aprilalaxiii · 7 days
Reflecting of Progress
Blog 5 - Finals
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For this week, we successfully presented our Milestone 3 outputs. The presentation went smoothly, and we successfully communicated our findings and plans. There wasn't much else going on after this presentation. However, we were told to start doing our final milestone, which signifies the end of all of our activities.
Reflecting on the process of I recognized how far we'd come since the beginning of the course. Each milestone has gradually increased our understanding and capabilities. The successful presentation of Milestone 3 demonstrates our hard work and collaboration. It's a moment of accomplishment, but also a reminder of the remaining tasks.
The reminder to move to the final milestone made me realize that the course was almost completed. The announcement resulted in a mix of excitement and nostalgia, as the end of this journey represents both the achievement of our efforts and the closure of an important chapter. It's an opportunity to put all we've learnt into practice and assure a successful conclusion. This last push is more than just finishing the course; it's about establishing our knowledge and preparing for future undertakings.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 7 days
Navigating Financial Challenges: Reflections on Creating Our Start-Up Plan
Blog 4 - Finals
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In this week's activity, we created our Milestone 3, which focused primarily on the start-up plan costs. This milestone involved detailed financial planning, an important component for any business venture. Understanding the initial expenses and projecting future financial needs required a deep dive into various cost elements, including equipment, marketing, staffing, and other operational expenses. This level of detail made it one of the more challenging aspects of our project, for me.
Reflecting on the process, I realized the importance of carefull financial planning in ensuring the sustainability of a start-up. The exercise highlighted how financial health is fundamental to a business's success, influencing decisions and strategies from the very beginning. Through this activity, I also learned to appreciate the complexity of budgeting and financial forecasting, recognizing that even minor miscalculations can lead into negative effect.
In terms of personal growth, I discovered areas where I need to improve my financial literacy and gained practical skills that will be invaluable in my future career. The activity emphasized the importance of resilience and adaptability when faced with challenging tasks. Overall, this milestone was a significant learning opportunity that provided a deeper insight into the financial aspects of starting and running a business.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 20 days
Unveiling Our 2nd Milestone
blog 3 - finals
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With the presentation of our second milestone this week, our team in the flood warning system project achieved a major milestone. A thorough competition analysis, the lean canvas model, our plans for the minimum viable product (MVP), and methods for MVP validation were among the many important topics that were covered in the presentation. Every segment was carefully planned to showcase our understanding of the market, the capabilities of our product, and our path forward in developing a practical and efficient flood warning system. Our product's unique selling propositions were identified with the help of the competition analysis, which gave insightful information about current solutions. Our approach to development was guided by the lean canvas model, which acted as a strategic plan that outlined our fundamental assumptions. Reflecting on the feedback from Engr. Jael, it became clear that while our foundation is solid, several things still need to be worked on to guarantee the dependability of the system. We are also asked to benchmark and look for areas that needed innovation. The improvement of our flood prediction algorithms' accuracy was brought up as an important subject, as this will be essential to winning over users and guaranteeing their safety. Moreover, we will better modify our solution to match user needs and increase its adoption and impact with the help of this crucial feedback. Our immediate focus will be on refining our algorithms and improving the user interface based on the existing flood warning systems here in Cagayan De Oro. We intend to carry out further user research in order to obtain more knowledge and validate our advancements. We will be able to produce a solid MVP using this iterative process that not only satisfies technical requirements but also appeals to our target audience. We are certain that we can create a flood warning system that stands out in the market and offers communities at danger of flooding genuine value if we continue to be receptive to remarks and iterate on our design.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 1 month
Reflections on Milestones 1 and 2
Blog 2 - finals
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In this week’s activity, our team took significant step forward as we presented our output in milestone 1. We added an innovative idea to incorporate SMS alerts into our flood warning system, enhancing its accessibility and effectiveness. The brainstorming sessions were helpful, and the feedback we received strengthened our determination to improve our project further.
As we progressed through milestone 2, we experienced difficulties in identifying our competitors within the market. It became clear that only a few businesses were actively pursuing similar efforts, making benchmarking and market analysis more complicated. Nonetheless, this challenge led us to dig further into our unique selling propositions and market positioning.
The realization that there were few competitors in our particular market segment prompted our team to reflect. We identified the opportunity to establish a distinct identity and make a significant effect in the industry. Moving forward, we're excited to capitalize on this realization, using our creativity and determination to push the limits and provide a solution that genuinely stands out.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 2 months
Unveiling Innovations: Pitch Presentation day ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Blog 1 - FINALS
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This week has felt incredibly lengthy due to the intensity of our activities. The highlight was our pitch presentation, serving as our midterm exam, where we showcased the overall progress of our startup idea, which is the flood warning system. It was a culmination of weeks of brainstorming, planning, and refining our ideas into an organized pitch. The anticipation and preparation leading up to the presentation made each day feel longer, but the experience was extremely important in our development as future engineers.
Reflecting on the week, we recognized the scope of our innovative effort. The pitch presentation was more than simply an intellectual exercise; it was a practical step toward bringing our idea to life. We faced challenges along the way, from fine-tuning our product concept to improving our public speaking abilities. However, each challenge served as a learning opportunity, emphasizing our dedication to our startup's success and improving our grasp of the innovative process.
Looking back, this week's intensity served as an inspiration for both personal and professional development. We came away with a better grasp of our startup's potential and where we should focus our efforts going forward. Despite the difficulties, the experience of presenting our ideas to our instructor was quite satisfying. As we continue to hone our business concept, we draw on the lessons learnt from this week's trials, fuelling our resolve to make our flood warning system a reality.
April Jean T. Tacbobo BSME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 2 months
Embracing Challenges: A Journey of Growth Through Interviews
Blog 6
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Change is an unavoidable part of doing business. As a team, we recently faced a huge transition as we focused our efforts toward a new product. This change presented a number of issues, especially as we began conducting interviews with potential customers. These interactions turned out to be more than simply ordinary data collection activities; they served as inspirations for major insights for our new product.
The process of conducting interviews during this  week was loaded with difficulties, but each one provided an opportunity for learning and progress. Initially, the goal appeared easy: communicate with our target customers and acquire feedback to influence our product development strategy. As we became more involved in these conversations, we realized how difficult it is to grasp client wants and preferences.
One of the most remarkable insights from our interviews was the wide range of perspectives among our target customer. Each person brought their own experiences, preferences, and pain points to the table. This variety serves as a reminder of the value of  inclusivity in our approach to product design. We understood the need of embracing diversity  to properly meet our customer's diverse needs.
Furthermore, the challenges we encountered during this week of interviews highlighted the significance of excellent communication and teamwork within our team. We relied on one another for assistance, utilizing our unique abilities and views to overcome challenges. We were able to adapt our strategy and make significant progress toward our goals by engaging in open communication and providing helpful criticism.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME3A
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aprilalaxiii · 3 months
Insights from our Technopreneurship Journey
Blog 5 - March 17, 2024
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In this week's technopreneurship session, our journey became more interesting as we got deeper into the interview process. Understanding our target audience is important, and conducting interviews gives us great insights into their requirements and desires. It was exciting to see my teams' dedication as we connected with potential consumers, understanding their pain spots and goals. Through these discussions, we've gotten a more thorough understanding of the market landscape and discovered places where our solution can have a major influence.
Furthermore, in response to the feedback obtained during the interviews, our team made an important decision to shift our product focus. Although it is scary to shift from our original goal, accepting this modification exemplifies the agility required. As we develop our vision and respond to market realities, we demonstrate our resilience and dedication to providing solutions that are personalized to our target audience. This shift in focus reflects not just our responsiveness to user needs, but also our commitment to evolve and develop in order to achieve success.
During our presentation of our value proposition, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride in our combined efforts and the accomplishments we made together. Engr. provided feedback after we expressed the value proposition. Our chosen venture is feasible, but we must remember that if we create a prototype, we can do so as students. We will re-evaluate our chosen project as a group using collaborative brainstorming and constructive feedback. As we continue to improve our venture and iterate on our ideas, I am certain that our technopreneurship path will be marked by growth, stability, and, eventually, success.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 3 months
Navigating Challenges for Renters and Rural Areas
Blog 4 - March 10, 2024
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As we considered Engr. Jael's advice, my teammates and I have opted to reconsider the issue that we will be dealing with. We realized that the first challenge we chose was not that worth the solve. So we went back to doing interviews. Conducting further interviews shows a dedication to thorough research and a desire to identify a problem that we believe is worth solving. This adaptability and commitment to identifying the proper challenge to solve will most likely result in a more successful and meaningful project outcome.
The insights gained from the interviews shed light on a significant issue faced by renters regarding food preservation, highlighting a gap in affordable and practical solutions. The challenges renters encounter due to the lack of suitable food storage options underscore the importance of addressing this overlooked aspect of household management. Additionally, the necessity for Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) in rural areas to maintain consistent electricity supply for appliances like refrigerators unveils the broader spectrum of challenges in ensuring food preservation, especially in areas with inconsistent electricity. These revelations emphasize the need for innovative and accessible solutions to enhance food preservation methods, particularly for individuals living in rental properties or regions with inconsistent power supply.
The decision to revisit and improve the problem after conducting insightful interviews shows a proactive approach to problem solving. Recognizing the variety of details discovered during the interview allowed us to better address the actual needs and issues experienced by some people particularly who are renters and people in rural areas. This method not only increases the relevance and effect of project, but it also demonstrates our dedication to significant innovation and positive change. With this increased insight, our team have decided some solutions that will make a difference in the lives of those affected by food preservation challenges.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 3 months
Unlocking Market Insights: Applying the 'Mom Test' in Customer Discovery
Blog 3 - March 3, 2024
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This week, we're tasked to conduct an interview to our potential customer. And in order to properly conduct our interview, we used the 'the mom test' principles. The mom test emphasized simplicity and clarity, which helped us collect our complicated ideas into simpler concepts, ensuring that our value proposition resonates with a larger audience. As we progressed through the customer discovery process, conducting interviews and receiving feedback, we discovered that using the mom test concepts allowed us to have more meaningful interactions with potential customers, allowing us to gain a better understanding of their requirements and preferences.
The iterative nature of the mom test and the customer discovery approach has been useful. By constantly validating our assumptions and refining our methodology based on real-world feedback, we have been able to adapt and evolve our product concept in response to shifting market conditions. This adaptive process of learning has not only improved our understanding of our target market, but it has also given us more confidence in our venture's viability and potential. Overall, applying the mom test into the customer discovery process has proven to be an excellent combo, driving us to a better knowledge of what customers want and a more refined product-market fit.
Furthermore, we presented our weekly progress, which allows us to emphasize our team's collaborative efforts that are both rewarding and insightful. Presenting our progress enabled us to recognize areas of success, and acknowledge challenges encountered. Additionally, getting feedback from Engr. Jael gave us valuable ideas and opportunity for progress. Overall, the presentation encouraged reflection, collaboration, and renewed commitment as we work to push our product toward its objectives.
April Jean Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 4 months
Blog 2 - February 25, 2024
In our second week of class, we also played a game called the Fishbowl game. Which basically designed to promote teamwork, the game encouraged collaboration, communication, and problem-solving among team members. The game was indeed challenging for me as my teammates and I, are all ISFPs (introverts) we initially found it challenging to engage in conversation, and we had a hard time grasping the game's instructions. However, through patience and effort, we overcame our shyness and learned to work together effectively and was able to comprehend the instructions of the game eventually.
Despite the initial challenges of the Fishbowl game, we were able to play the game successfully, We focused on the critical issue of clean water and sanitation. Our shared goal was to improve access to clean and safe water sources, with the aim of enhancing public health, preventing waterborne diseases, and promoting sustainable development. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we sought to ensure that communities worldwide had equitable access to clean water, thus contributing to a healthier. We recognized the importance of point-of-use water treatment as a key aspect of achieving this goal.
We were also given a new activity: creating a venture in Wadhani. During our brainstorming sessions, my teammates and I decided to shift our focus to energy and power, specifically on maximizing solar energy utilization. While our ideas evolved, our commitment to addressing global challenges remained steadfast. Despite the change in focus, our overarching goal remained consistent: to contribute to a better world by tackling pressing issues and leveraging innovative solutions.
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Through our experiences in playing the Fishbowl game and engaging in discussions about clean water access and energy utilization, I've come to realize the power of collaboration, perseverance, and adaptability in addressing complex global challenges. Despite our initial struggles as introverts, we learned to communicate effectively and work together towards a common goal. Our shift in focus to energy and power in the context of creating a venture in Wadhani further underscored the importance of flexibility and openness to new ideas. Ultimately, our journey has highlighted the interconnectedness of various issues and the importance of innovative solutions in creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aprilalaxiii · 4 months
Reimagine the Future, SMARTer: Achieving the SDGs through Strategic Thinking
Blog 1 - February 18, 2024
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During our first meeting for the technopreneurship course, our instructor, Engineer Marberth, showed us a recorded video that discussed the various course requirements and their significance for us as future engineers. The video states that in order to determine whether we have made progress, we must take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test and the Innovation Index Test during the first and last weeks of the semester. The purpose of the innovation test was to examine our innovative mentality. Based on my results, I scored 60.92 out of 100, which is lower than I had anticipated. My personality test results, on the other hand, indicate that I am an ISFP-T, or adventurous kind of person. Individuals with the ISFP personality type are recognized for their spontaneous nature, who enjoy experimenting and exploring with themselves and their ideas and are also service-oriented and express genuine concern for others through actions rather than words.
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Additionally, we did an activity that required cooperation and brainstorming about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN. The SDGs seek to change the world. They serve as a call to action to eliminate poverty and injustice, save the environment, and guarantee the well-being, fairness, and prosperity of all people. My groupmates and I decided to concentrate on the 6th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which is Clean Water and Sanitation. As most of us noticed that, the unfiltered and contaminated water is one of the most common problem that people encounter especially in our area. A Water Filtering device can be used to solve this issue. During the decision-making process, we took into account many aspects such as if it is S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bounded) nature  how we may be able to use our future profession as a mechanical engineering student to improve the Cleanliness and Sanitation of water.
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My experience in the 1st week of our technopreneurship course has been both enlightening and eye-opening. The emphasis on self-awareness through personality tests like the Myers-Briggs and the Innovation Index has provided valuable insights into my strengths and areas for growth as a future engineer. Despite initially scoring lower than expected on the innovation test, I recognize the opportunity for personal development and am committed to fostering a more innovative mindset. Furthermore, our group's focus on the 6th Sustainable Development Goal underscores the importance of addressing pressing global issues like access to clean water and sanitation. By harnessing our adventurous spirit and commitment to service, I believe we can make meaningful contributions towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable world.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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