appel-duvide · 6 years
me, a lesbian, mistaking a nice twink for a nice butch lesbian: [gives him the lesbian nod]
him, a twink, mistaking me for a twink: [gives me the gay once over]
me, a sensitive dyke: [calls an uber and spends the whole time misty eyed, wondering why this nice butch would look me over like i wasn’t a HUMAN BEING, like i was something to be gawked at. i ignore my Uber driver’s attempt at small talk, staring out the window and questioning everything i know about life, meaning, and the pursuit of lesbianism]
him, a confused gay: [stares at the space this twink just vacated, completely floored. a nod. does he think this is a game. does he think this is a joke. this isn’t a PTA meeting where you nod at your old friend but also secret enemy Brenda from across the room. was i not even worth the once over. have i lost my game. what does this mean]
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appel-duvide · 6 years
People without glasses are really out here seeing for free
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appel-duvide · 6 years
I love that gif of the cat walking though the door with that big ass blanket
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appel-duvide · 6 years
i would sell my soul for a font of victor hugo’s handwriting
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appel-duvide · 6 years
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appel-duvide · 6 years
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appel-duvide · 6 years
lgbt people who did debate team growing up and had to debate whether gay marriage should be legal are entitled to financial compensation
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appel-duvide · 6 years
You can tell a girl she’s smart her whole life, encourage her in school, buy her a chemistry set, send her to math camp, help her apply for college scholarships in STEM fields, and she’s still eventually going to walk into a classroom, a lab, or a job interview and have some man dismiss her existence, deny her funding, pass her over for a promotion, or take credit for her work. How about you work on getting those assholes out of power and quit telling me not to call girls pretty.
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appel-duvide · 6 years
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appel-duvide · 6 years
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ghost summers fade into night.
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appel-duvide · 6 years
How Much Can Kill You?
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Water -  Everyone has heard that they should drink 2 liters of water every day. But if you drink 3 times as much, your kidneys will not be able to process this much liquid and get it out of your system. The result can be internal organ and brain edema and respiratory arrest. 
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Coffee -  Half an ounce of caffeine is believed to be a lethal dose. It is approximately 113 coffee cups (of 250 ml). It is worth mentioning that in this case, a person would probably die not from the caffeine overdose but water intoxication: 113 cups are actually almost 30 liters of water. So if you don’t eat coffee beans or mouthfuls of instant coffee, you are safe.
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Chocolate -  Chocolate contains a small amount of theobromine. This alkaloid is a powerful agent that stimulates the central nervous system. But if you ate 22 lb of chocolate in one sitting, it could lead first to nausea and diarrhea, then an epileptic fit, then internal bleeding, cardiac infarction, and finally death.
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Alcohol -  For a healthy man, a deadly dose would be 1.25 liters of 40% alcohol (approximately 27 shots of 45 ml each). But it will happen only if the man finishes this amount within one hour and does not throw up.
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Cigarettes - Taking into account that each standard cigarette contains approximately 0.8 mg of nicotine, 75 cigarettes can blow you to kingdom come.
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Marijuana - Things are slightly different with marijuana. The fatal dose is 1,500 lb, smoked within 15 minutes or 48 lb eaten at one time. And you probably won’t enjoy it at all. Not even Snoop Dogg can do that.
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Apple Seeds -  You won’t die from eating 18 apples. But if you take out the seeds from those 18 apples, smash them to pieces, chew them thoroughly, and swallow them, then there is a possibility that you will die because apple seeds contain cyanide. 
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Bananas -  Bananas contain potassium, an overdose of which can lead to death. But for this to happen, you would have to eat 400 bananas in one sitting.
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Oranges -  To die from an orange overdose, you would need to eat 11,000 oranges in one sitting.
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Salt - The everyday norm of salt is approximately 0.1 oz. A lethal dose of salt is 9 oz in one sitting (approximately 48 teaspoons). If someone decides to choose this way to commit suicide, it will be a truly regretful choice because the death would be agonizing (from a lot of enemas) and long.
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Sugar -  The fatal dose of sucrose is 5 oz per pound of your body weight. This means that a man would need to eat 55 lb of sugar in one go, which equals approximately 500 teaspoons
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Toothpaste - Theoretically, you would need to eat 24 tubes of toothpaste to get to the afterlife. 
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appel-duvide · 6 years
everybody remain calm im investigatinge this mysterious object
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appel-duvide · 6 years
everyone always talks about the wendys twitter, but
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let’s talk about moonpie’s twitter
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appel-duvide · 6 years
someone help me find that image of 4 cats being held up in front of a brightly coloured background. the cats look calm being held but each have their own personality
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appel-duvide · 6 years
college is, like, really important. but if you don’t do well, remember you can still get paid to run a tumblr for a restaurant.
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appel-duvide · 6 years
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appel-duvide · 7 years
is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week
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