arcanummagea · 2 months
[{There's something special about going back and rewatching older series. Just started Samurai Champloo again after so many years away from it, the memories <3
If there's any accounts to follow, let me know? I'd love to interact with people.
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arcanummagea · 3 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 & 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 ( @arcanummagea. ) {{Ruler!}} +Kieran's five foot and six inches tall. Send me 📏 + your muses height and I'll compare them to my muse!
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"We're the same height!"
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arcanummagea · 3 months
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , HISTORICAL 〳 FANTASY edition !   (  a  collection  of  25  settings  based upon the period 〳 fantasy genres ; meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts . WILL be updated .   )
001. the interior of an elegant carriage .
002. seated at a large dining table set with an elaborate meal .
003. the shadowy corner of a lively tavern .
004. the top of a light house during a raging storm .
005. along the dimly lit corridor of a large manor .
006. the damp , dark brig of a pirate ship .
007. the ruins of an ancient structure lost to time .
008. a theater hall brimming with attendees .
009. the bustling streets of a market town .
010. a sun - drenched vineyard .
011. along a boardwalk overlooking the sea .
012. a moonlit cemetery full of weathered graves .
013. on horseback , deep in the woods .
014. a luxurious drawing room smelling of tea .
015. a sprawling dragon roost , hidden atop craggy mountain peaks .
016. a war - torn battlefield .
017. a beautiful cathedral bustling with churchgoers .
018. within a crammed opera box during a performance .
019. an elegant tearoom serving afternoon refreshments .
020. a lakeside pavilion on an especially hot day .
021. a sprawling network of underground catacombs .
022. a hidden glade in the middle of the woods .
023. the deep , dark dungeon of a castle .
024. a market square full of fruit and fineries .
025. a baker's shop smelling of wonderful pastries .
026. the quiet stables of a large estate .
027. on the outskirts of a magnificent water fountain .
028. in a dimly lit library , hidden amongst the books .
029. among the high walls of a hedge maze .
030. at the front desk of a warm , homey inn .
031. under the protection of a gazebo as it rains .
032. on the landing of a busy train station .
033. a gambling hall alight with raucous laughter and drink .
034. a pristine infirmary , mostly empty .
035. on board a huge ship making a long voyage .
+   20  more  setting  prompts :    6 / 01 / 2024
036. in a sunlit garden adorned with blooming flowers .
037. at the edge of a serene forest lake under a starry sky.
038. within a quiet corridor of a castle during a lavish ball .
039. in a bustling blacksmith's forge , sparks flying .
040. on a rocky cliffside overlooking a vast ocean .
041. in a quaint village square during a festival .
042. within a secret chamber hidden behind a bookshelf .
043. in the grand atrium of a luxurious hotel .
044. along a narrow brick alleyway in a crowded town .
045. within a busy marketplace in a desert town .
046. on a tranquil beach at sunrise .
047. in a cozy cottage with a crackling fireplace .
048. at the helm of a majestic airship soaring through the clouds .
049. in a grand library filled with ancient tomes .
050. on a bustling harbor dock as ships come and go .
051. within a magical forest where the trees glow softly .
052. in an apothecary's shop filled with herbs and potion .
053. at a secluded cabin by a dangerously quick river .
054. within the opulent throne room of a powerful ruler .
055. in an enchanted glade where fairies dance in the moonlight .
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arcanummagea · 3 months
{{Finally, found some time to be on here ;-; }}
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arcanummagea · 3 months
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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arcanummagea · 4 months
Finally. A bright blast of blue energy shoots in Kieran's direct path. That was what he had been waiting for, to see just how powerful it truly was and how much Urameshi still had to learn. Raising his arms in an x shape, Kieran hissed through his teeth feeling blood drip from his arms.
His heels dug into the ground beneath, back close to colliding against a tree thrusting fourth more flames of Fire diminishing the Shotgun. There was a shake in his arms after, smoke billowed from his clothes after the attack, his leg was still a mess of a condition. But, a proud grin crossed the mage's face.
"Impressive…Genkai was right about you and wrong at the same time…" he states, attempting to ready himself before his leg gave way.
Well, well, the surprises never end. Yusuke was stronger than most human's he has encountered, he felt it in his right leg the minute Genkai's student attacked back. However, Kieran had his own tricks the boy should watch for…marking's on his right arm pulsed.
Twisting his leg from Yusuke's iron hold, a stupid move. He could feel something crack, going ignored for now as sparks of fire form at the tip of his index finger, before a flame takes shape. "Hope you're not afraid of fire, Spirit Detective," he declared, sending a wave of it towards Yusuke.
"I'm curious if you're Spirit Gun really is all that powerful, or just a joke."
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arcanummagea · 4 months
Ending's and Beginning's. A Solo.
The Red Death held a tight grip over Aestrias, in the year 550. It takes no amount of remembering to recall such plague over his homeland. New graves sit snug beside five year old headstones from a war three years ago, leaving behind orphans and widows. Kieran had
been eight during the plague, sick in bed several days. His mother was warned not to be near him, in fear of catching it herself but that did not stop Lumeyia Valeta. He looks at her with dull eyes, trying to smile as rashes ran rampant across his body. Blood drips
past his lips again, as she wipes it away with her cloth. "Will you tell me a story, about Anayu and Raava?" Lumeyia arched a brow.
"Didn't I tell you that last week?"
"It's my favorite."
"Oh, very well, only for you and your sisters," she poked him on the nose, beginning her tale. "Our God used to be friends with a mortal named Raava, as you know. He taught Raava all that he knew and his knowledge was vast, unaware that this mortal had
a whole other agenda in mind, wishing to harness God's power." She stopped. Kieran raised his gaze upward, his eyes widened to see blood seeping past his mother's lips, coughing it out some landed onto his shirt. As the weeks went,
Lumeiya suffered. The nurses could do nothing nor the shaman woman of their village.Though he knew it was not his fault, that he did not beckon his mother to enter his room, he still blamed himself for her death. He knew not how long he stayed by his mother's grave that day, until he felt the hand of the Seer woman
touch his shoulder. Her nails dug into his shoulder. "Get up, Valeta. Your father's becoming concerned."
All had been quiet as they trekked back. Until he at last spoke. His pale blue eyes were like flames of ice, looking direct at the woman. "I know you do not teach men your ephemera, Hroza…but please…"
She looked at him with amusement, head cocked to one side. "It's not an easy of task Kieran. You may burn yourself…or freeze." "I can handle it. I want to handle it."
"Very well. Come see me at dawn, tomorrow, no late."
So he had. She was right. When he first tried Fire, he burned his left hand terribly enough for it to scar. Blizzard was a similar of action. Lightning always strikes twice. He almost drowned himself with Water. On a bleak day in late Autumn, at the age of thirteen, he marveled in awe when he had at last controlled Blizzard.
His father had been delighted, along with little Anjiji and young Tala. Uliah masked her bitterness over the fact she was not an Arcane Mage like her brother. He never bragged in front of her, spite the praise from everyone.
A letter from King Validus, rumors were abound he had maddened after banishing his own daughter whom was only fourteen years old, loathing her for having fae like magic.
"You're really leaving, I see..." she murmured. Leant against his doorway.
His ears twitch at her tone. Glancing over his shoulder. "You're angry."
"Only of the fact you're throwing your life away, for one man."
He breathed through his nose, knowing Uliah would be like this. His mother often told him Uliah took her anger out on those she loved most, of the fact it was easier.  "Validus is our king, sis...he's done so much for everyone."
Poor fool. If only he had the knowledge that he does now.
"It would seem you've forgotten what this country has done to mages in the past." She retorted, angry tears burning behind her eyes. "Kieran....if you don't come back..."
A hand is placed atop her head. She stilled some though he could see she was still fighting them. "I'll be fine, okay? Please...I'll visit when I can."
"I'll come and visit Uliah, don't make this difficult please?"
Uliah said nothing. He does not flinch hearing her bedroom door slam. Anjiji casts a weary glance when he kisses the top of her head. He kneels to Tala's level, her tiny arms wrapping around his neck.
"Come back safe, Kiki please?"
"I'll try...love you guys."
Nox was waiting for him, his pet werecat think of a lynx like creature but bigger and stronger. Kieran pets his dear friend's head with a gloved hand, and does not look back.
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arcanummagea · 4 months
Disney Villain Inspired Muse Questions
🏴‍☠️ Captain Hook: How often are they to hold a grudge, and for how long? And if they want revenge, how would they enact it?
🧥 Cruella de Vil: Describe the muse's fashion sense/style. If they don't have one, if they could have any outfit they wanted, what would it be?
🎴 Dr. Facilier: If muse was forced to be an animal for the rest of their life (or at least a long time), what animal would they want to be?
🥀 Gaston: How jealous can they get? Do they act upon that jealousy or do they prefer to keep it inside?
🍏 Queen Grimhilde: If they encountered someone better than them (either in appearance or skills), how would they react?
🔥 Hades: How do they feel about their sibling(s)? If they don't have any, would they want siblings?
🐍 Jafar: How do they feel about their status in life currently? Would they want to improve it?
🐉 Maleficent: How would they react to their friends and/or family having fun without them?
🏵️ Mother Gothel: How often do they think about their own mortality? Have they accepted it or would they do anything to cheat death?
♥ Queen of Hearts: How bad is their temper? And what's something that can instantly make them go from 0 to 100?
🐾 Scar: If they were given a position of power, what's the first thing they would change? If already in a position of power, are they worried about being usurped or assassinated?
🔱 Ursula: What would muse sell their soul for if given the opportunity?
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arcanummagea · 5 months
your writing does not have to be perfect! no matter if you keep it simple or use lots of prose, whether you prefer more dialogue or more descriptions, or if your sentences have few or many words, it doesn't need to be a literary masterpiece. do what feels right for you. do whatever you enjoy the most, and don't stress yourself too much about it because chances are, there will be people who like your writing regardless.
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arcanummagea · 5 months
{{I'm unfortunately sick right now, but my messages are always open to plots <3 Also this writer is very shy so excuse if the reply, takes a while to respond to.}}
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arcanummagea · 5 months
Reblog if you'd like asks in your inbox for your muse(s)! Anon or not!
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arcanummagea · 5 months
[Sentence Starters] Final Fantasy X
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^
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❝ Listen to my story. This…may be our last chance. ❞
❝ This is my story. It’ll go the way I want it…or I’ll end it here! ❞
❝ This is it. This… is your story. It all begins here. ❞
❝ Every story must have an ending. ❞
❝ I wanted to change the world too, but I changed nothing. That is my story. ❞
❝ I’ve… learned how to smile… Even when I’m feeling sad. ❞
❝ Err, ‘helly doo sad wee’ to you, too. ❞
❝ Hey! You okay? ❞
❝ Why do today what you can leave for tomorrow? ❞
❝ Boom! Like happy festival fireworks, ya? ❞
❝ Outside the dream world, life can be harsh–even cruel, but it is life. ❞
❝ ( Name )’s… a bit lacking in the imagination department. ❞
❝ I told her all the things…we could…we could…and all along the whole time, I didn’t know anything! ❞
❝ Disappear on us, will ya? Rotten son of a shoopuf! ❞
❝ You, with a woman? You can’t even catch a ball! ❞
❝ Those sand-blasted grease monkeys! ❞
❝ No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew. ❞
❝ I trust my guardians with my life. But they are also my friends. I will not stand by and watch them be hurt. ❞
❝ Why didn’t I just shut my big mouth…? ❞
❝ When you got the ball, you gotta score! ❞
❝ Not the most… graceful win. ❞
❝ Those with power use that power. ❞
❝ Pick spot. Shut up. Wait. ❞
❝ Cry, cry. That’s the only thing you’re good for! ❞
❝ But there is no salvation for the damned! ❞
❝ Let’s go to the sea, before sunrise. The city lights go out, one by one, the stars fade, then the horizon glows, almost like it’s on fire. It’s kinda rose-colored, right? First the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter till everything…glows. It’s really pretty. I know you’d like it. ❞
❝ We were just worried you guys might’ve gone crazy! ❞
❝ I hate this place. ❞
❝ I won’t tell ya to be careful. Do your worst, kiddo! ❞
❝ You can STUFF your taboos! ❞
❝ Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal. ❞
❝ Memories are nice, but that’s all they are. ❞
❝ I will share your pain. ❞
❝ Oh, sure! Soon! Like 'tomorrow’ soon, I bet! ❞
❝ The ferryman asks a high price. ❞
❝ You were always such a stiff. But that’s what I like about you. ❞
❝ Sometimes, when I got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go, “AAAAAAAAAAAH!” ❞
❝ I was waiting for you. ❞
❝ Pitiful mortal… Your hope ends here! ❞
❝ Just a feeling, but I think my dad kinda likes you. ❞
❝ A day with you is never dull! ❞
❝ I love you. ❞
❝ Did you…hit your head or something? ❞
❝ You know…for the first time, I’m glad…to have you as my father. ❞
❝ There is no need for fear. I will go with you. ❞
❝ Unpleasant. Very well. I will give you your death. You seem to want it so. ❞
❝ Keep your head down, say “sir” a lot, and you’ll do fine. ❞
❝ Hope is comforting. It allows us to accept fate, no matter how tragic it might be. ❞
❝ Touch me with that hand and I’ll remove it. ❞
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arcanummagea · 5 months
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1. What is your favorite trope to rp? 2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs. 3. Who are your longest rp friends? 4. What old character would you love to bring back? 5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write? 6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses. 7. What is one overrated roleplay trend? 8. Do your friends outside the internet know your roleplay? 9. Have you ever written fanfictions? 10. Why do you write? 11. Do you welcome duplicates of your character or stay away from them? 12. Do you prefer writing main or minor canon characters? 13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? 14. What is your opinion on writing smut? 15. What is your opinion on tagging triggers? 16. Do you prefer long or short replies and why? 17. What makes you insecure about your own writing? 18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community? 19. Who is an author that inspires you? 20. Do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence? 21. What time of the day is your favorite to write? 22. Are there any red roleplay flags for you that make you back off immedately? 23. Your favorite fandom to write in? 24. Have you ever left a fandom because of negativity? 25. One thing you’d like new roleplayers to know?
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arcanummagea · 5 months
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lunyx » "Don't move until I say it's safe, alright?"
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arcanummagea · 6 months
Well, well, the surprises never end. Yusuke was stronger than most human's he has encountered, he felt it in his right leg the minute Genkai's student attacked back. However, Kieran had his own tricks the boy should watch for…marking's on his right arm pulsed.
Twisting his leg from Yusuke's iron hold, a stupid move. He could feel something crack, going ignored for now as sparks of fire form at the tip of his index finger, before a flame takes shape. "Hope you're not afraid of fire, Spirit Detective," he declared, sending a wave of it towards Yusuke.
"I'm curious if you're Spirit Gun really is all that powerful, or just a joke."
Urameshi, Yusuke.
Genkai warned he would be a 'handful' in laments terms, but not to this extent. Their conversation replays once more in Kieran's mind. She seemed so…old if that were possible for Genkai. Quick to be reprimanded if he so much looked at her, as if she could not hold her own. She arrived in a world of stars, where the moon is the sun.
'Here, this is your pupil," she had said. Placing his file from Koenma in his hands. "Urameshi, Yusuke, Spirit Detective from the human world."
Kieran looked over his profile more than once, glancing at Genkai warily. "The Dark Tournament…? You can't possibly be serious. Not against Toguro!"
She leaned forward with that stoney gaze. Elevating her brows. "More than I have ever been, Kieran. I know you've been training yourself under 'Her' since you were a boy. You can show him a thing or two, surely. He's loud, cocky as hell, but one of my proudest moments in teaching."
Was that a smile on her face, before it is gone the next? She cleared her throat, while he began. "I…very well, don't hold your breath."
He smiles coy. Listening to his student giving a roll of his shoulders. "Let's begin, then…" Kieran is not without speed, quick on his feet but he tired easily, not built to be just a warrior. Yusuke would soon discover he could be just as relentless as Genkai, when he raises his leg, hoping to aim for Yusuke's ribs.
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arcanummagea · 6 months
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XVtober 2023 prompt #10: corruption I had this sitting in my drafts since November 2020 for some reason and it fits todays’s XVtober prompt so time to finally post it. The starscourge daemon retextures are available on Nexus. 🚫 Do not repost. ⬇️4K wallpapers here.
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arcanummagea · 6 months
Ending's and Beginning's. A Solo.
The Red Death held a tight grip over Aestrias, in the year 550. It takes no amount of remembering to recall such plague over his homeland. New graves sit snug beside five year old headstones from a war three years ago, leaving behind orphans and widows.
Kieran had been eight during the plague, sick in bed several days. His mother was warned not to be near him, in fear of catching it herself but that did not stop Lumeyia Valeta. He looks at her with dull eyes, trying to smile as rashes ran rampant across his body.
Blood drips past his lips again, as she wipes it away with her cloth. "Will you tell me a story, about Anayu and Raava?" Lumeyia arched a brow.
"Didn't I tell you that last week?"
"It's my favorite."
"Oh, very well, only for you and your sisters," she poked him on the nose, beginning her tale. "Our God used to be friends with a mortal named Raava, as you know.
He taught Raava all that he knew and his knowledge was vast, unaware that this mortal had a whole other agenda in mind, wishing to harness God's power." She stopped.
Kieran raised his gaze upward, his eyes widened to see blood seeping past his mother's lips, coughing it out some landed onto his shirt. As the weeks went,
Lumeiya suffered. The nurses could do nothing nor the shaman woman of their village.Though he knew it was not his fault, that he did not beckon his mother to enter his room, he still blamed himself for her death. He knew not how long he stayed by his mother's grave that day, until he felt the hand of the Seer woman
touch his shoulder. Her nails dug into his shoulder. "Get up, Valeta. Your father's becoming concerned."
All had been quiet as they trekked back. Until he at last spoke. His pale blue eyes were like flames of ice, looking direct at the woman. "I know you do not teach men your ephemera, Hroza…but please…"
She looked at him with amusement, head cocked to one side. "It's not an easy of task Kieran. You may burn yourself…or freeze." "I can handle it. I want to handle it."
"Very well. Come see me at dawn, tomorrow, no late."
So he had. She was right. When he first tried Fire, he burned his left hand terribly enough for it to scar. Blizzard was a similar of action. Lightning always strikes twice. He almost drowned himself with Water. On a bleak day in late Autumn, at the age of thirteen, he marveled in awe when he had at last controlled Blizzard.
His father had been delighted, along with little Anjiji and young Tala. Uliah masked her bitterness over the fact she was not an Arcane Mage like her brother. He never bragged in front of her, spite the praise from everyone.
A letter from King Validus, rumors were abound he had maddened after banishing his own daughter whom was only fourteen years old, loathing her for having fae like magic.
"You're really leaving, I see..." she murmured. Leant against his doorway.
His ears twitch at her tone. Glancing over his shoulder. "You're angry."
"Only of the fact you're throwing your life away, for one man."
He breathed through his nose, knowing Uliah would be like this. His mother often told him Uliah took her anger out on those she loved most, of the fact it was easier.  "Validus is our king, sis...he's done so much for everyone."
Poor fool. If only he had the knowledge that he does now.
"It would seem you've forgotten what this country has done to mages in the past." She retorted, angry tears burning behind her eyes. "Kieran....if you don't come back..."
A hand is placed atop her head. She stilled some though he could see she was still fighting them. "I'll be fine, okay? Please...I'll visit when I can."
"I'll come and visit Uliah, don't make this difficult please?"
Uliah said nothing. He does not flinch hearing her bedroom door slam. Anjiji casts a weary glance when he kisses the top of her head. He kneels to Tala's level, her tiny arms wrapping around his neck.
"Come back safe, Kiki please?"
"I'll try...love you guys."
Nox was waiting for him, his pet werecat think of a lynx like creature but bigger and stronger. Kieran pets his dear friend's head with a gloved hand, and does not look back.
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