arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
If I didn’t reply:
I probably missed it.
I’m still working on it.
Tumblr is rude and deleted my reply or your reply.
If you ever want to roleplay:
Pop me a message and we can plot.
I don’t bite… not that hard anyways c;.
Never be afraid to ask me for a starter.
I roleplay with anyone from any fandom at all.
Random notes:
You are kind.
You are important.
You are smart.
I love you all <3.
And to those I don’t roleplay with:
We totally should.
To all roleplayers I roleplay with:
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"I don't know, maybe something like any special abilities you could have, after all, I have met some humans with extraordinary abilities."
More people?
“I don’t mind at all. What would you like to know about me, Thel?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
Munday :3
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Favorite color? Red
Favorite animal? Either the elephant or the lion :3
Favorite clothing item? Polo shirt
Favorite book? Why? I don't really have a favorite book, more like book series and that probably be the Haruhi Suzumiya books, I really enjoy them.
Favorite movie so far? Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Favorite toy when you were a kid? Legos and lightsabers
Favorite food? Any type of pasta
Favorite smell? The smell of a new book or video game
Favorite memory? Mmm, this one is a hard one. Perhaps all those hours spent playing with my friends since we were little either with Legos, video games or wathever.
Favorite sound? The sound of rain
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"More like escaping from it," he quickly replied, "there's no need to worry human, I mean no harm. To prove it, ask me anything about my people, I am here as a cultural exchange after all."
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Staring he said “A persona is a manifestation of someones emotions its kinda complicated but ill take it that youre a alien im not gonna freak out tho” Narukami stared at his armor “Im assuming your ready for war right?” still fascinated.
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"Yes, but not any armor, is an ancient relic, the Armor of The Arbiter, once a title of shame, now is a title of respect an authority among my people."
arbiterthelvadam has entered the gallery
Sounds absurd. She thought. “I’m glad the men in black aren’t coming after you.” She stated soon after before walking up to touch legs? “Is that an armor?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
"Perhaps you wouldn't mind to tell me a little bit about you."
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More people?
“Okay then. I’ll call you Thel.” She smiled and shook her head left to right, “Nope, I don’t think I do. I don’t need anything at the moment. Do you?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"A CAS-class assault carrier, the Shadow of Intent, more than 5 kilometers of length. And yes, it was full of my comrades and a species of biological computers, your people calls them Engineers. What about you?."
arbiterthelvadam started following you
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  “Thelosaur first Thelosaur first!~ Was his dino ship biiiiiig? Was there a lot of Sang-hillies on it?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
"Persona?" Thel looked quite confused at this term, "not in anyway, I come from a far away planet named Sanghelios. If you don't mind answering, what is a 'persona'?. 
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“Names Yu Narukami Call me Souji if you like its a pleasure to meet you”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
"Interesting, I would like to try that some time."
{ They wanna race! }
— “I drive a kart”, she said, like it’d been obvious “and race with my friends.”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"Anyway, returning to our last topic, would you mind describing me how was the ship you used to travel to other worlds?"
arbiterthelvadam started following you
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  “Not rude not rude! Just weird.. Though Ed would probably be weird too if Ed had to go through weird space travel stuff.”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
"Nice to meet you, Wendy, you may call me Thel if you wish." He bowed his head. "Do you need something in particular?"
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More people?
  “Oh, I see. That’s fine. It’s nice to meet you Thel ‘Vadam. I’m Wendy Marvell, but you can just call me Wendy if you’d like.” She smiled, as she introduced herself.
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
"I came as a personal trip, to live with your species, to know how you live your normal lives and even exchange some knowledge, after all, I always been curious about humanity as a whole."
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arbiterthelvadam has entered the gallery
“Is that so.” A sigh soon passed her thin lips. She never knew aliens were real. And not to mention, he was on earth. Is he going to invade the  earth or..? “Why are you here?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"Hello Yugi, I guess you have some questions, so ask whatever you want."
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  “My name is Yugi. It’s nice to meet you.”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
Thel looked kind of confused at the person in front of him, but still he answered. "Yes, from a far away planet known as Sanghelios, for I am Sangheili or Elite, as your people calls mine."
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arbiterthelvadam has entered the gallery
Ib shook her rapidly side to side, obviously giving her answer. She then averted her eyes at his question, her lips forming a small frown as she didn’t want to really answer him, but after a few moments she peered back up. “… Huh.” Alien? What?
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"Ah, sorry. I must still be tired from the long trip from Sanghelios. Forgive my rudeness."
arbiterthelvadam started following you
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  Seeming very confused at the dinos response, Ed shrugs yet again. “Ed isn’t down on Ed. It’s just how it is Thelosaur. Maaayyybbee you should relax?”
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
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"Hello there, human. My name is Thel 'Vadam, may I know your name." Thel bowed his head as a signal of respect.
Yugi had never met an alien before. Actually, that wasn’t quite true. He hadn’t met any beings who weren’t human since his journey here to Florida, but then he figured, his life could only stay normal for so long. Not that he minded. He looked up towards the alien curiously, because despite his growth spurt the past few months, he was still much shorter.
“A-Ah, hello,” he greeted kindly, unable to hide the stutter to his voice. Could he even understand him?
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arbiterthelvadam · 12 years
Munday :3
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Who’s your favorite band? The Beatles
What’s your least favorite song? Don't really have any.
Do you have a song you love to listen to recently? If so, what’s the title? Sweet Home Alabama
What was the last band you saw live and if you haven’t seen any, who do you wish to see? I would love to see Paul McCartney/ Ringo Starr or David Bowie
What type of genres do you listen to? Rock, Jazz, Blues, J-rock/J-pop.
Does a certain band/bands inspire you? If so, who? Again The Beatles
What is your favorite anime opening song and why? Hacking to the Gate from Steins;Gate, dunno I just love everything about it.
If you can meet any singer (alive or passed away), who would it be and why? Probably having tea with John Lennon or George Harrison 
Do you like watching musicals? In occasion, yes
Would you ever want to become a singer? But I already sing for myself :3
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