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it’s been ten years and i can confirm that everything still happens so much. happy anniversary king
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Over the course of the game, roll a d20 every so often.
This measures the progress of a different, unmentioned party of adventurers who are on their own quest to stop an unrelated threat to the entire mortal world.
If you get a one they fuck up and die so the world abruptly ends with no warning.
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bro you did NOT just ditch boy's night to go spill your blood over a holy altar corrupting it and allowing it to become a conduit for summoning your fel lord
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Shorter conservatives: me, me, me.
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Today in niche genres of joke that I can never get enough of and will probably still be secretly thinking about four years later
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you know who’s gay? paul the real estate novelist who never had time for a wife and davey who’s still in the navy and probably will be for life
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RYAN GOSLING "I wouldn't dare Ken-splain the Barbie movie."
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by elnaz555
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”the gay subtext between Merlin and Arthur is just subtext” interesting take but have you ever watched the fucking show
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Me after being diagnosed with cozy bitch disease
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"a joy to have in class" aka This Child Will Not Be Diagnosed for at least Eight Years
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requested by meme-god23
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i want to slonk your shit silly style like sloppy swag
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Psh. Whatever. It’s not like I wanted to get my shit slonked silly style anyway…
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