arcane-fighter · 1 year
Okay, Gundam: The Witch from Mercury! As I said, got caught up, liked it a lot. Delivered pretty much what I expected: surprisingly enjoyable high school comedy/drama with giant robot fights and yuri that leads to the big moment where the show reminds everyone that Baby's First Gundam is still fucking Gundam, so enjoy the trauma!
I know a big part of the appeal was having a more accessible Gundam with, you know, lesbians, but honestly, while the school stuff wasn't exactly reinventing the wheel, everything was just so well done. Like, all the standard tropes were there, but there was obviously a lot of effort put into making them the best possible versions of those things. Like, I actually got invested in Suletta making friends and winning battles. The robot duels absolutely held my attention every time, and I actually was rooting for the hero to win. It's such a simple thing, but you'd be surprised how often I root for the rivals just to have something shaken up. But here, Suletta and her gang were just so danged likeable and her rivals were that perfect balance of infuriating and interesting that I did want them to lose, but I was also interested in what they did next. Like, give it up for Guel for having one of the most interesting character arcs. Also, kinda want to smack Shaddiq in his handsome face.
And what I also liked is that when something kind of started to bug me, kind of made me go, "Huh, is this really working?", suddenly it became the main focus and revealed itself to be a deliberate plot point all along.
Like, sure, Suletta and Miorine's engagement is a big selling point, but while I'm practically obligated by law to root for them, I started to notice a distinct lack of any real romantic chemistry. Like, Miorine did sort of make it clear from the beginning that their engagement is purely political in nature and would be called off the moment she could work out her escape, and until then she just needed someone good at robot piloting to hold off all those annoying suitors until then. So you can't say it was bait or anything. But even so, as the show went on, Suletta started crushing on Elan (or rather, his poor double), and Miorine continued to be dismissive and self-serving about, well, everything, I did start to wonder if Miorine even liked Suletta.
Fortunately, just as I was gearing up to make a post about that very disconnect, the show revealed that it's smarter than me and showed that that was the intention all along. Suletta had her heart broken by Miorine's dismissiveness of her, had her breakdown, and then she and Miorine had their big air-clearing fight and reconciliation that seemed to say that, yes, this is a couple that needs each other, they're just a little different and have a lot to learn about one another.
And honestly, I can't really blame either of them for that miscommunication. They just come from such completely different worlds (literally) and have completely different ways of looking at things. Miorine was raised in the world of cutthroat capitalism, where it's all about business deals and personal advantages, and all relationships are about what benefit they bring to the table. Marriage is a political partnership, romance is a silly thing for other people, and everything is a transaction. Suletta, however, is basically a country bumpkin raised by her (admittedly manipulative and vengeful) affectionate mother, but because of how sheltered she is, she's riddled with nerves and anxieties and just wants people to like her.
So to her, even though she didn't ask to become Miorine's groom, once she was in that position she resolved to be the best groom that she could, and probably made herself fall in love, because that's what one does for the person they're going to marry! She saw any request and responsibility as a token of trust, and her heart absolutely broken when Miorine hired those gardeners and casually told her to go ahead and date other people. It made her feel devalued, like she wasn't worth Miorine's consideration, whereas Miorine probably thought nothing of it. She had told Suletta from the beginning how things were, only asked her to look after her plants because she didn't have time to hire somebody else, and since Suletta was basically just standing as vanguards from other suitors, she ought to go ahead and date other people.
But I really liked how they handled that disconnect. We see how much Suletta is hurt, how it brings out the worst of her insecurities, and then the two basically confront one another and get everything out. I know Suletta serving up Miorine's order of extra ketchup will probably put a damper on things, but I do hope they can work past it, because I live for these sorts of relationships.
Ah, what am I saying? It's Gundam. We all better prepare for pain.
Speaking of which, I'm calling it now! Suletta is most definitely NOT Eri, Eri got Yui Ikari'ed into Aerial, and Suletta is likely a clone of her. It lines up with how she refers to Aerial as her sister, how Lady Prospera calls them both her daughters, how she speaks to it while piloting, and the fact that the timeline does not line up otherwise. And her "If you move forward" motto is a conditioning phrase instrumental in her brainwashing. She's a weapon.
Yeah, I know this ain't exactly new ground and people have been saying it before I started the show, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
Though can I just say one thing? I know Lady Prospera is all manipulative and using Suletta in a rather cruel way for the sake of her revenge, but she's kind of a baddie. As if in, she a MILF. As if in, Suletta's mom has got it going on.
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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Oh look, it's the final scene of Witch from Mercury episode 12!
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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lesbian ally cloud strife 🏳️‍🌈
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
Was there anything in particular that spawned Hanamusashipping or was it just "Delia looks lonely, I'm gonna give her a cute wife"? lol
last year i saw a post from two other team rocket accounts on here talking about how jessie needed a female friend and that delia would be a great choice to fill that void and that there was a fanfic that depicted them being friends and i was like “ooh intweegue 👀”. Then @musashi laid out their headcanon about how Jessie and Delia would meet and it made my heart happy
Initially I was like “omg yeah they’d be great friends” and kinda “eeeeh” about shipping it because I wasn’t sure what the age difference was. I only knew Jessie was 25 at the time but then I /GOOGLED/ and found out Delia was 29 and was instantly like IT IS TIME.
For me, it’s conceptually really funny just because it makes Jessie Ash’s stepmom and writing/drawing funny stuff is my jam. Jessie and Ash shenanigans are few and far between but are my favorite part of the anime. 
I also love the hot head x softie ship dynamic! But it’s also more than that because both Jessie and Delia are super solid, well written characters IMO. Jessie’s hot headed, vain, loud, kind of the worst but also such a broken person that really just longs so much for romance and domesticity. 
Delia, living a very domestic life seemed like a great fit! And on top of that she’s soft, patient but also painted as really strong/stubborn which I think are traits Jessie needs in a partner. And on the other end Delia gets a hot girlfriend who is super romantic and will shower her in love and attention. 
It’s just a solid ship all around!
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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“this vision”
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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AU where Jessie and Ash travel together but then Jessie falls in love with Ash’s mom
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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hanamusa doodles!
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
In case y’all missed it! A fanfic based off of my Hanamusa AU outline ;0;
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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can't believe i haven't done this for these two yet
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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was going to use my second inky to romance dorian but…. Josephine… two biromantics 😳😳😳 holding hands 😳😳
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
Solavellan hell this, Cullen that yada yada
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
Re: the last post, the article mentions that some places use clams to test the toxicity of the water. It’s like that in Warsaw- we get our water from the river, and the main water pump has 8 clams that have triggers attached to their shells. If the water gets too toxic, they close, and the triggers shut off the city water supply automatically.  
The clams are just better at measuring the water quality than any man-made sensors.
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Edit: check out this documentary trailer : https://vimeo.com/408820791
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
characters who know suletta and miorine have feelings for each other: nika, shaddiq, prospera, elan, literally everyone who was at the benerit group incubation party
characters who don’t know suletta and miorine have feelings for each other: suletta, miorine
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a mother figure tried to emotionally manipulate autistic sunshine’s into committing murder under their name and using said sunshine’s to further their own selfish goals regardless of how many people die in the process, all the while their white haired girlfriends are able to see behind the bullshit manipulation and worry immensely about them, I’d have two nickels
Which isn’t alot but its weird that it happened twice
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
Gundam was like ‘here have these cute gay girls in love” and I was like “yes” but then it was like ‘and now one’s reaching out to the other with a hand covered in the blood of her murdered enemies and a smile in the face while the other one screams in horror”and I was like “HELL yes”, honestly.
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arcane-fighter · 1 year
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Original: tamakakama2018 TL: aozora_TL
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