arcath · 6 years
wp_enqueue_less a replacement for WP-Less
wp_enqueue_less a replacement for WP-Less
I’ve used WP-Less for a couple of years now and been pretty happy with it, but on a couple of occasions I’ve had issues with it and with and the underly lessphp.
There is a filter that can make it use the more upto date less.php instead but the fiter seemed to be ignored when I tried to use it.
This has lead me to having to build a replacement, which is something I’ve looked at on more than one…
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arcath · 6 years
Disable Windows 10 Colour Filter Shortcut with a GPO
Disable Windows 10 Colour Filter Shortcut with a GPO
I came across an interesting problem today. A Windows 10 1709 machine was black and white and no one knew how it had happened.
Windows 10 has a colour filter system to help colour blind users that has the rather badly placed shortcut Windows+Ctrl+C. That’s right a shortcut that by default makes the screen black and white is 1 key away from the copy shortcut.
It can be turned off just as easily…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 22 - War and Claiming Another Shard
Screeps Part 22 – War and Claiming Another Shard
Screeps Part 22 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Rudykocur has been poking at me pretty hard the last few weeks and it’s not gone very well. My new rangers can win a one on one fight with his attackers no problem due to the way Screeps handles actions.
Action Priorities
The need for his creeps to self-heal meant that they could not attack. A creep can heal and…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 21 - Optimizing the OS
Screeps Part 21 – Optimizing the OS
Screeps Part 21 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Respawn again
After talking in the last post about wanting to hunker down in my bunker and wait it out I’ve gone back on that and respawned into a new respawn area that opened up next to me. I was fed up with fighting Fritee for everything. If I had been able to claim the 3rd room it would still be 3 rooms vs 10 which…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 20 - Bunkers
Screeps Part 20 – Bunkers
Screeps Part 20 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Moving to Bunkers
The first big hurdle with using bunkers is that my rooms already have layouts. I can’t just place the bunker flag and build it as the extensions/spawns/labs/storage and terminal already exist. In fact, in some rooms, they are in the way of where I want the bunker to spawn.
I started my first bunker in…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 19 - Operating Systems
Screeps Part 19 – Operating Systems
Screeps Part 19 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Building an OS
One of my big issues is CPU usage. My inbox has been flooded with notifications telling me that my bucket is empty or high CPU forced my script to end etc… which is not good.
I previously spent a lot of time improving my CPU usage and I’m not sure how my current AI can get any faster. The core of the…
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arcath · 7 years
Office Update Remover
Over at Ed-IT Solutions, we have been having a fun time with KB4011039, an Office update that can cause some pretty big problems for teachers. It makes the text inside merged table cells invisible and you can’t select the table cell at all. This is a huge pain for teachers whos planning is 90% merged table cells.
With Microsoft not releasing a fix until October 3rd we are forced to remove the…
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arcath · 7 years
Creating an MSI Transform with Super Orca
Creating an MSI Transform with Super Orca
I quite frequently deploy software that needs config changes or options before it will work properly. MSI deployments can be given a transform file which modifies the options used when it is installed.
This can be very useful for adding in serial keys or changing the install folder etc… Most MSIs don’t come with a utility to create these transforms or even any documentation as to what options…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 18 - Typescript
Screeps Part 18 – Typescript
Screeps Part 17 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
I’ve been seeing a lot of good things said about Typescript on the Screeps slack. Typescript is a version of Javascript created by Microsoft that adds typing to Javascript. Bonzai has written an introduction to typescript over on Screeps World (here) which convinced me.
With typings in my code Typescript…
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arcath · 7 years
This is what happens when you leave Riker in charge
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 17 - Room Planning
Screeps Part 17 – Room Planning
Screeps Part 17 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
A Respawn
So yeah, fighting tier 3 boosted creeps did not go well. Once they downed a tower in my room that was it, a single tower could not out damage the healing of the creep and the room gets wiped.
My ramparts put up a good fight and in one of my rooms, I did defeat the invader. Of course, another one came along 10…
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arcath · 7 years
I wonder if this is why alerts are done by colour. Every episode they would be calling out something that black and white TV watchers couldn't see easily.
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Or as Chekov would say it, RCA Wictor.
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 16 - Faster in an Alliance
Screeps Part 16 – Faster in an Alliance
Screeps Part 16 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
To the south of my main rooms, there is a room with no spawn and a bunch of structures from a player who has not hit respawn after dying. This is great news for me.
650K Energy waiting to be taken.
I can withdraw from that storage and take the energy back to one of my rooms. The problem is that to…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 15 - New Empire
Screeps Part 15 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
My new room is pretty run of the mill but it does have a fair few rooms around it that can be mined or claimed. As I said at the end of the last post I don’t intend on rushing up to my room limit favouring remote mining to get my creeps up.
Firstly I need to get this room up and running properly. It is in a free…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 14 - More Improvements and a Respawn
Screeps Part 14 – More Improvements and a Respawn
Screeps Part 13 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Remote Mining
I wanted to get to grips with remote mining. At the moment I just send the creeps and they have no roads etc… I want to change that so I can speed them up with roads and get an idea of the profit from each remote room.
I suspected for one of my remote rooms that it was actually costing me energy to mine…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 13 - Building Up
Screeps Part 13 – Building Up
Screeps Part 13 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Building Up
The new AI from part 12 was not as complete when it was called into service. It wasn’t important at the time, my rooms were all dead and I only needed it to gather energy and build new creeps.
It took a bit of work getting the room claiming system to work. Game.roomsonly contains rooms you control or have…
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arcath · 7 years
Screeps Part 12 - Start Again
Screeps Part 12 – Start Again
Screeps Part 12 is the latest in my screeps story, you can read the rest here.
Like the last time I re-wrote my AI this post has become rather long. It is well worth a read as I think I had some pretty good ideas for AI improvements.
So it has been a while since I seriously played Screeps. I’ve done a lot since then, moving house etc… which has stopped me playing. The one time I did dip…
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