archeir-a-blog · 6 years
does anyone have theme recommendations that are more simple but still nice? i’m too lazy to do a bunch of htmling. asking for a friend. 
aka -- that friend is, me. 
ooc stuff under the cut --
also, this is has been the week from hell for me. legit. like WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE type of shit
i could use the cheering up and rping usually helps so if ya’ll could help me out that’d be great. 
thanks <3
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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I’m looking out for you.
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
Contemplating moving this blog. Probably will. I need a fresh start. So in the meantime, catch me on discord or Izzy until it’s done. 
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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#every single frame in this scene is an actual gem!
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
@weightofworlds !
@archeir ⚔ closed starter
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           Sparring with Alec, on a good day, was one of Jace’s favorite pastimes. With their parabatai rune humming between them, their hearts beat as one, and every move Jace made, he could expect Alec to counter, and vice versa. To anyone watching, their fights were more of a choreographed dance; when Jace struck, Alec parried. When Alec riposted, Jace rolled to get him off balance. There was never the slightest second of hesitation. Each man knew the timing and distance for each strike, and it was better than any workout Jace could get with anyone else. 
          That particular day, however, was not a good day. Jace was trying to keep secrets from Alec, which was leaving them woefully out of sync, and the fact that he hadn’t slept and was exhausted had an impact, too. So instead of keeping up with Alec, Jace was struggling, and had already hit the mat three times in a short, twenty minute bout. It wasn’t a good omen of things to come. 
         But admitting that he was struggling wasn’t something he could do, so Jace rolled back to his feet, suppressing a wince, and plastered a cocky grin on his face. “You’re supposed to hit hard enough that I stay down, parabatai,” he told Alec. “Come on, you can do better than that!”
               “ Right, ”       Came the elder’s    SNARKY   response, followed by a   languid roll    of his head.    Alec’s mannerisms mirrored a rattle snake’s,  gearing up to    strike.     Although, when the moment presented itself,  Alec held back.    He could sense when something was bothering Jace.     They hardly even broke .  a sweat.     And already, Jace was losing step,          balance.     His hand-eye coordination was terrible at best in the present moment and therefore, his parabatai was   concerned.    Alec knew when to give, much to Jace’s dismay.  
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              “ Any better and I’d  KNOCK   you out cold.   That’s not me being cocky either.   You’re not focused, ”     Alec accused.     Yet, despite the slight displeasure in his tone, a part of it was still    laced    with   deep concern.      “ I know when you’re not yourself.   Now’s your chance to clear the air. ”     Alec lowered his seraph blade and straddled an invisible line across the roof of the Institute.     He refused to keep going, while pretending nothing had gone awry between them, or Jace as a whole.        “ And don’t you dare say nothing’s wrong, Jace.  Or I promise you, I will knock you flat on your ass and not feel sorry about it. ”      That wasn’t   entirely   true. Alec would always feel guilty but at the same time,   he’d take an odd,   sort of   sick   pleasure   out of it. 
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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 Malec Week Day 3 Middle Ages
🛡 Jouster!Alec & Prince of Hell!Magnus 👑
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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Alexander ‘Alec’ Lightwood.
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
consider this your daily reminder that i love you sm & i could have never asked for a better bff! i always love getting replies and messages from you, and i'm blessed af to be able to write with you because you basically ARE alec lightwood
It never fails that when I need love & encouragement the most -- you’re there. I suppose, I couldn’t ask for a better bff myself! Who else will talk crazy ideas with me for hours / come up with endless plots and fangirl over how precious we are ic and out!
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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✧・゚:* IMMORTAL AU FT. @archeir !!
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
have you ever noticed that some tumblr users come in sets
like they never stop talking to/about the other person so you may as well follow them too
it’s like buy one, get one free
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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                  IT’S   MORE   FUN  TO   BREAK   THE   RULES .
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
sh thoughts under the cut .... 
SO LIKE ..... that ep tho
the m/alec was so on point and i’m v pleased at alec being a nervous wreck, a terrible cook and an all around adorable angel and magnus just ugh slays
and OH PRAISE MARYSE I LOVE HER BLESS. my boy, i knew he loved his momma. can’t no one convince me otherwise. also i’m living for alec being bitter towards robert 5ever. i predicted that too. he’s never gonna get over it or forgive him anytime soon if ever so lets not hold our breath and i’m pleased with how much he protects the women in his family bless alec lightwood is a true prince, YOU’RE WELCOME
i feel like i need to watch the ep again bc alec’s emotions are all over the place this episode.... meta coming to you on that soon when i psychoanalyze the shit out of him but ya girl is lazy af right now
THIS DOCTOR I DONT TRUST HIM.. get him away from my izzy pls and thanks
(spoiler alert: i will prob make an izzy bc i have no self control.)      (spoiler alert: i already started to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) 
and JACE UGH FUCKING JACE ... i just like have 1 question ??? have the writers completely forgotten they’re parabatai i’m hella annoyed that alec can’t sense any of this shit. the parabatai bond is so unclear and it gives me headaches and i’m just bitter that my sons have had ZERO interaction. i’ma need them to fix that asap pls and thank u
also like ??? raphael is the sweetest soul its unfair. UGH ROSA QUEEN MAY SHE RIP 
in a nutshell there’s things i like and things where i’m just like wtf is happening ???? 
ok i’m done.
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
@magnvs​ !
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           ❝  THIS ISN’T A NEGOTIATION, ALEXANDER.  ❞     his  response  is  imbued  with  weariness ,     stubbornness ,     PAIN                                      but  the  warlock  is  wildly  familiar  with  the  art  of  pretence :     and  so ,     he’s  more  than  capable  of  keeping  those  troubled  thoughts  from  his  expression .     His  hands ,     however ,     tell  a  different  story  as  they  continue  to  fiddle  with  each  ring  upon  his  fingers ,     and  Magnus  can  only  hope  that  Alec’s  attention  will  be  much  too  dedicated  towards  his  face  to  notice  any  of  his  other  tells .
                    ❝     I’m  not  asking  for  your     PERMISSION .     ❞         He  hates  that  he’s  being  so  harsh ,     HATES     it ;     but  if  it’s  the  only  way  to  push  the  other  away ,     to  ensure  that  he’ll  be  able  to  go  to  Edom  without  interference  from  his  lover ,     then  so  be  it .     He’d  rather  hurt  Alexander  like  this ,     would  rather  keep  him  safe ,     than  to  allow  the  other  to  undertake  such  a  dangerous  journey  with  him .          ❝     We’re  out  of  options ,     and  I  can’t  promise  that  I  can  keep  you  safe  if  you  come  with  me .    ❞         And  he  would  DIE  if  any  harm  came  to  Alec  because  of  this ;     he  knows  he  would .
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                          “  So,    that’s    it    then ? “               His    fixed    jaw,    tightens                   straining    around    the   question.          There’s    a    painful    sickness    in    his    stomach.         A     NAUSEATING  ACHE     that,    Alec    hasn’t    experienced    or    felt    since    Magnus    broke    things    off    the    first    time    to    ensure    the    survival    of    his    people.            When    things    got    hard,    Magnus    put    up    BARRIERS ,     walls.    And    Alec    felt    helpless    against    them    because    he    knew    that    no    matter    what    was    said,    Magnus    wouldn’t    budge     &&     yet,      Alec    couldn’t    let    this    go.         He    couldn’t    accept    what    was    being    demanded    and    told    of    him.
                           “ You    just    expect    me    to    sit    back,    roll    over    and    watch    you    go?      Look    I,                    I    get    that    we’re    out    of    options    but    this           this    isn’t    the    solution.       And    I’m    sorry    but    I,         can’t    let    you    do    it.      I    won’t.         Least    of    all    not    alone.     Magnus,    please .     “      Alec    wasn’t    against    begging    if    he    had    to.      Whatever    would    work    to    get    Magnus    to    change    his    mind,      if    anything    at    all            Alec    had    to   be   willing   to   try. 
              “  Just    let    me    come    with    you.  “
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
@magnvs​ !
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           HE'LL BE HONEST  &&  ADMIT THAT HE’S     still  feeling  a  little  lightheaded ,     even  in  the  aftermath  of  Catarina’s  work  to  remove  the  demonic  poison  from  his  veins .     His  side  twinges  whenever  he  so  much  as  breathes ,     his  bones     ACHE ,     and  his  head  feels  as  if  it’s  been  used  as  target  practice …     but  he’s  alive ,     and  that’s  all  Magnus  could  have  asked  for ,     really .     
                    He’s  resting  in  bed  when  he  hears  gentle  footsteps  sound  against  his  floors .     Catarina  had  assured  him  that  she’d  stay  in  the  loft  until  Alexander  returned  from  the  Institute ,     so  it’s  only  natural  for  him  to  assume  that  the  movements  are signalling  the  approach  of  his  friend ,     but  when  his  lids  finally  flutter  open  to  reveal  a  golden  gaze ,     his  focus  is  only  a  little  hazy  as  his  eyes  wander  over  the  quiet  room  to  see                                    
                    ❝     Alexander ??     ❞         It’s  a  question ,     a  prayer ,     a  litany  tumbling  from  weary  lips ,     and  upon  blinking  once ,     then  twice ,     his  glamour  finally  activates ,     colouring  his  eyes  a  deep  shade  of  brown .     He  feels  weak ,     so     EMBARRASSINGLY     weak ,     but  the  warlock  still  manages  to  push  himself  into  a  sitting  position ,     small  smile  settling  over  his  features  until  finally  managing  to  attain  a  proper  look  at  the  other .          ❝     You  look     TIRED ,     my  love ,  ❞         he  murmurs ,     brows  furrowing  as  he  lifts  a  hand     &&     beckons  the  Shadowhunter  CLOSER .
✧・゚:* ↪ PLOTTED     ╱      @archeir.  
                 It  wasn’t  easy  turning  a  poisoned,  INFECTED   Magnus   over  to  the  care  of  someone  else.      Even  if  that  someone  else  was  Catarina  Loss,  and  a   long  time  dear  friend  of  the   High  Warlock’s.      But,  Alec  had  responsibilities,  his  own  leadership  to  uphold.     And  both  Magnus  and  Catarina  assured  him,  he  would  be  fine.      Yet  Alec,  still  worried.      He  still  trembled  with  regret  and  sorrow  and  uneasiness  at  leaving  his  wounded  lover  behind.    None  of  which   had  ever  waned.    Even  when  Alec  was  alerted  that  Magnus  was  okay  and  resting  now   until  he  could  make  it  back  to  the  loft. 
                The  first  chance  Alec  got  to  slip  away,  he  did.    Izzy  helped  by  shouldering  some  of  the  burden  so  that  Alec  could  find  some  SOLACE.    He  was  utterly  useless  to  them  without  it.    “ Where  is  he?  Is  he  okay? “    Alec  didn’t  bother  to   wait  or   even   linger  along  the  threshold   for  Catarina’s  response.  He  had  to  get  to  Magnus,   he  had  to  see  it  for  himself.   Until  then,  he  was  holding  his  breath. 
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                And  only  when  he  pried   the  doors  open  leading  into  Magnus’  quarters,  did  Alec  expel  that  breath.  It  was  true.   Magnus  was  alive.    Maybe  not  okay,          that  had  yet  to  be  determined  but  for  now,  alive.  That  was  a  start.     “  Magnus,  -- “  Alec  exclaimed.       His  distressed  footfalls  carried  him  over  to  the  bed,  where  he  sat  down  beside  Magnus  and  leaned  in  to  peck  his  cold  lips.    Even  his  hands,  which  Alec  took  to  holding,   felt  cool  to  the  touch.     “ I’m  okay.   But   what  matters  to  me  more  is  that  you  are,         you’re  cold.  Here,         “     With  a  single  finger,  Alec  motioned  for  Magnus  to  hold  on  as  he  reached  behind  &  then   beside  himself  to  pull  the  bright  gold  silk   over  Magnus’  frame.   “  Can  I  get  you  anything?   A  hot  tea,  perhaps?   Decaffeinated,  of  course.  You’ll  need  your  rest.  “
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archeir-a-blog · 6 years
@weightofworlds​ !
           Catarina rummaged through the familiar organized chaos of Magnus’ apothecary – when a friendship was as long-lived as hers with the former High Warlock, there were very few boundaries in life. She had been in this room plenty of times, usually just listening while Magnus ranted, but that did not meant she did not know her way around. Alec’s uncertainty and stalling, however, had her sitting the phials she was sorting through back on the shelf and turning to face him, her arms crossed sternly over her chest.
          “Magnus isn’t doing deals with Asmodeus,” Catarina told the Shadowhunter firmly, irritated at the mere suggestion. Magnus was many things, but he was rarely that stupid unless love was on the line. “He may have gone looking for him –” That, unfortunately, sounded exactly like something Magnus would do. “But he wouldn’t make a deal with him.” Magnus’ claim to fame was sending powerful demons back to hell. Surely he wouldn’t go looking to deal with a Greater Demon – especially not his father? Damn it. Catarina wasn’t so sure anymore. 
           Alec was clearly having more trouble with her thinking through the problem, though. Catarina could see as he moved through insecurity and self-doubt – for a Clave official, he hadn’t quite learned the art of hiding what he was feeling. Or maybe, Catarina mused, she had gotten very old, and very good at reading people. Whatever it was, she could see that Alec was worried that Magnus’ taking off this way represented that something was wrong in their relationship, and that he was creating wild scenarios, growing more and more dramatic, to cover that possibility. 
          “I think that if Magnus had known he was going to be gone for a long period of time, he would have told you,” Catarina told him finally, unable to help but feel empathy for the boy. He was little more than a child, thrown into a difficult position – and a difficult relationship. Magnus was never easy, and the more one loved him, the harder to read he became. She knew that from experience. “The last time he and I talked, the conversation was torn between how happy he was that you two had gotten back together, and how upset he was that he’d lost his position. He wouldn’t want to worry you.” Her smile was soft and understanding, and she reached out to touch Alec’s upper arm. “As for what I’m doing – this is a tracking spell. Magnus is better at them than I am, but I think our connection to him is strong enough that it should work.” 
          As long as he wasn’t in Edom, she added silently. And if Magnus had gone to hell, after she dragged his ass back here, Lorenzo Rey would wish he had never even heard the name Asmodeus, let alone used it to make Magnus feel that he needed to do something that absurd.
                Though,  Catarina’s   INSIGHT   was  meant  to  be  comforting,     it  did  little  to  quell  Alec’s  incredulous  anxieties.  The  whole  time,           he  couldn’t  stop  thinking  about  his  and  Magnus’  last  few  words.      No  where  in  that  memory  did  he  recall  saying  the  words      ‘I  love  you’      and  what  if  Magnus,     or  hell  even  Alec  himself,    never  got  to  say  or  hear  them  again?      Magnus  was   IMMORTAL.      He  would  survive  just  about  anything.      (    Almost.    )      Being  immortal  didn’t  make  him  immune  to  death  or  disease.      There  would  be     no  balance    if  some  higher  beings  were  completely  indestructible.  Everyone  had  a  weakness.      So,  what  was  Magnus’?      Was  it  love?      And  if  so,    would  Asmodeus  know  how  to  exploit  it?       Greater  Demons  were  usually  very  good  at  spotting  others  weaknesses,    locating  their  desires    &&    then  offering  them  up  in  exchange  for  something  else.     Something  that  always  ended  with  a  greater  loss  for  their  opponent. 
               “ So  shouldn’t  that  worry  me, then?   That  he  hasn’t  reached  out  because  he  might  not  be  able  to? ”  Alec  knew  he  was  just  grasping  at  straws  now,   but  what  other  choice  did  he  have?     He  was  worried.   To  the  point  where  he  couldn’t  function  throughout  the  day.      He  was  distracted  and  because  of  that,  his  abilities  to   LEAD   his  fellow  shadowhunters  during  trying  times  was  even  more  difficult  and  almost  damn  near  impossible.     How  could  he  approach  their  greatest  enemy  yet,  with  a  clear  head  when  he  could  hardly  think  clearly  himself???     Love  made  him  blind.    And  yet,   he  wouldn’t  trade  even  a  single  ounce  of  the   love  he  felt  for  Magnus  for  more  strength.    Love  made  him  fight  harder,    it  gave  him  something  to  believe  in  and  want  to  come  home  to.    It  also  made  him  dangerous,  whether  others  have  realized  that  yet  or  not. 
               “ Just  tell  me  what  you  need,  and  I  will  gladly  assist. ”     Alec  wasn’t  sure  if  Catarina  preferred  silence  while  she  worked.        And  so  he  awaited  for  further  instructions. 
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