aquasent · 5 years
one day i’ll properly return to my water wife, but it’s not today ♥ missing everybody here !
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aquasent · 6 years
life has been busy as FUCK but hey i’m slowly working on things here like those goddamn starters and my replies ( orz, i hate fizzly brain so much ) so feel free to add me @ 1-800-AGUST-D#2465 on discord ! i am way easier to reach and approach for anything that goes from plotting to chitchatterng there !
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aquasent · 6 years
what is your muse’s eye color?
put it in the tags!
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aquasent · 6 years
me: i need to be active responsibilities: hold my baileys
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aquasent · 6 years
btw whoever sent aqua something is a blessing because she deserves all the love, all of it
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aquasent · 6 years
hmmmm?? hello?? is this probably the sweetest, prettiest, coolest, nicest, greatest, loveliest Aqua out there??? I'm in the right place, yes. a true blessing and omg askdfashfkasjhfasdf I love seeing you on my dash so much and I HIGHKEY HOPE WE CAN TALK MORE BECAUSE ILY SO MUCH AND OOF. you steal all my uwus.
* how’s my portrayal ? / accepting always ( @azaleatides )
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well this is really sweet?? im of course glad you appreciate the little things i do with this blog and my way of rping aqua, she’s such a complex character i love to explore and i hope to get more and more chances to show her facets and depths ! and really i just try to be a down to heart and honest person just like i am irl, so i’m content to see it’s appreciated! 
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aquasent · 6 years
There's a little something just outside of Aqua's door? What's this? A little homemade valentine's card? And a bag of heart shaped candies? Papa-Eraqus strikes again!
she would be lying if she’d say no tear was shed at the sight of an all too familiar handwriting she knew belonged to a hand she wasn’t going to see anymore ━to the scent of sweet vanilla and pinches of seasalt to balance something that could be considered overbearing, nimble fingers tracing lines of a heart’s shape and she could almost swear she could still feel his presence filling the walls of a castle that still felt like missing someone ( walls feeling bigger and bigger and almost twisting at each lonely night ) and her lip aching so much for how much she bit in.
but a daughter could never, ever be blamed for missing a father so much.
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and one, a soft prayer ushered against warm fingers ━one candle resting with its small flame and growing pool of wax where the frame of a keyblade lied, embellished by the embrace of growing wildflowers and three shining wayfinders latched in a promise of love. // @masterxsquare
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aquasent · 6 years
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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aquasent · 6 years
A & O !!
* valentine’s day asks / accepting ( corvulpes )
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
answered !
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
her voice has always had that balance fitting a master of her kind  ━firm and determined and yet owning that softness that never felt like she was being harsh or rude, always knowing what to say and when to say it. she’s never been one for complicated discourses and castles on a clouds, no. being direct was one thing she has been praised of ever so often and being direct she’d always be, not sugarcoating the truth while also making sure not to deliver a harsh slap for she knew there was going to be no understanding when hurt would start blinding away the eyes of logic. hers is the voice of a master ━the voice of one hordes would follow for she had indeed the heart in each letter pouring off her mouth.
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aquasent · 6 years
* valentine’s day asks / accepting ( @memcriia​ )
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
simple touches have been always something she’d use to let those she cares of know that she’s there for them, that she’ll always be no matter what ━ready to be defense for them to rest behind and shoulder for them to cry on. her nimble fingers will always give that solace in caresses and soft ruffles, and her smiles, she hoped, would give new force to their waning, flickering lights and make them stronger with hers.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
answered !
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
at heart, even with all responsibilities being always priority above herself and overworking acting even more as a brooding lover chaining at her back ━she’s always been believer in that wave coloring every action in the hues of love and affection, that spark every princess seemed to have in their pure heart and gleaming eyes. she’d admit, he’d envy them for being able to further nurture that speck when she had to suppress it ━hers a love for love that could become weakness when she was supposed to be pillar and example for those who remained defenseless against the spreading dark.
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aquasent · 6 years
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
* valentine’s day asks / accepting ( @liberons )
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
flowers are more similar to her than she’d ever think or imagine ━delicate and graceful, and yet able to bend with their stems and never break against swift winds ; she appreciates their beautiful hues and perfumes just as much as she appreciates the endurance and the way they’d always seem to rise from any storm even when anything would seem lost ; to her, forget-me-nots for the constant reminders she’d bear ‘pon her shoulders, the many names to save and keep safe in the name of light & hydrangeas in azure, for grace and beauty even in disgrace and rebirth she’s always shown to possess.
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aquasent · 6 years
A gesture she was to remember: no clue the scene would repeat itself, over a decade later. The princess had collected the prettiest flowers on the Island with the intent of delivering them to the Master. ❝ Hey, Aqua? ❞ She calls. ❝ I've picked you some flowers ! You know... for the sake of Valentine’s Day ! Since today is about love ... I figured you, above anyone else, deserved a little appreciation ! ❞ ❤
wasn’t she soft, the princess whose heart shone the most as a guide for warriors and lone souls ━mirror like pure water would be of any kind of warmth and genuine act of love, mirror of the very moment they had met with garden flowers at hand being offered towards her own stronghold figure.  she’d remember, of course, how little kairi’s smile shone so bright and full of life just like now it was, as if unchanged by the time when it clearly passed ━something still hard for she-master to get used to after so many years trapped in a darkening hold whose choking tiers still left scars on neck and wrists.
( but she had to be strong, for all those children needing her as guidance, as pillar )
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so her hands moved, careful and delicate in grazing the curves of colored petals and thin stems, the sweet scent of spring as a soothing caress like the one she’d give to the younger’s shoulder ━a smile curling the master’s lips as for a bit, tiredness would seep away to let love be known. “ ah, you shouldn’t have, but i appreciate the gesture nonetheless ━i hope you’re going to have so much fun today, kairi. you’ve been training hard and making lots of progress, you deserve it. ”  // @azaleatides
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aquasent · 6 years
(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !    
send some letters to find out more about my muse   !
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
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aquasent · 6 years
he definitely looks a little ---- /shy/ about it, almost uncharacteristically so, but his smile is genuine as he holds the small bundle of forget-me-not flowers out at her. " found these in corona ... they kinda reminded me of the colour of your hair. "
small and of a soft azure, almost periwinkle as the sunset lights shone above the goldens and ivories of the land of departure ━an unexpected little thing that caught the silken wrapped frame of she-master in genuine surprise as cheeks of hers easily drew their color from that sweet shade of pink the sky itself was twinged right when the evenings would slowly come above their heads, nimble fingers around the paper wrap keeping together those pretty flowers who smiled at her just like he-trailblazer’s, her own as soft and genuine curling glossed lips.
her touch ever so delicate ━onto the small flowers’ petals feeling like precious fabrics, onto the cheeks of a boy that was boy no more, but a living flame dancing with the light of a thousand suns, a hope in his ribcage that beat and burned, inextinguishable.
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“ they look so amazing, lea ━━ah you shouldn’t have. ” always so humble, example of grace and diligence ━thinking of herself as undeserving of someone’s care despite any part of her body craving for a little bit of that after seeing nothing but despair and desolation, working hard on not letting any of that perspire and ruin such precious moment. lea had brought her a token of his care, it was good, it meant good. “ but still, thank you, lea. ” // @flamereign
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aquasent · 6 years
This Blog is Accepting Valentine's Day Stuff, Both Heartfelt and Shenanigans
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aquasent · 6 years
Despite the disaster he’s caused in the kitchen (somehow, he managed to get egg on the ceiling) and nearly burning the cookies after reading the time wrong, the star-shaped treats turned out surprisingly well. He won’t tell Aqua it’s his third attempt at making them, or that he ate half the bowl of icing when decorating— it’s the thought that counts! “Happy Valentine’s Day, Aqua!” Ven calls as he approaches, holding the carefully wrapped cookies out to her with a warm grin. “I made ‘em myself!”
she won’t ask about the lone egg dribbling from its newly acquired spot on the ceiling and the sputters of white flour and blue icing tattering the kitchen here and there ━she won’t ask because she knew it would somehow demean and bring away the focus from the effort the youngest of their unholy trio had put in each one of those starshaped cookies ; she wouldn’t want to at all. 
( it was not the purpose of the treat, of the small burns and smudged decors )
rather, the soft beat of her heart and a careful touch cradling the cutely decorated wrap at her sight’s level, the smile on her lips and rident lights in her deep azures ━that’s what was going to speak of her even beyond the tiredness of so many responsibilities weighing over her shoulders, one gloved hand guided towards ventus’ blond locks to give them a loving little ruffle. it was a special gift filled with the love of one who’s lived with her so many tragedies, the care of one whose support was pivotal to her ━she-master loved, appreciated everything oozing from that pure heart, wouldn’t exchange that for anything.
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“ you did a great job, ven ━they look really cute. and i am sure they’re also really good. ” and her lips so soft when pressing against the forehead of the younger, as affectionate as a sister in arms could be. “ happy valentine’s day to you as well. ” // @wingbladed
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aquasent · 6 years
atm i’m trying to watch the grammy’s in a stream but meanwhile you can like this for a small starter !
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