apologynics · 4 hours
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apologynics · 4 hours
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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apologynics · 4 hours
happy pride month piv isn’t gay
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apologynics · 4 hours
if ur a bi woman thank u for ur service
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apologynics · 4 hours
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apologynics · 4 hours
there are really people out there who think being a „terf“ woman is worse and a bigger problem than a man consuming violent porn or going to brothels LOL
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apologynics · 4 hours
Happy Pride! Let’s get some things str8
Trans people had nothing to do with the first pride 😁
Black Butch Cis lesbian Stormé DeLarverie started threw the first punch that started the stonewall rebellion. I say rebellion and not riot because that is how Stormé herself referred to it:
“It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience – it wasn't no damn riot.”
Two cis gays and two cis lesbians, Craig Rodwell. Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy, and Linda Rhodes, proposed Pride. And then Cis bisexual Brenda Howard organized it. She is even called “the mother of Pride.”
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Furthermore Marsha P Johnson was NOT trans.
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And Sylvia Rivera doesn’t like being called trans.
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Erasing the accomplishments of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals to fit your narrative is not cute or “woke.” It’s disrespectful and downright homophobic. All of you spreading misinformation should be ashamed.
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apologynics · 4 hours
wow you're telling me a guy that used womens pain and trauma to get famous and meet the president and revive his dead acting career stopped pretending to care about women after gaining said fame?? wow im actually so not surprised
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apologynics · 5 hours
Men who slam doors and furniture are making sure you hear how much they want to hit you.
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apologynics · 19 hours
no matter how insufferable i find a woman, i am careful to never make fun of her in front of a man because a man's contempt for women inevitably turns into misogyny and i wouldn't wish misogyny upon any woman regardless of how much i might dislike her.
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apologynics · 19 hours
tip for women: do fewer things "out of love" and more things that directly advantage you
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apologynics · 19 hours
You only see 1% of sex industry, the glamorised where everyone is rich and happy. You won’t see trafficked women posting on social media since they don’t get the right, . You close your eyes when actually survivors share their story on how victims where being treated.
92% of women in prostitution want to leave, but can’t. It is not a ‘choice’ and it’s not ‘empowering’. Women die from abortions, suicide, murder, HIV/AIDS, accidents.
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apologynics · 19 hours
That’s a pretty cool political opinion you got there dude. Did your web of online friends and mutuals who all subconsciously monitor each other and self-correct in a panopticon-esque fashion to ensure that your views all stay in line with each other’s at all times pick it for you?
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apologynics · 19 hours
Men literally call each other pimps, AKA HUMAN TRAFFICKERS, as a compliment, and then wonder why we don’t feel safe around them.
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apologynics · 19 hours
Jürgen Rudloff’s chain of ‘wellness spas’ sold sex as a health service for men. But his business model was fatally flawed – as his trial for aiding and abetting trafficking revealed
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Jürgen Rudloff (left) in the Stuttgart courtroom on the day of his sentencing. Photograph: Sebastian Gollnow/ dpa/Alamy
Rudloff is now serving a five-year sentence for aiding and abetting trafficking. His trial laid bare the misery and abuse of women working as prostitutes at his club who, according to court documents, were treated like animals and beaten if they didn’t make enough money. His imprisonment has dismantled the idea of Germany’s “clean prostitution” industry and raised troubling questions about what lies behind the legalised, booming sex trade.
Prostitution – legalised in Germany in 2002 – is worth an annual €15bn (£13.4bn), and more than a million men visit prostitutes every day. The change in the law led to a rise in “super brothels”, attracting tourists from countries where such establishments are illegal.
Rudloff’s empire – a chain of Paradise brothels – was founded on the idea that sex could be sold as a health service for men, on an almost industrial scale.
The five-storey club is billed as a “male wellness centre”, where customers pay €69 to cover entry, a meal, drinks and a Turkish bath. Sex costs an additional €50 for half an hour. Men wear bathrobes and shower shoes; women are naked aside from high heels.
In 2008, as Rudloff was growing his business, investigators in Augsburg, Bavaria – a hundred miles from Stuttgart – received a tip-off that gangs from the city were trafficking women from eastern Europe, and sending them to work in Paradise. (While prostitution is legal in Germany, pimping and sex trafficking are not.) There was still no clear connection to Rudloff at this point. Then in 2013, a trafficking investigation into a brothel in Augsburg uncovered further links with Paradise.
Among the witnesses at his trial was Ibrahim “I”, a former member of the Hell’s Angels and a close friend of Rudloff’s. Ibrahim admitted forcing women into prostitution at Paradise, setting them a daily target of €500 a day and beating them if they didn’t bring enough money home. He would hit them on the head, rather than the body, he explained, so that no one would see the bruises. He also tattooed his name on to women’s bodies and ordered women to undergo breast enlargement surgery.
Một phụ nữ làm việc tại Paradise nói với tòa án rằng cô đã nhìn thấy những phụ nữ trẻ khóc sau đêm đầu tiên làm việc ở đó. Một người khác nói rằng cô đã chứng kiến ​​các thành viên băng đảng đối xử với phụ nữ “như động vật”.
German authorities have no data on the number of women who work in the domestic sex trade, but conservative estimates suggest 400,000. According to Sporer, more than 90% of these women come from south-east Europe and Africa, and half are under 21.
It’s not just migrants at risk of exploitation. Sandra Norak, 29, has never worked at Paradise, but spent six years working in brothels across Germany after meeting a man on the internet while she was still at school.
Norak’s boyfriend threatened her with violence, forcing her to work at a brothel where she had to sleep with up to 500 clients a month. She kept none of the money for herself. Now an activist for changes to Germany’s prostitution laws, Norak claims her exploitation was replicated for the majority of the women she met, most of whom were pushed into the trade by pimps or traffickers.
It was not until 2014 that she was able to get herself out of the sex trade and complete high school.
The experience, she says, is a “kind of destruction of your identity”. “[Some of the women] could have got away from the guy exploiting them but didn’t have the strength or the belief to find their way back to a respectable life.”
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Sandra Norak, a former prostitute who now campaigns for the introduction of the ‘Nordic model’ in Germany. Photograph: Leif Piechowski/ Lichtgut/The Guardian
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apologynics · 19 hours
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Now who would have predicted that
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apologynics · 19 hours
Watch this video. Listen to what she's saying. She's explaining the dangers of strangulation and her own experience with domestic violence. What would you assume the comments are like? Sympathetic? Are people interested in spreading awareness?
No. The comments look like this
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This is why I fucking despise kink culture. Y'all are willing to make jokes like this to a woman who survived domestic violence. Y'all are willing to invalidate her message to validate your kink.
Yes, strangulation is still dangerous during sex and it doesn't stop being dangerous because sex is involved.
Yes, women are injured by rough sex all the time.
Yes, it's still abuse even if it happens during sex.
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