aplanterofthought · 5 years
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Language, semantics, etymology...
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aplanterofthought · 5 years
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It’s been a year since I’ve sat down and typed like this..all my previous posts are pretty new agey-but i dont care enough to delete them.
 I’ve been thinking a lot about each of our dual natures. Our feminine and our masculine. Our moon and our sun. balancing the two---The left hand path is our spiritual, our inner light, our intuition. The right hand path is our material, our external light, our logic. In our physical lives, tuition is something we use to gain knowledge in Universities, through a degree...a course. In our spiritual lives, intuition is something we use to gain knowledge of our Universe, 360 degrees, a source....My focus is balancing the two, respectfully. Symbolically, these are the hands in prayer. The two come together in front of the heart in solidarity. im a little obsessed with understanding the science to it all----best described by people like George Gurdjeiff, Rudolf Steiner, Ouspensky, Mark Hedsel, and Boris Mouravieff and a ton of others. 
I think we feed the moon.  We are not “sun food”, because the sun doesn’t take. The moon acts as a magnet...It pushes and pulls. Inhales and exhales? Inhales a specific energy and exhales a certain “power”  or “command” that keeps the mechanical aspects of us in order. Which is Gurdjeiffs whole gig.  Fourth Way initiate, Rodney Collin explained that, “because our body was largely made of water and the moon pulls on water to create the ocean tides, our bodies are made to move in similar but more complicated ways through hydraulic principles”. Gurdjeiff explains the moon as pretty much an earth baby, that its a developing planet still in a type of cosmic womb connected to the earth via an etheric umbilical chord and that in life on earth, organic beings feed energy through this chord with unprovoked emotional turmoil and unconscious psychological suffering. Pre-meditated spiritual warfare is something interesting to consider, maybe we are intentionally influenced by corruption that easily feeds our undisciplined lower natures, creating a devastating spiritual divide within ourselves and consequently manifesting that imbalance through wars choreographed by elitists.  I wonder how the admitted dumping of aluminum into our atmosphere to “deflect the sun’s radiation” plays into all of this. It’s interesting to think about the role of “light” in developing countries, more specifically the SOURCE of that light. And how this effects our relationship to our moon. Before electricity, our lives went dark when the sun descended. And something beautiful happens then.......
A little bit of sun and moon-
The sun -male- It’s entire energy is all giving, all illuminating, selfless, healing. I’ve read that those closest to, or whom have reached “enlightenment”, not only appear brighter as en entity, but actually communicate with the Sun energetically. They resonate the same healing frequencies. Rudolf Steiner teaches that beings who reach this point can either chose to reincarnate on earth to become a teacher to others, or ascend to the sun. a being who’s energy is overwhelmingly in accord with logic, is less in touch with their intuition. They are more consumed by matter than spiritual, by action than non action. You hear people call materialistic people shallow because large bodies of water is a deeply rooted symbol for our consciousness. (Could the physical earth be an emanation of our “collective” spiritual awakenings? Land vs water? Maybe the mass of water is a symbol for how little we understand about our consciousness?) People in the extreme of logic may have no connection to the spirit, deny any existence of spirit at all. I’m not saying i think “enlightened beings” are materialistic. Enlightenment sounds like a fine inner alchemy, and becoming an entity which no longer takes energy, but becomes a beacon of light...to help save those who have forgotten their silence, or forgotten their voice. They become the light that guides us back to our center.
On the other hand, the moon, representing our intuition/imagination/creative/sensual feminine sides, is (as is the point) equally important. With the absence of light, we are forced to develop our intuition. Without the light of an exterior world, or the use of our external eyes/sight we see through our in-site. Our third eye?  This is how we sense danger, how we develop our inner voice, our relationship to ether/astral planes, communication with our “spirit guides”/our clairvoyance...our senses that are directly effected by the non-physical realms. Is our intuition 1 sense? or a multitude of senses. 
Just the same, spiritually “addicted” people, have little or no interest or relationship to their material lives, or the material world. If ones attention is left leaning, they will lack attachment or concern to the physical world....physical life, nature, or their duties as people in a physical world. The in between, specifically exactly in between, are those who have chosen the middle way. Jesus found the middle way. So did Buddha. This is Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature. To find the middle way is to balance both sides. We are here on earth, our experience is human, and that experience is of dual nature. Masculine and Feminine. The inner and the outer. The receiving and the giving. The action and non action, the doing and not doing, the being and not being. Actor, and the audience. The is and the isn't. 
Back to life before electricity, how about life before fire? I read something outstanding about fire and language that ill write about in my semantics/etymology post. But how has artificial light effected our spiritual evolution? The sun goes down and our lights go on. An enormous amount of darkness has no longer become an issue for peoples in developed countries. Its the shadows that question our logic. The shadows that define our strengths and fears, its an absolute yin and yang--this entire thing. Some of us are so disconnected to nature simply by working inside during the day, and staying in our homes during the night. Not only has our relationship to nature been fractured, our relationship to the darkness is ironically fading into it’s own shadow...the dark side of darkness. the dark side of the moon? And this is where i think a very abstract personality of the moon develops. What if the moon had it’s own yin and yang? And what if our emotional states, as a human race, were feeding into it’s own imbalance? 
In these mystery schools, some talk about the moon being a kind of cosmic “house cleaning”, and that without its’ absorption of our toxic emotions/energy....earth would become a spiritual wasteland. Rudolf Steiner explains that the moon used to be apart of the earth, and in fact the sun did as well....Since I, personally, have doubts about the physical reality of space and our galaxy the way we are taught...I lean more toward the expression that these planets are energetic realms, aspects of our emotions that we resonate with, and perhaps even tune in and out of  “alternate universes”, depending on how disciplined and balanced our energy centers within our bodies are. Steiners work is extremely complex and I have only breached his teachings, so I cant speak at length (yet) why exactly the sun and moon separated from earth. But to imagine these entities physically being united at one point, and then physically separating is odd...and a little difficult....how ever, it feels more likely to me, that the energetic separation could represent our stage of evolution. And since an emanation is a male and female product of something that is androgynous---it would make sense that the moon and sun would be that product. When the sun separated from earth, it was the BIRTH of the sun, the birth of light, the first time man saw himself, as well as his surroundings, thus developing is relationship to them. This was the birth of EGO. Because man saw HIMSELF for the first time. Maybe this was when we went from MAN (emanation/E-MAN-NATION/energy man/A Nation of energetic man) to a Human/HUE-MAN, a man of color/light being the source of color.  ----And the moon separated as well to function as some kind of dwelling for the aspect of ego that serves as a different kind of evolution.
does the moon have its own balance, and does the collective emotional bank of the human race offset it’s pendulum by the etheric feeding during our human experience? 
The moon used to have a different role, i believe it used to be a different teacher...or perhaps we have willed ourselves into a different student...back when we lived in sync with its cycles, we understood the nature of the moon, because it made us understand the nature of ourselves. We connected with it, and like the sun giving life to a plant through its light in the sky, it gave life to our inner growth through its’ glow in the night. But like all things, the further we separate ourselves, the less we understand it. And the less we understand something, the more fearful we become of it, and the more fearful we become of something, the more powerful does that something become. And the stronger that illusion, the tighter the chains that enslave us. The moon is no longer our teacher, like it used to be. It’s source of darkness, of shadows that frighten us, of cold winds that play tricks on our senses-used to sharpen our intuition, we’ve almost abandoned that side of us.  The artificial light in our lives has created a bizarre shift of consciousness.
How can we reconnect with our divine feminine? 
Spend more time outside in the dark. Go to bed an hour before you get tired and be alone with your thoughts. Meditate. Think more! Dont let steal creativity. Write more. Find ways to engage your intuitive side, search online ways to sharpen your intuition. Start noticing synchronicities, dejavus, start analyzing your dreams. Start to dissect your fears, our fears are just projections of the conflicts we have internally. Understand your relationship to things sensually. Find the comparisons with your inner and outer nature. Make the connections. Practice self discipline. Discipline will strengthen your connection to your spirit, because your only weakness is your mind. 
I think we’ve lost touch of our feminine, we have lost control/understanding and power over those energies and given them to the moon..i think there’s a much larger picture that’s happening to our evolution and perhaps our increasing abandonment of our spiritual side is creating a large shift of energy toward the moon. 
But there is also theories that the moon is a satellite, man made, or a hologram. I dont rule anything out. This was just one that i’ve explored most. Some old initiations of mystery schools required students to sacrifice a pig, where the ocean meets the land, under the moon. And obviously we have all heard about full moon sacrifices, even today. The old initiation that i read about, were to symbolize sacrificing the flesh/lower nature part of ourselves to the God’s of the underworld,, and giving our spirits to the moon. 
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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Our thoughts are our mantras. Our focuses are our mantras. Our dwellings, our daydreams, our fantasies and our obsessions are our mantras. The idea of the mantra is to repeat a phrase or sound of higher frequency as a way to manifest it into your life. It’s difficult not to think of what is hurting you, or the troubles of your day or life as you see it. As you see it is your mantra. As you see it is our meditation. Thus as it remains. Finding the “silver lining” is more than just looking on the bright side, it’s literally making the best out of our situation. This can be such a difficult pattern to acquire and stay on top of, but it is vital to our happiness. Be conscious of your mind, its thoughts. Take control, and use your perspective and imagination to guide yourself to a life of transcendence. Our bodies are our mudras. And with the two of them aligned, we are able to communicate clearly to the Divine within. Remember that you have control, use your will. Use your intent, and let the weight of your worries fall to the ground, below our feet, and honor their lessons as they are what keeps us grounded.
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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Once upon a time in China there was a farming family. They were sitting down for dinner one night when the son walked in late. “Why are you late for dinner?” They asked. “I was outside helping the wheat grow.” The next morning they went outside and all the wheat plants were dead. The son grabbed each stock and pulled them up a little. To help them grow. The soul is much like the plant, in that every single step in its growing process is perfect-and as it should be. 
This made me think of attachment and importance. As we get older our experiences can teach us some beautiful lessons, if we let them. I think if there is a person or place or thing that we can attribute our wisdom to, we do so–as almost a means to keep it near. And honor its role in our life. To remind us “this” was a turning point. “This” changed my life. “This means more to me than anything”, “this taught me so much”. Like a keepsake. We know the feeling of losing those keepsakes. They are a representation of leaps taken in our lives. 
But none of it matters, if all of what came before, hadn’t come in exactly the right sequence as it had. 
We can hear a great shaman speak of his life, or a zen master speak of the essence of emptiness. Or a Buddha teach of enlightenment—and their words may be music to our ears, but we don’t gain wisdom from their words, insight maybe. Wisdom is not a product of schooling but a product of life. 
In my experience, it’s only after life Has happened, in its absolute perfect order, that hearing a master speak can touch my soul. Because he doesn’t teach me anything, rather helps make clear what I already know. The moments when I hear the Essence of an epiphany spoken in words, only moves me if the epiphany has already occurred within me. 
To me, wisdom isn’t acquiring knowledge, but shedding illusion. Wisdom is that shattering of that illusion and in its place is the light. 
Like a Jenga game! We slowly remove many blocks of wood until that last one brings the whole house down. That last piece is the matured wheat plant. 
That last piece is our keepsake.
But its no more important than each we pulled before it. What if we pulled the last block first? No 1 anything means more. No 1 person deserves a pedestal. Love it all equally. Thus avoiding value. Thus avoiding keepsakes. Thus avoiding importance. Thus avoiding suffering due to a lack of any. We lack nothing. We are nothing and everything all at once.
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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If the desire to receive recognition for achievement threatens the integrity of science, which totally is the case. What else in our lives are we sacrificing honest integrity for a desire to be recognized? I think it goes without saying that many of us engage in acts of kindness, or generosity, or some kind of sport (not in athletic sense) so that we can achieve recognition for it. Does it matter if our intentions are a bit selfish? Does this create some kind of unrealistic demand for exchange? Can we be good without people knowing it? What else are we threatening by our need for a simple recognition? I think, if nothing, we are threatening a sort of sense of self worth, especially if we ARENT recognized, and we have put so much importance on that. However if it's not us, that we blame, than just as tragically--it's the other party. Are we measuring the "worth" of another person, for example, (and the importance of our relationship to them) based on our interpretation of their inability (or ability) to affirm our actions or gestures via recognition? .
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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I’ve been listening to my most adored, Alan Watts, a lot lately. And he said something that so totally sparked a light in me. He said we don’t hold our breath, if we always held on to our breath it would make life unbearable. We know if we let it go, another will come.
It’s so hard to explain what this made me feel. But it’s something we do at every moment, breathe. And we hardly recognize it.
I’ve spend as much time as I can focusing on my breathe, all day. As a way to keep me present and prevent my thoughts from wandering too far. But I never even considered how automatic it is. I mean I have, but not in the sense that I’m trying to say.
It really puts a different spin on life for me. Is my point.
Every moment is every thing in the universe, happening just then. And then it’s gone and then the next comes. It’s very oceanic.
Vinyasa flow yoga teaches that the breathe is the thread that ties it all together.
We don’t worry much about what our breaths will be like 2 years from now, when we’re older, we don’t contemplate past breaths, or feel this one is more important than the others. Or that one breath 10 years ago…. Holding on is not only absurd, but self inflicted misery.
If we thought of breaths as so individually unique, then we’d lose sight of the present breath, by recalling the importance of a passed. But if we knew, like we do- that they are simply breaths, then we would just live with them, non-contemplative –as we do.
When I focus on my breath, I am able to witness my actions. My mind is clear, my focus is on my breath, but not my thoughts, and I am able to watch myself move throughout my day. To observe the recognizing of my movements. Im grateful to have a job that allows me the opportunity to be present, without too much distraction. I really do so many intricate little tiny things in every moment. They are all their own breath.
It’s just too cool
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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To follow a path faithfully. You cannot be faithful to two teachers whom teach in contrast to one another. And how can we appreciate that which falls between? How can we appreciate that which we deny its fullness? To deny it partially is to deny it totally, because to resist it’s truth-is to resist our trust in it—and how can we appreciate something that we do not trust?. We can only chose; spirit or ego. I had a dream - I fell asleep asking why I was in pain. My dream answered I cannot exist between, I have to commit fully, to the spirit. To deny my spirit at all, is to deny spirit entirely. I cannot learn from my ego and appreciate my spirit at the same time. We do not get to have the best of both worlds. To live here would be to live under disorder and chaos, apprehension and illusion, fear. Constant pulling. If I want to appreciate love, I have to accept it fully. I do not get to decide which parts of love serve me best, while discarding the others. Because I cannot separate love. I can only have it entirely, or not at all.
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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"It takes great learning both to realize and to accept the fact that the world has nothing to give. What can the sacrifice of nothing mean? It cannot mean that you have less because of it. There is no sacrifice in the world’s terms that does not involve the body. Think a while about what the world calls sacrifice. Power, fame, money, physical pleasure; who is the “hero” to whom all these things belong? Could they mean anything except to a body? Yet a body cannot evaluate. By seeking after such things the mind associates itself with the body, obscuring its identity and losing sight of what it really is."
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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When we have reached a point in our lives that we recognize change is necessary, it is usually due to some pretty obvious circumstance, or years worth of struggling with an attachment. Or something we are consistently not co-existing with ease..
A behavior or belief or disbelief even. A habit. A damaging thought system. It’s bizarre to think of how hard it is letting go and accepting dismantling it from your life. If you are a spiritual person you probably believe in reincarnation, in which case we have an eternity, If we chose, to try anything we want. To experience anything we want. So why is EXPERIMENTING with change…for even 6 months, or 5,10 years— so hard to wrap our minds around? We seek change because our current relationship to that which we’re struggling with, has served us no good!! We should feel excited that we have the opportunity to release its power on us! It’s never a waste of time to try something new—we have an eternity❤ And if we find that by the end of sincere effort..that we’d rather go back to our old ways, (which won’t be the case) then we can! We can. We can chose to do anything we like. We can chose to make a commitment to ourselves, and our spirit, to grow. To challenge ourselves. To seek higher living. Better living. Better ways. Better thoughts. What are we so afraid of losing? Our identity? If it’s our identity we are so attached to….why not identify with love ?
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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I think she might be my dream dog❤
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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Shifting From one potential self to another—if you view every decision you make as you NOW choosing from a number of parallels which one you’d like to be in. You’d always chose the happier parallel, right? You can either chose to do everything exactly the same and remain on the same path of thoughts (becoming things), thus nothing changing… or you could shift over to a realm of more intentional effort, one where you CHOSE, rather than allow the gravity of our future moments to continue to pull us through the same path. When you see your life as a series of decisions, you can even decide to create more opportunity to exercise more decision making. And just remind yourself, “I am choosing to be better”, and so you do. Tiny shifts toward a more positive you-can really end up bringing you places you’d never be if you hadn’t chosen to be. Just see every potential as a new life, and see every new life as a decision and see every decision as a conscious choice…..very fun to think of it this way ❤ 
 To quote a favorite quote of my sweet mans, “Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around”. You tell em lady!!
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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A few weeks ago I decided to try something new. I work in a large building where I see probably 200 people a day. And because of my shy nature I don’t usually make much of a connection with these people. Not even a “Hello”, I noticed. But I did notice the nice feeling I would get when a familiar face said “Hello” to me! And I wanted to be that source of spontaneous joy for others. So I started to say Hi to everyone I passed. “Good morning!”, or “Good afternoon!” With a big smile. At first I was noticeably awkward because it was so out of the ordinary for me. But now I am really enjoying it! And I find that  with all of the people I pass, the more smiling I am doing in my day! If all I could do in 1 day, was make 20 people feel good because of 1 moment of kindness shared with each of them...than I think that is time well spent. Creating a moment for an exchange in happy passings, is worth it! Every person you run into is another opportunity to engage in positive action. Now I want to say “Hello!” and smile to everyone. I think this is something that may have lost its place in our modern, busy lives. So much so that by doing it, can really catch a person off guard, and even inspire them to do the same :) I know it inspired me!!. 
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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I have a fun exercise :)
Imagine you have the opportunity to meet your spirit –as if it was separate from you…and you could asked them what it is that they love most about their experience here. Now imagine they reveal to you the feeling of a beautiful story, one that fills your heart with the intuit expression of a human to human exchange of love. A story that makes you feel their own expression and interpretation of a deep and meaningful bond between a mother and child, or a man and his dog. Or two lovers devotion to one another.
Or maybe they show you a dripping landscapes of beautiful abstract bright colors, and within it there are still scenes of children meeting the ocean for the first time, or an aged man peacefully pruning his garden. Or schools of fish hidden in the deep sea, paused in flashes of colour for you to observe in stillness, their own expression of what has made them most grateful for this lifetime. 
Or maybe when you ask them what they love most, you start to hear a song. And it resonates through your whole body. The hair on your arms stand up and you are able to feel through its vibrations, the exact feelings that encompass your spirits deepest admiration   for its life here. 
Are you the writer? Or the painter? Or the musician? Are you a gardener, or a chef, or a designer. Are you a mentor, a carpentor, or a song writer? We all have an outlet. We all have those moments when we feel connected to something bigger, moments that we feel inspired to communicate something from within us, and a medium that we use to express that with. 
This is our spirit. This is us connecting to US. Like all of us, when we have found something that moves us deeply, we want to share it! We want to honor it! We want others to know! To feel, to see, to taste. We want to EXPRESS our bond with it, celebrate the connection we’ve made! Our bodies are the channel for our spirits to celebrate their experience here. To release the pain we encounter, and to rejoice in love through creation! We have a message, maybe we have many! We are given the means to harness and share our personal experience of this lifetime. WE ARE INSPIRED, always. We are creatures of expression. Inspired Creatures., In-spirit creators. 
How do we become inspired? 
Our subconscious is not our spirit. Our brain patterns are not our spirit. Are daily routines are not our spirit. Our habitual auto-behaviors are not our spirit. Our subconscious is not the writer, not the painter, not the musician. It tries to be, but it fails, because it’s manifesting from a place of NO LIFE. 
We have to remove ourselves from the routines. Our spirits do not thrive off of repetition, nothing does! When we fall into a life of pattern than we fall into state of auto-pilot. And the only thing driving us is the map of brain cells firing off in the same exact ways theyve been taught to do over and over.
We have to take our bodies to new places, to see new things, to behave in new ways. So that our CONSCIOUSNESS can WAKE UP and connect us with our spirit! Stimulate all of these fun senses we were given, find the birth place of new perspectives, new ideas, new colors, new songs, new tastes! We have to invest in our spirits <3 they deserve to see special things. Because then they are given the chance to tell their story through a painting, or through a song, or through a dance. This is whats really happening when we create and share!! Its an earth filled with spirits saying “look!! This is what I am learning here! What are you learning here?? Holy shit that is SO cool!” We are not just bodies moving around a brain. We chose to be in this body so that we could learn more of our human experience and SHARE and teach with other spirits doing the same thing. THIS is our playground, our school, our study. 
If we want to be inspired, we have to stay in spirit. 
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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A while ago a feeling came to me. It was almost a message, “We cannot learn from past experiences”. The sense in this showed itself to me all at once and all i could see was a massive blur. It was nothing I could articulate then, or even later when i tried to with my boyfriend. But it stuck with me. It’s funny because I am content with the message. I am happy enough to know it. Yet I want so bad to explain it? Why is this? The essence of something is the spirit of it, yet we’re arrogant enough to think we can describe both. You cant teach essence, Stephanie!
But off I go :)
I think to think we learn from an experience can be very misleading. Or maybe it’s more misleading to base what we are learning off of our past experiences.
There is something to be observed at any given moment. In fact simply learning that life is only moment to moment might be the only real beneficial thing to learn. If you think about it, if we just sat quietly and allowed every moment to be our teacher,  the more we would get to know the moment itself, and appreciate the presence of it, rather than spend it focusing on our relationship to the moment, or a memory of a moment in the past or a hypothetical moment in our future. We constantly confuse the moment as a building block for our reality and wind up tracing logic in and out and back and forth through these series of “important” moments, to reference the little structures we’ve created for ourselves. Areas in our mind with safe houses, comfort zones, haunted houses, dead ends. Scary cliffs that we dont dare get too close to. A whole city of neurons that remind us of our reality and what we’ve turned it into. What to stay away from! And what places make us feel good.
But our Neuro-cities arent built with Moments. Moments aren’t memorable, they’re not of mental mass. They’re only stillness, elusive. Its our addiction to collecting! Gotta make every moment count! Otherwise we think we have nothing to show for ourselves….Moments in their organic nature are not agitated by the pulling and manipulating of the mind. The emotions and stories that we bring in to the moments–that’s what we remember, these are what we use to build. And the feelings we bring into a moment can only be feelings manifested by the influence of another feeling. We identify a feeling in relation to another we’ve felt. And we determine those feelings based on our opinion of the experience, and what we think our emotion reactions should be. Influenced HEAVILY on our cultures subversive, overzealous regurgitation of their creepy agenda to keep us consumed with ourselves and our constant pursuit for instant gratification.
So our minds are filled with memories, not moments. They’re filled with beliefs, ideas, fears, judgments, pedestals, lessons, and cravings. All formed around this school of delusional thought…(thought all formed around the past) constant comparison and paring of one experience to another. And whats even crazier –is to think that these experiences we have are in some impossible way, non biased and totally true in nature. As if we’re not interacting with EVERYONE ELSES Neuro-cities.Which look NOTHING like ours…. The opposing stories of people, and who they are, what their mental state is when they come into your life..is all very influential IF you let it be! But if you step back and with a little awareness..observe the chaos of mental and emotional dynamics—then you’ll probably say to yourself, “I would be MAD if I let the hysteria of this experience, really teach me anything of true value!” THATS your lesson.
But when ONE experience, even SLIGHTLY resembles another—we pair them. “These go together”. Even if every other element of it is totally different, INCLUDING, most importantly, the fact that ITS NEW. And we turn into smart little philosophers “I see a pattern here!” Do you? Dont compare the two because NEITHER even posses an emotion! And you cant compare two things which have no contrast to one another. You cant identify one transparent space to another transparent space because you cant IDENTIFY that which is transparent. The only thing you’re comparing is your relationship to the emotion of the experiences according to YOUR perspective.
Ofcourse this doesnt apply to the obvious things in life. I know my stomach doesnt digest greens well, and I know that when i eat them I will get sick.
I know that when it snows its cold. I know that someone has an addiction to negativity so I know I can expect their projection to be negative.
What i mean, are the experiences in life that shape you. The experiences in life which possess the potential to reveal to you the essence of love. To BRING you back to your core, to remind you why everything is worth it. But these beautiful parts of life cant reveal themselves if you if your constantly dressing them up in a costume that you’re certain, because of your past experiences, is what they must really look like.
When we are hungry, and craving food, we go to the grocery store and buy everything that looks good. We’re more vulnerable to making poorer decisions, we buy junk food, or too much food. We throw anything and everything in our cart that looks good. And we over indulge.
When we are content and have control over our cravings, we’re more likely to buy food that is good for us. To buy only whats necessary, and to keep it modest and reasonable.
When we are not very hungry and we eat a slice of pizza, we can appreciate the taste–but its not a remarkable experience.
That same slice of pizza, when we’ve gone too long without eating, can literally taste like the greatest food that’s ever been on the planet.
Dont starve your soul, dont starve your inner peace. Dont create voids within yourself that perpetuate a cycle of misleading consumption. Dont fill your voids with more validating empty space. Rather identify that the void you feel is void of love. Not because its not there,  but because you’re resisting the feeling of it.  
If you want to learn something, get to know the stillness of a moment. It’s filled with peace. Peace is a good friend.
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
Beautiful song!
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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“I am in so many bodies,” Master remarked to me one day, as he returned slowly to body-consciousness, “it is difficult to remember which body I am supposed to keep moving”
-Paramahansa Yogananda
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aplanterofthought · 7 years
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When I decided that I wanted to change. Really change. That I wanted to uproot false beliefs and rewire my thinking patterns. I had to first recognize what in my life was making me feel bad. What, outside of me, was encouraging the same emotional reactions that were of no great service to me. 
Among a list I made was music. I had a really difficult time wrapping my head around this. I…LOVED..music. Sade. Marvin Gaye. Norah Jones. Tears for Fears. The Cure. And an extensive library of others. It took me about a month for me to really accept letting this go. The thought of giving it up made me feel pitiful. Deprived. Lost. Like I was starving my soul. Neglecting some special part in me. The Ego in me was finding every reason to stop myself from doing this. Music in my opinion, or my ego’s opinion rather, was what made me happiest. Was what connected me to my soul. Music was the universe! (And it is….but not the way we know it to be. )
My music was my escape, was my healer, was my shoulder to cry on, was the only thing that understood me, was my confidant, my journal, my long lost love. But WOW was it ruining me. I mean really, really, ruining me. I had aligned myself with exactly the right songs that completely validated my story. Completely validated my feelings. Completely validated my opinions, my beliefs, my IDEAS of love (that one was big) and my IDEAS of pain. My music kept me connected to my family, to my friends. TO MY PAST. And when I say kept me connected, it’s true in every sense. Music made me cry, made me scream, made me MAD, made me feel like an ENORMOUS victim. Music made me dance! That’s good, right?!?!  
Well I said F it. Something in me knows it’s damaging and it’s GONE. I stopped listening to music. I did it. I was so proud. It was a long overdue break. Sometimes when i painted, Id put on a playlist of music i was unfamiliar with…but it all sounded the same…it all made me feel funny. 
I FELT a measurable difference in my life. Measurable. I felt so good, and in moments when i’d really recognize the difference in me, the change in me…i’d play a song in my car..just to observe my bodies reaction to it. Just so I could SEE, since my head was clear..how I would respond. There it all was. So happy to be ALIVE AND SAD again!! All of my ego’s destructive little emotions were doing a dance of wallow. I watched them, and saw how stupid they looked. That feeling was incredible. To see how they used to have such a strong hold on me. So much power over me….I knew this music was toxic. total poison. And those old emotions looked like such an uncontrolled, sloppy, mess. 
I looked into this. I couldn’t believe the difference the absence of this had made in my life! (I also tried to avoid television and movies that depicted love, relationships, family, ect. Which is hard because I live with my partner and we often watch movies—I tried to direct our attention more toward documentaries or Sci-Fi’s—stories that encouraged mental growth rather than revisited emotional stories/comparisons) 
There is a reason this music is toxic. And that’s because it is designed to be.
in 1680, it was discovered that when sound waves move thru a physical medium (air, water, sand, metallic particles, etc.) the frequency of the waves has a direct effect upon the structures which are created by the sound waves as they pass thru that particular medium. If these frequencies were divisible by 3–the patterns would create a geometrically symmetrical pattern.  (Cymatics)
Heres a cool video that shows this  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtiSCBXbHAg
The Rothschild-Rockefellers aka the Devils –funded research studies to determine how musical frequencies might provide a disruptive stimulus to social agitation. To determine which frequencies were capable of producing psycho pathology, emotional distress and mass hysteria.  A Professor named James Tobias researched the Rockefeller Foundation archives and found documented investigations leading to psychological warfare applications of acoustic vibrations. (440 hz—a frequency REMOVED from sacred order and CREATED out of DIS ORDER. An UN NATURAL frequency) Yep. Just let that sink in. 
In 1939, International musical congress declared that the standard tuning for all Western music would be note A440Hz. Which when this frequency passes through matter such as water…creates 0 symmetry. Creates absolute chaos and constant changing unorganized mess. And after repeated exposure (television, movies, radio and ALL western music–yes even modern classical) creates so much dis ease in our minds and bodies that we develop social disorders, depression, anxiety, cancers. Disease, (440 divided by 3 is 146.66666 by the way—an interesting display of the number of the Beast.)
{The significance of 3 by the way is 3 lies between the intelligible world of spirit and the sensible world of matter. 3 represents the Threshold between them–a passageway that LINKS the manifest with the transcendent}
528 (divisible by 3–the sacred trinity) is called the frequency of Love. Pi, Phi, The Golden Ratio, Double Helix, Pyramids Sacred geometry, cosmology and DNA healing as well as the structure of the universe are intimately linked to 528Hz frequency. 528 in Pythagorean math is 6. The number 6 represents the spiraling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth. I also noticed that 528 divided by 3 is 176–which when reduced is a 5–which interestingly enough if linked with the 5th dimension is our spiritual ascension. It just never stops getting cool.  
But this is my point. Dont listen to your same old music anymore. Its poison. Dont listen to the radio. Let it all go…
Our bodies are made up of 80% water, and the electrons in water should ALL spin harmonically determined by 9 core frequencies–”The Perfect Circle”. And if manifesting CHANGE and LOVE–TRANSFORMATION and MIRACLES into you life is important—then find 528Hz music. And just enjoy <3 But here are the others 
1. 174 – reduce pain
2. 285 – influence energy fields
3. 396 – turn grief into joy
4. 417 – facilitate change
5. 528 – transformation & miracles
6. 639 – reconnecting, relationships
7. 741 – expressions/solutions
8. 852 – return to spiritual order
9. 963 – awaken perfect state
I decided to take each of these numbers and reduce them down to their single digit to see if there was a pattern....guess what I found?! 3,6,9,3,6,9,3,6,9 “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
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