“Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff.” ~ Max Lucado #positivequote
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Conversion Boosters #2 of 6
Offer Free Samples
Believe it or don’t, but offering visitors something for nothing can really be a great way to gain trust and make the sale and it is based on the principle of reciprocity.
Let’s take an example of a grocery store where free samples of a product are being given away.
Most people will end up buying this product (even if they really don’t want to) because they feel compelled to after receiving something for free.
Many will buy the product because they actually liked it.... but also, because they felt good about getting something for free. Now there are some that won’t buy at all, but some will still feel some level of guilt for getting something for nothing.
A similar thing might happen in a shopping mall’s food court. Somebody would offer you a sample of pizza and you wind up eating pizza rather than the burger you had initially thought you were going to have. This absolutely works because it has happened to me before.
You can even re-enforce the ‘guilt’ they feel by subtlety mentioning you just gave them something for free. Many companies and organizations use this technique any time they give out free samples.
Have you ever been through an experience where you got a free trial of something and the company followed up with and you and said, “We hope you’re making the most of your free, no-obligation trial!”
They are telling you that they’ve given you a gift, and now they want you to purchase the real product or full version of the product.
The only advantage here is that, the free sample won’t necessarily be anything of a large monetary value and will increase the amount you make in sales versus what it costs you to give these free samples away.
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Marketing tips #14: Focus on dissatisfied prospective customers A common mistake made by small business owners, is that they fail to focus their marketing correctly. As a direct result, they get too few sales leads or client enquiries. READ to find out: https://goo.gl/3LAsNg #marketingtips
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How to Increase Traffic to Your Site the Right Way
If you think your offline business doesn’t need an online presence, you’d be wrong. Statistically, consumers first go to the internet to find local businesses that are offering what they want, and so it is worth your time to make sure you build a website where you get targeted traffic that’s potentially your offline business customer. Let’s look at how to increase traffic to your site the right way.
There is a right way and a wrong way to bring traffic to your website. If you do it the wrong way, you could experience the wrath of Google and find yourself banned from Google and other search engines. That’s not what you want to do. Let’s look at the right way to increase your traffic and keep the search engines happy.
Be Sure to Stay Around for Awhile
The longer you are online and the longer your business in in the search engines online the more likely your business will pop up in a search for related keywords, so you need to be online for a while.
Okay, So, You Have an Offline Business? Let’s Learn how to Build Traffic to Your Site
Offline businesses still need website exposure. Most recognize this and so they spend a great deal of money having their website designed only to be disappointed because they don’t get the traffic they expected. What many business owners don’t realize is that a well-designed website and a good flow of traffic are not linked. Let’s look at some ways to build traffic to your site and promote your offline business.
#1 Use Every Opportunity You Can to Promote Your Website for Free
Free site promotion is always welcome so never ignore it. There are tons of ways to promote your website for free. Some of most popular options include directory submissions, free classified ads, link exchanges, listing inclusions, etc. Not all the free methods there are to promote your website will work well but don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works for your site.
#2 Create a Free Product/Service
One way of bringing traffic to your website is to give something away for free. This can be a simple as having good content on your site where visitors can find answers to their questions, or it can be more complex where you are giving away free products/services such as with a draw.
#3 Take Advantage of Viral Content
Viral content is content that spread rapidly like a virus, but it’s safe content. A user likes your content and then shares it with friends, who then share it with other friends, and on it goes – it gains momentum all on its own. Viral content can be a great video or good article. It’s popularity is based on its appeal that takes it viral.
#4 Use Offline Promotions Offline promotions are often forgotten about, but they are a good way to get traffic for free. These days we spend so much time focusing on online promotions that we forget there still exists a whole offline world of advertising and promoting. Make sure that you include your website address on all printed materials you use. But also remember there are other promotions like T-shirts, pens, mouse pads, etc.
#5 Your URL Needs to be Included with Your Signature
URLs as part of your signature are a good way to bring free traffic to your website. This includes your online signature, such as that used on a blog or forum, or in your email and your offline signature line.
Getting free traffic is a vast topic and the list of opportunities is just as vast. However, here you have five things you can do to increase the traffic to your website.
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How to Gain Traffic for Your Offline Business
 Have you been struggling with bringing visitors to your website? Are your numbers dropping? Have you had your website designed professionally and you still aren’t seeing the numbers you would like. Having a great looking website with tons of great products to buy at your offline business, doesn’t mean you will get the visitors you want. Online marketing is highly competitive, which means there are things you will need to do to get your share of the traffic. Let’s have a look at some of the things you can do.
 #1 Have Great Promotional Material
Promotional material continues to be a highly effective form of advertising, especially freebies. They have a very long shelf life, leaving your company name, website, and logo out there, which will bring traffic to your site.
 #2 Displays on Your Vehicle
If you have a company vehicle, make sure that you have your website URL clearly displayed on your vehicle. Use a font that’s easy to read and add a little promotional text.
 #3 Article Submissions
Contact the newspaper in your area or a relevant trade magazine and ask them if you can submit an article. If your offline business is new, generally a newspaper will provide free business on startup. Magazines, newspapers, and other publications are generally looking for free information to provide their readers with, because it keeps their costs down.
 #4 Branded Clothing
Consider branded clothing to advertise your offline business. Jackets, hats, and T-shirts are all good choices.
 #5 Help Wanted Ads
If you are hiring new staff, make sure that your website address is on all your employment advertising.
 #6 Network - Network - Network
Finally, don’t forget to network. Even when you don’t have a website talking time to network with others is important; however, with a website it gives you even more opportunities. If you sell products/services have a display at trade shows that promotes your website along with your products/services. Make sure your website is on all your promotional material such as brochures, business cards, flyers, newsletters, etc.
 These six tips for gaining traffic for your offline business work so don’t wait! You need to implement your website at every opportunity that comes your way. In today’s market place, it is very important for you to promote your offline website to help to grow the traffic to your website and ultimately your business.
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Do You Know? https://youtu.be/0_xaEdz0IF8
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Learn from How Starbucks Uses Online and Offline Marketing Effectively to Grow Your Business!
 Starbucks – this is a very successful offline business, that has certainly learned how to use online and offline marketing effectively. In fact, there are many lessons that most businesses could learn from how Starbucks does things.
 How is it that every Starbucks feels like its own unique local coffee shop? How is it that Starbucks could turn their online Starbuck Rewards program that uses the smartphone app into such as success? Few would argue with the fact that Starbucks is a leader in the coffee industry and with their marketing. So, let’s see what we can learn from them.
 Examples of Online Marketing That’s Been Successful
 1. Starbucks uses Twitter to engage with their followers. If you follow them, they’ll follow you back. They engage in conversations with the audience. That might be wishing students good luck on finals or it might be talking about Starbucks nail art. Users can even Tweet a gift card to anyone they like.  
 2. Starbucks offers their customers free Wi-Fi and that perk has encouraged customers to stay in the coffee shop rather than to get their coffee on the fly. Once customers connect to the Starbucks Wi-Fi they can enjoy the Starbucks Digital Experience. Services that general charge like USA Today, are free through Starbucks.
 3. The Starbucks app has made it very convenient to pay on the fly. But it does more. It allows you to build stars for free drinks. It’s a win-win all the way around and it has been a huge success with customers.
 Offline Examples
1. The iconic red cup rings in the holidays every year. When you see someone carrying out the Starbucks red cup it means it’s time for those special holiday drinks. It elicits emotions and and other small businesses should take note and figure out how they can match their products/services to a season and turn on their customers ‘joy.’
 2. Starbucks loves to run contests where those participating must be the first to post a new ad or poster. They cleverly integrate their website along with their social media to encourage customers to participate.
 That’s just a few examples of what Starbucks has been highly successful with. Take their success, break it down and determine how you can have the same kind of success. There are plenty of companies that can show you successful online and offline marketing campaign. Learn from their success.
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You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. - Jim Rohn #positivequote
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#Friday #humor
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6 Advertising Tips for Small Businesses Advertising works because of a combination of things: • Relevancy of your message. • Reaching the right target audience(s) • Frequency - reaching the target audience enough times so they'll have an opportunity to see your ad and perhaps act on it. • Timing – is your ad message received at a time when someone is ready to listen, learn, research or buy? FIND out more here: https://goo.gl/oKUfRi #advertisingtips
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Marketing tip 11: Don’t mistake movement for progress FIND it out here: https://goo.gl/xcVNGF #marketingtips
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21 Social Media Marketing Tips You Can’t Live Without Whether you’re just getting started or have been active on sites like Facebook and Twitter, but haven’t had much success, follow these 21 social media marketing tips to propel you to the next level: FIND out more here: https://goo.gl/GiJHhQ #socialmedia
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If the plan doesn’t work . change the plan. But never the GOAL. #positivequote
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#Friday #humor
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How An Effective Logo Design Can Elevate Your Brand Ah logos and brands: you simply can’t have one without the other. A strong logo is critical to strong branding, and you can’t have strong branding without a strong logo. READ MORE here: https://goo.gl/G2uURM
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Marketing tip 10: Endorsed Relationships An endorsed relationship is similar to a joint venture – But with a massive difference: The person you do the venture with actually gives you their professional or personal endorsement. This is marketing gold dust. CLICK to know more: https://goo.gl/zqC9aW #marketingtips
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What’s New In The World Of Web Development: Trends To Pay Attention To Staying afloat in today’s digital marketplace requires your website to make good use of technology and design trends. But you can’t consider design trends without development. CLICK to find out here: https://goo.gl/7uEgmK #webdevelopment
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