arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
The book deal........
The book deal……..
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My story is unfinished and so many have asked why. I have been unable to talk about it until now due to contract negotiations.
The reason is, I have been asked to leave it unfinished for now.
In this blog, anyway.
The attention our story got was bigger than I realized and along with that attention came a book deal. A HUGE book deal!
All the name callers, ugly jealous bitches and especially…
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
The Day the Rabbit Died....
The Day the Rabbit Died….
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So, I recently shared my own little slice of happiness. I am blissfully pregnant with the baby of the man I love and adore.
I am blessed.
I am one of the lucky ones, so far.
They say Karma is a bitch and some wish bad things on me for cheating with a married man (like I am the only one to EVER do this, please!)
I have received one email wishing harm on my unborn baby bc I may or may not have…
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
The Fuckening
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It’s funny to me as this story progresses and more information comes out how you start to see people’s true colors.
Seems there were a lot of naysayers that spend an awfully large amount of time reading these blogs, sharing these blogs, talking about these blogs, and harassing people over these blogs.
For the innocent bystanders who have been harassed (and I only know the ones that have contacted…
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
Anson and I continued to meet at cemeteries, along with a few other places here and there over the next couple of months.
(One of our favorite spots was at Guntersville Lake near the swim beach. It is private, quiet, romantic and secluded.)
After meeting in secret so many times and trying to keep myself from having sex with him the night came that he asked if he could run by my house.
This is where you should go back and read the first post titled ‘Adult Decisions.’
So IT happened.
I finally gave in to my lustful needs and had sex with this man. Actually that’s probably not how that should be worded I didn’t give in, I had been fighting it for a very long time and made a very conscious decision that I needed more from him married or not.
I needed to be bound to him in some way other than handjobs and blowjobs and 8th grade bullshit!
We were both adults, both consenting adults.
So we fucked, had sex, made love, however you want to word it.
We may have ‘loved’ each other but what we did was so animalistic, raw, loud and messy I call it fucking.
When people think of making love they think candles and rose petals and slow, sensual, romantic, sex. That is not at all what this was.
So, read Adult Decisions then come back here.
My birthday came and I never realized he had a clue what day this was.
He planned an actual date for us. (Not a real date by definition as that usually entails dinner out, a movie, taking a walk) these things are done in public.
We weren’t public.
One of the joys of a small town is whether you are in charge of sports, just a part of sports or know someone who’s involved in sports you can get a key to almost anything.
In this case the log gym.
The log gym in Grant is beautiful, it is romantic, it smells like dirty socks but it was the perfect location for our next rendezvous.
Now there were other options for his set up; there’s an upper tier, there’s a stage but he chose the middle of the gym floor, and I loved it!
Mr. Charming had gotten the keys to the gym and had set up the most romantic setting right in the middle of the gym floor.
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He had laid out a blanket; I’m assuming it belonged to HER as it was soft and fluffy, the kind you would curl up on the couch with.
There were candles already lit which I’m assuming he did before he came to pick me up.
There were numerous bags sitting around which I would later find out contained food, drinks and gifts.
The only thing that made this date a little different was we couldn’t just freely Park our car where everyone could see it.
He had chosen an adjacent parking spot near the Log gym but not at it, just in case anyone drove by and recognized it.
As we walked in he locked the door behind us for privacy.
The clanking of my heels across the wood floor sounded almost ghostly with the haunting echo in the large room.
I removed them immediately and left them by the front door.
Mr. Charming went and double checked all the other doors including the side door near the creepy storage area that the kids use to break in the gym.
All secure.
He escorted me to the center of the gym floor and we sat on the blanket and talked and laughed and shared stories.
He had stopped at Subway and gotten us food (I have no idea why he chose Subway) and had bought bottles of wine which we shared quite freely.
We talked a lot about HER and his feelings for her and where things had changed and gone wrong.
He said they had grown so far apart that he had been drinking wine for the last 3 years and she had no clue that he even liked it.
They had just quit giving a shit about each other.
It made me sad to see the hurt in his eyes and to hear the pain in his voice.
He had truly been in love with this woman at one point in his life and now they were strangers living in the same house.
He was lonely, he was tired, and he miss the adult companionship of conversation and bonding; intimacy.
I got it.
I got him.
The gym was quite noisy.
This sweet man suddenly pulled out a birthday cake from one of his secret bags that was amazingly beautiful. He had actually gotten it from a bakery not Walmart or Publix.
I think part of the excitement of being there was the constant noise. Every time the wind would howl it would Shake windows and doors and we would have to jump up and go check and make sure no one was outside.
I had read somewhere that part of the appeal of having an affair with someone was the anticipation of getting caught.
This is no lie.
You’re constantly in fear because you know if anyone were to see you together it would be hell for whichever one of you is married, or both.
It is also exhilarating constantly being on the edge of being caught, it is part of the excitement.
In this moment I had gone to try to peek out the front window, thinking I had heard something and when I turned around he was standing directly behind me.
He pushed me up against the doors he began to do all the things that he did so amazingly well.
He touched, groped, kissed and licked all the appropriate places. He turned me around and pressed me against the doors.
Standing behind me he used his hand to bring me to an orgasm.
God he was so good and allowing myself to trust him had made it so much better.
The sexiest part of the whole thing was he never removed his own clothes or mine.
I let him.
He haf simply pulled my panties off, as I was wearing a dress, and he pulled himself out of his own pants leaving his shirt intact and tucked in. Only his cock was out, full and hard, throbbing in anticipation.
Picking both my legs up and wrapping them around his waist, he entered me with both of us appearing to be fully clothed.
We stood face to face while he pumped I to me.
I looked into his eyes as he moaned.
He fucked me against the gym door, then in one fail swoop, he walked with me attached to his waist back to the blankets on the floor. Laying on top of me he fucked me until I was screaming in ecstasy.
As quickly as he had entered me he pulled out moving his head down and using his tongue to continue to pleasure me until I was crying and begging him to fuck me more.
He pulled me up and onto him where we sat entangled in each other moaning and sweating I rode him until he came inside of me.
He wasn’t done.
He flipped me over and entered from behind and fucked me so fast and hard he and I both came again.
We laid on that gym floor for hours afterwards.
Both wishing we could go home and sleep in the same bed and wake up to each other.
After cake and with the wine kicking in, he handed me a box.
As I opened it my stomach had a knot.
It felt like the kind of box jewelry came in.
As I opened it he began to tell me how he had to pay with cash so she didn’t see a receipt on their credit card for the jewelry store.
I never really thought about the lengths he went to to keep us a secret, but it must get exhausting.
Inside the box was a necklace with charms.
He had a separate box with the new charm in it.
It was a basketball.
It had a pair of sunglasses and a red truck charm attached.
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He had gotten things special to us and my love for him expanded in that instant.
He told me he loved me and he hoped my birthday had been special.
As I wiped a tear from my eye and kissed him, I felt that knot in the pit of my stomach again that told me something was about to change.
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
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Next blog is up! #affair
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
The Cemetery: Reservations for 2
Anson quickly became my best friend.
I knew he wasn't suppose to be.
His wife should have been his best friend but there again I shouldn't even be in this equation, right?                
We spent about 2 weeks texting, talking on the phone; quick visits here or there.
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He stopped by almost every day on his way home from work to see me and tell me about his day.
He made it very clear that he needed me to know this wasn't about sex.
Of course we hadn't had sex yet, at this point, but we had kissed, touched, caressed.
I had had to have him that day in the empty house and had given him a blow job simply out of my own lust for him.
Now 2 weeks of nothing.
By his choice, of course, as he said he felt like if we did anything sexual I would think that was all he wanted and he needed me to understand he had emotions that were so much greater than sex.                
I got this because I felt them too.
Now this is where it gets tricky because I want to make sure you, the reader, understand one thing.
I understand what commitment is, what marriage vows should mean and that adultery is wrong.
Infidelity affects so many people. Not all vows are equal and some couples fall out of love, period.
At this time he had not been unfaithful and I had not slept with a married man.
Define Infidelity, your own definition not a dictionary's.
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Let's be honest, if you ask most married women if they consider kissing infidelity, most say yes.
They say the thought of their husband kissing another woman makes them feel violated.
So, I can assume that if his wife knew another woman had sucked on her husband's penis, masturbated in front of him, much less had spent hours kissing him she would probably consider this infidelity.
In my single mind, it was not; yet.
One of my roommates starting getting off work early so Anson stopping by after work became tricky.
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You would be amazed how few people go to cemeteries in Grant.
We ended up meeting at most; down Swearengin Road, the obscure one that overlooks Cathedral Caverns in Kennamers Cove, near Honeycomb, near Guntersville at Connors Landing and in Claysville.
The first time he suggested we meet at one I thought he had lost his mind.
He asked me to meet him at the one on Cathedral Caverns near White Elephant Road.
I did.
It was just getting dusky and the breeze their was strong and eerie.
I beat him there and sat on the hood of my car at the top of the drive where noone could see me from the main road.
It was hauntingly peaceful.
When he arrived, he found me wrapped in a blanket, legs pulled up, sitting on the hood of my car.
He parked behind me and came to stand beside me turning me on the hood so I was now facing the side and he stood between my legs.
He kissed me.
God he smelled good even after working all day.
He told me that his wife had become increasingly needy and he felt like she knew something was up.
He said she seemed aware of a change since he acted happier, let her comments roll off and had quit caring what she did and who she was with.
He had just quit, so there were no arguments.
She was suspicious.
Suddenly she was being more attentive and had attempted to come on to him which was out of character for her.
I told him maybe we should stop this before it really gets started because my intention was not to make life harder for him.
"I don't want you hurt, sad, torn and this is new and confusing and maybe we should walk away now." I said.
Pressed against me with his hands on my hips he looked me in the eye.
Taking a deep breath he pulled me hard against him and with tears glistening in his eyes he began to speak.
"I can't stop, you."
He paused.
"Arabel, I am so in love with you I can't function. I go home and love my kids, love my life with them and you are missing, you should be there, not her."
I couldn't look him in the eye.
I felt horrible he was hurting and terrified he just told me he loved me because I had loved him from the first day I saw him at the ball park.
"I can't do life without you but cannot leave my children."
"They deserve a dad and I wouldn't want you to leave them, I love you too and don't want pain and hurt for you."
I took his face in my hands and a tear fell down his cheek.
My heart broke for him.
He was hurting and this hurt me.
"We will make this work even if it is in secrecy for now until we find the right time to change things."  I said.
I said this.
I suggested we keep seeing each other until God knows when.
What was I thinking?
I kissed his salty, tear glazed eyes and his nose and then his mouth.
He pulled me so close against him I thought he would crush me.
We kissed and caressed and just tried to breathe.
I knew "the nothing sexual pact" was going out the window because I needed to touch him. To make him feel good, like a man.
As his hands found their way into my shirt and he undid my bra, I could feel him throbbing against me. I began to grind hard up against him.
I felt like a high school kid scared to have sex that dry humps until they either cum in their pants or get blue balls and go home.
I moved harder and faster against him and he thrust so hard over and over.
Finally, exasperated he pulled  back and undid my jeans pulled them off in one fast motion.
I was terrified someone would pull up but this also made it more exhilarating.
He undid his own pants and pulled his hard cock out.
He pulled me to him and rubbed himself against my satin panties.
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Up and down on my clitoris through my panties.
I tried to stop him, in my head, but no words ever came out.
Word paralysis.
I allowed him to rub on me until I had an orgasm.
I never touched my own body and allowed myself to cum so hard.
As I moaned in his ear he came on my panties. Throbbing and pulsating until their was nothing left.
I didn't mean to but I cried.
I had never let go and allowed myself to just be with someone so completely I could orgasm by them.
He held me and whispered he loved me in my ear.
I was shaking and felt so complete.
Now what?
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
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Next blog is up!
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
AAAHHH! I love your blog! I've been following your blog for a while and I write down prompts I like here and there. I think I might actually write something with them soon💖💖
Thank you! And I wish you good luck and hope you get inspired enough to write something wonderful with them :)
- Jana
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
Jacuzzi cont'd
I worried that night what he was thinking and worried about his guilt and how he felt around her.
My phone went off and suddenly I KNEW 100% he was caring and loving and kind and in this for the long haul.
What was I suppose to do with that??
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
The Jacuzzi
I wasn't suppose to want him this bad.
I wasn't suppose to feel a thing .
I am young, sexy, so many men have wanted me.
I said no to most of them.
Contrary to popular belief I have been very picky who I have allowed to touch me and who I have had sex with having had less than 10 lovers in my years on Earth.
Until Mr. Charming I had never had an orgasm with a man.
I never allowed myself to let go, to be me SO completely I got out of my own head and allowed it to happen.
I have only orgasmed alone until him.
This is where I would like to remind you that this is a cleansing of my soul. It's not for the faint of heart and I am being honest.
I WASNT SUPPOSE TO FEEL A THING. I never planned this, didn't go looking for it and tried to change the way I felt.
I have been a failure at many things but THIS by far takes the cake. I failed big time!
I wanted him so badly.
I grew up in a Christian home.
I know right from wrong.
As I honestly stated before I am a flirt, I love the control we as women have over men with our bodies, our clothes, our tone, our smell.
I had absolutely no control over the emotions, the lust, the need I had for Anson.
Now, here I was alone In bed; crying.
Most of our quests had left and I had showered and touched myself in the shower, cumming so hard just thinking of his kiss, the way he held my face when he kissed me. The way his dick felt against me and grinding into me. I got in the bed and masturbated again wanting him, needing him.
I felt so empty afterwards I let the tears come and just cried.
I don't cry.
I have never been an emotional woman and am really good at hiding bad emotions but the emptiness and loneliness I felt was all encompassing and I allowed them to flow.
I hoped maybe this was enough to make me want him less.
I stupidly thought if I allowed the bad feelings , the guilt I had at even thinking of this married man just flow, I would purge myself of my ache for him.
Then, I slept.
The morning came with a renewed hope and I felt maybe I could survive never seeing him again.
As if he knew, my doorbell rang and I opened the door to his gorgeous early morning face.
He smelled amazing (what's new, right) and leaned in to hug me without a word.
He kissed me lightly beside my lips. Not on the cheek like your grandpa would but just beside my lips in that sensitive area that makes you instinctively turn slightly that direction.
He asked if I would run an errand with him.
He began to tell me about a house one of his friends was buying right near my house and said he was asked to go look at it so he could tell his buddy what he thought. He asked me to go with him.
Like any idiot who is paralyzed by a great smelling, gorgeous, guy I went.
It was like the word NO ceased to exist iny current vocabulary.
We drove down Simpsons Point Road to the house.
Laughing and talking as we drove, I realized how natural even breathing was when I was with him.
I was terrified.
We got there and as expected he opened my car door and held my hand as we walked the property.
So natural.
It was as if it was OUR new house.
He tried the door and it happened to open without difficulty. We assumed it was locked up but to our surprise it wasn't.
Of course we went inside and began looking at the house.
I watched him do all the manly things a good friend would, he kicked door frames, pushed on counters, messed with faucet handles, manly things.
We were in the master bathroom and he was doing his guy things and I sat on the side of the jacuzzi tub.
I realized after a few minutes that he was leaning against the counter staring.
I smiled at him and asked him what we were doing.
"I have no idea."
"How do we figure it out?"
"I dont know that either."
"You're married."
"Only on paper." This was his reply. Swear to God.
He began to tell me they were strangers living in the same house.
He said they never kissed. He hadn't had sex with her in too long to even recall.
"We quit years ago and are still together for the kids and for reputation."
"Where does this leave me because I did not sign on for this, yet here I sit waiting to see what happens next.?"
He approached me and pulled me to my feet.
Staring at me all he could muster was, "God you are so beautiful!"
He told me all the things we as women want to hear. He said I took his breath away, he wanted me so badly and then it was said.... The one thing I did not want to hear.
"Please stay with me through this until we figure it out because for the first time in all my years with her I want to leave. I need you and have to figure out what to do and don't want to lose you in the meantime."
I did what any young, single woman attracted to the man who is telling her this would do.
I took him in my arms and kissed him.
I held him, hugged him, carressed him, kissed him.
He pushed against me and pulled my hips against him as if he wanted to fuck me with our clothes on.
I knew I would not have sex with him.
We had too much to figure out.
I did however, know I wanted to touch him.
He put his hands in my shirt caressing my breasts and  taking them in his mouth.
He moaned and ground himself against me as if he couldn't stand how badly he wanted me.
I undid his pants and pushed him down to the side of the jacuzzi and fell to my knees in front of him. 
He sat breathing heavy, moaning on the side of that tub while I took every inch of him into my mouth.
He was larger than most of the men I had been with and this alone turned me on.
I wondered what he would feel like inside of me.
He pushed my head away and pulled me to standing and undid my jeans sliding his hands into the front of my pants.
I allowed him enough of a touch to drive him crazy then pulled his hands out.
I did this simply because I wasn't ready to see what his touch could do and I was terrified I might have an orgasm BY him instead of BY me.
As I slid his hand out I put mine in and stood in front of him touching myself until I couldn't stand it anymore. I noticed his own hand on his dick and I came so hard.
I went to my knees in front of him as he let go of his own shaft and allowed me to take him back in my mouth. He came almost immediately and moaned and cried out. He tasted amazing and different than most men.
I wondered if maybe he had had a vasectomy and this made his semen taste different.
We sat there in this empty house, a quiet drip from the tub the only sound other than our own breathing.
He kissed me pulling me up and buttoned my pants for me. He got himself together and we walked back to his truck in a comfortable silence. As he drove me home we talked some and he was quiet.
It scared me.
I was afraid I should have said no.
I was afraid I went to far and he was running.
I knew this was a married man and I had stepped across a line I couldn't go back over.
We hadn't used any protection.
Did he have something?
You can get STDs in your throat!
I should have asked.
What was he thinking?
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
And so it begins.....
For the next week I tried really hard not to think about him.
For God sakes I had only seen the man twice in my life.
There was no reason to have him stuck in my head like this.
Yet, there he was like a headache that just won't quite go away.
The thought of him always there nagging at me.
The conversation had been so smooth and easy, I wanted more. I wanted to tell him something that happened so I could hear his robust laugh or see what his opinion was.
I pushed it all away.
After a few days I somehow had managed to not get up in the morning thinking of him which I thought was a huge improvement.
At this time I was living with other people; had roomates.
It was not uncommon on the weekends for us to have large dinner parties, moving tables outside or sitting around bonfires, grilling out, drinking, playing music, just enjoying life.
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About a week after my conversation with Mr. Charming at the Ballpark, I came home late one afternoon to find our home had been invaded by lots of alcohol, food and people.
One of my roommates had invited a few people over to hang out and eat.
Kids were running around; it was a madhouse but how we liked it.
I walked through the house and as I came around a corner I ran into and spilled my drink on HIM.
He stood there, with wine running down his arm, smiling that charming smile.
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All I could say was "Oh my God, what are you doing here?"
He said my roommate had invited them over so his kids could enjoy the bonfire.
Did he say them?
Before the thought processed completely there she was.
His wife.
A woman I should feel indifferent of yet found myself jealous of.
She was his, he had chosen her; she had children with him, slept beside him, fucked him, cooked for him.
I apologized for the wine and showed him the sink so he could rinse the wine off.
My eyes never really left her.
He was so gorgeous and well kept and in shape and smelled amazing.
She didn't look like she belonged with him. I don't mean to be mean but I promised honesty.
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Here she stood, a woman who had obviously let motherhood get the best of her.
She was thick and frumpy and didn't appear to have showered with greasy hair.
I remember thinking to myself 'I pray I do not let myself go like this if I am blessed with children.'
I also remember thinking (and I am not saying it was right) ....no wonder he flirts with other women (or was it just me? Please let it just be me. Does he flirt with other women too?)
She spoke and brought me back to my current reality.
She introduced herself and we talked a few minutes about basic nonesense.
The conversation was easy but she was only concerned about what she was eating and what he was doing, attempting to "parent" him every chance she got.
"Don't do it this way but do it like this."
"Don't use a rag use paper towels."
Constant criticism.
I must have looked foolish in hindsight because I simply stood there, watching them interact.
Her the parent, him the child.
I felt for him.
I wanted to tell him he mattered.
She was a bitch and suddenly some of the guilt I had for even thinking of him dissipated.
One of the kids ran through screaming about something and she marched out of the room to yell at them.
He looked at me with an apologetic expression and we both started laughing.
"That's the Mrs."
He stated still laughing knowing I understood.
All I could do was laugh with him and wonder where things had gone so wrong for them.
The evening progressed with me managing to avoid him for the most part.
Once in the kitchen we had a few alone minutes and we talked and laughed.
He told me he was so attracted to me and wished to God for the first time in his life he wasn't married.
I dwelled on this longer than I should have and decided  that all men flirt, he probably flirted with all women and I moved on.
I was coming from the back of the house as he came out of one of the bathrooms. Noone but the two of us stood in the hallway.
I have always been told that sometimes we are given moments that define us, or can change our lives as we know them.
One simple moment or decision.
This was one of those moments.
He stood so close I could feel his breath on my face as he looked down at me.
We tried speaking but neither could.
He suddenly grabbed my face with such need, such passion, and even with the ferocity he grabbed me with, the kiss was gentle.
It was as if he was scared he would break me.
He held my face so tight, yet kissed me so tender, so soft.
I did not.
I pushed him into a room and closed the door behind us.
I kissed him back with such passion, my body going haywaire to have more of him and knowing I could not.
I could feel him hard against my hips, breathing heavy.
We barely came up for air.
We kissed for what seemed like forever, grinding against each other.
I lost all sense of time.
He finally pulled back and stared at me breathlessly.
The only words he could get out were "what are we going to do?"
Well Hell if I knew.
I whispered I didn't know and he pulled back, wiping a stray hair out of my eyes he straightened his shirt, wiped his lips with the back of his hand and breathlessly opened the door and walked out.
He left me standing there wanting so much more, knowing we stood on a slippery slope of deceit and hoping I went off the slope with him.
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
Once Upon A Time
He smiled and my heart stopped.
He looked at me and the whole world ceased to exist in that one moment.
"Arabel this is Anson."
It was that simple.
An introduction.
Being introduced by a mutual friend was all it took to start this downward spiral of love, deceit, passion, lies, truth, pain, and consequences.
Four simple words that changed my everything .
He held his hand out, I held mine out, we shook and exchanged "Nice to meet yous", the end, right?
That's where it should end.....
But that would make for a very boring story.
So we exchanged basic, small talk with our mutual friend.
We were at a ball field, he was park boss. (There's that damned park boss thing again! Only in the South!)
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Ansons kids played ball and he had a reason to be there that day.
My "friend" had dropped off his neice and had a reason to be there that day.
I, however, had been begged to go with him so I could go afterward to listen to a story about his failed date the night before.
I had NO reason to be there, yet here I stood, looking at and talking to this beautiful man that I had no reason to be speaking with, none.
He was nice, charming; God he smelled good.
His dark wavy hair was just long enough to be disturbed by the breeze. He had big brown eyes and that facial scruff that makes a man look like he could use a shave but it's so sexy you don't want to see it cut off. (Yeah, that's the kind.)
I never thought much else because I knew I wouldn't see him again.
Why would I?
My friend and he said there good byes and I said it was nice to meet him. He smiled and waved and said the same back.
The end........
This is where fate, karma, God, Buddha whatever you believe changes the universe, came in to play.
After eating and gossiping the afternoon away with our mutual friend, I returned home.
As I approached my house I realized I didn't have my sunglasses.
Now normally this wouldnt matter much but I had just bought them and paid a pretty penny for them.
The last place I remembered having them was at the ball field earlier. I had taken them off  when meeting Mr. Charming as I was taught it was rude to talk to someone with sunglasses on.
I remembered hanging them next to my friends on the fence.
Now, I won't lie, he immediately went through my mind when I thought of returning to the ball field to look for the glasses but I shook it off and even thought to myself, "he is old and married and you need to not flirt, so just stop!"
Then I did what any sensible woman would do who just bought $100 sunglasses she didn't want to lose; I got in my car and drove to the ball field.
Arriving at the park was the easy part.
Leaving the park was the hard part.
The park was far less crowded as it was late afternoon and I could see from the parking lot my glasses were not on the fence anymore.
I started to just leave but noticed a concession stand and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if they had a lost and found.
The woman at the counter said they did and she pointed to an office above the dugouts and said they had a box in there for lost and found.
I went in, found my glasses right away, closed the door and headed down the stairs.
''You're Arabel, right?"
Damnit...... There he stood.
I told him Hi again, told him why I was there and that I had to go.
I feel it should be noted I TRIED to just leave, walk away, go home, be done......it didn't work.
He said he would walk me out as he was leaving too and asked me to wait while he turned the lights off.
One by one the giant lights went away thrusting us into a darker and darker setting.
All that remained were the street lights.
We walked towards the parking lot talking, God he was easy to talk to. He was so different than normal men. He paid attention to details, asked questions, was funny, considerate.
An hour passed and I can honestly say I had no sense of time, none.
His phone ringing was the only thing that ended what may have been a never ending conversation.
He had to go.
Who was I kidding, I HAD TO GO.
He held my car door opened for me, closed it behind me and told me to drive safely.
He leaned against the hood of his truck and watched me carefully, protectively, as I backed out and pulled out to leave.
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I wish I had never looked back, wish I hadn't had a mirror in my car and wish I had just left.
I glanced in my rearview mirror before pulling out and he was leaned against his car still watching me, ankles crossed, one hand waving, smiling. The look in his eye sparked something in my core that told me, I would see him again......
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arabeltroy-blog · 6 years
Adult Decisions
A red truck is where it first happened. A truck.....
I was "that" girl.
I had sex in the front seat of a red truck with an older man. An amazing man.
A married man.
It wasnt something I planned. I didn't get up that morning and say to myself, "self, today I think you should break some rules and fuck a married man just for kicks and giggles. "
I am an adult.
He is an adult.
I have known him for years (no, he is not the father of one of my friends, I knew that was your next question.)
I am beautiful, young, sexual and a flirt.
Full disclosure, I flirt....ALOT, with all men.
I love the attention of a man looking at me, thinking of me, wanting me; the control I feel it gives me over them.
As a woman I have the ability to simply move a certain way, smell a certain way, dress a certain way, sit a certain way and  can turn a man on,  make him hard, that is control.
That is a turn on.
Since I am writing this to be honest and get this secret out there, I can honestly say I did NOT plan this.
I did not expect the have feelings for him and did NOT plan hurt him or his family in any way.
It all started in that damned truck. It wasn't
even his truck, I might add.
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His was in the shop and he had rented this beautiful red truck in the meantime.
We will talk about our history in a later blog, today, it's about the sex.
Great sex.
Quick sex.
Sex, unlike any I have ever had.
It was dirty and raw and passionate!
He made me feel things no man has ever made me feel.
He made me orgasm quicker and harder than I knew was possible.
I am an open woman, I masturbate, I don't need a man to have an orgasm, but this man, he worked me up so much he barely touched me before I came so hard I almost passed out.
That has NEVER happened before.
When he called me that night, he asked if he could come by and see me for a minute. He was on his way home and said he just needed to look at me, in person.
We had flirted , talked, even messed around a little bit but I was not prepared for the level of passion he would arouse in me that night.
He pulled into my driveway and I went outside to the truck.
Playing it smart, I figured if he didn't come in, I couldn't mess up and do something I couldn't take back.
I was wrong.
I got in on the passenger side of the truck and he smiled.
That amazing smile, eyes sparkling, oozing charm and sexuality.
He smelled amazing.
We talked.
We laughed.
Then, he touched me.
A simple hand on the knee. That's all it was.
I got wet.
I could feel my body respond to his touch with throbbing and aching.
I told him I should go in.
He begged me not to.
The emotion in his voice, the way he looked at me, the smile he flashed at me was all it took.
I got up on my knees beside him and kissed him.  I made the first move.
His hands went into the back of my jeans and grabbed my ass. It was more of a clawing, like he HAD to hold it, couldn't let go of it.
I straddled him and before I knew what happened we had skipped all foreplay and I was taking him inside of me.
Riding him with all I had, his fingers barely grazing my clitoris before I came so hard, I had no control.
He moaned and moved and throbbed inside of me until we collapsed together in this bundle of sexual release and orgasmic bliss.
He smiled again, looking up at me with a sweaty face and that damned smile that melted my heart.
His phone rang.
It was her.
He said he had run by the ball field to check the locks and make sure it was closed up after baseball practice and would be home soon. (He was what they call a park boss in a small town)
He told her he loved her as he touched my face, removing a sweaty strand of hair from my eyes.
He hung up.
Then, he left. No real words, we were both in shock.
I got out, he left.
He has a wife, he has children, he had to return home and left me standing in my own driveway with a cool Summer breeze blowing around me.
I felt exhilarated, I felt dirty, i felt guilty, I felt alive.
I knew I wanted more but I had no idea the journey we we're about to go on together.
He is married.
I made an adult decision to fuck a married man and began an affair.
I was  the other woman and the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted more......
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