arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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               To all our amazing members and lovely lurkers alike:
      It is with mixed emotions that we formally announce the temporary closure of The Arcana Council. This brainchild of ours has been a tremendous success, something that neither of us could have foreseen becoming what it has been and we could not be more in love with it and everyone that has been a part of it! Both Divya and I wanted to express our extreme gratitude towards all the amazing writers and genuinely awesome people that have been with us both from the beginning and as our magical journey continued on.
      Unfortunately, due to several (different) issues affecting both of our personal lives that have been or are becoming rather time consuming, we have made the mutual decision to take a step back from moderating the roleplay... for now.
                                      What does this mean to all our current members? 
The Discord server will remain open and active as it has been. We couldn’t bear to part with chatting with all of you!
You are more than welcome to continue writing your beautiful characters! They are yours after all, we simply will not be providing plot drops or tasks for the time being.
Divya and myself are both still around via discord or our personal tumblrs if you need us!
When (not if...when!) we decide to re-open, you will all be the first to know, likely through the Discord server.
                                                What does temporary mean?
      This is more or less a hiatus for us admins. We love this roleplay to death (mostly because of what you all have made it into!) and we have no plans to say goodbye to it forever. We both anticipate our schedules re-opening up as we approach the holidays and into the new year, so be prepared to be enticed in the coming months! We still have a lot of plans and heart to put into this roleplay, so we could hardly close it forever.
                                                                 In conclusion: 
      Thank you all for joining us on this journey so far. The creativity and joy you all brought to our idea has been incredible, even when you yourselves have been caught in busy or rough moments. As soon as we’re able, we’ll be back again to take you where this plot is meant to go - cliffhangers are the worst, but we're determined not to leave this one unresolved. You’ve all been a wonderful family to us, and we sincerely hope to see as many of you as possible when we return. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
       Thank you, as always, for the sincere and perfect love and dedication you’ve given to us and our silly magical card idea!
                                                  Forever yours,                                                    Cori & Divya
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to personal reasons for leaving, please unfollow:
Rose Seymour
Marcella Jones
We wish them well! The roles of The Devil and The Emperor are now re-opened for application.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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   event six     -      aug 28 - sept 3
                  part two.
      “This… this might just work.”
      It is odd, the sight of a cat flipping through a book older than time with his thumbless paws and consternation on his furry face, but it’s hard to consider Balfour strange anymore. Not with ancient pseudo-deities dropping in to chat with everyone like it’s nothing.
      Balfour called a meeting of as many Councilors as he could find, coaxing them to sit together at the grand circular table just long enough to listen to him. He insists he has found one of The World’s old journals, one that could help them navigate their treacherous waters.
      “She was researching the ley lines too.” With one claw he points to her tidy ink scrawl. The notes detail important locations, possible directional flows of magic, disruptions and their consequences - things the rest of the Council was still in the process of discovering for themselves. “Based on her notes, I think I could pinpoint a way to tap into magic beyond your own to find her. Or at least try to contact her. I want you to go to the ley line beneath this place and try to tap into its magic yourselves to find Feiyan. A searching spell, if you will, something that technically none of you should be able to do. I think I can figure out how to coach you through it, if it’s possible at all.”
       He looks around the table like a battle-hardened general and it is a testament to the severity of the situation, the pleasant shock of this hope, that no one laughs. “I need as many of you as possible to beat the odds of this failing. I also need you to agree. It is entirely possible this fails, backfires horribly, or alerts one of those- those whatever they are that you aren’t doing as you’re told.”
      The Council Chamber goes silent under the weight of those words. Balfour insists, “You all have to come to a decision. Put it to a vote or whatever, I don’t care how - I need as many of you as I can get for this, but I won’t force anyone’s hand. If you’re scared or you don’t care, then that’s that. Just know that this could find her. This could be the moment we figure out what the fuck is going on around here, and how to fix it so everything goes back to tolerable and we can get the hell on with our lives. Feiyan included.”
Hello lovely Councilors! We have come to a turning point in our game here, so this mini-event is our way of deciding what path to end you all down. Like our previous event-and-a-half, this drop doesn’t have any predetermined interactions. This part of the event is going to last just one week, short and sweet like the drop itself, from August 28th to September 3rd. That means the most important thing you can do for this is figure out what your character thinks is the best move here - join Balfour’s attempt, or stay away from the risk? You can also decide whether or not this proposal gets put to a proper vote, or if each character is going to make their own decision on the matter and see what hand gets dealt. Who wants what outcome will let us know where to take you next. Now, go forth and figure out what you want to do here! Happy plotting, Councilors!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
hey darlings! i was trying to access the members masterlist and it appears to have a broken code. just wanted to give y'all an fyi! also, this rp is so cool and i am totally working on an app!! lovely job.
Hey anon! I have actually been meaning to make a post about this for a while now, and you just gave me the perfect kick in the pants (in the most polite way possible) to do so! 
So, small announcement to all our lovely followers: our masterlist of skeletons is currently under repair! We’re working on fixing it, but in the meantime our mobile navigation has links to open and closed characters. Let us know if we can help you in any other way! Thanks again anon!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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     event six     -      aug 9 - aug 27
      Tonight the house is divided. Not by ambitions or any of the usual issues the Council tends to quarrel over of late, but by forces so subtle they haven’t yet felt anything. In the east wing of The Lair are the bulk of the crowd: The Fool, The Empress, The Chariot, The Tower - those still waiting for their own selves to come back and show them the key to their desires. To the west are those less desirous to ever meet their reflections again - The Lovers, Strength, Death. 
      Two voices boom out over each wing of the mansion at much the same time. In the west that voice resounds as if it is ten in one, deep and otherworldly and somehow heard through the bones. “Councilors, come to me. Come to me in the Library.” This is not a voice they can refuse. The voice heard on the other end of the house crackles to life as if over a loudspeaker which does not exist in The Lair. It’s laced with subtle humor and quite human, though still intriguing. “Good afternoon Council folks. I hope this isn’t an inconvenience, but it is rather important that you congregate in the Council Chambers in a few minutes. Your haste is appreciated.”
      What is there to do but follow the voices and see what they have to say? 
      Several spaces around the grand circular table are filled in just a few minutes time, though each person in the room sees no one else, believing they are alone. The double doors burst open and a lean, towering figure strides through. The face that looks around at them is unfamiliar, angular, and… off. Lit with a debonair smile and sharp eyes, but somehow not quite right. He sees them all but addresses them as if they are alone with him, his arms held wide in greeting: “My child, it’s been so long. Not that you recall. That’s a shame.” He sits in Feiyan’s chair, leaning back and crossing his too-long legs, gentle laughter on his face. “I am Leviath, but Levi works just fine. What is it that we’re supposed to say? Do not be afeard? I might have some catching up to do around here. But, that’s no matter. I’ve asked you here because you’ve expressed an interest in learning the full extent of your power. Long ago, my kind appointed you to help lead your people to a better world.” His sigh is convincing, if a little overdone, in its regret. “We should have done better at that, instead of punishing you for following your own path.”
      When he next speaks, it is not with his voice. Each Councilor hears something different whispered in their ear. Do this for me, and I will reward you with your wildest dreams.
      In the library the scene is different; the small group which gathers is aware they are not alone, that they have each other through whatever is about to occur. Perhaps this is a kindness, but it doesn’t last long. A being appears before them in a flash of light. Her eyes are too large in her tight face, bright white as if lit from within her skull. Silvery ribbons of gossamer trail all around her, obscuring a gaunt form beneath them, moving idly as if caught in several tiny winds around her. Nothing else about her moves. She is not standing but hovering. Her eyes do not blink. When she speaks it is without moving her lipless mouth. “Humans… It has been a long time since we were last here to watch over you. I recall who you were many cycles ago, when you would have remembered us. You called us Ancients. It was one of few things you intuited correctly.” Her head turns, assessing each Councilor one by one, lingering on Strength and The High Priestess. “You have let fear keep you from true control over the gifts we gave you long ago. That is… a shame. Power such as yours belongs in the hands of those who know what to do with it.”
      Another glance around the room and the leathery skin of her neck seems to tighten. “One of you has run away entirely.” She raises a hand and sweeps it in front of her chest almost idly, as if it means nothing to her. Nothing happens in the library. In Nashville, lightning cuts through a clear blue sky and strikes the ground so hard it crumbles. Buildings quiver. Fires erupt. A mile-wide radius around anywhere The Devil sets foot is filled with the shrieking of people begging her to leave. “She will return,” the Ancient tells the library, as if unaware they do not see what she does. 
      “When you are all present, you have a decision to make. Kneel to me and retain your magic with my guidance, or succumb to your fear and perish.”
      Those in the library leave in a daze. Faced with such an ultimatum, what can any of them do but worry? 
      Death and Strength, at least, have other plans. The two of them head the same direction looking for somewhere to think, and end up discussing their misgivings about what they just witnessed. Neither is ready to cower, though this appearance does not bode well for anyone on the Council.
      More and more curious by the minute, The High Priestess seeks out Judgement, informing him of the events in the library. He in turn tells her of his apparent one-on-one with Levi, and the two set out to gather the facts as best they can. He has his own agenda, however; the task whispered to him is clear. Convince The Tower to be your loyal deputy, and I shall give you the power to answer any question you have ever had.
      The Tower considers his own task: The Chariot is a source of great strength, and also a liability. Make sure she is unwavering as your ally even if you assume control, and I shall ensure you finally take your rightful place on this Council. Without your guidance, how will you ever find The World?
      By comparison, The Chariot’s task seems simple. Use the new magic you were given. Prove that on your own you can put it to good use. Then I shall give you not just a book, but a treasure trove of power. Just as she is about to get started, she runs into The Lovers, still confused and frightened by the spectacle in the library.
      The Fool seeks out The Devil, who does not want to see or hear from any of them. The two discuss the possibility of leaving it all behind - if such a thing is at all possible now. Unbeknownst to them, The Empress is looking for them. Her task is two-fold. Impress upon them how vital it is that they stay and lend their support to you, and I will ensure that you are able to give them the happiness they deserve from your throne. On her way to them she comes across The Hierophant, who looks as if she could use a friendly face after the Ancient’s appearance.
      The Star is visited in his room by Levi, who saunters in and smiles that inscrutable smile. “You have too many questions for me to answer at once, so let me tell you this for now, before we are interrupted. The others will seek out your guidance. Let them know, if you believe in The Ancients of old and the power we gave you, that I want only good for you all.” He disappears without a trace the moment the door opens to reveal The Moon and The Hermit, each coming from a different direction, each clearly still rattled from what they have seen.
Happy Friday and happy surprise event day, everyone! Sorry about the delay, but we know how life can be.  Hopefully this bombshell makes up for it! We know this is likely a very exciting and confusing event, so hit us with all the questions you could possibly have. This event will run from August 9th to August 27th to make up for it being both postponed and late, and there may be some additional surprises dropped into the mix throughout that time!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Happy Wednesday, Councilors! We have decided to extend the current event, with a new plot drop happening on Wednesday, August 7th! Sorry to keep our secrets for another week, but stay tuned to find out what strangeness is afoot, and happy plotting! 
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to inactivity, please unfollow:
Xiomara Navarro
The role of The Sun is now re-opened for application.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Happy Friday, Councilors! The following blogs have been inactive for at least a week:
We’re more than happy to offer hiatuses to anyone who needs them, so come check in with us or post on the dash before Monday July 29th at midnight EST!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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The Star
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Congratulations M, and welcome to The Arcana Council. We’re so excited to have Reese Hedlund (fc. Bill Skarsgård) take his seat in the chair for The Star. Be sure to send in your blog as quickly as possible, and review our accepted checklist and our triggers page.
The Star is one of those trickier Council roles that doesn’t have the most tangible purpose, at least on paper, so it’s always fun to see how people approach the notion of being expected to provide hope when one has none. We love the way you threw Reese into his highs and lows, and we can’t wait to see which the Council proves to be for him. Can he find faith among this collective of disasters? Let’s find out!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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    “   The key to the world is the key to your self and the key to yourself is the key to the world.  ”
Application Count Updated (+1 / 1)
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Happy Friday, Councilors! The following blogs have been inactive for at least a week:
We’re more than happy to offer hiatuses to anyone who needs them, so come check in with us or post on the dash before Monday July 22nd at midnight EST! 
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
hi there! would gong yoo work for justice?
Hey anon! We think he’d be a great fit!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
Could justice have a high-profile outside occupation?
Hey there anon! They most certainly could! 
Several of our active councilors have high-profile professions including The Devil who is a well-known musician and The Emperor who is in politics. Even my own Magician is a former Assistant DA now Corporate Law attorney. We very much enjoy seeing how councilors with these types of jobs balance their magical and non-magical lifestyles ;)
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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      event five     -      july 17 - july 31
     A larger-than-usual crowd of Councilors gathered in the second floor dining room around lunch time on July 17th. Maybe it was something about the weather, or the way their last official meeting had ended, or - well, who can say for sure? Something brought each of them to the room that day to eat, with a few conspicuous absences. Rarely did so many of them dine together, and the oddity of it was felt in the way each stuck closest to someone whose attention they didn’t much mind. The Sun, The Moon, and The Star lit up one side of the room, drawing others into their mischief. The Chariot and The Lovers made idle conversation with Temperance. Pretending to ignore the rest of them, The Tower found himself badgered out of his brooding by The Fool. For a few hopeful moments, the atmosphere at The Lair was light. 
     The Hermit shuffled her cards at one corner of the table, content to keep to herself while she ate, at first. A shadow briefly crossed the room, bringing with it a chill, and though it was gone as quickly as it had come she was unsettled. She stood as if to go to Death or Strength or another friendly face who wouldn’t mind the intrusion. Instead her body went rigid. Cards flipped and tumbled to the floor around her. Her eyes had glazed over in their usual way. How her lips quivered and her forehead wrinkled were… less than usual. Her voice cut clear through the room.
     She had begun muttering then, a jumble of half-spoken words and hisses that did not sound like any human tongue, until a ragged sob broke from her lips. She raised shaking hands to claw at her scalp. The glassy-eyed stare of a prophet in the throes of a vision had gone wide with abject fear at some horror no one else in the room could see. This was not a vision like those she’d had before. Those were quiet and still. Not like this. Few had witnessed those moments, but the difference was felt in the room nonetheless. Most strange, and perhaps most shocking, of all was the way her fevered words had risen to a wail. “None of us are safe,” she said, shaking her head back and forth wildly. “We have sown our own destruction. None of us are safe from each other.” Anyone who stepped forward to her made her flinch away, her unseeing gaze huge with fright. “No one can be trusted. Salus iacet in, in, in exitium. Stop. Stop! St-”
     Like a bulb burning out, she dropped, her head bouncing off the corner of the dining table as she fell. At exactly the same moment, though this was not known to most of the Council at the time, chaos reigned in the rest of the house. A fire winked into existence in a corner of the Training Room. Caught by Judgement, it didn’t spread far, but soot marked near the ceiling nonetheless, and no obvious source was found. Every piece of glassware in the Rec Room shattered at precisely the same moment, showering its old wooden floor - and, incidentally, The Emperor and The Empress - with shards and liquors. Water, gray and muddied, seeped into the Library’s floor as if welling from the ground itself. It reached no more than a few inches high, but enough to reach a few misplaced books and stir up a reaction from The High Priestess. None of these events have red-handed culprits, and yet… These days it takes so little provocation for the Council to point fingers. Almost as little as it takes to distract them from the gradual mutilation of the ley line right beneath their feet.
      Quickly The Hermit was moved and not long after the rest of the dining room cleared, the chill in the air now apparent to everyone who had lingered. In the shadows lurked two figures hidden from onlookers, one with dirt crushed into her threadbare sweater looking up at the other. Said other, with leathery skin pulled taut around its skull, stared into the now-empty room through pure white, too-round eyes rimmed in sooty gray. It nodded, perhaps satisfied by what it had witnessed, and the reflection at its side slid away into the gloom.
     Word of the vision and various small disasters spread fast, as it tends to do, particularly when the news is so damning - can anyone in the house be trusted? Who might start a fire for no apparent reason? Who would destroy books or windows, and why? 
      What is apparently foretold by the vision is alarming, but the other problems don’t appear as otherworldly as they could. In fact, it feels as if someone (a Councilor, perhaps?) is working to sow unease. Provoked to action, The Emperor sets her sights on Nashville, intent to determine The Devil’s motivations. Can she be relied upon, or will she rise to dark expectations? Convince her to return, to stay, or simply keep out of the way - The Emperor isn’t sure yet which she prefers.
     In much the same fashion, distrust spurs The Chariot to storm out of her room and into the world, and unfortunately for him, The Fool gets caught in her crosshairs. Just a few doors down from them, Temperance and The Star reason their way through the moments events, wondering if they aren’t all, somehow, related.
     The Hermit is not unconscious for long, though that does not deter Death from taking her to the infirmary, where he and The Hierophant brace for disorientation and panic. The Magician slides away with Justice to discuss the implications of what was said, while The Hanged Man and The Wheel of Fortune take it upon themselves to lighten the mood all around with pranks and general mischief.
     The crisis in the Library is enough to draw The Tower to The High Priestess, and though he is well outside his wheelhouse, he tries his best to help. Judgement takes news of the fire to The Sun, as well as his suspicions of the flare’s mysterious origin.
      The Lovers joins The Empress in the Rec Room, not because she particularly wants to clean, but because The Empress is one of few people she isn’t so jittery around these days. Or maybe it’s lingering guilt that drives her. Either way.
      The air, the water, the earth… Something is different at The Lair, something that The Moon thinks she may be imagining until Strength shares her own feelings on the matter. Ley lines may be out of Strength’s depth, but two heads are usually better than one, so long as the other doesn’t look remarkably like yours.
Happy event day, Councilors! Can you feel those shadows lurking closer? Maybe soon you’ll discover what awaits in them! First we have to set everyone at each other’s throats, though, because it’s just so much fun. As always, your assigned prompts are listed above, but you are more than encouraged to continue old threads and plot others besides! If your character is not listed in any specific location during the vision, you can decide whether or not they were there to witness! This event will run between July 17th and July 31st. If you have any questions, we will do our best to take care of them for you. And as always and most importantly, have fun!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
Would you consider Lily James, Emma Stone, or Ana de Armas for The Star?
Hello anon! We think with the right app, Lily and Ana could be fantastic!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
could y'all see aubrey joseph for the wheel of fortune? or stephan james?
We like both! Aubrey is a little on the young side and he has the cheeks to prove it, but he’s such a favorite of ours that it’s hard to say no. Stephan is a delightful suggestion too!
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