arboresmortis · 2 years
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Happy “Pull out a metal detector in the middle of court to accuse opposing council of a fifteen year old murder case on the day the statute of limitations runs out based solely on the idea that he has a bullet in his shoulder” day!
Oh and also RIP Gregory Edgeworth. Two decades dead, and we still remember your work. Sorry for memeing on how your killer was caught.
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason
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arboresmortis · 2 years
Oh and med allergies, cant believe i forgot about those. Latex! I have yet to find condoms that do not have latex in them. I do not want to put that shit in me.
Also, I learned very quickly to hide injuries from my teachers, because the nurse refused to stock non latex bandaids, or maybe just believe that I specifically had an alergy, there was a whole thing, so I would carefully clean off cuts in the sink and wait until I got home to get patched up, if at all. Also, couldnt have that nice neosporin to help speed things along and also disinfect, alergic to that shit too, and the only type that is safe for me requires a god damned prescription for some reason.
Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if people not listening to me about what should have been simple fixes messed me up a bit. Still refuse to wear jeans, even with work arounds. Also well water will slowly kill me, because my alergin is just one of the elements on the periodic table, and one of the more abundant metals.
ppl get soooo mad when you point out that GI disorders and severe food allergies are also disabilities.
"just dont be around the thing!"
a. do you know how hard that actually is??? do you ever stop to think about how its so difficult that people need to carry an epipen on them at all times because its so hard to avoid that its likely they could die at a moments notice?
b. generally, GI disorders arent that simple. your stomach will still act up and cause immense pain and confine you to the bathroom even when youre doing everything right. i dont give a fuck how gross it is to you, i live it every day. include gi disorders in your disability activism
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arboresmortis · 2 years
Not as severe a chocolate allergy, but mine came with the side effect of not being able to wear certain types of buttons, lest I break out in very painful (if localised) hives.
Did you know that practically all metal items that aren't certified as something specific will have nickel in them? Because oops, they do, and now I can't wear those jeans, or that nice bracelet my grandma got for me, or the orthodontic equipment I had to wear to keep from needing my jaw broken when I got older, and to prevent future breathing problems.
I got told to brush more by my dentist, to deal with puffy gums. My gums were puffy from a decade long alergic reaction. They are now not puffy. We had long discussions with a surgeon that had several decades of experience, and we never did find out if the thing that got implanted in my face had nickel in it. Litterally could not find any information, other than "it's mostly gold, so it doesn's corrode", which was not the thing we worried about.
Also the shellfish alergy that I am glad isn't stronger, because I like the beach, and I've accidentally almost been fed shrimp like a dozen times. Please label your menus with "has one of the twelve most common deadly alergens". Honestly just list all the ingredients in things in general.
And fun fact, most brands of taco seasoning have cocoa powder in them. Probably not news for people who gotta know that sort of thing, but just, a sampling of the nonsense. I just want a taco damn it!
ppl get soooo mad when you point out that GI disorders and severe food allergies are also disabilities.
"just dont be around the thing!"
a. do you know how hard that actually is??? do you ever stop to think about how its so difficult that people need to carry an epipen on them at all times because its so hard to avoid that its likely they could die at a moments notice?
b. generally, GI disorders arent that simple. your stomach will still act up and cause immense pain and confine you to the bathroom even when youre doing everything right. i dont give a fuck how gross it is to you, i live it every day. include gi disorders in your disability activism
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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Zelda is right. Return the rights. They're taking off all this shit for tax purposes and so that they don't have to pay residuals but worse than that, for a great deal of projects, they also own the rights meaning these projects can never be available anywhere else.
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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theyre talking about us again
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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arboresmortis · 2 years
not even as a joke influenced by meme culture i think spongebob is such an objectively good character (i’m talking about pre-movie btw because after that he started to become flanderized really bad). like hes optimistic and somewhat naïve but he’s still resonable, conscientious with eccentric rituals, perceptive, with moments of skepticism from time to time and flat moments that make him seem well rounded and three-dimensional (“pat, don’t do that.”). like hes Just Some Guy: The Guy. but hes just genuinely such a silly and likeable dude. like he’s optimistic but not irresponsible and that’s a rarer combo to see. mabel pines and pinkie pie are also goofy and childlike but don’t have that sense of responsibility and paradoxical groundedness spongebob does which makes him so intriguing. i’m having a hard time explaining it but it’s better coming from stephen hillenberg’s mind from the pitch bible because this is his vision for spongebob.
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he just makes me so happy like what!!!!!
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arboresmortis · 2 years
murder trial where the opposing lawyers start passionately making out mid-argument
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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HEYYY the Steam Summer Sale has concluded, so I can finally share all of the fake game art I got to make for it!! Woo
The idea for this sale was to design a bunch of relatively convincing key art to hide in the Steam storefront, but that would be a little weird on second glance—Erik Wolpaw and Jay Pinkerton came up with the names/descriptions for all of Clorthax’s fake games, and then I just tried to match their energy in the final art.
This ended up being a whole lot of work for everyone involved, but it was such a blast! Super fun trying to make plausibly polished logos in a whole bunch of different styles/genres. I hope everyone got a kick out of finding each of these as much as we did making ‘em 😎👍🏼
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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arboresmortis · 2 years
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Sebastian has to age out of his school uniform at some point right
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arboresmortis · 2 years
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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arboresmortis · 2 years
i wonder how much healing that one xkcd comic did to the internet with saying “you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000″ when encountering a person who hasn’t been exposed to a popular or well known thing
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