arcanasophium · 4 months
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Hass Idriss | 2024
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arcanasophium · 4 months
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Zuhair Murad | Spring/Summer 2024 Couture
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arcanasophium · 4 months
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Tom Ford | Fall/Winter 2024
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arcanasophium · 4 months
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• Woman's Coat.
Designer/Maker: Worth
Place of origin: France, Paris
Date: 1910-1911
Medium: Silk cut and voided velvet on silk and metallic-thread satin ground with metallic lace and jet and glass beads.
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arcanasophium · 4 months
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Jean Paul Gaultier Spring 1998 Haute Couture
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arcanasophium · 3 years
[“We went through the untrustworthy age. It was hundreds and hundreds of years. Not trusting creates good soil for fear, terror. We were terrified of everyone, everything different than us. Our distrust was contagious, palpable. It seemed like everyone died. It seemed like we wept every day. Then we remembered ourselves, remembered that trust is not earned—it is how we begin. It is the first thing we do. Learning to trust is returning to beginner’s mind, returning to our nature. We are meant to need each other.
We realized we didn’t know what we were doing, even the experts. We turned to our personal relationships, to our families, our lovers, our closest friends, and we said to each other, “I want justice between us.” We put down our masks and projections. We began speaking to each other only truth. We found a center within ourselves and began to listen there. We cultivated curiosity.
Enough of us were in practice to be able to say the word “community” and mean it, not aesthetically, not based in shared oppression, but in our visionary practices of justice rooted in love, in connection. We began to question our own actions, our participation in systems designed around our subjugation. We relinquished judgment rooted in superiority. We shook off individual righteousness as a symptom of supremacy thinking. We were not better than each other. We worked together to generate ways forward.
We outgrew the survival technology of politeness-in-the-face-of-injustice, which had gotten us as far as it could get us, the presidency of nations. It could not get us to liberation, so we adapted. Not all of us could be in one place, so we made room—room for many ways of being. We learned to place our attention where we wanted it.
When someone acted against community, instead of flooding them with our attention, we pulled collective attention away from them, while a healer would move in and give attention to that someone’s root system, supporting wholeness. We learned what forgiveness lets us release, and how to use time to heal that which feels too painful to forgive. We turned to look back at our traumas and understand how they shaped us. We created more room for the traumas of other people, for the weight of ancestral trauma. We practiced deep patience with each other. We created boundaries around our joy, around our love, around our children. Only offers of love could be felt, seen, heard, inhaled, and tasted.
We accepted more and more pathways to change as not only legitimate but necessary. We surrendered to how deeply we need each other. All of us matter, to ourselves, to each other.”]
adrienne maree brown, How We Learned (Are Learning) Transformative Justice, from Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories From The Transformative Justice Movement
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arcanasophium · 3 years
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Works by MelissaHoupert
This artist on Instagram
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arcanasophium · 3 years
👏 APOSTASY is the rejection of a faith after having professed it;
👏 HERESY is selective belief in only some of the tenets of a faith one professes, or belief in tenets contrary to those of a faith one professes;
👏 BLASPHEMY is derogation of the honour due to God.
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arcanasophium · 4 years
“Self is. / Self is body and bodily perception. Self is thought, memory, belief. Self creates. Self destroys. Self learns, discovers, becomes. Self shapes. Self adapts. Self invents its own reasons for being. To shape God, shape Self.”
— Parable of the Talents (Octavia E. Butler)
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arcanasophium · 4 years
there is something about hands that’s so entrancing. watching what people are doing with their hands and what they look like can give away so much about a person. and scars and bruises and tattoos and calluses, it all tells a story. i love hands. 
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arcanasophium · 4 years
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arcanasophium · 4 years
“In Chamberlin’s practice, she said, the question is, “How do we work with the organic intelligence of the body to heal? Instead of managing what comes up from the body, we work with it, trusting its purpose and direction, while holding a very particular, healing framework. The result is that physiological stress can change and release.” This is good news, since so many roadblocks in our sexual relationships are symptoms of unprocessed physiological stress. When we release the old, incomplete stress responses, we make space for new movement where we once felt stuck. And when you find the stuckness, simply grant it kind, patient, gentle attention. The stuckness will change in the warmth of your attention, it will melt like snow under the sun. Let it. Emotions are physiological cascades that want to complete their cycles, and they will complete those cycles when you allow them to; they want to be travelers, not residents. They want to move on. Let them. You may tremble or shake or cry or curl up in a ball. You may notice your body doing these things without your volition. Your body knows what to do, and it will do it as long as you sit calmly with it, as you would sit calmly beside a sick or grieving child.”
— emily nagoski, come as you are
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arcanasophium · 4 years
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Tiger Tateishi
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arcanasophium · 4 years
A while ago, my DM gave me the best result of a 0 roll I have ever experienced.  We were returning to a fort where the commander had a habit of displaying bodies of disobedient soldiers out front, and I asked if we saw any new bodies. I rolled a nat 1 perception check, and with my modifier, it totaled to 0. He said something like this: DM: The thought occurs to you, “new bodies?” and as you turn to look you catch sight of [your NPC crush]. The late afternoon sunlight filters through the trees, gilding her sweaty brow, her throat outlined in gold. She sees you staring, and turns toward you, raising an eyebrow. He completely diverted my character’s attention away from her original goal, nicely making the attempt to examine the area for new bodies fail entirely. But at the same time, he gave me a moment for roleplaying and character development that I otherwise would not have had. I admire his choice to turn what easily could have been, “Nah, you don’t see anything,” into a moment of connection between characters, as well as a failure to make a roll.
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arcanasophium · 4 years
How to be scary and evil while still bringing joy and comfort to everyone around me
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arcanasophium · 4 years
There are times when it will go so wrong that you will barely be alive, and times when you realise that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half-life on someone else’s terms.
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson
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arcanasophium · 4 years
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crying bc I’ll never be able to buy giant bagels off a kentrosaurus
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