arandomshine · 3 years
[Part1] [Part2] [Part3: You are here]
Leigh: talks like this
Uncorrupted Xornoth: talks like this
Scott: talks like this
Ceven(Father): talks like this
Ciaran(Mother): talks like this
It was bright, and when Leigh opened her eyes she heard owls making noises around her, she was home, in her bed. She stood up quickly and looked around.
"D-Did it work? I only really remember plunging the sword into my chest and falling to the ground next to Scott,, Just then she realized two different voices were talking outside her front door, not wanting to interrupt them she opened the door just enough to see a purple haired person talking to:"Scott...wait..but that must mean that purple haired person must be...uncorrupted Xornoth? Huh, he doesn't look half bad, this means the sword definitely did work! Which also means, mum and dad should be here too, uninjured!,, she thought to herself. Leigh quickly pulled herself back into reality to listen in on what the two were talking about. "I'd say you're being weird but you often are,, "Hey! No I'm not!,, "There's the little brother I like to wind up, haha! Anyway I need to take stuff over to the sheep, mum and dad will be back from their trip in a couple of days, so we need to make sure everything is good to prove we can run this place! Now go get stuff done!,, "Yeah...s-sure,, Leighs saw the two go separate ways, she waited a few more seconds for them to be abit futher away but then she fully opened the door and stepped outside.
It was a nice and sunny day, it was a perfect day. She gazed at the sky becoming lost in the blue color. "Leigh honey! Could you help me and your mother quickly?,, From the direction where Xornoth went, two people could be seen carrying 2 huge sacks each. "M-mum, d-dad?,, The two came closer now standing next to Leigh. "Yes sweety it's us. Is something wrong?,, "No it's nothing haha...,, Of course there was something wrong Leigh wasn't used to seeing her parents unharmed and without their scars. "What are those sacks for anyway? Let me take one of yours mum they look heavy,, she took one of the sacks her mum had been carrying and placed it on the ground between her legs. "Um to feed the Owls? we go and get these sacks every two weeks, we can't just let the owls starve now can we,,  "What do you mean we?,, "Are you sure you're alright honey? We 3 work as Rivendell's Owl keepers together so we gotta make sure they are all well fed and ready to fly if need be,, "Oh y-yeah yeah,, Leigh was out of words this is what she always wanted working together with the people that raised her and taught her everything about it.
"Well your father and I will be going inside now to store away these sacks, are you coming sweety?,, "I'll be right there just- give me a minute,, Ceven and Ciaran looked at each other "Sure sweetie me and Ceven will see you inside,, Leighs parents went inside the building leaving Leigh standing alone, she took a moment to process what just happened but then spoke:
"I guess happy endings really do exist,,
"Are you coming honey?,, Ceven, her father called from the inside. "Ah, yes coming!,, she picked up the sack that she had taken from her mom and went inside to store it away.
This is it Leigh was happy. There was no war, no fight, no pain or sorrow. No one had to suffer anymore, her parents never got injured and Prince Smajor was finally with his brother and parents again and a lover that would love him for eternity.
This is a true happy ending.
Some finale words from myself:
Well this is the end. What can i say really besides: this was something interesting to do. Not just because I rarely write stuff but also because of keeping the story to close as canon as I could, to the point of using actual quotes and conversation ls from the actual episodes of scott whenever the characters were in close proximity in the story and also making sure that in the Canon storyline stories Leigh never is in pov of scott or anyone else that might be around her in that moment because in canon she is never in any pov cause she doesn't really exist, that was a fun challenge to be fair and I hope in some months when season 2 (hopefully) starts I will be able to do with a new character and stories.
If you read my stories; thank you it means alot to me and I hope you enjoyed them it was really fun. :)
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arandomshine · 3 years
[Part1] [Part2: You are here]
Leigh: talks like this
there is only one person who had an accent like that and cared about a "fish boy" so much that he would yell at a demon it was Scott. Leigh came out of hiding. "He teleported away? Huh, um..Scott?,, she called up the cliff, there was no answer.  She cautiously went up on the cliff where Scott had been standing seconds before to find no one, that made her realize:"Xornoth must have teleported them both, but to where?! Who knows what that demon will do to him!,, she was now in the exact spot where Scott had been standing. She just stood there unsure what to do next, standing infront of the destroyed church she looked over what used to be her home, Rivendell, destroyed and full of corruption. Leigh quickly turned around when she heard a distorted scream from the empty area where the snow sigil had been. "What the...that sounded like Xornoth! They must have teleported up there then!,, Very cautiously but also ready to strangle a demon she headed up the to where the scream had came from.
The path wasn't long there were only two buildings blocking the area from where the scream had come from, one of which was the church or what was left of it anyway. It only took a few steps then she was there and what she saw made her want to vomit. It was a giant circle of corruption with a rime of fire and in the middle of it all:"SCOTT!,, she ran through the flames disregarding any pain because of it and fell to her knees  next to him tears welling up in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. "No No NO SCOTT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!...we could have found another way the fix this and get rid of him please...we need you, Jimmy needs you, ple..ea..se,, blood, Scotts blood started to soak up onto her pants where her knees were she didn't care, and wished all of this was just a bad dream, she wanted to speak up again then in the corner of her view she noticed another black "thing" laying on the ground a few feet away she know who that was and stood up and walked over to it:"This is all your fault, he killed himself because of you, so you would go down with him, so we could be safe. May burn in the deepest depths of hell Xornoth,, she said standing over the demons corpse with a menacing look. Turning her gaze way she went over to Scotts lifeless body and fell to her knees yet again:"You knew what this sword can do didn't you?,, her hand slid over the swords hilt, it was still plunged into Scott's chest and coming out his back. Leigh had cried so much that she physically couldn't anymore and was just looking at him, she knew what she had to do.
"You mind if I borrow this?,, she looked at Scotts face for some reason awaiting an answer that would never come.
She reached for the sword, slowly pulling it out of his chest, it made horrible noises while doing so but soon Leigh was standing over his body, Runeblade in her right hand and slowly turning it towards her own chest.
"Well..this is it. This is the end, every other empire is going down too so there is really no point in sticking around is there..? Sorry mum, sorry dad, sorry feather, sorry Rivendell but this is the end;
"I will see you in another life,,
The sword went through her chest light faded quickly and soon everything was dark, with her last controllable thoughts she made use of the blades power and thought about a happy life in Rivendell  a life where Xornoth never was corrupted, a life where Scott could finally be happy together with Jimmy and a life where her parents never got hurt in a fight for Rivendell so they all could a care for its owl's together.
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arandomshine · 3 years
So this is it, the Finale story hope you enjoy some words from my self will be at the end of part 3.
I have decided to divide the story in 3 separate posts because its just really long. This is part 1 which at the end will have links to part 2 and 3 or you can find all three parts linked in the master post.
This is also the only part of story which will be main tagged with #empires smp #scott smajor etc. Just so I don't clog up those tags with one huge story.
So here is the Finale of an empires character that may not have been canon but for me she always was :)
Leigh: talks like this
Scott: talks like this
Xornoth: talks like this
The end of a Life (is the beginning of a new)
Leigh just wanted to visit Fwhip she had no reason to suspect anything bad but, when she was almost knocked to the floor by tremors which were accompanied by the sound of a giant explosion, that came from the direction she was going she hurried fearing something had happened to Fwhip.
Arriving at the Wither rose fields she thought she'd faint:"What. the. Fuck!,, she never swears, her parents told her not to and she had always listened to them but in that moment she didn't care she had other things to worry about:"Why the hell are the Grimlands all blown up?! And where is fwhip and his dogs, are they okay?!,, She was stunned with shock but adrenaline quickly took over and made her run home towards Rivendell fearing the same might have happend there, fearing it might all be destroyed, fearing that her King or her parents might have been injured. She had to get home NOW.
She kept running soon, she saw Rivendell on the horizon. But seeing it only made her run faster. From where she was running you could clearly see it. Rivendell was full of corruption, this could only mean one thing:"Xornoth's out..,, Leigh thought as she hastily ran towards Rivendell.
Finally she reached one of the bridges you'd use to enter Rivendell and stopped to take a breath. "Aeor help me that was exhausting,, she stood up straight again after being bent over to take a breath while so she looks around and slowly walks into Rivendell. Snow and ice were completely gone and replaced with tentacles and lava. Walking futher in she saw her house, it was covered in lava. She rushed over scared but took a sigh of relief seeing that the owls had already left, she hoped so anyway. While infront of her destroyed home she looked around Rivendell, on a tentacle, futher up a few cliffs she saw the back of a somewhat humanoid figure seemingly talking to another person on the cliff infront of it. She knows who this "it" is, she know exactly who that is. Leigh wanted to beat them into a pill of mushy meat but she knew getting involved would only endanger the person that demon was talking to even more. But she wanted to know what they were saying. "What can I do?,, she thought then, she came up with an idea: "I know, I can sneak up to the foot of the tentacle Xornoth's standing on from there, i should be close enough to listen in!,, It was a stupid idea she knew that, if that demon caught her she'd be dead meat. But in that moment she just didn't care she was to curios. So she began sneaking up to the tentacle, looking towards Xornoth seemingly every five seconds to make sure he didnt see or hear her. Arriving at the foot of the tentacle which was located, in the area where the trading villagers had lived she looked up once again, Xornoth was now right above her, she could hear everything he was saying but that meant he could hear her aswell so one wrong move and she'd be dead. Nevertheless she stayed where she was and listend to the conversation wanting to know who the demon was talking to:"...don't worry i'll make sure it hurts when i get them all, especially  that one fish boy your fond of,, "Y-You leave Jimmy alone!,, "Now, now brother i thought i was the one with the temper, but i know your going to be a thorn in my side if i don't deal with you first. So let's sort that!,, Then it went quiet, she looked up again fearing the silence was caused by Xornoth spotting her that however was not the case the demon was gone. She knew now  exactly who that demon had talked to,
[Part1: You are here] [Part2] [Part3]
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arandomshine · 3 years
Now this is how you remember a season of Empires!
This is the season 1 remembrance wall in my room!
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Okay all jokes aside my Rivendell poster came in and it looks so good! And its very high quality too!
I made the wither rose and poppy myself cause yknow Wither rose alliance and flowerhusbands just a small way to remember the two things.
I love it! :D
Anyway back to writing my empiresona finale
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arandomshine · 3 years
Anyway after sharing that headcanon back to writing a finale
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arandomshine · 3 years
Okay question
I cant be the only one that headcanons esmp!scott, uncorrupted Xornoth and origins!scott aka. Starboy as siblings right?
I mean with uncorrupted Xornoth having purple hair + eyes and starboy also having purple hair and eyes it kinda fits dont you think?
I know that can't be canon cause starboy was literally a star floating in space before he landed in origins but its a nice headcanon right?
And if they were siblings I'd say uncorrupted Xornoth is the oldest with no trauma,(cause he only exists in scotts after life so nothing bad/traumatising ever happen to him) esmp!scott is the middle child with all the trauma and starboy is the youngest with abandonment issues.
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arandomshine · 3 years
Time to write a finale for my empiresona.
See you in a few days.
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arandomshine · 3 years
So. Uh that
That sure was something today :,)
But ignoring the headache I have from crying about 5 times because of it, here are some refrence images for the fanartists, of human Xornoth!
Idk if anyone else already did this but whatever
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Best quality i could get since i havent seen the skin on namemc just yet
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arandomshine · 3 years
This one is abit short I just wanted to write something so yeh
And also: I'd just like to say alot of work goes into these stories thats because i have dyslexia so I have to check the story like eight(8) to ten(10) times before i post it so I can make sure things sound the way they should anyway here you go :)
Leigh's Masterpost
Leigh: talks in the bold font
A peonies garden
Leigh had been taking a break from work after winter fest, soon tough she had to go back to work and it was needed, letter's had been pilling up left and right. She had been busy sending off letters all day, Owl's were flying in and out every second. After hours she went outside for a quick stretch as she turned to go back inside she heard rockets looking up she saw her King fly of towards somewhere "Where is he going? Well looking at the direction, looks like he's going to Katherines, I mean she is the new empress so he's probably wanting to follow her rule,, she shrugged and went back inside to finish her her work load
At about 4pm she was finally done, the last few Owl's were leaving the building. Leigh had packed up all the newly arrived letter's into a leather bag to deliver them out to the citizens, she also packed a book to read just in case she wanted to stay outside abit longer. Just as she was outside again and closed the door and she the King enter his home "When did he come back? I didn't hear any rockets? Huh,, she said to herself and started her rounds delivering the letters. She worked from bottom to top, first dropping off letters for the lower cliff's and working her way up until she was standing infront the church with a bag the had only a book in it now "My Aeor that was alot,, she took a second to catch her breath sitting down on the church stairs. She sat there for a few minutes, the bag next to her looking up at the sky, it was quite sunny today. After some time she stood back up wanting to go home but looking over to the left she saw something: "Wait have that flower arch and those peonies always been there? Surely not,, she walked over wanting to get a closer look, looking through the arch she saw the giant peonies garden that was beyond it. "Wow... this must be empress Katherines rule, I mean it must be considering this wasnt her before, she is the new empress and she's the ruler of the Overgrown,, she walked underneath the arch into the garden that made Leigh notice just how big the gard actually was she also saw the giant peony in the middle and the pond a river that were surprisingly not frozen over. "Oh the peony is so big and pretty! And how is this water not frozen? Rivendell isn't usually a place of water, I like it!,, she decided to stay in the garden for a while,  settling down futher in the back leaning against  the hedge in the back. Sitting down she took out the book and started reading in it.
After reading a few chapters she realised how late it had gotten and how long she'd been there. "Oh damn it's pretty late already i'd better head home,, Leigh stood up and looking at the setting sun it was really pretty. She packed away her book and started walking home. She'd definitely be back here I she ever needed or wanted some alone time for herself. But with nothing much on her mind she went home ways.
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arandomshine · 3 years
Oh you play animal crossing new horizon and watch empires smp? well then I've got just the thing for you!
(You will need the tailor shop/able sister's shop on you island to be able to get these)
Alot of empires related and also a few unrelated clothes with codes so can use them to your own disposal! :D
These are for everyone if you wanna use them, use them. Just don't claim that you made them thank you! :)
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(I hope the colors atleast help abit because its alot of numbers and letters)
I do and will not apologise for the amount of tags
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arandomshine · 3 years
Stealing the smajor drip in animal crossing feelin good!
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The colorful things on the jacket of the default skin are actually littel pins, one for each mcc team :) and the sleeves have the same colors that are on the white t-shirt just to add a bit of color. The back was also abit boring so i added the "mcc" and a crown underneath it.
And  the other is the Empires skin wanna rework this one abit but for now it's good and for the face I have littel ice freckles cause why not? :)
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arandomshine · 3 years
Just a heads up this is celebrated like how I do it here where I live aka. we celebrate it in the evening of the 24th and it's just in the "order" you could say, how Christmas eve goes for me for exampel we first eat together as a family and then we get our presents.
So I'll post this/will have posted this just before i go to eat with my family :D
Oh and this story has some forshadowing for the story with Xornoth ;)
Which i still havent quite finished :’)
Hope you enjoy and happy [insert what you celebrate here] and for the people that don't celebrate at all have a nice day!
For any confusion about the characters: Leighs Masterpost
Leigh: talks like this (italic and bold font)
Ciaran(Mother): talks like this (only italic font)
Ceven(Father): talks like this (only bold font)
when: they say something (in bracets like this) theyre saying it in theyre head so dont wonder when its in the middle of a sentence
A Festive evening
She had been awake since early morning finishing some last minute things for her parents visit. It was Winter fest day and the sun was already setting it wouldn't be long now until her parents arrived they've always celebrated in the evenings. Leigh had been setting everything up all day from a table filled with food to a small tree with presents, one for her mother and one for her father. She had just about finished, then a knock on the front door. "One second!,, She quickly brushed her clothes to remove any remaining dust on them and then opened the door: "Mom, dad!,, she didn't hesitate to embrace them in a tight hug "I've missed you! Come inside,, "Hello sweety we missed you too,, Leigh's mother said following her inside, her father came inside aswell. "So how have you been doing sweety with everything going on recently?,, They sat down and started eating the food Leigh had prepared, she swallowed some food and then spoke up: "Well in my opinion I've been managing quite well i mean me and the Owl's are still alive so I think that's pretty good!,, she said in a sarcastic tone, her mother snorted: "I mean that's better then your father,, "Oh shush Ciaran or do i have to remind you of that one time where-,, "Haha no you don't Ceven honey,, Leigh continued watching her parents banter, she knew that they weren't actually mad at eachother, they doing it for fun. When they were done they switched theyre attention back to Leigh. "So sweety what else has been happening?,, "Well other then managing normal life there is one other thing to mention,, They had finished eating, her parents were listening closely. "I mean it's nothing important its that-,, "You got a girlfriend!,, her father interrupted "No!,, "A boyfriend?,, her mother chimed in. "No! For Aeor's sake you too!,, "Sorry sweety but you never know, we just had to ask, now what did you want to say?,, "So yeah um you remember when our King went away? well he doesnt call himself our King at the moment but i do, but that's beside the point so anyway i kinda was the one that got him to come back,, her parents eyes widened. "Sweety how did you do that?!,, "Well I went looking around making sure everything was in order, went to check on the crystal, noticed it was gone and got Errol to fly and go search for him and to tell him that the ruler of the undergrove had taken it, and it looks like it worked cause after, I heard the Kings voice walk outside past the door Errol came back aswell,, "Honey.. you saved our empire by doing that, your a hero!,, "Thanks dad I just wanted to get that off my chest,, They stood up and pushed theyre chairs in. "Its fine sweety and im sure all of Rivendell is gratefull because of that (I feel so bad for the boy still a young adult and already has to rule the empire, im not even suprised that when he got his powers he went away) but now, wanna open presents?,, "Yes lets go,, The three went upstairs, Leigh's parents unpacked a present that they had brought with them."Okay so this one is for you and this one is for you,, Leigh handed her parents a gift each. “Aww thank you Leigh let's see... aww a locket with a picture of you inside of it, thank you sweety!,, Ciaran hugged her daughter. "My turn let me have a look... wow a ceramic statue of feather, honey this is amazing you know how much I love her, where is she anyway?,, "Oh she's just on a fly about around Rivendell,, "Okay well then, now you open our gift for you,, He hands her the gift. "Thanks dad, alright let's see... oh wow its a feather plushie where did you get this?,, "Well our King does have a littel plush business with house blossom so it wasnt really hard to get a hold of,, "Everything about it is perfect,, "Just like your mother,, "Dad! What the heck!,, Leigh's mother just giggled at the situation but then spoke up: "it's already night time, how about me and your father stay overnight and leave in the morning?,, "Sure mom come on,, The three went down stairs again storing theyre presents away somewhere safe. While changing into something comfy Leigh mother noticed something and became worried: "Leigh! Sweety! What happen there?.. why are there big purple and blue bruises on your wrists?! like something was tied around them realy tightly..,, her father looked over, worried aswell now "Well um.. do you remember when that demon was around? Well he kinda caught me when I was on a walk in the mountains but dont worry I was saved by our King and some other rules and these are just some permanent marks now I guess,, "I swear to Aeor that demon can burn in the next universe for all I care!,, Leigh's mother was mad, her dad however just stayed quiet. "Hey mom calm down and dad chin up its doesn't even hurt anymore,, her mother took a deep breath "If you say so sweety..,, "Let's get to bed now, come on you two,, Leighs father eventually said. They laid down and it didn't take long for all three of them to drift into the land of dreams.
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arandomshine · 3 years
Leigh's parents
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May I introduce to you: Ciaran Fenmenor and Ceven Fenmenor
Ciaran Fenmenor, Leigh's mother:
- Female (she/her) | Age: 48
- Was 26 when she gave birth to Leigh.
Ciaran is a lovely woman, she loves kids and animals she always tries to be kind to everyone but she does know when someone isnt deserving of her kindness. (someone like xornoth for example doesn't)
People love her and because she isn't one of the Owl keeper's of Rivendell anymore she spends her time babysitting for the other citizens its a calm job for her since the children love her.
She isnt really able to do a job that involves alot of physical work anymore because of the injuries she got from when she defended Rivendell the same goes for her husband.
Has always loved more elegant clothes even when there was no need for them sometimes.
Ceven Fenmenor, Leigh's father:
- Male (he/him) | Age: 49
- Was 27 when Leigh was born
From afar he looks mean, rude and looks like he would kill you but his daughter and wife know what he's the biggest softy around and wouldn't harm a fly.
Due to his injuries, the most prominent one being his blinded eye he can't do his Job as Owl keeper anymore which he did together with his wife. So he spends his time helping to train some of Rivendell's newest guards even though he was never a guard himself he does have some unique swordsman skills.
Ever since retiring he has started to wear more comfortable clothes.
Relationship with their daughter:
They love her, but they do feel guilty for making her Rivendell's Owl keeper so early in her life they think that they did not let their child enjoy the best time of her life in making her work for the empire this early on.
They've always seen a fun littel thing they their daughter Leigh and the King have in common which is: They were both given responsibility of something big from a really young age, Leigh having to care for Rivendell's Owl's since she was around 20 years old and the King having to rule the whole empire ever since his parents were killed. They've never pointed it out to Leigh that they've noticed that and talked about it to each other way to often.
Leigh has a mixed taste for clothing because of her parents, she likes to look put together but also wants it to be comfortable.
If anything sounds confusing here is a Masterpost with more info about Leigh and her backstory:
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arandomshine · 3 years
Moon do did done go boom huh.
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arandomshine · 3 years
I say Alinar and Conol (the champion's of Aeor and Exor) deserve more screentime
I rest my case
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arandomshine · 3 years
Here is a little something from gem's stream today :)
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And i have to say: i agree
And there is no denying it they would be really hecking adorable
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arandomshine · 3 years
Ello! :) I've been writing abit again and did, done, finished more writing stuff again
There are two actual quotes from scott's episode in the story again which is really fun
Anyway here you go!
(This is for episode 32. Episode 33. came out while i made this post)
Leigh's Masterpost
Leigh: talks in the bold font
Scott: talks in this font
Calm Times
It was mid day. Leigh had decided to sleep in, she thought she deserved it after everything that had been going on the past few weeks and it sure was needed. But noticing it was already 2pm she finally decided to get up and get dressed. While walking up her stairs fixing her hair, she heard a horse trampelling outside past her door thinking it was just some guard on their horse she paid no mind to it. After the noise had faded she decided to go on a walk for no particular reason, but when she opened her door she stopped in her tracks and got really excited: "Oh the frost elementals! I always loved them ever since i first saw them as a child! Wait doesnt that mean the snow sigil is somewhere in Rivendell? Where could it be?,, She closed the door behind herself and went in search of the sigil, eventually finding it on the flat area where the feast was held. "Here it is! King smajor must have made it himself since we haven't seen the grand wizard in a long time but look at it he did it so well! But this means now I can start decorating inside my home!,, She rushed back home like an excited child on christmas going back inside and getting a box of decorations from her living quarters and started decorating.
About half an hour later she had gotten a good chunk of the decoration up on her walls but she was still quite a ways away from being finished, then she heard a voice from the outside walk past her door:"...I've shown I can control my powers in making ice as is prominent by this... and i've shown i can create gateways to the frozen elementals with..um... so many elementals but...,, The voice faded out the futher it got away, Leigh knew exactly who that was and began talking to herself: "Aw King Smajor sounds so much happier then a few days ago, and what did I hear he's able to control his powers now? That's awsome!,, she continued decorating, after a minute or two she heard his voice again now walking back the way he had come from. "...I just need to like.. be calm, i need to take my time...,, Leigh drops the decorations in her hand aside and cracks her door open just enough for her to peek through the crack with one eye. She see's King Smajor walking back infront of his house, talk to himself for a littel bit and then take flight. Closing the door again she picks up the decorations again and continues to decorate. She occasionally takes a few breaks but those were never longer than five minutes.
She had been decorating for hours now but she was finally done, she put away the mostly empty box now and admired her work. She was proud of herself actually doing all of that on her own everything was ready for her parents visit. She still didn't know why they had changed plans and now suddenly wanted to come to her place instead of the other way around but Leigh is smart enough to not question her parents decisions. The sun was already setting over Rivendell, having her walk cancelled earlier because of needing to decorate she decided to make up for it with a littel evening walk. Just as she had closed the door behind herself she saw the King come back from wherever he had been, he landed outside of his house and went straight inside. Leigh however just began walking. Walking up the path towards King Smajor's home she was caught of guard and amazed: "Wow are these ice tree's? They look beautiful, i'd imagine King Smajor made these with his magic,, she keeps talking to herself while continuing her walk: "Im so happy for him actually being able to control his powers some what now. Well atleast he isn't freezing stuff on accident anymore and he made those pretty ice tree's which i presume are for the Winter fest, it's just amazing that after all the drama from the last few weeks everything is so calm now, well except for on thing Fwhip. I've overheard other people talk about what he did with for example his own embassy I just hope that he doesn't do anything worse then that and just doesn't cross paths with our King for a while i think that'd be the best for now. But I know my King, I know for a fact that he'll take revenge on fwhip and Sausage in the next day or so. Oh man it's gonna take a while until full peace is established but for now we'll work with what we got and switch out attention towards the Winter festival for now, god I can not wait for mom and dad's visit!,, And with that she had walked a full round around Rivendell and ended up back infront of her home. At that point it had already gotten night time, the streets were asleep so she went inside to get some shut eye herself.
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