apvlllo · 2 years
Lips parted, Hyacinth let his forehead lean against Apollo’s, eyes still closed. Together for eight years and he still managed to feel this way, the warmth and calmness that came with being with Apollo, in whichever way. Like there wasn’t anything wrong in the outside world, it was just the two of them and nothing else mattered. 
“I still can’t believe it’s been three years.” Hyacinth mumbled mostly to himself, he still doesn’t know much things truly changed over the years but this, them? Together? This feeling hasn’t changed. Did they need to talk about their relationship? Probably, that would be smart and logical thing to do, the adult thing some might say but there were better and more important things that had to come first.
Hyacinth pressed his lips to Apollo’s again and again, like the world is frozen in time around them. Maybe Hyacinth is selfish, even after waking up three years later there are still secrets, he can repeat to himself how this time would be different, that he doesn’t need it anymore, that this time he won’t repeat the same mistakes, that maybe he’ll be honest with what truly happened. Deep inside, however, in the pit of his stomach, Hyacinth knows none of it is true. 
Breaking the kiss once more, Hyacinth lets himself look at Apollo, brushing away a few tears that were beginning to dry already. “If you don’t believe that it’s me now,” He smiled.
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Apollo can believe it’s been three years. Every day have been some degree of emptiness to complete agony. Every day, over a thousand of them, in fact, he had to remember that he hadn’t had his partner with him for it. He had spent those three years, those thousand days, feeling the pain of being without Hyacinth. The other was lucky, he just got to take a really long nap.
But he doesn’t want to let his own agony tamper the moment they are having. It’s tender, and it’s sweet, and he wants to revel in that more. The feeling of their lips together, the urgency of their touch. Apollo had a flash of worry that his urgency might overcome him but every kiss Hyacinth pressed to his lips he met with tenderness. He told himself there was no rush. Hyacinth was back. They had time again. There would be time for that. Right now, he breathed in his lover and felt every kiss as if it were a wholly new idea.
“Or you’re a very good decoy. In which case,” A hand runs down to press into the other’s collar. “I think I will happily go along with this.” He leans up again to kiss the edge of his lips, humming softly. “Living without you was torture.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
WHEN: Day after Red Dawn’s Ruin WHERE: Apollo’s Room
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He couldn’t hold Hyacinth in his room forever. There were whispers of needing to leave and her regretfully allowed their separation. It was a new day, though. And they should be able to have some semblance of normalcy, Apollo wants nothing more than that. Cowering in fear is not going to get him that.
With a robe wrapped around his frame, he approaches the door which knocks with urgency, swinging it up to find his mother on the other end. “I hope I didn’t worry you.” His eyebrows pull together with genuine regret. He had been wrapped in his own anxiety last night, there wasn’t any room to consider anything else.
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apvlllo · 2 years
For Hyacinth the past three years passed by like a dreamless sleep, one minute he was laying on ground, in pain and in the next he was in a hospital bed. Apollo says he doesn’t understand maybe that’s why they were so good together, because Hyacinth can barely understand himself.
He still has so many questions, ones that don’t fit the current situation. Dining House weighed heavy on his mind. He hasn’t seen the film, couldn’t find it in himself to do so, but this is for later, not now. Not when he has Apollo in front of him and tears were running down on both of their cheeks. 
“I don’t think I fully understand either.” With his thumb he brushed away a tear from Apollo’s cheek, the man had an aura to him that was brighter than the sun itself, seeing him crying was hurting Hyacinth too. He hated crying, he would only do it in front of the camera or when the situation was dramatic enough to call for it.
This was a prime example, wasn’t it? Clearing his throat, Hyacinth leaned into the touch. “Okay, I’m not going anywhere.” At least not now, right now it was just the two of them in a privacy of a room in Pontius of all places. Later, after their reunion, after the buzz of being back, Hyacinth will remember how he ended up in this situation in the first place and the demons will come back. But for now, though, he has Apollo in his arms and that’s all that mattered. 
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There’s a threat that creeps up the back of his throat. That scratches at the back of his skull when Hyacinth says that he’s not going anywhere. I wont survive if you go again. He’s confident. Apollo can’t live through more grief like this. To feel the joy and the relief of his lover being back, only to have it ripped from him. He wants to make Hyacinth promise. Promise something that he knows he has no control over. He has to shove the thought away, and to focus on looking in his lover’s eyes and wonder how he could possibly forget the flecks of gold in his irises or the sharp cut of his jaw. Another tear fell thinking of how Hyacinth’s face in his mind was growing blurry.
He can’t give Hyacinth the threat. He can’t give the other the burden of the fact that Apollo can’t take this is this is going to be what their lives are. He doesn’t know why it would be, but after such a ridiculous turn of events, there’s a fear in the pit of his stomach that history will be repeated. 
He silences his own fears by closing the distance between them. Bringing Hyacinths’ face down to his own to capture his familiar lips in his own. The feeling he hadn’t had in three years. The electricity he only remembered fragments of. He knew it would clear his mind and it did. His brain became empty and all he was left with was the warmth he got from Hyacinth.
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apvlllo · 2 years
Why did he decide to brand himself a fighter, all those years ago? The decades have proven that The Minotaur is much softer than his name might have you think, after all: his fists worthy weapons, but hardly all there is. There’s this, too: a quiet comfort that originated between two former strangers, once, and now blossoms still. “Good.”
The touch comes as a surprise and he does not flinch, but he does stiffen a little. But he eases soon enough, gives a soft chuckle before nodding. “I suppose so.” He does not think of it too much, not interested in thinking of his body as more than a vessel tonight. Tomorrow, again, it will be a tool, or else a weapon, or else enough to flex and intimidate where needed. Now, he just wants the stars and this strangeness.
This sadness. Apollo speaks of struggling and Mino pushes the thoughts away about how struggling can’t be a concept someone from his line of life can be too familiar with. Then, he regains his empathy and looks back at him. “That is a sad thought,” he confirms. “Why alone? Do you not have … family, friends?” Mino is aware, of course, that what he sees in the media is fabricated, but still: it hardly seems like Apollo Rhea would be the type to be lonely. The type who had to be lonely. But then, he had to wonder, what place he had to judge. “If you want to talk about what it is you’re struggling with, it’s just the stars and us tonight.”
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They talked before. They had a degree of openness with one another before that Apollo could not forgo. He wouldn’t. Mino was offering this degree of comfort and he would give what was asked. He could use the tender care of a thoughtful conversation here.
“I lost someone a while ago. I would say he was the most important person in my life.” His lips press together and he glances down at his fingers toying with one another. “Why I might physically have people around me, it’s hard to feel seen by them. Not the way this person had.” There’s a long breath in that Apollo take before he continues on. He’s never really gotten the chance to be this candid about things before. Then again, he hasn’t really seen things so clearly until now. “And I’m getting better at not missing him. I think I am just struggling finding life without this person. I’m realizing that he carried a lot of me and now I am left to look around and realize that maybe there wasn’t much of me to begin with.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
Hyacinth let out a shaky breath and raised his hand so it would gently cradle the back of Apollo’s neck. The shaking, his shirt was feeling a bit damp, the thought of his lover crying against him broke his heart and fought against his own emotions. “Fates, I’m sorry.” Hyacinth had to say it, despite knowing there was nothing he could say to make it right. 
“I’m here, I am.” Hyacinth was real, the situation didn’t feel so real, like he was going to wake up tomorrow and bad in their shared home in Olympe. But it wasn’t going to be the case, is it? He’s awake for this nightmare and a mountain of mistakes needed to be corrected and fixed, but that was for later. 
Right now, he had Apollo in his arms for the first time in three years and was afraid if he let go, they couldn’t go back. He let his head rest on top of Apollo gently. “I’m here.” He whispered, finally a tear was running down his cheek. He can’t imagine what Apollo has been through all this time, alone, all Hyacinth could hope for is that his family someone was by his side.
“I’m so sorry.” He spoke into Apollo’s hair. Not only for this, for everything else that Apollo doesn’t even know about, the things that Hyacinth has done but swears to never do again, despite his mind already going there. “I’m here.”
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He never allowed himself to think of an instance like this. Well, he had for a moment after the death, imagined what it would be to have them rejoined, but Apollo knew that would never happen. He just lived in their memories. Let them prosper where he knew they could--- in the past. But there was no hope in a future with Hyacinth dead.
Clearly, that is no longer the case. Not when he’s right here and Apollo is clasping tightly onto him. So much time gone, he feels different from the man Hyacinth left behind but he knows that Hyacinth likely isn’t the same either. Sure, he was asleep, but an accident is a terrible circumstance to happen upon, and would fill a man with dread.
It felt like a dream. One the Fates would give him to quell his grief and allow him some time with the one he missed the most. Frantic and sobbing, he didn’t want this to end. It was overwhelming. He wished he was better for this. He wished he could be more composed.
He managed to pull himself back, but only a fraction of space between them when his hands reached up to touch the familiar skin. Or was it foreign now? He hadn’t touched this face in years. But he had to know. Fingers pressed to jaw and cheek and over eyebrows, he felt his Hyacinth and needed to make sure he was the same. “I still don’t understand.” None of it made sense. But Apollo wasn’t sure if he could even handle it if it was explained to him. “Perhaps we can come back to that later.” He sniffed, with tears still streaming as his fingers brushed over Hyacinth’s lips.
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apvlllo · 2 years
@apvlllo​​ location: kalavria deck.  time: week two. 
apollo rhea was – unexpected, to put it politely enough. for as much as odysseus had walked in zeus’s circle, he had far less experience with the rhea children. most were in another world than his, and he was comfortable with that; it was expected, it was safe. but things could never stay such a way for long, and it was with a sigh that he accepted an invitation from apollo rhea to meet.
always the question, when people called to odysseus: what did they want?
he sucked in a breath, like he was preparing for an intricate surgery instead of meeting with the son of a friend. maybe he would be surprised. hadn’t athena rhea surprised him, once? maybe apollo would do the same. 
( rarely was he surprised these days. ) 
“apollo,” he greeted, trying to get his voice to sound anything other than mildly detached. “you’ve gotten my attention.”
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He was on a mission. Apollo had set his mind onto something and he was going to make sure that it happened. So he needed to drift further from his family, that was clear. They didn’t really want him there, anyways. That was fine. It was all good and well. Apollo felt he had more of a purpose in politics, anyways. He was getting older and wiser and it’s something he hasn’t done. That’s the natural progression, isn’t it?
He finds someone that he feels he holds a great amount of respect towards. Odysseus was someone he always thought had a respectably large brain. Apollo could use that large brain right about now.
“Good, good.” He nods, taking hold of his drink and having a long sip. “I don’t know if you’ve caught wind, but I feel my talents could best serve the Quorum now.” He beams.
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apvlllo · 2 years
In the pull, Hyacinth nearly gasped but instead his body froze for a moment, because he wasn’t really sure if he’ll be welcomed in Apollo’s arms again. It shouldn’t have been a surprise in the first place but he was nervous.
“I missed you too.” It has been a long, long month in the hospital, trying to come with the realization of everything that has happened so far, of his parents trying so desperately to defend their actions. Maybe that’s the only good thing Ganydeme did in discovering everything sooner, his parents had no other choice but to admit defeat after the failure of their awful plan, Hyacinth had plans to destroy it himself once he was better, but of course the parasite had done it before him. 
None of that matter now anyway, not when he had Apollo in his arms. Hyacinth sighed and wrapped his arms around him, pulling Apollo closer, whatever or not it was possible didn’t matter. Closing his eyes, Hyacinth just let themselves be for a moment, in each other’s arms with no camera or press around them, like everyday when they were in the privacy of their home, he wondered if Apollo still lived there and how terrible it must have been to be there alone.
How can he apologize? What would make this nightmare become suddenly better? There are no words that will make it so that they’ll forgive what his parents did and Hyacinth himself wasn’t sure if he even wanted to forgive them. “All this time, they let you think I was dead.” The realization once again came to his mind and he gasped. 
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He had been doing so well keeping himself together, all until he took a deep breath and was reminded of the smell of him. Apollo had realized he had forgotten what Hyacinth smelled like. He recognized it as the same--- the feeling it gave being so familiar to him, but he hadn’t actually known what it was. His heart broke that he forgot so much.
So it’s when he let himself fall apart, held tightly in his lovers arms as his body shook and his sobs began to flow out. He gripped tightly onto the clothes of Hyacinth as if he were now going to slip through his fingertips.
It was real. It was all tangible and Hyacinth was alive and it was real. There was no way he was going to let all of this go now. He refused.
He put in his dues. He fought and he climbed and he defied everything in the wake of his grief and perhaps the Fates took pity on him. Or were impressed by his valiance in the face of such tragedy. He was gifted back to him. Apollo would not let go.
He tried to keep his sobs quiet but he was already making the other’s shoulders wet and at this point, his body had taken over and he couldn’t even stop if he wanted. His body was broken, but the relief and joy was coming out much more violently than he wished. He should be more graceful with this. Much more dashing. But he had a thing for big reactions.
And what a cruel thing for his parents to do this to him, but Apollo can’t think of that. All he can do is manage out, “But you’re here,” Between his cries, gripping on tighter.
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apvlllo · 2 years
“Not damage control. If you want to call it that, we can call it that, but it’s not damage control.” She didn’t give a fuck what people got up to on Pontius, but to make a good impression, she has to at least be seen doing something. She could’ve pressed Apollo into Hercules care the first chance she got, but at least this would make a better impression.  “I’m working security on here, so, we can call it… fuck, I don’t know, a matter of wellbeing, whatever.” She cuts a glance at Apollo. Maybe grass wasn’t greener on the other side after all. She didn’t think Olympe full of unstained glass, it was perfectly clear there were fractures, but still. She was used to this, though. Being a guiding hand for those who were too drunk to stand on their own feet. She’d done it for strangers, though with force, and for those she held to her heart with care.
“No damage control. Okay, got it. Does that offend you, calling ti damage control?” She was quite the enigma and Apollo was rather amused trying to get inside of that head and find out more. Besides, what else was he going to do while she shuffled him back to his room?
“Wellbeing does sound nice, I’ll give you that. Seems you’re doing a rather good job at it then. Congrats.” He nods, looking forward once again.
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apvlllo · 2 years
They stared at each other for what felt like ages, it seemed. Hyacinth stood there outside until something in the back of his mind told him that they can’t be outside like this, where someone could walk and try to listen to them. Hyacinth stepped inside the room, closer to Apollo in order to close the door behind them gently, touching Apollo’s hand so they won’t get caught by the closing door.
There was a few more moments, of looking over his lover, trying to see if there were any visible changes in the last three years. “You look tired, have you slept at all?” His hand hesitated to touch Apollo’s face, not knowing if he was welcomed to it. Once again anger, seeing his lover tired over the acts of his own parents made him want to scream to Chaos themselves. But it would be ironic, wouldn’t it?
Apollo didn’t know how bad it got up to that dreadful night in Tartarus, how his gambling got so out of control he was seeking it more and more. How not spending money over it was becoming a problem, everything in his life was breaking apart a piece by piece without nobody knowing and nobody could ever know either. 
Strong, Apollo has said about Hyacinth but right now he felt nothing but. Hyacinth was always good at pretending, though, maybe that’s what made him such a good actor after all. Pretending he wasn’t drowning, not now and not three years ago.
“Fates, say something.” 
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The body doesn’t know what to do with itself when it’s gone through one grief, only to have that one grief taken back. This is a gift, surely it must be a gift by the Fates and he’s been given another chance at the kind of love that shatters.
But Apollo’s stomach churns and he remembers the crying. He remembers the numbness. And he remembers how things started to feel normal without him. How he picked up his flowers every week to refresh the vase and kept their awards sparkling. He kept Hyacinth alive in his heart by eating their favorite things, watching their favorite movies. He kept him alive by sharing photos across media. No one would forget Hyacinth. 
And yes, Apollo doesn’t think he’s been okay since the death. His chest has felt empty of something great and he’s been trying to chase the love the lost in other ways. He hadn’t known how to be Apollo without his Hyacinth. But he was trying. He was really trying.
But now here he is. And it makes him feel a little sick. His life changed so much. He went through all of it. Now it feels like he’s going through it all once again.
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Hyacinth talks and Apollo’s not really listening. He’s letting himself be guided into the room and he’s still standing still, looking over his late partner. The partner that isn’t late at all, it seems.
He swallows hard, but steps forward to brush his fingers against Hyacinth’s arm. He’s physically there. He’s here and he’s real and Apollo feels his stomach burn but as if a switch flips, he pulls the man forward, arms tightly wrapping around Hyacinth’s figure, and tucks himself in his nape. “I missed you.” He breaths.
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apvlllo · 2 years
Thanatos chews at the inside of their cheek for a beat, toying with how exactly to answer. The ugly, awful little truth is that he’d liked the attention, and then he’d been embarrassed – hence the Theseus of it all, which. Than really should correct at some point. Would if he remembered. The sun did strange things to thought and memory, here, dissolved them into butterflies in his palm, impossible to catch and easy to crush. 
“Yes. Well – sort of. We aren’t, I mean.” Chaos and all the fucking fates, this is what’s tripping Thanatos up? Talking about Zagreus? “We’ve been taking things slow, officially speaking. Boundaries and all that. Then there’s the, ah, celebrity of it all. I’m sure you’re familiar.” Here, Than glances around, catching stray stares as they do.
Apollo nods carefully at ‘Theseus’ responses to the dynamic between him and his cousin. Love and relationships are a complicated and fickle thing. This he knows. But ‘Theseus’ seems to be fumbling and it makes him believe there’s more to it than he could possibly understand in a single conversation.
“Well, you know, if the love is there, you two will find a way to make it work. But I must confess, I’m not a very good secret keeper. I apologize in advance for whatever that may bring.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
who: @apvlllo​  where: private room in kalavria when: second week of summit
There was a buzzing ever since the reveal and while normally, Hyacinth would thrive on the attention, this one however felt wrong and out of place. After waking up to knowing he was in a coma for three years, Hyacinth had a tone of questions, some that despite getting the answers to, he still couldn’t believe were true, like the fact that he was in a coma for the last three years of his life and his parents hid the fact that he was alive all along. Hyacinth knew they never liked the Rhea but he could’ve never imagined that, never that. 
Hyacinth refused to believe that his eight year relationship with Apollo was ruined because of his parents, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Apollo moved on somehow, he always thought him a brilliant and charismatic man. They have so much to talk about, to catch up on and Hyacinth didn’t really know where to start. 
With sunglasses on, he walked towards the room Apollo told him he was in. This wasn’t a conversation or a reunion the public needed to see, they needed to have their conversation alone. As Hyacinth reached the room he pulled his sunglasses up to rest on top of his head and knocked on the door after few moments of deep breaths, unknown if he’s nervous because he hasn’t seen Apollo in so long or the anticipation of seeing him again. 
The door opened after what felt like forever. “Hey, Appy.” 
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He hasn’t slept in days. 
Apollo has been strung out since the phone call took place. Something so bizarre and unreal that he had to be with someone. He spent so much time on Artemis’ couch, crying, having moments of extreme panic, reeling for hours on the validity of such a call. It couldn’t be, could it? It was just a call.
Then time went on. He was waiting for this moment to happen when things would come out. It had only been a few days but as each hour passed, he grew more and more convinced that it wasn’t true. It can’t be. He’s dead. Apollo is just becoming comfortable with the fact that he has an empty bed and that he’s not going to have his great lover anymore. These things just didn’t happen.
Then the news broke and it was panic all over again. It was staring at his small screen wondering how it could be. Hyacinth told him on the phone but it still didn’t seem real. This was like a genuine soap opera, and not in the fun way.
He shared his location with Hyacinth, and while there was still a shred of skepticism, he chose to believe the media, because why would they lie about something some hopeful?
The knock came and Apollo’s legs were already trembling. Was he goingt o look the same? Different? Was it going to be someone on the other end who would hold him hostage for all of his money? If they were, they made his scam very convincing, and very cruel.
The door swings open and his breath leaves his body, mouth open in shock as he looks over his not-so-dead lover, and his taller frame. Any word he could think left his brain and all he thought was the moment after Hyacinth’s funeral, when all he wanted was to be held by him again. He had to remind himself, this would never happen. 
And yet, here he is. And Apollo wants to launch forward, wrap himself into Hyacinth, but he refrains. He grasps onto the door tightly, holding himself vertical.
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apvlllo · 2 years
Artemis observes the khaki-wearing culprit for a moment, before turning her head towards Apollo. “It has to be the exact right amount of force, brother dear. Not too light a shove, either.” 
Sharp eyes are back on their victim-to-be, who leans against the railing. Artemis wishes she was better at science, or the laws of gravity at least. “I can distract, if you want to do the deed?” There’s an impish grin on her lips as she starts to move forwards, looking over her shoulder at her twin before pointing at the sea ahead, “Is that — oh, I swear I saw something, over there!”
A little trouble didn’t hurt anyone, that’s for sure. He nodded in confirmation at his twin as she began to take the lead in their shuffle. He would follow suit, walking to the other side of the terribly dressed individual. 
“My goodness, could that be?” He says with an over-abundance of enthusiasm. His hand places to the back of the stranger, gesturing outward. “No, no, look closer.” He gives a light nudge, “Closer!” He hollers, then gives another nudge, with more oomf this time, sending them over the edge.
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apvlllo · 2 years
Zeus had hoped this wasn’t all about Apollo’s recent career aspirations. He’d almost prefer to get dragged over the coals for the affair, at this point, than talk about his son’s shifting interest into politics. There is an ache behind his eyes like a migraine building, and he’s considering walking away, when Apollo starts in on his diatribe. With it, the rest of the world quiets like an over-dramatized movie scene, emotion spiking to drown out the rest.
“That is categorically untrue,” Zeus replies when Apollo is done. “I’ve given you more attention than most of your siblings, doted on you at every turn, helped you with every opportunity. Smoothed over every hiccup and wrinkle before it could reach you. Everything you’ve ever wanted, you had on a silver platter. You’ve had a dream life, Apollo. And you think I don’t like you?” It’s almost too ridiculous to react to, incomprehension a shield between him and the blade, the unconscionable thought that his own kid would think something so horrible of him. Almost.
“The way you’ve been acting lately… spoiled and petulant, like a child. Maybe I made things too easy for you. You never had to prove yourself, and now that you’re faced with a challenge– an obstacle you could rise to, perhaps!– you’re throwing a tantrum because I, what, won’t take your word for it? That this sudden 180-degree turn to a career you have no experience in and no knowledge of– that that’s a good idea, worth risking everything for? Does my opinion mean so little to you, Apollo, that my hesitation brings you no pause? You really think you know everything. Well, I’m sorry I won’t help you ruin your life, and in the most public manner possible. Terrible parenting, I know.”
For his entire life, Apollo has always been fearful of speaking to his father about his own truths. Because truths aren’t what Zeus Rheas likes to hear. He is a man who created so much of the modern world they live in and he will not accept any truth that doesn’t fit into the one he didn’t create. 
Apollo stands still and listens to his father’s projection of the real world he has built. The narrative he creates to make himself feel better about the life he bred his children into. The silver spoon he has given them. 
Apollo doesn’t tell his dad that normal fathers spend time with their children outside of business. Normal fathers provide encouragement, guidance, they provide solace in grief and in trauma. Where has Zeus been in all of this?
His father wont hear reason. His father has his own truth that Apollo doesn’t feel he fits into anymore.
“I used to really look up to you. But I feel every time I’m around you I’m weighted by a lifetime worth of sorrow and urgency for your approval. It’s exhausting, you know, trying to fight for something that will never come.” He sighs, then raises himself to leave from the dock. “I think I’m done trying to fight for it.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
perhaps his own fault for wanting some hard earned, hardly deserved relaxation — a bad comedown has his head spinning and he figures he would indulge in hele-n’s employee benefits. 
apollo approaches. he tries not to let out an audible sigh, unsure of what the other was now pursuing but quite sure he would care little and be able to contribute even less. 
still, apollo is an old co-worker and perhaps on the path to a different kind of partnership that could come in handy, so he makes space for the other and turns his head to face apollo, lift of an eyebrow in greeting.
he’s trying, okay? 
“sun hit your eye the wrong way? no need for formalities, we’ve seen each other in worse stages.” he takes apollo’s hand, gives it a firm shake. “how’s the career pivot? can’t say ‘m surprised but i hardly saw it coming.”
Certainly they have see each other at worse points, but that doesn’t mean Apollo can’t point out when he feels that another person is looking well. Everyone needs a bit of ego stroke now and then. And that’s coming from someone who has a greatly inflated ego.
He pulls his hand back to reach for a drink, sipping casually as Orion wastes no time bringing up the career switch. “Well, I like to keep people on their toes, you know?” She laughs, “But I actually want to come for advice. I know you’ve made a bit of career change yourself, I wanted to see if you’d share some wisdom having worked with these people for some time.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
Patroclus tilted his head in thought, no he didn’t bring a suit but as Apollo said they’ll worry about that when they get there. “Water makes you feel refreshed so it makes sense we’ll feel that if we’re going in the pool after all.” Though he was sure that was not what Apollo meant by any means. 
They arrived to the pool not long after, Pontius didn’t shy away from showing every part of it’s entertainment to the public and the pools were no exception to this. “I don’t think I brought a suit with me actually, did you?”
He laughs at Patroclus’ comment, clasping him on the back. “You have a way with worlds, my friend. Too funny, too funny indeed.”
The pools, of course, looked magnificent. It was nice that Pontius had its own things that it was no doubt very talented with. The water looked delectable, craving more bodies to savor in it. “Well, if I had it my way, I wouldn’t wear a thing, but I fear that’s not the culture here. So I just wear my trunks.” Thankfully, his flowing pants was a grace to that. So he cast his eyes back towards his friend. “I’m sure we can ask someone for a pair. People are very generous when it comes to me.”
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apvlllo · 2 years
“Oh, no, I don’t think it was without reason. I just think the reason is very simple.” Some things just had to be as simple as connection, as chance encounter. Of course, that human believe in randomness had once been exploited, when he had conned his way through life: but even so. He, too, is fallible to such human hopefulness, even now. “But yes, a nice thing. And we have some power, so let’s ensure it is nice.”
There is a soft sound of amusement. “At least it’s just the stars and not all the planets, too.” Burden is an apt word, though, more apt than Apollo might know. Mino finds himself turning it over in his head for a while, before wondering if there’s anything weighing on the other’s shoulders. “If someone has to carry the stars, though, I’d gladly do it.” 
Eyebrows crease a little as he looks at Apollo. “Quite late, for someone not to be trying. Do you want to talk about what’s keeping you up?” Did he? There is no beginning to explain the worries he feels, thinking of Theseus and Ariadne on this boat together, the intricacies of the tale too much and more importantly, best omitted. But he’d offer an ear: that’s the least he can do.
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“Yes, I agree.” Apollo gives Mino a genuine nod of his head over the sentiment. He’s thankful to have the other here, considering this whole event has been a rather large struggle with him. Mino seems to take some edge off, bring some comfort. He likes that. Likes that it feels easy to talk like this. “We shall ensure it remains nice.”
Eyes glances over the other passively as he listens to him share his willingness to carry the stars. Which, of course he would, because Apollo sees the other as kind, and thoughtless in such nature. But rather than share that, Apollo decides to be playful, reaching for the man’s arm to give a squeeze. “You certainly have the arms for it, no?”
Because the next thing he knows, the question is posed back onto him and his smile drafts off the same as his mind. There’s nothing to hide from Mino, they’ve shared a great deal between each other. And Apollo’s held a lot within his own chest since things happen, it might be nice to share. “I am starting to think that perhaps I am struggling. I think I’ve been struggling for a long time. And I fear that I am struggling alone.” He turns to look over at Mino, “That’s quite a sad thought to have, isn’t it?”
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apvlllo · 2 years
“Exactly!” Athena exclaimed, relieved that someone else in the family seemed to understand the importance of them all staying together. If Apollo had been being sarcastic, it went completely over her head. “Thank you. I mean, if we don’t have each other, who do we have?”
She settled back into her own seat, squinting up at the sky as a gull flew over the ship. She had to admit that once she got her sea legs, Pontius wasn’t so bad at all. She could almost understand why her mother had chosen to stay. Almost. She didn’t think she could stand living on a glorified cruise ship. Hermes managed, but cruises seemed more his thing, anyway.
“What do you think of the summit?” she asked, looking back toward Apollo. “Huge turnout, right? Hermes has every right to be nervous about his presentation. I’m trying not to think too much about my panel.”
He keeps his eyes forward, listening to his older sister go on. It doesn’t sit right. The fact that she lives in her own distant notion of reality. Does she think that they are all truly one family unit? Where does she get that idea?
His jaw tenses but he sips his drink, humming along to her words. When he swallows, he gives her reassurance. “You’re both talented. I have zero doubt in my mind that it will go swimmingly.” He doesn’t even chuckle at his own pun.
His mind is too bogged down by her initial words, that he finally lets them out. “Do you truly think we have each other? Really have each other.” He can’t seem to think that. Perhaps if they do, Apollo himself hasn’t been let in to be part of it.
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