aranianwah · 10 years
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aranianwah · 10 years
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aranianwah · 10 years
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"Even though you were not there with me, in some mysterious way, I always felt your presence. That’s when I would find the answers I was looking for. And just like I needed that time in this place to do my soul searching, you need to find some way to do the same, Saya. But nobody can find that for you, you have to find it on your own. Just remember, no matter where you go your chevaliers are always by your side. Never forget that." - Hagi [Blood+]
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aranianwah · 10 years
'Aku tak kuat!' 'Adakah engkau pasti?' 'Apa maksudmu?' 'Aku khuatir engkau tidak tahu beza lemah dan penat.' 'Apakah ada bezanya?' 'Lemah itu boleh diatasi, kerna lemahmu itu menandakan kuatnya pengharapanmu pada Allah. Tetapi penat itu mungkin menandakan hatimu sudah hampir mati.' '...'
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aranianwah · 10 years
Tangan kaku. Fikiran terhalang. Hati makin sebak. Iman makin lemah. Ya Rabb, kuatkanlah daku dalam ujianmu!
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aranianwah · 10 years
Sometimes Allah allows you to taste the bitterness of this Dunya so that you can fully appreciate the sweetness of Imaan.
(via moeyhashy)
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aranianwah · 10 years
“Uthmaan used to offer the people fine food, then he would go into his own house and eat vinegar & olive oil.”
 [Taareekh al-Islaamee (48/17)] (via pearlsofislam)
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aranianwah · 10 years
The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary?
Arab Proverb   (via muslimahbyheart)
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aranianwah · 10 years
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Relationship with Allah. Relationship with His creatures. HabluminaAllah, wa Habluminannas
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aranianwah · 10 years
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We always have a choice, To go for bad or for good, To go to God or to Demon, To go to Heaven or to Hell. Yes, We do have a choice, Problem is, What will you choose?
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aranianwah · 10 years
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Welcome Rejab! Next is Syaaban! And insyaAllah Ramadhan is coming!
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aranianwah · 10 years
Tightness in the chest, mood swings and depression, which weigh a man down and make him quick to complain about the slightest thing, these all are symptoms of weak faith. A person easily gets upset with the people around him, and no longer has any tolerance. The Prophet described faith when he said, “Eemaan is patience and tolerance”.
Shaykh al-Albani, Al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, no.554, 2/86. (via wayofthesalaf)
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aranianwah · 10 years
salaam, how do you handle the anxiety that god will never grant one of your prayers that is very important to you, when your entire life depends on getting the thing that you want?
Wa alykum as-salaam,
"Know well, that if God (Exalted is He) puts a barrier between what you want in this world, it is because He wants to give it to you as He wishes in the Hereafter. Many people think that God is depriving them. God is free from such imperfection that he would deprive His slaves."
- Sheikh El Shaarawy
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aranianwah · 11 years
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aranianwah · 11 years
The Prophet (saw) said: “When one of you makes dua, let him begin by praising his Lord, then send blessings on the Prophet (saw) then pray for whatever he wants” (Tirmidhi)
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aranianwah · 11 years
How can we claim to love Allah when we don’t recite his words or respond with even a single dua to his call every last third of the night?
Wallahi we deceive only ourselves and its better to be honest with ourselves now while we can still make a change
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aranianwah · 11 years
When someone hurts you or harms you, even if it is a deep wound, forgive them. Forgive them NOT for their sake, but as a sign of gratitude to Allah. Why you ask? For making you the victim and not the oppressor. There is no crime in being a victim, rather it brings you closer to Allah and rids you of sins. But as for the oppressor, they’ll have to face their Lord one day. So in reality, they are their own greatest victims.
Imam Suhaib Webb (via heartheraindrops-fall)
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