arcanaaurora · 3 years
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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Here are some more colour palettes! This time they’re for the Courtiers. I know a few people have been asking for these so I hope you find them useful. I also added human Volta and Vlastomil. However I’d like to say I will not be doing colour palettes for any of to their demon forms because that would be rather tricky.
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
Anaylsis of Vesuvia :) Pt 3B
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3A
Were gonna talk a little bit more about theory B from part 3A.
“B. The portals act as literal magical portals and transport a person from point A to point B no matter the distance, and do not act as a doorway as we saw demonstrated inside the palace meaning the tunnels ARE underground”
Now Venice and Mexico City are both built on top of the water, Venice was built from wooden posts submerged underwater and in the ground etc etc here’s a quite frankly dramatic video that made me laugh that explains it better than I could
Here’s a visual aid
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For the life of me I cannot find any sure evidence of how Mexico City, originally named Tenochtitlan (tuh·nowch·teet·laan), was constructed so I will reference my Art History professor and what the info she gave us in class I literally did this homework last night the timing in impeccable 
“The Aztec capital city, Tenochtitlan, was founded on a small piece of land in the western part of Lake Texcoco. The city was contained within high mountains and surrounding lake and marshes. To create living and farming space the Aztecs sank piles into the marshes and formed small land masses called chinampas, or floating gardens. Tenochtitlan was highly developed with causeways between islands for transport, aqueducts to carry fresh water and sewers to dispose of waste. The city developed into a metropolis led by a ruling leader and supported by noble classes, priests, warriors and merchants. By the early 1500s it contained an array of pyramids, temples, palaces and market places.”
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And would you look at that? Tenochtitlan looks quite similar to Venice.
Now the reason I bring up Mexico City is because they are surrounded by marshes and hills, just as I am speculating Vesuvia is on a hill or a large slope. So we’ve established from two real life examples that it is totally possible to build large cities on top of water that sit for just under a thousand years
“But what does this have to do with underground tunnels Crow?” you ask, not a lot but I just wanted to prove that they can exist
But looking at the visual aid of Venice we can see that the foundation of the buildings are submerged a bit under water, the depth of the canals of Venice range from  1.2-2 meters deep, honestly not that deep if you ask me. So one could imagine that the canals of Vesuvia are about the same depth
Now that we established that were gonna talk about moats 
Just bear with me for a second ok image source
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Moats are literally just very large ditches dug into the ground and filled with water to act as a defensive device, source, 
Now I’m going to introduce another theory, one that may or may not be true but it’s possible
My theory is that despite Vesuvia being designed with Venice in mind, I don’t think it was built in the same way, Portia’s route is very very lore heavy which *chefs kiss* amazing, it gives us context. 
In Portia’s route when the Apprentice is having a vision, or flashback, of the founding of Vesuvia what do they see? Do the see the coast? no they see
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A wheat field, they say it’s where Vesuvia will be built
So my theory is that the city was built, by possibly starting with the palace, and then the aqueducts were added to bring fresh water towards the city, and eventually canals were dug into the ground, because the flowing of the water in the aqueducts and canals were vital to the magical ritual that Count Prospero wanted.
So what does this have to do with the tunnels?
I believe that the tunnels work with a city built of canals like Vesuvia because the canals were built around a preexisting city, much like a moat around a castle, and so it was easy to build tunnels under the palace because the aqueducts were redirecting the water around the palace making it safe to build underground tunnels without risk of flooding.
And even then the canals are only about 1.5-2 meters deep meaning the tunnels under the palace go deeper into the grounds than the canals do, and the canals are sealed with a sort of conrete meaning it is not just water into a dirt ditch
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*theater bow*
Holy heck that was a lot
I hope I didnt ramble too much and confuse you all but I this is my theory about the canal systems :)
Also hello to all my new found followers Im glad you’re all enjoying my content, ty sm for the follow <3
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
Analysis of Vesuvia :) pt 3A Underground Tunnels
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3B
Alright my friends here's the big one I had to break it into two parts its so big lol
Ok so we all wanna know, how the heck are there under ground tunnels if Vesuvia is surrounded by canals? And I am here to hopefully answer that question
So first of all referencing this post once again, @mangoeclipse said that there are catacombs along the Via Casillina road. So this brought me to the Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter, named after Christian Martyrs Marcellinus and Peter who were supposedly buried in here
Not really relevant to my points but I thought some history and context on catacombs would be interesting :)
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There is not a lot of info I could find on them other than info about the art, which depicts Christian and Pagan imagery (because Christians had to meet in catacombs to avoid persecution)And according to our lord and savior Google maps its pretty far from the coast so unfortunately it wont help in this case
Now let us return to our beloved map of Vesuvia, cropped for convenience 
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So, based off this image it seems that the mouth of a river runs through the castle and through the aqueducts and down into the canals of the city. But I am speculating that the river actually goes around the castle and it just looks odd because the drawing has very little detail. Why do I think this you ask? The Palace grounds are quite large, take Portia’s cottage for example.
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Why Portia’s cottage you ask? Oh yknow
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You can see the Palace in the background, and judging by this image alone the palace is HUGE meaning the grounds are quite large as well. Its far enough away that Guards rarely come around and it is far enough away that people could seek refuge at the cottage while the palace was quite literally falling apart in Portia’s route.
Now if we take context from in game it further proves just how large the Palace grounds are. It’s big enough the hold a huge maze of gardens, and Portia’s cottage which on it’s own has a large garden as well. They are big enough to house a menagerie (which I think its outside I’m not sure), stables, and enough room to host possibly a few thousand people for the masquerade
Now onto the tunnels
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Usually the Apprentice makes their way into the tunnels at ground level (via the library or other portals in the walls) and ascends down to the creepy elevator correct? Hmmm well maybe not so because I came across something that’ll probably make y’all as just as confused as it did me.
In Portia’s route, Book 9: The Hermit, when the Apprentice and Portia are in the dungeons, shall we shall we call them, and they lock themselves in Julian’s office. The Apprentice finds a portal in the wall and pulls both them and Portia through it and where do they end up? Outside, on the Palace grounds
*pause for confused stares*
 If the portals work as doorways why would they end out outside if they are under ground so to speak? Unless the portals are more complicated than they seem, then either 
A. The underground tunnels are not as fully underground as we thought, and maybe act as an above ground basement? (if those exist)
B. The portals act as literal magical portals and transport a person from point A to point B no matter the distance, and do not act as a doorway as we saw demonstrated inside the palace
or C. This was just a mistake and overlooked detail, which is entirely possible.
Now depending on which theory you find more suitable it can really change the course of where this post is going. 
If you agree with A, then the reason the canals work with the underground tunnels, the answer is simply that the tunnels are actually above ground. Which is kind of confusing.
However if you agree with point B then the answer I have fallen onto is that, the Palace is on top of a hill, and the only water surrounding it are the aqueducts and the moat below it. so it would make sense why the underground tunnels do not interfere with the canals, simply because the palace sits above the canals not allowing for direct interference 
Here is a hopefully not confusing diagram I drew onto the map to try and help explain my point.
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So if were looking at this from left to right, I am imagining the Palace is actually sitting on raised ground, sloping down until it reaches the Palace and the aqueducts and then it drops. Which would make sense why there are aqueducts surrounding it. Even on the Arcana wiki it says “Vesuvia is the main setting for the Arcana Game. A city-state built into a cliff by a Mediterranean-like sea”
We know that Vesuvia is full of stairs and pathways that lead up to the gates of the Palace which sits atop a hill. and the aqueducts work around the palace and lead down to the canals. And these pictures kind of proves that Vesuvia has a lot of ups and downs all leading to the palace. The places closer to the coast are at sea level and it slowly ascends upwards.
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Hey, yknow what other place is sitting ontop of water? But is also surrounded by hills and mountains? Thats right Mexico City
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The mythology around Mexico city goes that the Aztecs, or the Mexica (Meh-shee-ka) as they called themselves, were told by their god or patron diety Huitzilopochtili  (weet·see·luh·powch·tuh·lee) to go on a migration until they saw a sign from him, and to them that sign was an eagle sitting on a cactus that was growing on a rock in the middle of a lake. And thus Mexico City was established on that lake and built upon. So, more evidence of a city on top of water AND with hills surrounding it to boot
here’s a video talking about the Mexica in a little more detail :)
I have now run out of the max images I can place in this post and I have more I want to talk about so I will now direct you to part B in part 3B linked at the top of this post
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
So… demons.
The Arcana demons are such a fascinating topic to me. So here are some ramblings & questions that are a cool territory for headcanons. Why? Idk I just thought about Valdemar for 4 seconds and opened a “new post” window.
My main question is, how many of them are out there, really? We meet four (and a half, if you count Valerius I guess) but these are just the ones that happen to be around because Lucio dealt with them. I really doubt that there are no others. They are definitely less common in (most) areas outside of Vesuvia, but still, they’re out there. (Am I thinking about making some demon OCs that are pissed off at MC for messing with their boss, for that sweet post-route action? Mayhaps.)
Most of the ones we see are special in their connection to the Major Arcana, so that might have been a limiting factor in the ability to become a demon in the first place, but there is a demon that doesn’t seem to be connected to any Arcana, and thus throws that theory under the bus, I’ll talk about him a bit later.
(Then again, it’s also never explained if there can be only one person connected to each Major Arcana, but that seems very unlikely, because the Satrinava family would kinda hog almost a half of the Arcana roster. Sharing is caring, guys.)
Valdemar is distinctly different from the other demons, which is likely connected to their age, among other things - we’re talking tens of thousands of years here. I’d say Vlastomil is the second oldest, and Vulgora and Volta being relatively young (wiki says that Vulgora became a demon “sometime in the past century”, but idk what the source of that info is) But even Vlastomil is nowhere close to Valdemar.
Which makes me wonder about the reasons behind that. What’s the demon mortality rate? Most of them likely just never make it to Valdemar’s age. Some might be killed at an early stage, others are banished to the Realms, like Vulgora was. So only the really intelligent ones can “make it”.
But there is another curious case of a demon that we never even meet, aside from a single event in the Realms that was probably not him anyway:
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
Guess what my dudes, it’s plague history time 💖 (gets fairly long w/ pictures!!)
I’ve had these ideas on the red plague jinglin around in my smol brain for a whole now so imma put them down. Please note a lot of these are headcanons and my ideas on some of this stuff (while fleshing it out because death and history are some of my fav topics yes I know it’s morbid lol.)
So strap in it’s plague and Lazaret time babyyyyy. There is gonna be a TON of history and writing in here, so I apologize about that lmao. I’m a history buff and this has been bugging me for so long. Also it gets pretty um dark lol. I cannot believe these are some of my interests 💀
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
Analysis of Vesuvia :) Pt 2 The Colosseum
Part One
So we all love a good Colosseum right? It’s very obvious that the Vesuvian Colosseum is modeled after the Roman one, Vesuvia is very Roman lol but soon your opinion may change 😏
We have one image of the outside of the colosseum from Portia’s route, It looks almost exactly like the Roman one, very similar tiers with slight alterations. But based off this we can speculate that it’s HUGE even when distorted and elongated by magic lol
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Granted this image of the inside is using slight force perspective to make the viewer feel shorter but its a obvious this building is very large. An “eyesore” as Nadia called it lol
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I’m going to assume it’s about as large as the Roman one as well
It does seem that this Colosseum does not exactly resemble the Roman one because we do not see as many archways like the irl one which has archways and “doors” all around it on the inside to match the ones on the outside. This could just be a minor art detail that was over looked though
A big difference between the Roman and Vesuvian Colosseum is the Vesuvian one is surrounded by water. If we remember from Nadia’s route, they take a gondola to the Colosseum. There obviously is a walk way to the Colosseum just based off of context from other routes however there is a canal surrounding half if not most of its perimeter, which can also be seen in the map of Vesuvia. The Roman Colosseum however does not.
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It’s surrounded by relatively level ground. So now I will nerd out about the Colosseum a little
I am not concerned with “how is the Colosseum on water?”, I’d imagine Vesuvia was built similarly to Venice, which was done by building wooden platforms in the ground which are staked into the sea floor around islands that already existed in the area, a whole other tangent I could go on lol
(I could go into a whole thing about Portias route and how Vesuvia was just a field and maybe they dug INTO the ground to make the canals so it would be set up for the magical circle that Vesuvia is and thats why its built like that, but our knowledge on that is a little limited atm)
So I’m pretty sure most are aware of the Colosseum underground. A series of pathways and chambers that sat underneath the stadium floor of the Colosseum. It would house the actual warriors fighting, the animals that partook in fights, weapons (probably prisoners and doctors as well) etc
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But a cool thing is that in ancient times the Colosseum floors could be elevated or lowered, and they would actually host naval battles in the center :) I'm literally beaming with nerd knowledge omg I find this shit so exciting
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I don’t have much to say on this I just wanted to scream about it a little lmao.
The Red Market
So with the evidence of underground chambers existing under the Roman Colosseum it would explain the existence of the Red Market
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I feel that the Red Market is probably a little bigger than the underground of the irl Colosseum, but no bigger than the Colosseum itself. Its hard to have such a large underground area when you’re surrounded by water lmao
Frankly the Vesuvian Colosseum compared to the Roman one, they’re very similar. Similar architecture, plain walls in the arena and the market, not much to the actual interior itself, and a very similar exterior :) We should also take into account that Rome has taken a lot of inspiration from other cultures and put it into their art, specifically the Roman Colosseum has a combination of doric, ionic, and corinthian capitals on each layer of the Colosseums outer walls
This part was very short and easy to make so I thought I would just hash it out now. I also made two minor mistakes in the last part.
The second to last image is the Temple District NOT the Heart District but my statements about it still stand, I also spelled Colosseum wrong smh lol
The next 2(?) parts will most likely me longer 💀
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
Analysis of Vesuvia :) Pt 1
No one asked for this yet here I am 
This all started cause of @helpiminhell ‘s post
I started thinking about this last year while playing Julian’s route. At the very beginning it has a scene where the Apprentice finds Julian and says he’s “standing at the aqueduct” which confused me because Aqueducts traditionally look like this
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This is a Roman aqueduct, more specifically the Pont du Gard, in France. Now I’m not saying that the only the Romans had aqueducts, there are ones that exist in other parts of the world, I am just more familiar with this one. And it resembles the Vesuvian aqueducts.
Aqueducts are built at a slight angle so that mountain water can be transported to cities to provide fresh water. So they’re VERY tall and VERY high up.
Ok first of all lets start by looking at Vesuvia itself
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So, very obviously it resembles Venice quite a lot, lots of canals, parts of the city broken off into sections etc. And then there’s the aqueducts.
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The aqueducts resemble the Pont Du Gard. So I can only assume that when the Apprentice finds Julian “at the aqueduct” and they “fall in the aqueduct” its just a mistype and is meant to say canal. I doubt the apprentice fell and then flew like 20 feet into the air. Thatd be p funny tho
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Here is an image of the slums, aka South End I imagine the “waterfall” to the left is the aqueduct that ends in the South End on the bottom left in the map of Vesuvia. I am also assuming that the arch in the BG is either a bridge or a part of the aqueduct itself or both! Because Aqueducts typically extend into the cities themselves.
EX of Pont Du Gard extending into Rome
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Now lets move onto the Canals!
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SO the Town Square, We can see where the aqueducts extend into the city, lots of columns and archways also take up the architecture in Vesuvia. The aqueducts then spill into the canals.
It’s very obvious that the canals in Vesuvia provide a great bit of transportation but very rarely are they used or even talked about in game. The Apprentice mostly traveling by foot or by carriage so I can only assume that the canals are either 
A. Not as reliable as walking by foot because there’s a great deal of foot paths
B. Only really used by the Gondoliers/People with Money
or C. People avoid them because of past fear of the water being toxic due to the plague. That and vampire eels lol.
If the case were A then I could understand, the map of Vesuvia makes it appear small but in the prologue it takes the Apprentice nearly a whole day to walk to the palace (a weird detail that is kinda flimsy ngl)
Now I feel like B is a more likely because there is only mentions of Gondolas at the docks and in the heart district or more specifically the Floating Market
C is also very highly likely
I think the floating market is a cool concept I imagine it looks like the floating markets in Thailand, minimal foot traffic and most travel is done via boats :)
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But unlike Thailand where the floating market is their version of a grocery store, I feel in Vesuvia they’re catered more towards those who can afford it. We learned from Nadia that not everyone in Vesuvia is literate and it is rare in Vesuvia to be so, I can image the majority of the population cannot afford schooling. Makes Asra and the Apprentices education levels more interesting story wise. His parents could probably afford schooling before they were arrested
I doubt Lucio made leaps to pay for a form of public school to be available in Vesuvia so it would be understandable why so many are illiterate. I do wish that detailed was like elaborated on or at least fixed by Nadia in some way at the end.
Moving back on track, if we look at images of the other parts of the city we can see the canals are much more extensive than the map of Vesuvia shows us.
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A detail I only just recently noticed is the market is actually set up on either sides of a canal, there are boards acting as the ground. This further proves my theory that gondolas are reserved for those who can afford it/have the accessibility for one . Now I’m not saying that Center City is a area with poorer citizens, but why go through all the trouble of covering the canal if Gondolas are too expensive to afford?
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Here’s an image of the Heart District, again rich area, very wide canals, allowing for more gondola travel. Very very European Venetian architecture as well
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For reference here is an image of Venice and it’s canal system. there’s large pathways and even smaller ones that cut into the city itself much like Vesuvia. source
Ok this post is getting long so I’ll have to do multiple parts. Next I’ll talk about the Roman and Vesuvian coliseums, then the underground tunnels of Vesuvia and how they may or may not work with the canals, and then I’ll talk about the cultural influences other than Rome that are present in Vesuvia ;)
I’ve linked some of my sources and all my info/images of Vesuvia came from the Arcana wiki :)
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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Celebrating over 400 followers over on Instagram. This time I made a bigger set of palettes this time, as I have created palettes for all the animals in game. Here are the other palettes that I couldn’t fit on the original post. Please check out the link in my bio to my Gumroad where there is a convenient link to download all the colour palettes together.
Also I know some people have been asking for colour palettes for side characters and the Courtiers and I promise I’m hearing you loud and clear. But I wanted to do more colour palettes this time. Though I promise will make them.
As a last point. When my sister asked what was doing earlier, I don’t think she was expecting me to say I was making a colour palette for a chicken.
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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Celebrating 400 followers over on Instagram. This time I made a bigger set, as I have created palettes for all the animals in game. And I must apologise because I forgot the most important character last time I made colour pallets. That’s right. I forgot Faust. But I have rectified that mistake now!
Please check out the Gumroad or Tumblr link because there are more colour palettes that I couldn’t post here, including Chimes, Flamel, Jaeger, Camio and Bock-Bock. The other colour palettes will be posted shortly after this one.
Also I know some people have been asking for colour palettes for side characters and the Courtiers and I promise I’m hearing you loud and clear. But I wanted to do more colour palettes this time. Though I promise will make them.
As a last point. When my sister asked what was doing earlier, I don’t think she was expecting me to say I was making a colour palette for a chicken.
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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To celebrate 300 followers over on Instagram I made these colour palettes for the Main 6. I did have my own but these are better and more neat versions of them. Feel free to use! And these images are all available download on Gumroad if you want. Link in bio.
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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idk if it’s still a thing but I really wanted to try the hairstyle meme with Valerius… for science
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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Somehow I think these four would actually enjoy a night out with each other, but mostly I wanted to draw them in dresses
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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I have no good explanation but I blame discord
why did I waste this quality on half-naked Vulgora?
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
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Good morning!
Sorry for not posting sooner! I had a lot of work this week and couldn’t find enough time for Julian’s pencil drawing. This isn’t finished though, but I though about posting a little WIP here for you to have a look 👀
I haven’t drawn an armor with graphite pencils before, so is kind of a challenge for me, but I’m taking my time because I want this to be a master piece.
And yes, Julian as a warrior on shining armor is freaking cool! 😱😱😱😱 (not like I’ve expected something different tho).
I hope to finish it on next week 😊
Hope you like it and have a lovely Friday!
P.D.: For those who had asked this: I always use hard pencils (H5,H2) for sketching and drawing the first structure. For shadows and darker parts I use soft pencils (HB2, B1, B4), and for lighting: a little eraser 😘
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arcanaaurora · 3 years
The Arcana Characters as Quotes from The Office (US)
“I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.”
“Sometimes I get so bored I just want to scream, and then sometimes I actually do scream. I just sort of feel out what the situation calls for.”
“I am about to do something very bold in this job that I’ve never done before … try.”
“Do I look like someone who would waste my own time?”
“You couldn’t handle my undivided attention.”
“I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do.”
“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think, ‘Would an idiot do that?’ And if they would, I do not do that thing.”
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
“I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all and it’s terrible.”
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“I love catching people in the act. That’s why I always whip open doors.”
“I mean, I’m not a slut but who knows.”
“I don’t talk trash, I talk smack. They’re totally different. Trash talk is hypothetical, like: Your mom is so fat she can eat the internet. But smack talk is happening like right now. Like: You’re ugly and I know it for a fact ’cause I got the evidence right there.”
“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”
“You all took a life here today. You did. The life of the party.”
“Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it’s not like a compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised.”
“In the wild, there is no healthcare. In the wild healthcare is, ‘Ow, I hurt my leg. I can’t run. A lion eats me, and I’m dead.’ Well, I’m not dead. I’m the lion. You’re dead.”
“Why are all these people here? There’s too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.”
“For my New Years resolution, I gave up drinking…during the week.”
“I have a lot of questions. Number one, how dare you?”
“I have been trying to get on jury duty every year since I was 18 years old. To get and go sit in an air-conditioned room, downtown, judging people, while my lunch was paid for. That is the life.”
“I don’t care what they say about me, I just wanna eat.”
“If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die.”
“I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Mini cupcakes? As in the mini version of regular cupcakes? Which is already a mini version of cake? Honestly, where does it end with you people?”
“I wanted to eat a pig in a blanket, in a blanket.”
“When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.”
“Come on, guys! Early worm gets the worm.”
“Oh you’re paying way too much for worms. Who’s your worm guy?”
“Boy have you lost your mind? ‘Cause I’ll help you find it!”
“There’s something about an underdog that really inspires the unexceptional.”
“Close your mouth, sweetie. You look like a trout.”
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