aplanetarymind · 1 year
No matter how progressive or well-read you are, there are always going to be moments in your life where somebody pushes back against something that's so culturally ingrained you never even considered it before. And you'll say "Huh, it never occurred to me to challenge this but you're right" and that doesn't mean you were "morally toxic" before, it means you're a non-omniscient human capable of growth.
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
I'm reading a paper that talks about how in sappho 31 she pays very little attention to the man whereas in catullus 51 he can't quite seem to let him go, and while I understand the point being made about male rivalry. I also can't help thinking this is exactly what you get when a bi guy translates a lesbian's poetry aldhjskdf
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
No matter how progressive or well-read you are, there are always going to be moments in your life where somebody pushes back against something that's so culturally ingrained you never even considered it before. And you'll say "Huh, it never occurred to me to challenge this but you're right" and that doesn't mean you were "morally toxic" before, it means you're a non-omniscient human capable of growth.
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
oh yes i know of him. not in the sense that i am familiar with his work but i have seen my mutuals make insane and nonsensical comments about him. so
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
people are absolutely EVIL about the boundaries of “picky eaters”. no, they do not have to try it. yes, they can know they don’t like it without having eaten it before. no, they probably have not suddenly grown a taste for the food they’ve said they hate. no, they probably are not going to like it in the Special Way This One Place Cooks It. yes, you are being a bad friend if you try to “trick” them into eating it anyway
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
Who wrote the themes section of the poetry table on Catullus’ Wikipedia?????? I am in love
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Anyway tag yourself I’m everyone deceives themselves
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
So, there's apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people's bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored "be sure to recycle your bottles!" or "ban glitter!" campaigns and remind everyone: It's fishing nets. It's fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets. Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets. The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The "trash islands" are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment. Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
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aplanetarymind · 2 years
“Many young Americans think that to know themselves they need to find themselves, and they hold the naive belief that if they could just strip off everyday life like layers of an onion they would reach their true core, unadulterated by other people’s expectations and the distractions of a fastpaced world. They believe that they have a true core, an essence, and that it sits inside of them waiting to be discovered, and that once they find it they will know whether they ought to be a doctor or a lawyer or a philosophy professor. Sometimes these young people go to Europe and work their way through Mediterranean countries picking grapes, confident that their true self will emerge somewhere en route to Italy. But people who believe that the self is like an onion and their true self is its core have not spent much time in the kitchen. Peel an onion down to its core and all you will find is air. You are not an untouched core. You are and will become the sum of your commitments, your choices—moral, intellectual, and practical—they amount to much the same thing in the end. To find yourself, don’t dig under the surface of your life. Look at what you actually do, at what you come to care for, at what you fight to defend. Look at the small choices you make every day in the classroom, in the way that you read and interpret and argue, and the big choices will sort themselves out by themselves.”
— 2003 - Tanya Luhrmann | Aims of Education | The University of Chicago (via logicandgrace)
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
this is an anti british royal family blog. i hope all the commonwealth remove them as head of state and they're forced to give all their wealth back to where they stole it from. likes charge reblogs cast
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
You’ve been hit by 🔪
You’ve been struck by 🔪
A Roman Senator 🔪🔪🔪
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
the difference between romantic love and platonic love is mostly intent
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
you heard of the academic icarus, now get ready for:
Academic Achilleus: your argument is pretty indisputable and strong- except for that one weak spot that could take it (and you) to the grave.
Academic Ulysses: you are soooo close to your conclusion but somehow something always leads you astray. you have been writing this paper for what feels like 10 years. the gods are against you
Academic Sisyphus: You have deleted and rewritten this paragraph numerous times. it still does not work out. you delete it again.
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
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You can only reblog this today.
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aplanetarymind · 3 years
tumblr university is OUT tumblr monastery is IN brother tumblrinus is painstakingly copying out the most interesting prev tags on a manuscript of vergil until the abbot calls him out for not making his proto-gothic script accessible enough and also for his heresies
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