stabbing yourself to get yourself out of a panic...that man, he was quite scary. It almost put a grin on his face. 
What a monster. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
   — Dazai was going to jump but raised an eyebrow when he heard the man and sighed with annoyance. Oh come on, now he could not commit suicide there because he was going to have some trouble? He did not care about that, if he dies that was it.
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    ❝ Why would you get into a trouble? Just do as you didn’t see me and they will leave you alone. Can I die now? ❞ 
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          “ Easy to say, though there are security cameras in                this building. I’m afraid you’ll have to get down now. ”
He looked at the setting sun, eyes tired and dull. A sigh escaped from his lips and he looked back over at the suicidal man. He didn’t wish to go over there, but if the other was going to be reluctant and an issue, Danny would have to. 
          “ I don’t wish to create more of a hassle and go out to stop you,                but if that’s the scenario you want to create I’ll have to. ”
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
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=“The thing you just saw, you’d do best to forget you ever saw it, i don’t want no trouble with cops more then i have.” inching those killer talons closer to flesh, poking at the skin, “And don’t lie….i hate liars.” moving around the man to face him, he wanted an honest answer here.
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          “ I really wish to leave. I have no issue with whatever                act you were doing. If you don’t mind... ”
Daniel realized the advantage he had now. He looked the killer in his eyes, making direct eye contact. His gaze was dull, someone who was bored with life and was just moving along normally. 
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          “ Eye of The Beholder. ”
With their gaze locked, his ability was activated. He concentrated hard, filling thoughts of paranoia, manipulating the others mind to that of a panicked state. He could of filled it with a sense of euphoria, but he didn’t care. This man was threatening to kill him, so he wouldn’t be kind. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
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Hollow and emotionless eyes just glared back him as the sound of the other clicking his tongue echoed.
“Watch where you’re going” he muttered before placing a hand over his mouth and coughing slightly, a brief case being held in his other hand as he moved by him quickly.
After a few minutes there seemed to be a loud explosion, car alarms blaring and people screaming before Akutagawa reappeared, looking calm as he strode past the other, the suitcase that was with him before was now missing.
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“It’s done” he spoke outloud but most likely speaking to someone in an ear piece “yes, I’ll return for the next mission.”
When they had made contact, Danny had given himself a moment to rest against a wall. Though the events that occurred so swiftly...even he was thrown off. He stared off into the direction of the explosion, blinking as the younger individual strode past him with ease. This...
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Danny was fully aware of what this man did. 
He turned around, staring at him...in shock? Awe? He didn’t know exactly what he felt. He had never been in a situation like this. The missing briefcase which held proof of his act, the way he was speaking to someone, this man...he was definitely the culprit. He was also so void of emotion...a ruthless killer. 
What could he do? He just found himself staring, lips parted slightly as if he were going to say something but he just couldn’t find the words. 
What a hassle. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
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=He saw…so Zacks going to do what he can to follow this man and make sure he doesn’t make….questionable choices,  looming over from the rooftop once he had caught up, honestly he’s just debating if he should go back down and end his life the same he did for that other guy.
“……” Why not a mix of both. 
Hopping down he grabbed the man from behind and put his claws to his throat, “don’t make a sound or i’ll tear your throat out right here and now.” he growls.
It all happened so suddenly. Danny’s breath hitched when he was grabbed. He didn’t move, but he didn’t feel fear. Claws...was this some sort of ability? Danny glanced down at them, and then stared forward, eyebrows furrowed with slight irritation. 
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          “ ...Fair enough, suppose I won’t then. ”
He just wanted to go home. Of course this had to happen. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
   — Dazai was next to a tree, with a rope in his hands. He was preparing it to be able to hang himself. Once he prepared the rope, he climbed the tree and approached to the lower branch to tie it. Once bound, he looked up and saw someone looking at him from a window. He just smiled and waved, as if what he was doing was the most normal thing in the world.
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Finally, he decided to put the rope around his neck, he only needed to jump.
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          “ ...huh? ”
Daniel was more thrown off by the fact the other was making a suicide attempt right next to an occupied building. Opening the window, he didn’t seem to make much of a fuss, keeping calm for he’d heard and seen many attempts in his life...along with the completed results. His words were soft, as he’d done this many times. 
          “ Ah- sir I believe you can’t do that here. I’d prefer you                didn’t anyways, for I could get into some trouble.                How about you get down from there. ”
Yes, he saw it. So he’d be held responsible for not stopping this man. How tiring. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
&&. ???
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=Flicking blood from his hands he was on his way home when he noticed he wasn’t alone, come on he just killed a bad man and now he’s gonna get caught and reported? Dazai was not going to like that.
So assuming the man didn’t notice him he bent down and lept back with his inhuman strength and grabbed the edge of a roof, lifting himself up with ease, But just to make sure he checked to make sure that man hadn’t been watching. 
only after completing his action- 
After hurrying away, he stopped again once he thought he heard something. He looked around, blinking. He took this moment to think about what he just saw. A...no it couldn’t have been that correct? He didn’t feel so sorrowful for the victim in question if that was what he saw. Death was never a question in his mind, not feeling sorry for anyone who found themselves unlucky. 
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          “ I guess I’d be an eye witness hm...oh well, it’s not my issue.                Getting myself concerned in this would be troublesome...                I don’t even know if that’s what I saw... ”
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aphakiia · 6 years
@mxfixdcg (  bsd verse  )
It was night, Danny was restless. For some reason there was something bothering him and he had to leave his apartment for a walk. He could still hear the bustling sound of people traversing the city at night, the chattering, the lights of shops. Most importantly, the moon was at its fullest, shining it’s white light down on him and the streets. He left the bustling streets and headed into an area that was quiet, the only thing to be heard were soft chirps of crickets and water dripping from somewhere. 
When turning a corner though, he felt his shoulder roughly bump into another persons, making him catch his breath for a moment. 
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          “ A-ah- excuse me.. ”
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aphakiia · 6 years
@dcmonicprcdigy (  bsd verse  )
The little office he worked at was empty. No patients as the sun began to set, the only thing to be heard was the ticking of the clock. He began to clean up, tired after dealing with the usual patients. Once done, he began to clear out, putting on his coat as he left the office. 
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          “ ...Hm? ”
Glancing over, he thought he spotted something once outside. A...man? He took a closer look. What was he doing?
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aphakiia · 6 years
@mors-resistis  (  bsd verse  )
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          “ What to do... ”
Daniel wandered the streets, thinking. His work was done, and he was heading to his small apartment to rest. Wanting to get home without incident though, he decided to go down a route that was void of watching eyes, and was a quick escape home. Long strides led him into the alleyways, where small run down shops could be seen. Not a lot of people were here, which was fine with him. 
Though glancing to the side, he spotted a rather odd individual...who was that? For some reason, Danny felt...off about him? He squinted, stopping for a moment to see just what he was doing. Wasn’t he trying to avoid confrontation? Ah, yeah, he better hurry up and move along.  
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aphakiia · 6 years
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          &&. Like this for a bsd verse starter for Danny!
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aphakiia · 6 years
A simple psychiatrist (  verse ;; bungou stray dogs  )
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Daniel Dickens is a psychiatrist working in Japan. He moved from England to work in Japan, known for his good work. He works in a little office, and is normally sent specific people to check up on, working well with heavily depressed, manic, and paranoid individuals. He appears as a regular psychiatrist though, no one questioning his methods. It’s said he’s very good at helping patients recover, and when asked his methods he simply states he’s good at what he does. 
Danny has an ability, but he keeps it secret for the most part. [ Eye of the Beholder ] When making direct with someone, he can thus activate Eye of the Beholder, which allows him to manipulate specific emotions. He can put a user through a sense of false euphoria, making them numb and void, yet not happy or sad. He can also make someone feel paranoid, a sense of dread, angry, and in specific cases based on personality, bloodlust. 
With his patients, he puts a through select few through the euphoria sense, and with enough times, they default to that emotion without the use of Danny’s ability, showing that if he can trick the brain into feeling that enough they can hold that emotion forever. 
He works for no one, and simply traverses the city doing his own work, looking for something to live for...to fill his meaningless and boring life. 
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aphakiia · 6 years
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oh my god he fuckin’ dead. 
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