apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
filialdecree:                 ♕ — And thus she began, digits removing obstructed raiment and                 such carefully, before proceeding to dap clean cloth around the moist,                 fresh wound. Though she was once a girl who dared not to see blood,                 azure hues of the grown-up beauty fixed upon the injury without a turn                 to the side. This was her brother’s wound, one that she inflicted, one                 that she responsibled for; just like the one she gave him many years                 ago, in a foolish attempt of saving his soul, in a foolish attempt that                 lead her down towards the path of disasterous carmine. Teeth sank                 upon her bottom lip beneath those scarlet-painted pair, however, in                 prevention of unnecessary woes that could escape her lips as she                 faced the damaged lattice of her brother ever so clearly despite the                 lack of sunlight.                 wound by wrapping around his body. Truth be told, handling Shuo’s                 body like this made her felt slightly uncomfortable at first — his                 frame was not of a child anymore, and she had to reach over his                 body quite a lot to wrap around the torso. Seeing toned flesh and                 masculine features upon his body wasn’t a sight she’d imagine                 her little brother to have; he was always so small and slender, no?                 After a small while of struggle (and awkward embarassment),                 her brother seemed to be in a better shape than before. No longer                 dripping reds escaped him, no longer he seemed to be groaning                in pain.                upon her lap. Ah, perfect, just like the olden days.                 A pull of the rolled cloth, then a haste movement of covering up his                      So she carefully moved around, and lifted his head up to rest
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                                ❝ There we go.❞
                How meticulously she moved with soft and tender adjustments to his bloody lesion, his cerulean eyes fixated upon hers. She did not wish to provoke anymore violence nor animosity from him; this he began to realize. With breath and the pace of his heart down to a calm and steady rate, he soon lost all tension and adrenaline surmised from the initial confrontation with his dear sister. He was now a part of Cao Wei again, no longer clandestine to the fabricated name he held from Hua Tuo. She aimed to sympathetically tend to her lost brother and welcome him back into her arms and the arms of Cao Wei, that was right..
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"What will you do of me..? What now, dear sister..?"
Gazing up at the moon, he held halcyon, firm and reticent. Her lap was soothingly soft and she emanated such an aromatic fragrance, that which reminded him of aristocracy and familiar eminence. She had done such a precise task enclosing his wound, so much that discomfort was nonexistent. She was truly talented and confirmed much of the famed rumors he had overheard during his travels. A Princess––No, a Queen.
Blood || Ang & Shuo [apocalypticphoenix]
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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{ ❅ }—Doll-like eyelids fluttered, genuinely surprised at the name by which she had been called. Of all the people to be mistaken for…did this mean that, by chance, he’d met her mother in the past? Or at least, had seen her in the flesh?
Swallowing her hopes back into the cavern of her throat, she regained her posture and met the man’s distant gaze with one of quiet curiosity, attempting to mask her confusion.
"…Sima Yuqing. Yu. That wa-is my name.” It would be rude to comment on how he’d forgotten; it had really been so long ago, after all.
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Ah.. How foolish of me..
She truly resembles her..
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How awkward of him. He never made a mistake and yet.. —Nevertheless, this may have provoked quite the curiosity and number of questions in the young girl. Cheeks turned slightly pink, guilt filled his conscience for such a mistake when he had had quite the number of interactions with Yuqing already. However, that had been so long ago. Such were the days when he had first returned to the Capital, hatred and naive curiosity within his heart. He was a truly freed man now, identity & heart. No longer need he hide behind a false name and wander the land. He had finally become a Cao again. 
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"...I..am—I apologize for not identifying you, Jiaying.."
"How rude and despicable of me.."
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
His ears perked slightly at the sound of her voice, recognizing her almost instantly just by the soft tone of her sound. It had truly been quite some time. He had been off on his travels as usual and had managed to finally make a return to the city. Although they were brief visits, it seemed even many like Lady Xiahou Hui happened to come across him. 
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"Lady Xiahou Hui.. I did not expect to see you of all people" 
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{ ❅ }— "…Oh. It’s been a while, my lord."
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
reblog and fill in the answers you most associate your character to with each question.
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i. animal: Raven 
ii. color: Black
iii. month: October
iv. song: Savior of Song
v. number:  0
vi. day or night: Night
vii. plant:  Ghost Orchid
viii. smell:  Rain or Versace
ix. gemstone: Black Diamond
x. season: Winter
xi. place: Moonlit Cliffside
xii. food: Sashimi
xiii. astrological sign: Scorpio
xiv. element: Water
xv. drink: Water
filialdecree , divinedestroyer and jibunosho
fifteen associations.
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
             There was nothing he could do now. He was detected, cover blown and wounded. He had thought he could fend her off and escape. How foolish was that idea to draw his blade. As a result, he now laid incapacitated. Surely Ang would take him back to the Palace, that one place of horrible memories. Blood, screams and tears were all that dreaded place reminded him of. He should of never decided to return to the Capital. Overconfident, he brushed off the concern of being spotted by the one person who would truly recognize him. But who knew that he would come face to face with her out of the thousands within the capital,
Yet why is she so calm..?
Why is she doing this..?
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He remained still and spoke no word. His eyes fixated upon her pupils, still and straight. How could she have known, he thought to himself. It had been a whole decade since he was declared dead and somehow she knew it was none other than her beloved lost brother, her only full blood brother. Perhaps it was his eyes, a pair among the coldest and brightest of azure eyes within the Cao line, those of the first generation of Cao Cao's offspring. Or perhaps it was in the way he swung his blade at her. Not in how he physically swung the blade, but in the sense of emotions and intent behind every movement that Cao Ang felt. The thought-to-be lost first heir to the Hero of Chaos himself had returned from the dead.
Blood || Ang & Shuo [apocalypticphoenix​]
             ♕ — Uncertainty surfaced the moment his voice entered through her ears, feminine frame frozen in its place. Ah, he was awake, she miscalculated, and now the aristocratic beauty was in a position where her vengeful dearest could have simply slice her midsection — if he could reach his sword, that is. Should she let him go and run away right now, or should she stay a bit longer, perhaps tending to his wounds, then leave him be? Truth be told, she has no desire to leave Shuo behind, but it would be almost impossible to bring him back willingly.
                               And she could not stay here forever either.
              A small sigh escaped her lips quietly as the images of those within the palace arrived into her mind. Bodyguards, maids, and officers panicking at the loss of their princess, her closed one sending out squads to comb the city for any trace of her existence. Surely they would do that, and surely they would have found her eventually if they look hard enough. Many years have passed ever since Shuo’s disappearance, and many changes happened to the remaining half of the duo. She was not a freebird as she was once before, a cheerful sister whom spent most of her time exploring the world with the boy she called little brother — she was now an heiress, a lady with the burden of a grand legacy rested upon her shoulders, the dutiful and loyal daughter of Cao Cao whom fated to protect not only the Lord of Wei, but his people as well.
                              She was a soldier, no longer an innocent soul.
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              ”Because I promised not to leave you behind,” a simple answer was given, embrace loosen before she once more straighten her back and sat up properly. One hand dug into her purse, she searched momentarily and pulled out what seemed to be a bunch of white cloths, possibly used for tending to injuries, "Now don’t question me until I allow you to — We need to tend to your wounds first. Stay still, this will be painful if you don’t."
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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🔷 by 銀pyon
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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{ full ♦ view } by Mikuo-Yada悶油瓶
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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You just try it.
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
The moon shimmering past the falling leaves of the forest
The sole howl of a wolf in the distance
The blouse stained in crimson
The two siblings together once more
The azure eyes illuminating the darkness
                Haze begin to clear his eyes as he came to. His sister's silhouette appeared above him, the moon shining overhead. Panting, he no longer had the strength to resist nor flee from the one person he feared encounter. Cao Shuo peered up at her, her cerulean eyes being the only thing he could see in the moon's cover.
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          "Why..Why did you have to follow me..?"
               Attempting to lift himself off the ground, he pushed. However, he quickly winced and pressure was lost, his arm bruised. With the other hand he kept pressure upon the bloody gash upon his abdomen. Despite his versatility in healing practices, he was in no state to flee again. But suddenly he found himself questioning why. Why did his being dismay at the thought of reunion? Half of him, fueled with curiosity and memories of his childhood, desired to clasp his dear sister into his arms. The other half burned with vindinction, at the scars he still held across his torso, at the loss of their birth mother Lady Liu, at the scorn he held for family line. Conflicted, he shifted his eyes aside, his breath slowly returning to a gentle pace.
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          She's grown to become so beautiful..
Blood || Ang & Shuo [apocalypticphoenix​]
" — We live outside the touch of time. ”
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               ♕ — Reverberation of her footsteps gliding through the niveous earth beneath was perhaps the only company she was blessed with throughout the night, san for the faint fluttering of leaves and collision of small branches. Pale azure scanned throughout the woody terrain frantically, in hopes of finding what was lost before the moonglow evanesce away behind gradually-opaque clouds. A small form of translucent cloud exhaled, transparent breeze inhaled, the maiden bit her bottom lip tightly to prevent fatigue, reminding herself that sleep would only drift what’s most important away into the darkness once more.
               Surely, with his injury, he could have not made it far, nor would he be able to find any place to rest for a night within this dready forest of the unknown — those are but the thoughts she allowed herself to remember regarding the reunion of her brother. No longer she feared for her life as he raised his blade against her, no longer she worries of her own injuries and safety as she mindlessly dashed through the thick, thick woods all alone for the sake of her long-lost other half. Where could he be? Where could he hide himself within the midst of winter?
              And just then, an unfitting trace of red was spotted upon the ground.
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               There was a pause in her heart beat, and an even longer pause of her breath as sky hues trailed her gaze down the trace until it has reached its source. Cao Ang did not waste time any further after her mind registered what she saw, and immediately rushed towards the side of the very figure, gripping onto his shoulders tightly and shook the fallen frame. Was he still breathing? Was he alive?
               He must be.                             He cannot die like this.
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                                ”…I-I found you, Shuo.”
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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"Is it so wrong to simply speak to my.. mother..?" Shuo replied, hesitation and pause before referring to her as his own mother. He glanced aside, strands of raven hair waving in the slight breeze. His face showed resolve and solitude, determination yet ease. He had only returned after so many years after all. To return to the Palace of his childhood, where his true mother no longer roamed, slightly pained him so.
{+] followers
"Ah, what business do you have with me? It’s rare that I’m the one people search for.”
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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"If I am to be forever known as the stain of the Cao, then so be it. I have and will always carve my own path, no matter whose blood I may spill.."
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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"Where all my Wei niggas at?"
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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She is holding a snake.. Now that is something you definitely do not see every day with most girls..
"Just..passing by, I suppose," he answered, eyes focused upon her small friend and her curious eyes. The female has a bit of familiarity with her however. Had Shuo met her somewhere before..?
apocalypticphoenix has entered the gardens
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"Do you need something mister..? or are you just passing by?" she said looking at the man, while she holded her pet garden snake.
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apocalypticphoenix · 10 years
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