arabellasoffia · 7 months
Kamu kalah kalau tidak bisa melawan dirimu sendiri.
Kita berjuang sekeras itu agar tidak hilang arah. Karena dunia tak berhenti menghujam keras lewat keadaan-keadaan yang rasanya ingin menjatuhkan. Dunia memang seperti itu, membuat semua orang lelah, membuat ringkih.
Hilang arah, lepas kendali adalah hal sering terjadi, kalau dirasa tak sanggup menjalani perjalanannya; kesulitannya, lika-likunya. Jalan-jalan yang dilalui juga sering membuat kita ambruk, karena situasinya, karena keadaannya. Mungkin ini adalah proses untuk menjadi orang yang bernilai, bijaksana, bermartabat; lewat keadaan-keadaan yang sulit, dari situasi-situasi yang berat. Tapi kita menjalaninya meski tertatih.
Kita mengalami emosi, luapan amarah selama menjalaninya, karena rasanya seperti terpelanting sana-sini. Kita dibanting keras, rasanya perih.
Dibuat bingung, menangis, lelah. Semua terasa gelap, karena dunia rasanya menyerang dari berbagai arah, dengan masalahnya, dengan persoalannya. Juga untuk keluar dari permasalahan butuh jalan yang tidak mudah, harus memutar otak. Ada ketakutan, kecemasan.
Sangat menguras energi.
Dan kita berjuang sekeras itu untuk tidak tersesat. Makin kesini ternyata makin rumit, banyak yang harus dituntaskan; masalahnya, persoalannya. Termasuk menuntaskan diri kita sendiri; melawan pikiran, melawan ego, melawan diri kita sendiri. Kalau kita tidak bisa melawan diri kita sendiri, kita kalah sudah.
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arabellasoffia · 7 months
Berhenti menyalahkan diri sendiri, berhenti merasa menjadi beban, berhenti merasa tidak berdaya, berhenti merasa tidak berguna. Berhenti menyalahkan itu semua kepada dirimu sendiri. Allaah menciptakanmu dan memberikan kesempatanmu hidup sampai detik ini pasti ada maksud dan tujuan. Jadi berhenti merasa dirimu tertinggal. kamu berharga, sungguh berharga sayang..
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arabellasoffia · 8 months
Sewaktu kecil dulu, kuat hasrat ingin cepat dewasa kerana sering diperlihatkan dewasa itu sinonimnya adalah 'bebas'. Namun tidak ada yang memberitahu bahawa perjalanan menuju dewasa adalah suatu jalan yang sepi dan nafsi nafsi.
Menyedari dunia adalah perjuangan menuju akhirat, pada akhirnya kita terima, sendirian itu lebih baik dari ditemani orang-orang yang tidak jelas matlamat dunia dan akhiratnya.
Setiap tahun, doa dan harapannya sama. Untuk menjadi peribadi yang tidak lelah menuju penambahbaikan, semakin dewasa menghadapi ragam kehidupan, dan sentiasa redha dan syukur dalam apa sahaja keadaan.
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa, terima segala doa dan amal kebaikan, mengizinkan tercapainya segala impian, dan menjadikan rumah terakhir kita di syurga yang di bawahnya mengalir sungai-sungai.
Barakallahu fii umrik, ya nafsi.
Menginjak satu angka lagi hari ini.
Alhāmdulillah 'ala kulli hal, 'ala kulli ni'mah.
You've come a very long way,
and the best is yet to come.
Namun sejauh mana pun kamu berjalan,
jangan pernah lupa 'jalan pulang'. 🤍🕊️
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arabellasoffia · 8 months
Instead of saying” Why is this happening” ask yourself “what is this teaching me”. Don’t focus on the feeling, focus on the lesson. If you can’t see a lesson or a different perspective other than how it makes you feel you are thinking with your ego.
Stop. Pause. Reflect. If you want things in your life to change you need to go to the root of the problem and figure out what YOU need to work on.
Complaining about how something makes you feel isn’t going to change anything.
Awareness is very special. You can’t be upset that things don’t go your way. That’s ego. Learn to change your mind. You’re not always right. Your way isn’t always the right way. Especially if you’re not getting what you want.
You don’t know everything.
Life responds to your actions. If you don’t like your response. Change your actions.
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arabellasoffia · 9 months
2024 islamic goals ideas 🩷
finish the entire Qur’an
memorise at least x5 surah’s
start to pray on time
read and finish Qur’an in translation of your language
learn tajweed rules and improve Qur'an recitation
pray in the masjid more
plan your days around salah rather than the other way round
learn Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ 's 99 names/attributes
detach from worldly means/people/things/desires
adopt true tawakkul
speak in a manner that's pleasing to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
have better hygiene
be kinder to the creation
eradicate the ego and adopt meekness and humility
habits to form
waking up for fajr more often
waking up for tahajjud more often
reading 1 page minimum of Qur’an every single day
reading books on religious knowledge bimonthly
exercising at least 2x a week
eating healthily with a balanced diet
daily dhikr after each fard prayer
listening to more islamic podcasts
daily gratitude journaling, thanking Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
praying nawafil (voluntary) prayers more often
less backbiting, more journalling
getting better sleep and not sleeping so late
praying for people rather than judging them
giving sadaqah more often
durood sharif and dhikr before you go to bed
daily or at least weekly cleaning of your space
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arabellasoffia · 9 months
if there’s anything this year has taught me, it’s been the art of letting go. there are so many things, people, ideas, thoughts and feelings that i’ve let go of this year—more than i ever have in my life. some by choice, some by leaving me with no choice. but i’ve learnt that it’s okay to stop hanging on, it’s okay to stop clinging for dear life and just… fall through the air. and surrender to Allah's Will and let Him guide you. sometimes the landing is so beautiful. sometimes you’re afraid you’ll fall and crash if you let go. but actually. actually :) you’ll find something so much softer and comfortable than the spiky, rocky edges you were scratching yourself and pricking yourself with by trying to hold on. i’ve learnt that sometimes you might be falling for a while trying to find this landing and you’ll keep falling and falling and falling to what seems like no end.
but alhamdulillah, i’ve learnt to what it means to embody sabr and tawakkul. it doesn’t mean you’ll be fine all the time. sometimes it means pulling your hairs out, crying, screaming, sobbing and sobbing in salah, going silent, not wanting to talk to anyone, pulling yourself to get out of bed and get on with your day, pulling yourself out of bed to pray tahajjud and fajr when all you want to do is sleep for 15 hours, trying hard to focus your mind on what’s at hand rather than overthinking about the future, reading Qur'an and the pages get all blurry from your tears, pretending to be happy when you’re not, lashing out at the ones you love and then feeling guilty afterwards and doing istighfar, trying to be extra kind to the people around you so that they don’t feel the pain you’re feeling, or simply just existing, living your life and having absolutely no idea what's going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and all you can do is just focus on what's happening right now. it means that through this all, you still believe that Allah will make it okay, that He still loves you and will forgive you, that there is a reward that is waiting for you, that you can keep turning to Him over and over and trust that He will make it okay. and He will.
and still, you’ll hang in there, you’ll still push, you’ll still get through it. because you’re strong. because you're being guided by Allah. and you'll already have let go now so there’s no going back. but when you find this fluffy landing, you’ll realise it was all worth it. and you’ll not only have found it, you’ll have grown in the process, become a better person and best of all, you'll have gotten closer to Allah (SWT).
and you’ll discover that this beautiful landing, this soft, cloudy landing that you didn’t expect to land on after falling at such great speed was peace, all along. the peace you were looking for that you finally found. and sometimes you’ll be pushed towards the edge again and this whole cycle will continue— and continue, it will. because what you thought was finally the ground was just another tall mountain with fluff at the top but spiky edges all around again. but the beauty in letting go and surrendering to Allah is that you’ll find peace again and again and again. 
may we all find peace in 2024 and grow closer to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ . may He forgive us for all our sins, increase us in knowledge, guide us on the right path and give us strength to overcome any difficulty/temptation/hardship. may He be with the people of Palestine and may 2024 be the year they are finally free. may He always be pleased with us and let us have a great year. Allahumma Ameen.
happy new year to you all. you’re all such beautiful people who deserve the very best. you have overcome so much this year, gone through so much this year, silently, publicly, and grown a lot. please give yourself credit for it and thank Allah. be kind to yourselves.
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arabellasoffia · 10 months
"عندما تريد لنفسك ما يريده الله لك، فهذا هو الوقت الذي فزت فيه"
"When you want for yourself what Allah wants for you, that's when you've won."
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arabellasoffia · 1 year
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Dear Allah,
I pray for my future husband. I pray for his heart. May you continue to mature him and reveal yourself to him in mighty ways. I pray that he would love you passionately. May you and him have an incredibly deep relationship. I pray he is willing to open his heart to you. I pray he comes to you in prayer and is vulnerable about the things he is facing in his life. I pray he relies on you for help and guidance. Fill him with your wisdom. I pray a blessing over his heart. I also pray for protection. Please remove any temptation or evil that is attempting to make him fall, get hurt, or turn from you. Guard his heart and cover him with your peace. If there are any situations or circumstances that cause him pain, I pray that you would heal him. Make his heart whole. I pray my future husband would have a strong understanding of who you are and how you are moving in his life. I pray his heart is full of discernment and is sensitive to your holy spirit. I pray he is willing to address his emotions and doesn't push them away. Soften his heart so that he is always willing to yield to you in humbleness. I also pray that he would embrace all that you have for him and that he is passionate to serve you joyfully. May you continue to experience intimacy with him. I pray he loves you with all of his heart, all of his soul, all of his mind and all of his strength. May you unite us in the best way and make each other a way of getting closer to you.
Allahumma ameen💌
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
There are times when you may feel like you are being tested so hard that you can't withstand the pressure. There is darkness all around and all hope seems to be fading away.
It is at those moments that you need to hold on tight to the rope of Allah and trust His master plan because there is always khair (good) and mercy in everything that happens.
Know that with difficulty comes ease. Let your faith strengthen you and fill you with everlasting optimism.
-Haleh Banani
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
Tentang Kegagalan.
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Hidup ini takkan lepas dari bianglala kegagalan dan keberhasilan. Keduanya akan selalu terasakan bergantian pada setiap waktu, keadaan dan situasi. Sama seperti rasa senang dan sedih, yang datang silih berganti.
Namun, ingatlah sebesar apapun badaimu hari ini. Pasti badai itu akan berlalu, karena setiap badai yang datang, sudah Allah pilihkan sesuai dengan kemampuanmu melaluinya.
Semangaaat untukmu, ya! 🤍
Berbicara tentang kegagalan, pasti selalu menghadirkan rasa sendu dan awan mendung bagi hari-harimu. Padahal ini bukan kegagalan pertamamu, bukan? Namun tetap saja, kau selalu kewalahan menata hati, seakan ini kegagalan pertamamu. Aku paham, karena aku pun seringnya begitu. :')
Coba tengoklah langkah-langkah di belakangmu.
Ada berapa banyak titik jatuh yang membuatmu bangkit dan mampu melangkah lebih jauh sampai hari ini?
Ada berapa banyak lautan kesedihan yang berhasil kau sebrangi?
Ada berapa banyak kesulitan yang bisa kau taklukan?
Nyatanya, kau masih bertahan hingga hari ini, bukan? Pasti karena Allah begitu mencintaimu sehingga hatimu dikuatkan untuk tetap berjuang, dilapangkan untuk tetap berbaik sangka dan diselamatkan untuk tak putus asa. Maha Baik Allah atas tiap sesuatu.
Ketika dihadapkan pada setiap kegagalan, respon pertama kali kita adalah kecewa, marah dan kesal terhadap diri sendiri adalah wajar.
Lalu, respon selanjutnya adalah menangis dan mengeluarkan mekanisme pertahanan diri masing-masing. Hal itupun masihlah wajar.
Sebab kita adalah manusia yang diberikan-Nya sepotong hati yang perasa.
Namun, jangan sampai berlarut-larut dan tenggelam dalam pusara duka. Menyelam saja, untuk memetik banyak hikmah yang tersembunyi. Aku akan menunggumu di permukaannya, okay?
Di tengah kegagalan yang sedang menimpa, mari kita menatap langit hari ini bersama-sama—meski dari jauh dan tempat berbeda. Semoga warna langit, gumpalan awan, kicau burung dan gemerisik angin di sela dedaunan, menjadikan kita bersyukur atas banyak nikmat dan hikmah yang mampu dipeluk dibalik perihnya kegagalan yang sedang menimpa.
Dari jauh, aku mendoakanmu dan diriku sendiri. Semoga usai kegagalan ini ada kado baik untuk kita yang tak pernah menyerah bersabar dalam kehidupan dan memperjuangkan impian-impian kebaikan. Aamiin ya Rabb.
Dalam bentang jarak, 21 Maret 2022 10.19
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
I understand that you want to be realistic that things may go wrong, but try to remember there is a line between realism and pessimism. “Things could go wrong, so I’ll make a good plan and try my best” will always be better than “Things will probably go badly so I have to assume it will be a disaster.” Don’t dwell on the worst-case scenario.
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
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. Kadang, kita sendiri tak mampu untuk memahami diri kita ini. Sebab itu kita tak mampu untuk jadi diri sendiri. Kerana yang lebih memahami adalah Allah. Maka kita perlu jadi apa yang Allah nak kita jadi. . Di balik konflik jiwa hadir yang memecah benteng kekerasan bukan kerikil besi mahupun bola keluli cuma perasaan yang menyerap lembut di celah celah keegoan seperti angin-yang tak terlihat tapi rasanya cukup mendamaikan.
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
7 tips in getting closer to Allah SWT
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read the Qur'an everyday reading the word of Allah and understanding what you are reading will make you feel close to Him as you know that this is not a Book that anyone has just written - it has come directly from Allah SWT. subhanallah. reading and understanding what He says will make you want to practise what the Qur'an says and, in turn, be closer to Him.
be around people who remember Allah human beings have great influence on each other so it is important to have righteous people around you. their relationship with Allah SWT will inspire you to build and improve yours.
understand what you recite in salah knowing what you are reciting will help you understand how many blessings you are gaining with just a single prayer. take time to learn the translation (if you do not speak/understand arabic) of what you are reciting and why.
learn Allah's 99 names and attributes 'And to Allah alone belong all perfect attributes; so call on Him by these' (7:181) Allah likes it when we call Him by his names and it is important to recognise and understand Him. think of Him as your friend: when you get to know someone better, you get closer to them. it is the same thing, in fact, better, with Allah SWT.
have secret good deeds between you and Allah again, like having a friend, having something that is just between you and your Lord will make you feel closer to Him.
make lots of du'a - especially in sujood having your dua's come true is the best feeling, especially when you have been praying for something for a long time, alhamdulillah. praying for anything, no matter how big or small, will make you feel closer to Him as you know that He alone will make everything okay and knows what is best for you.
remember death and prepare for it this one can be very hard but it is important to remember that death can come at anytime so always try and do good deeds and live righteously in order to please Allah. when having this mindset that each day is a new chance to seek forgiveness and do good deeds, you will feel closer to Him by wanting Him to be happy with you.
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
حزنٌ يردُّك إلى الله، خيرٌ من فرحٍ يُشغلك عنه
Sadness that brings you back to god is better than happiness that takes you away from him
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
If you never felt pain or experienced problems, how would you know that Allah is Al-Shafi –the Healer?
If you never made a mistake, how would you know that Allah is Al-Ghafur –the Forgiver?
If you were never hurt, how would you know that Allah is Al-Mu’min –the Comforter?
If your life was perfect, then why would you need Allah?
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
“In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don’t try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.”
— Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (via goodreadss)
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arabellasoffia · 2 years
Ya Allah, don't let me ever turn away from You, no matter how many trials and difficulties You test me with. Let these difficulties serve to make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You.
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