archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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23 notes · View notes
archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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23 notes · View notes
archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
(Hey, guys! I apologize for the sudden hiatus, but. Well.
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I apologize for this sudden appearance, but due to a lot of stuff in my life, here and over on my other blog, @tacticianoffayote, I will be no longer active. If I ever do return, I will archive these blogs and start anew.
I’m sorry this is so out of the blue, but thank you all for having stuck with me all this time and thank you all for being interested in Cecil and Auron. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again!
Have a lovely life, guys. Keep on fighting.)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
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   (*Distant ‘You’ll Never See It Comiiiiiing-’*)
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
@royal-botanist From here! [x]
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He’d been looking over the books with the hope that SOMETHING would jog his memory. But nothing did. There were no names he recognized. No places. The words almost seemed foreign to him and the frustration on his face was plain for anyone to see.
The prince only regarded the other a minute later. Looking to him with confusion. When had he gotten there? He didn’t remember letting anyone in. He most definitely would have not invited a stranger to his private quarters either.
wait…was it HIS quarters?
“Can I help you?”
   Cecil paused, slowly lowering himself to his feet. Again, that sense of unease. He knew Leo well enough; he would have gotten a ‘get out’ or a ‘what are you doing here,’ plenty of irritation in his voice (not many liked when he came in through their window). He loved to do it to tease, but...
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   “I believe you can. I’m looking for a man of extraordinary magic power, cunning wit, extreme intelligence, and a surprisingly caring heart buried beneath his cold exterior. Anyone match that description around here?” he asked, regarding Leo with curious eyes. Would he grab the hint, he wondered? Would he get some embarrassment out of Leo?
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
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      ATTENTION LADIES, yours truly is about to sally forth into your love life. Sup my gay ass isn’t new at all, in fact, I’m p sure most of you know me but I’ve been in and out of the rp scene lately and I think I can do this again ( plus I just wanna harass more of you lbr ). Sooo if you think you can handle a LOVABLE, LOYAL, LOUD-MOUTHED nuisance INDEPENDENT LASLOW/INIGO, I’m for you  !
       For just one like/reblog, we can save this poor man a world of rejection. He has been through enough, please let your donation of a blog post change someone’s life. Contribute to the cause, lord knows he needs it.
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
Hearts for all three flavors of Erika!!!
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VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗/💗💗💗💗💗   “I’m gonna be honest, and a complete pig; I prefer Dragon Erika the most, which is sadly why I have to give original Erika a slightly lesser score, but it’s more 4.99 than 4 hearts. Oh, uh, she’s absolutely adorable.”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Erika is just... Fantastic to be around. She’s so fun, and witty, and so on and so forth, and I’m very glad to know her. I can see why Hel and Daniel care for her so.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Holy. Shit. Erika is one of the only people I’ve ever met who can play ‘Flirt Chicken’ with me and keep up with me. We tend to one up each other each time, and one of these days, we’re just gonna f-”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Again, I can see why Hel and Daniel care for her so; I do not have the same familial sense, though. She’s had a rough life, and I only want to give her the best from here on out. She deserves it.”
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
Hel and Orphie!
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VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Her dresses are absolutely fantastic, but I doubt they’d be as pretty were she not modeling them. Her skin is lovely, her hair gorgeous, and her eyes just mesmerizing.”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Hel is very close to me. She is just as close to me as my own family has been, and I would not be able to claim I would be where I am without her being in my life. I’m glad to call her a dear friend.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Good gods do I want to take her. We’re both pretty big flirts and that really does not help. I’m sure she wants me to just pin her down as much as I want to. Gods I hope she does.”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Hel means so much to me, and although I am perfectly happy if she finds someone who can give her everything she deserves, I also want to be said person to love and hold her and make her happy. She just... She deserves a happy life.”
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VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗   “She is definitely a tall glass of water, and boy am I thirs- Anyways, again, dragons seem to be attractive, and Orphie definitely aimed for even more gorgeous. Dragons were considered gods? Looking this divine, can you blame them?”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Without Orphie, I most likely wouldn’t have much to keep fighting for. There’s a drive there, from her being with me, that wants me to protect her and fight for the future. I’m glad I met her and we became close.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗  “Despite having more than a foot and a half on me, you know I would still show her a good night. Insert scalie joke. It might be a little awkward to maneuver, but I’d show her a good time any night she wishes.”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Orphie deserves a new family, and I want to offer her mine to be a part of. With everything that’s happened, I would love to give her a new step-sister, a step-mother- and children. She deserves a life free from her past.”
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
Hearts for Cammy!
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VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Camilla is drop dead gorgeous. Some people have dropped dead because of her, of course. That lovely hair, those gorgeous eyes, those amazing… Well, assets. She’s an absolute babe.”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗   “The only thing that weighs on our relationship is her father continuing to draw breath. Even our initial meeting has no bearing on our current friendship. She is a caring heart, with plenty of love to give.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Surprising nobody, I would show her the night of her life. Several nights of her life, in a row. Anytime she wants. Like hot damn, she is killer.”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗   “Despite our different upbringings, I see much in her that I admire. She’s caring, and kind, and has such a big heart even with all she has had to do in the name of her kingdom. I hope to show her that she is not the actions she has committed under the crown or her mother, but the actions she has committed as ‘Camilla,’ which I can tell you, means she is an amazing person.”
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
oh, we’re doing promos tonight?
then please like or reblog if you’d like to interact with two indie fire emblem ocs, the high inquisitor of nohr and the high councilor or nohr!
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archerofmitrenzi · 7 years
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are promos going around ??? uhHHH HI you probably already know who i am (cati) : if you’d be interested in roleplaying with an independent ELISE FANCHILD (FE14) please LIKE or REBLOG this ! thanks much !
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