apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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— a court of silver flames (2021)
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
this shoots me with serotonin 
SJM couples as texts
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Bonus: Dorian × Fenrys
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
This was for me, the most heartbreaking and emotional scene in all the four books. The way I cried when Nesta screamed for Cassian. I loved their bicker and their flirtations but this scene right here is where I sold my soul to them. No taking backs.
Then Nesta began screaming. Not in pain. But a name. Over and over.
Amren reached for her, but Nesta roared,
She scrambled to her feet, as if she’d leap into the skies. Her body lurched, and she went down, heaving again.
A figure shot from the Illyrian ranks, spearing for us, flapping hard, red Siphons blazing— Nesta moaned, writhing on the ground. The earth seemed to shudder in response.
Cassian was halfway to us when the Cauldron’s blast hit the Illyrian forces. I saw him scream—but heard nothing. The force of that power … It shredded Azriel’s shield. Then Rhysand’s. And then shredded any Siphon-made ones. It hollowed out my ears and seared my face. And where a thousand soldiers had been a heartbeat before … Ashes rained down upon our foot soldiers. Nesta had known. She gaped up at me, terror and agony on her face, then scanned the sky for Cassian, who flapped in place, as if torn between coming for us and charging back to the scattering Illyrian and Peregryn ranks. She’d known where that blast was about to hit. Cassian had been right in the center of it. Or would have been, if she hadn’t called him away.
Cassian was again hurtling for us, for Nesta sprawled on the ground, as the light and unholy heat of the Cauldron were unleashed again.
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I swear to God, if I hear one more f*cking word about how Nesta doesn't care about Cassian, I'd be throwing hands left and right.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
Patiently waiting for Cassian's reaction when Nesta calls him general, or commander for the first time during a heated argument.
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Because we know...it's about to get spicy.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
Reason N° 56282929292 I don't trust Feyre POV:
When people say "Ooh Nesta was so mean! She refused to teach Feyre how to read!!"
▪️ACOTAR according to Feyre:
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According to this train of thoughts, Nesta and Elain didn't bother to teach Feyre how to read and hence why she grew up illiterate. As if Feyre asked them and they flatly just said NO.
▪️But then we get to ACOWAR and guess what?:
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▪️A couple of things:
1. Neither Nesta nor Elain knew about Feyre's inability to read.
2. Feyre never asked them to teach her. She straight up made assumptions that they wont bother or they will just refuse.
3. Nesta would have taught her, she freaking loves books and reading!! And Elain, sweet sweet Elain as Feyre always describes her...why would she refuse to teach Feyre?? If Elain is always super kind and nice?
4. Nesta getting all the information about Feyre through Amren. And this is not the first time. If Nesta didn't care about Feyre, she wouldn't even have bothered to ask Amren about Feyre.
You want another proof:
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Again, Nesta getting information about Feyre from Amren, this time regarding the blood rubies. Which btw, this is one of the reasons that made Nesta decide to join the High Lords meeting. Because her little sister risked her life to defend a court that sent her a death threat!
Also, we see how Nesta in ACOFAS detaches herself from her sisters and the IC. We know that she decided to leave Feyre's home and live on her own. Why? Because that way she can have some privacy and also she wont get judged every single minute of the day on what she does or should do. (Apart, of course, from all her PTSD struggles, etc..).
But guess what?
Who is the only person she actually keeps in contact with?? Who, out of her sisters and the IC she actually bothers to visit and talk with?
Yep, you guessed it. Freaking AMREN.
Nesta, the cold bitch who doesn't care shit about anyone else, actually bothers to visit Amren and watch her build puzzles while they talk. And guess who always feed Nesta information regarding what's going? Yep, right again. AMREN.
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Sometimes, I do struggle with first person narrative because they dont tend to be objective but, the trick is to know how to read between the lines. I could go on and on about lots of things I've been finding that I think they're important to highlight when it comes to secondary characters, without involving Feyre and Rhysand.
I find frustrating that people dont seem to move on from the first 4 chapters of Acotar when it comes to Nesta, but the other characters are just fine.
Perhaps, closer to the release of ACOSF I might post some of my notes of the little things I think might be important to mention when it comes to Nesta, Cassian, Elain, Azriel, Lucien, Mor, Tamlin and Eris because I know they will all play a role in the next books.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
I love this theory so much 
So here's my theory on Crescent City 2 ,why I think Bryce is the seventh Asteri and Quinlar is endgame.
As we know Sarah inspires from Greek mythology and often foreshadows.Bryce told Lele jokingly
"Yeah,and I'm the seventh Asteri.",Bryce said dryly.
The seventh Asteri is Sirius,the Wolf Star(the Prime said that Bryce is a true wolf).Sirius is the brightest star in the sky(Bryce is Starborn),it becomes visible in the Autumn.Bryce is the daughter of the Autumn King.
But there is more.
In the Greek mythology Sirius brings pestilence(as the Horn,Bryce opened the portals to Hel unwillingly but still she brought the demons into Lunathion=the plague).
Sirius is also Orion's(this is Hunt's real name) dog.Orion was Artemis's lover- the goddess of hunting and Moon(Luna).Well Bryce is now Luna's horn,also she never misses a target and neither did Artemis.
And as a fun fact,do you know to what the goddess is associated with?To a crescent Moon(Crescent City,Lunathion).
Orion dies when Artemis kills him by mistake with an arrow.Hunt died in the angels' way=the walking dead,losing his wings because he chose to protect Bryce,so one could say she killed him by mistake.So Bryce=Artemis.
Orion ends up in the sky as a constellation with his loyal dog,Sirius forever by his heel .Here one can play around with the myths for Bryce is certainly Hunt's equal(while she Ascended he said her power felt like looking into a mirror).Maybe the fact that she's behind him means that he's her shield and will protect her at all costs.But the main idea is that they're supposed to stay together.
Therefore Bryce and Hunt are meant to be together and they're almost certainly endgame .
Also all the signs point towards Bryce being the seventh Asteri and this is the most important point of my theory.
And since she her power comes from all the Vanir factions and she's part human she'd make a great leader by representing everyone .
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
Azriel Chaperoning NESSIAN be like
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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gotta LOVE an angry Hades
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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total drama fandom
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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The Lord Of Bloodshed and Lady Death
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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The World of Sarah J. Maas: The next book in the Court of Thorns and Roses series comes out next month! It's time for Nesta's story.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
y'all still alive after this?
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courtofmaas on instagram
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
Friendy Reminder
“Good to know that after five hundred years, you still dress like a slut.”
That’s Eris Vanserra.
He called Morrigan a “slut” because of her clothes. Saying that this male is better than Cassian it’s a shame.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
All i care about from the Recent live:
😍😍Nesta's journey means so much more to Sarah than any other character she has ever written!!😍 😍
She is very true to Nesta and doesn't shy away from Nesta's past actions. SJM doesn't want Nesta to be "the nice sweet kind of girl." She is complex and real.
I'm so excited for Nesta's moto!
Nesta's going to suffer a little bit more at some point in the book 😢
Happy Ending.
Azriel appears a lot more. He has a sly, dry sense of humour. Hes going through alot of his own shit in this book. We get alot more Azriel and Cassian content. Azriel respects Nesta which is more than sjm can say for others. They're not Cassian and Feyre close but they have a mutual understanding of each other and things in common. Nesta susses out his secrets and they both enjoy teasing Cassian.
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apparentlyimfunny · 3 years
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apparentlyimfunny · 4 years
this is GORGEOUS 😍😍😍
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Azriel is a member of the Night Court. Shadowsinger. Considered to be one of the most powerful Illyrians in Prythian history.
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