archieroberts · 4 months
Entry 4 - SVAEM
Topic 3 - Sport event bid analysis for a global sport.
Football or soccer is the largest sport in the world. With billions of passionate fans, various leagues and tournaments have been created to display the best players. A World Cup is one of the more significant sporting events on the calendar (Yu & Wang, 2015). World Cups are held at different locations. Meaning nations and cities must bid to host the event. Which essentially means they need to prove reasons as to why they should deserve to hold the games (Hautbois et al., 2012). Mass planning goes into the creation of a bid document (Byun et al., 2020). This entry will analyse Australia and New Zealand’s bid to host the 2023 Women’s World Cup.
Firstly, the document entails bulk information. With 188 pages of content, this allows the reader to understand the destination exceedingly strongly. Each section that requires major detail has got it. Secondly, the layout and formation of the document is wonderful. It is easy on the eye and nice to look at. The bid begins with a well-written letter from the Football Federation Presidents of AUS and NZ. Highlighting the friendliness and warmness of the countries.    
The general importance put on women’s football is amazing. Yes, it is to host the World Cup, but this document also stresses how and why women’s football deserves this level of attention and respect very well. The total investment by the countries through facilities fully illustrate how seriously they are taking this bid. With roughly one hundred training sites getting a full upgrade in anticipation of the tournament.
Below is an eight-minute video presenting the bid in video format.  
The quantity of stadiums offered is a key strength of the bid. With thirteen brilliant different stadiums to hold matches, this gives the bid a real advantage over other bids. So too, a lengthy list of hotels and accommodation is provided for visiting nations. Which is always an important element. It’s well thought out and clearly mass effort has gone into creating the bid. Finally, section twelve which includes safety and security of the event covers all the necessary elements extremely well. Highlighting the importance of making all involved feel safe and secure within the country.
Below is one more image which encompasses the
Promotional Advertisement for the bid (from Optus Sport, 2023)
Overall, the bid is fantastic and covers all sections needed to host a World Cup. From the vision and strategy to the stadiums and accommodation, it is almost a perfect bid.  
Byun, J. Leopkey, B. Ellis, D. (2020). Understanding joint bids for international large-scale sport events as strategic alliances. Sport, Business and Management, 10(1), 39–57. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-09-2018-0074
Hautbois, C. Parent, M.M. Seguin, B. (2012). How to win a bid for major sporting events? A stakeholder analysis of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games French bid. Sport Management Review, 15(3), 263-275, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smr.2012.01.002
Somphong, S. (2020). Bidding to host a major sports event: The Youth Olympic Games. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(2).
Yu, Y. Wang, X. (2015). World Cup 2014 in the Twitter World: A big data analysis of sentiments in U.S. sports fans’ tweets. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 392–400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.01.075
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archieroberts · 4 months
Entry 3 - SVAEM
Topic 4: Olympic Games Legacy
The Olympic Games are one of the most iconic and well-known sporting events in the world. First establishing way back in 1894 by Pierre de Coubertin, the games have come an extraordinarily long way in the past one hundred and thirty years. The games have a real strong legacy and carry that on year after year (Byun & Leopkey, 2020). Initially, the games were held every four years, but in 1994 it was agreed to change it to every two years (THE HISTORY.., 2024).Generally speaking, it’s incredibly rare for somebody to NOT know what the Olympic games are due to its massive global impact over the decades. Its ability to host large scale sporting events across the world in hundreds of countries and celebrate their culture is awesome. Very excitingly, the games are coming down under in 2032, being held at Brisbane. The games have been held in Australia twice before (Melbourne and Sydney).     
The values of Olympic games include excellence, respect and friendship. The games essentially celebrate different cultures and nations through coming together to compete in sport in a friendly manner. Recognisable Olympic legends include names like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Kathy Freeman and Jesse Owens to name quite literally a few from thousands. Events held include Archery, Football, Basketball and many more. Awesomely, the games don’t just cover for able humans. It has a separate body called the Paralympics which serves as the Olympics for people who are disabled, impaired and the like. Its impact online is something that cannot be overlooked. Amassing seven and a half million followers on Instagram and a whopping 27 million followers on Facebook. These tallies amongst more clearly show an interest from fans and people around the world.
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From Olympic Legacy Handbook (2012)
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), who are the governing body for the games. State that ““Olympic legacy is the result of a vision. It encompasses all the tangible and intangible long-term benefits initiated or accelerated by the hosting of the Olympic Games/sports events for people, cities/territories and the Olympic Movement.”
The viewership numbers for each of the games are always strong. Peaking during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, in large part due to the global pandemic and lockdowns. With 5.5 billion viewers across the event, it was the highest recorded tally thus far in history (The Most Surprising.., 2024). Additionally, some more great numbers, such as 4.7b for the 2008 Bejing Olympics and 3.6b for London in 2012.
Thus, the Olympic games have left a lasting legacy over time and will continue to be a key asset of sport. And provide thousands if not millions of people with enjoyment and entertainment through sport.   
Byun, J. Leopkey, B. (2020). Exploring Issues within Post-Olympic Games Legacy Governance: The Case of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 12(9), 3585. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093585  
Byun, J. Dowling, M. Leopkey, B. (2023). Governance of Post-Olympic Games Legacy Organizations: A Comparative Study. Journal of Sport Management, 37, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2021-0224
Contreras, J. Corvalan, A. (2014). Olympic Games: No legacy for sports. Economics Letters, 122(2), 268–271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2013.12.006
Davis, J. (2019). Futurescapes of urban regeneration: ten years of design for the unfolding urban legacy of London's Olympic Games, 2008-2018. Planning Perspectives, 34(5), 877–901. https://doi.org/10.1080/02665433.2018.1541757
Minnaert, L. (2012). An Olympic legacy for all? The non-infrastructural outcomes of the Olympic Games for socially excluded groups (Atlanta 1996–Beijing 2008). Tourism Management (1982), 33(2), 361–370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.04.005
THE HISTORY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES. (2024). Paris 2024. https://www.paris2024.org/en/history-of-olympic-games/
The Most Surprising Olympics Viewership Statistics And Trends in 2024. (2024). Gitnux.org. https://gitnux.org/olympics-viewership-statistics/
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archieroberts · 4 months
Entry 2 - SVAEM
Topic 4 - Sports fan experience, media or service enhancement at a sports venue.
The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) is a monumental, historical museum enriched in Australian history. Its beginning dates back to 1853 and holds some of the most iconic moments in Australian sporting history. It seats a whopping 100,024 people and is the 11th biggest stadium in the world with regard to capacity (Surprising list…, 2020). In terms of the sport fan experience, it is far and away the greatest, most iconic stadium in Australian history. The MCG hosts the AFL Grand Final here each year, except in 2020 and 2021 due to the global pandemic (Binder, 2020). Among many other noticeable events. Even moving away from sport, the venue hosted three massive concerts in 2023 where Taylor Swift fans flocked the G. The majority where blown away by the size and atmosphere of the iconic colosseum. The museum located inside the ground is one of the main attractions. It holds many rare, historical antiquities and artefacts across many sports, particularly cricket. Walking through it is an amazing experience and something I’m lucky to have done.    
If you were to walk up to 100 Australians and ask them of their favourite sports stadium, I expect at least half of them to nominate the MCG. Its atmosphere mixed in with sheer capacity allows for an experience of a lifetime. This is the reason for many large sporting events being held here annually. The overall service and process that’s seen across all of the stadium is top-tier excellent. It’s quite easy to navigate thanks to signage. The venue is very well planned and constructed. You can find statues of sporting icons around the outside of the venue (Studham, 2016). Travelling to and from the stadium is a reasonably easy experience as well. Trains run to Richmond station where the majority of fans get to the ground. And there is many parking spots available to fans. 
From my own personal experience, I have visited the MCG roughly nine or ten times. The best experiences were the 2019 Grand Final between Richmond and GWS, as well as a St Kilda vs Collingwood game in 2012. The noise level which occurred during the 2019 finals series was something I will never forget. My seating is always great. Even in general admission right up the top of the Shane Warne stand, the view and experience is still great in my opinion.   
Below is a short but sweet and descriptive video about the MCG and its museum.
Binder, R. (2020). Do businesses need post-COVID workplace rules? OSHA says no. The AFL-CIO says yes. BenefitsPRO, https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/do-businesses-need-post-covid-workplace-rules/docview/2405369594/se-2
Surprising list of the world’s biggest sports stadiums ... you probably haven’t been to No.1. (2020, April 27). News.com.au, https://www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/surprising-list-of-the-worlds-biggest-sports-stadiums-you-probably-havent-been-to-no1/news-story/225a4ce2ebd989d0bf34b15f18aa6b0b?utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=PPC_SEM&utm_campaign={campaign}&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZpvOaKVIAO9mVp-RUXqwN7sH_zFriqymrOUq1ObLf141uGobMfdvdxoCYsUQAvD_BwE
Studham, D. (2016). Idol worship at the new temples of pleasure: An examination of sporting artworks at the Melbourne cricket ground and its place in the nation's heart. Sporting Traditions, 33(1), 9–35, DOI: 10.3316
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archieroberts · 4 months
Entry 1 - SVAEM
Topic 1: Sustainability Practice of a sports venue
Marvel Stadium, located in Docklands, is one of the premier sporting stadiums within Melbourne city. Seating roughly fifty-three thousand spectators, it allows an awesome viewing experience combined with great atmosphere. The stadium was built in 2000 and opened shortly after. It was first known as Telstra Dome, then Etihad Stadium, but now, it’s known as Marvel Stadium. It hosts many events annually such as AFL matches, BBL matches, soccer matches, concerts and more events. The stadium hosts multiple meetings and events daily, and sport nearly comes as a second purpose for it. The venue has been reported to be worth $460 million as of 2022 (Case Study, 2022).
The practice of maintaining a sustainable environment is critically important (Ehnert et al., 2016). Large sporting venues must ensure a high degree of sustainable processes and practices at all times (Sardana et al., 2020). Like may venues which hold professional sporting events, Marvel attains and keeps fantastic sustainability practices. It is thoroughly cleaned after each event/match by it’s hundreds of workers. It’s always cleaned exceedingly well in preparation for the next event. The event has put in place excellent health and safety policies, which can be found easily on its website.
The first practice it’s taken is the recycling of bottles. The venue contains eleven machines which have the ability to recycle bottles sustainably (BottleCycler and Marvel Stadium, 2022). This practice is always crucial for many reasons, mainly to create a healthier planet for humans, animals, and plants. Marvel is apparently on pace to recycle sixty thousand kilograms of plastic bottles in a twelve-month period (BottleCycler and Marvel Stadium, 2022). Overall, its ability to recycle plastic and glass bottles is wonderful.  
The second way Marvel ensures sustainability is through its water saving initiatives. The ability to save water is an honourable way to be sustainable. It enables water to go elsewhere and used for good purposes rather than wasting it. Since 2008, Marvel has prioritized saving water at its venue. In those sixteen years following, it has decreased the stadium’s water usage rate by an amazing 25% (About Marvel Stadium, 2023). They accredit this figure to implementing seventeen rain-water tanks across the venue. To keep tracks of its progress, Marvel have introduced a Building Management System (BMS). Which essentially ensures the rain-water machines intake and expend is clean and productivity is increased. Here is a YouTube video which brilliantly shows off the venue, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l57K5S4aSvg  
Overall, Marvel Stadium is a great venue with sustainable practices.
About Marvel Stadium. (2023, August 25). Water saving initiatives. https://www.marvelstadium.com.au/about-the-stadium
Bradbury, J.C. (2022). The impact of sports stadiums on localized commercial activity: Evidence from a Business Improvement District. Journal of Regional Science, 62(1), 194–217. https://doi.org/10.1111/jors.12560
Chen, J. Lu, A. Zhai, F. (2019). Regional Layout and Planning of Large-Scale Sports Stadiums and Gymnasiums in Cities. Open House International, 44(3), 72–75. https://doi.org/10.1108/OHI-03-2019-B0019
Clevertronics Marvel Stadium Case Study. (2022). Case Study, https://clevertronics.com.au/sites/default/files/2022-09/Clevertronics_Marvel-Stadium_Case-Study_AU_2022.pdf
Ehnert, I. Parsa, S. Roper, I Wagner, M. Muller-Camen, M. (2016). Reporting on sustainability and HRM: a comparative study of sustainability reporting practices by the world's largest companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(1), 88–108. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2015.1024157
Korycki, L. (2022, August 8). BottleCycler and Marvel Stadium crushing sustainability. Waste Management Review, https://wastemanagementreview.com.au/bottlecycler-and-marvel-stadium-crushing-sustainability/#:~:text=Marvel%20Stadium%20is%20on%20track,venues%20to%20manage%20glass%20waste.
Matheson, V. (2019). Is there a case for subsidizing sports stadiums?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 38(1), 271-277, DOI: 10.1002/pam
Marvel Stadium. (2023). Health and Safety Policy. https://www.marvelstadium.com.au/health-and-safety-policy/
Sardana, D. Gupta, N. Kumar, V. Terziovski, M. (2020). CSR ‘sustainability’ practices and firm performance in an emerging economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120766
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 7
Words: 409
When beginning Transition to Professional Practice, I was quite sceptical on what it was going to be like. I was unsure what to think about it. I knew what is basically involved and that I would be creating resume’s and writing cover letters. I was confident about starting the class though due to how short the duration of it was. This gave me good confidence that it wasn’t going to be so tough. Which each class progressing at a rapid rate, I found myself comfortable in the environment and class. I was building confidence supremely and found talking to peers much easier than ever before. I genuinely loved the class due to its engaging activities, short duration, and simple assignments.  
I learnt so much in such a short period of time. I had no prior experience or knowledge coming into it, so there was a lot of room for me to move. My ability to construct a resume and cover letter from January 29th to February 23rd took a tremendous leap. So too, my confidence and performance within an interview. I now feel very good about doing a mock interview, submitting a cover letter, and just generally anything to do with being professional. I believe this class has greatly assisted me in getting a great internship/job in the future. Career development is a necessary aspect of each individual’s pathway when transitioning from studies into the workplace environment (Varma et al., 2022).  
My experience in this class was amazing and I am so grateful for it. I was able to learn a great amount in a very short time frame. The assignments were all extremely helpful and relevant to the class. I found all three of them rather easy and didn’t struggle at all. I really enjoyed participating in the assignment interview in week four. It felt quite professional and emulated a real job interview. I had some strengths and of course some weaknesses, but overall I was quite content with my performance. All the classes ran were fun and engaging. Whilst being a bit wordy at times, I enjoyed sitting in each of these classes. Engaging in practice interviews with peers each session was another fun and different component of this class. It’s not something many of us have done so it proves as challenging but unique. All in all, I will take away so much knowledge and insight from this class and look back on it very fondly.
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Difference in quality between my old resume from December (top) , and current one (bottom).
Varma, A. Kumar, S. Sureka, R. im, W. M. (2022). What do we know about career and development? Insights from Career Development International at age 25. Career Development International, 27(1), 113–134. https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-08-2021-0210
Zacher, H. Rudolph, C. W. Todorovic, T. Ammann, D. (2019). Academic career development: A review and research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 357–373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2018.08.006
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 6
Words: 419
For the week two session eight practice interview with peers, I feel my performance overall was solid. Not amazing but definitely not bad. My elevator pitch was ‘short and sweet’, I was described as shy but confident in my own ability. My eye contact and posture was good as well. Following more practice interviews in session eleven. The feedback from my peers as the interviewer was positive. Anna said I was very confident, and Max said my attitude was great. Again, I felt even better after further interviews during session twelve. In terms of things to work on, my eye contact has never been good, so I need to attempt to fix that. It makes me look shy which is a weakness. Another flaw is that I use many filler words (words such as yeah, alright, umm etc.). After another set of practice interviews in session twelve, I feel I was getting the hang of it. Jade and Rory really liked my overall self-confidence, ability to answer questions, and my general attitude and positive mindset. However Rory raised a weakness in my interview. He stated that I displayed some weaknesses. Mainly, that I kept saying ‘I think’ rather than ‘I am’. This of course illustrates uncertainty and is not something an employer wants to hear from an intern. I corrected this quickly though. Gaining feedback from your peers, especially to do with interview practicing is a beneficial exercise (Panadero & Alqassab, 2019).
During the actual assignment with Simone and Jess. I feel my performance was good. Positively, I answered the questions quite well and was enthusiastic. I listed my three main strengths well and really ensured Jess knew them. Finally, Jess stated I spoke really well, and my vocabulary was great, But, I did have some areas to improve upon. Mostly, I spoke too fast, not as in it was very difficult to hear, but I definitely needed to slow it down. My other weakness was that I over-explained many of my skills and I was being quite repetitive. But these are components I can work on easily and correct them for next time.
All the learnings and take-aways from this class I believe will be very beneficial for my future career development. Before taking this class, I had nothing to work with. But it has grown my confidence, allowed me to understand the importance of personal presentation and look, and how to sell yourself to people.
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Peer feedback review sheet from when Ethan reviewed my mock interview.
Alqassab, M. Strijbos, J.-W. Ufer, S. (2019). Preservice mathematics teachers' beliefs about peer feedback, perceptions of their peer feedback message, and emotions as predictors of peer feedback accuracy and comprehension of the learning task. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(1), 139–154. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1485012
Panadero, E. Alqassab, M. (2019). An empirical review of anonymity effects in peer assessment, peer feedback, peer review, peer evaluation and peer grading. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(8), 1253–1278. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2019.1600186
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 5
Words: 421
The importance of strong organisational culture is something that can never be overlooked (Prasanna & Haavisto, 2018). In each organisation that is exceedingly strong, you will find very strong organisational culture within them. A strong organisational culture is generally driven from the top down, starting with managers (Roscoe et al., 2019). It required all workers to fully ‘buy in’ to the organisation at put their best foot forward. It’s a term that has seen an increased importance in recent years and has become a key part of each industry. It is almost essential for large organisations to create a strong culture as it entails a wide range of benefits for all people involved.    
In my experience at my pizza shop I’ve been at for four years now, I feel the organisational culture is good, but definitely not great. The boss/owner treats everyone well and with respect, and all the employees enjoy coming to work. But I certainly wouldn’t so it’s an amazing culture. So too at Brad Sykes Sports Consulting, the culture there is very strong. Everyone is usually quite positive and happy. Brad as well is a great man, very easy to talk to, listens well, and is quite a bubbly person. He is what every boss should strive to be like and very understanding. Finally, the culture at the St Kilda FC where I have volunteered multiple times has also been great. Friendly, positive, energetic and enthusiastic people all around you. It really lifts you up and makes you more comfortable in your work environment. So, from my personal experience, I have found that a strong organisational culture will yield much greater results for the organisation and work toward its goals.
Being a high-quality intern and hard-working is additionally a critically important aspect of an internship or workplace. When an intern shows a desire and passion to help and learn, this will delight the other workers. Nobody wants an intern that is lazy and slacks around. Personally, I believe I would be an ideal intern due to my work ethic and desire to get tasks done. At the pizza shop, I am a valued worker and put my best foot forward. This will translate swiftly into my internship and will assist me well. I don’t half-arse tasks and I make sure they are completed to a good standard. This is the case with studying, work and working out. Regardless of the internship, I will be pushing myself as hard as possible, and will seize any opportunity to work hard.  
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Here is a great simple visual to illustrate the qualities of a great organisational culture (from Achievers, 2023).
Carvalho, A. Sampaio, P., Rebentisch, E. Carvalho, J. Álvaro, Saraiva, P. (2019). Operational excellence, organisational culture and agility: the missing link? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 30(13-14), 1495–1514. https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2017.1374833
Organizational Culture: Definition, Importance, and Development. (2023, June 28). Achievers, https://www.achievers.com/blog/organizational-culture-definition/
Prasanna, S. Haavisto, I. (2018). Collaboration in humanitarian supply chains: an organisational culture framework. International Journal of Production Research, 56(17), 5611–5625. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2018.1475762 Roscoe, S. Subramanian, N., Jabbour, C. J. C. Chong, T. (2019). Green human resource management and the enablers of green organisational culture: Enhancing a firm's environmental performance for sustainable development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(5), 737–749.
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 4
Words: 398
Bodhi and I reviewed one another’s applications. Gathering peer feedback is an essentially critical element of studying and becoming better (Huisman et al., 2018). It can greatly boost one’s personal applications in no time (Prilop & Weber, 2023).
Bodhi stated that my cover letter was good. The usage of the signature made it look professional and neat. He also said the information was relevant and can be targeted to fit a wide variety of organisations. Some negatives, he said that my formatting isn’t quite there and needs some improvement. Needs to be more concise. Also, I accidentally repeated myself during the experience section.
With his feedback in regard to my pieces, again it was solid in general. He stated some strengths of my resume were its layout and presentation, the key details, and the experiences listed. It was easy to follow. Some of the weaknesses about my resume is that I needed to elaborate on my experience section further. Essentially add more information about it so the reader can more greatly understand my skills and experience thus far. And to add references and fix up some formatting
In terms of my LinkedIn profile, some positives about according to Bodhi were the about me section. He said it had a short but sweet description about myself which will allow anyone to understand me after reading. She also liked my use of photo, as it was somewhat professional and showcased me well. On the other hand, some criticism for my profile was that it lacked a large connection base. My number of connections currently is only in the high forties. A large following/connection is something that can help get content and messaging out there greatly. He listed that I should add to my interest sections on my profile. Which basically states my general interests. This is again quite important as it allows people to see what I enjoy. Another weakness was that I’m generally just not active enough. For example, I could be liking and resharing content which interest me. The fourth and final weakness he listed was that I could include my achievements thus far at university in a post to show it off. Auch as an ASPIRE award and a letter of commendation are certainly post worthy and make myself look better. 
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Above is a peer feedback review sheet from classmate Bodhi where he looked over my applications.
Huisman, S. Saab, N., van Driel, J. van den Broek, P. (2018). Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students' peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), 955–968. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1424318
Prilop, C.N. Weber, K. E. (2023). Digital video-based peer feedback training: The effect of expert feedback on pre-service teachers’ peer feedback beliefs and peer feedback quality. Teaching and Teacher Education, 127, 104099. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104099
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 3
Words: 421
There is certainly a high degree of importance on personal marketing. You need to promote yourself in a good light and ‘sell yourself’. Obviously you need to make yourself look as attractive as possible to the employer. You can do this by building up an impressive resume of experience and work (Bacile et al., 2014). Being highly punctual and speaking in a professional manner additionally helps with getting a job (Guidry et al., 2014). You need to display to the workplace, that you have a true desire and passion to be there. Employers love nothing more than a kid who is exceedingly passionate about their work. Personal marketing to a high quality requires fantastic one-to-one communication, public speaking, and confidence (What is Personal Branding? 2022). In terms of myself in this area, I feel my drive and passion is great. When I love something, I really enjoy it and take it seriously. My course up until this point has been awesome in generating confidence for myself and making me feel just a little for comfortable. I posses’ strengths and weaknesses, but overall I am happy with where I am at currently.  
My brand is essentially hard-work, disclipline, and doing whatever is necessary. I always put my head down and smash out tasks that are required. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the most gifted person intellectually, nor am I very smart. But I always put in a good effort and do my best with what I’ve got. My best trait is for sure my dedication to my craft, both from a study point of view and personal aspect. Another strength of mine is my organisation skills. Uni assignments have given me arrangement within my life, which is great.
In terms of improvements for myself, being more engaged in discussions. Both in class at university and the general workplace. I am a shy person and have been for my entire life, but I think working in industry can help change that. My LinkedIn profile also needs some improvement, it is very basic right now and looks mediocre. I’ve only posted one timed before in late 2022. I am continuing to send people connection invites to help grow my profile and get my name out there. LinkedIn profiles are an underrated yet important part of getting a job. This is because employers check potential employees/interns’ social profiles before hiring them. You need to ensure there’s nothing embarrassing or silly up online about you.
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Snippet from my current, updated LinkedIn profile.
Bacile, T. Ye, C. Swilley, E. (2014). From Firm-Controlled to Consumer-Contributed: Consumer Co-Production of Personal Media Marketing Communication. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(2), 117–133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intmar.2013.12.001
Guidry, J. Waters, R. Saxton, G. D. (2014). Moving Social Marketing beyond Personal Change to Social Change: Strategically Using Twitter to Mobilize Supporters into Vocal Advocates. Journal of Social Marketing, 4(3), 240–260. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSOCM-02-2014-0014
Heitzman, A. (2022, May 10). What is Personal Branding? Here’s Why It’s So Important. Search Engine Journal. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/what-is-personal-branding-why-important/327367/
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 2
Words: 457
I do believe I possess many skills and traits that can be very useful for my internship and future career. I feel I am exceedingly dedicated, disciplined, organised and well time managed. Which are all valuable attributes of any employee/intern. I take important things in my life (uni, work, fitness) very seriously and ensure to prioritize it heavily. I can easily wake up at 5am and have a full 18-hour day of getting tasks done. I always begin every assignment very early to ensure I’m on top of it. My communication is also great, and I tend to reply to questions and emails promptly. Overall, I believe I’m quite a strong student. As mentioned in the previous entry, I do possess some weaknesses as does everyone. I could be described as shy because I don’t tend to ask many questions. I could definitely put myself out there more, being more social. That will certainly help with getting jobs because you need to have personality and a good, open attitude. Uni has certainly assisted me in getting out there more and talking to people. I feel more comfortable with every day I come to class and continue to grow. I still have a long way to go, but I feel I’ve already evolved as a student and person.     
Resumes are extremely important to nail when looking for a job. Those resumes who are aesthetically pleasing, neat, consistent and informative will delight the employer (Ingold & Langer, 2021). I have made quite a basic resume to send to Brad Sykes in late 2023, however the effort that went into it was quite low and it only looked decent. When employers are looking through hundreds of resumes, they will simply disregard boring ones which lack key components. There is a fine line between overdoing it and not doing enough. My current resume does need work, and it is outright boring. I created a new resume in week one which looks a thousand times better. In includes all components and is nice to look at, it describes me spot on. Cover letters are also a necessity when going for a job. They can really make or break somebody’s attempt for a job (He & Kang, 2021). The majority of people struggle with creating them. Initially, it seemed quite daunting to me to create a cover letter. But as I saw examples and became more familiar with it, my worry about it slowly diminished. Over time and throughout this subject, my ability to create pieces such as resumes, and cover letters will undoubtedly rise in a positive way and hold me in good stead for beyond university.
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Above is one of my three resumes I created in preparation for this class.
Ingold, P.V. Langer, M. (2021). Resume = Resume? The effects of blockchain, social media, and classical resumes on resume fraud and applicant reactions to resumes. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106573
He, J. Kang, S. K. (2021). Covering in Cover Letters: Gender and Self-Presentation in Job Applications. Academy of Management Journal, 64(4), 1097–1126. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2018.1280
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archieroberts · 7 months
Entry 1 - About Me
Words: 498
My name is Archie Roberts, I am twenty years old and live on the Mornington Peninsula. I am currently in my third year of studying sports business at Holmesglen. I completed my high school at Mornington Secondary College and received my VCE certificate. The three sports I follow closely are Australian rules football, basketball and cricket. I used to play football and cricket, but now just play basketball Monday nights in a domestic team. I would absolutely love to work in any of those sports, particularly footy. I also take my health and fitness quite seriously. I run 3-4 times a week and workout every day, track me protein intake, steps and calories eaten. So also working within that space would be appealing to me. In terms of work experience, in high school I did my year ten experience in construction and building but didn’t enjoy it. I work part-time at a pizza store in my local area three nights a week, but that is purely for money purposes. It helps with communication, organisation, teamwork and many other skills. Late last year and early in 2024, I assisted Brad Sykes Sports Consulting a few times. A full seven-hour day running a school holiday clinic with kids aged six to twelve in Bonbeach, and a couple separate running sessions with junior footballers. Both were great experience for me and showed me that work like that is something I would want to do. I do think I enjoy working with children in sport. Although can be frustrating at times, I like seeing them grow and evolve into young men and women. I wish to complete my 228-hour internship with the same organisation. Creating a portfolio is a greatly beneficial element of self-reflection (Chong, 2017).   
In terms of career ambitions I have always been interested in sport. In high school my two preferred subjects were physical education and business management. So it was logical decision to combine them for university. I very enjoy every aspect of sports, that being analytics, data, journalism, media and everything in between. The subjects I have studied here during my course I believe have placed me very well for the future, because of how relevant they are. I expect to learn a fair bit from this subject, how to be professional in the workplace, and gain valuable skills for my future careers. I have many areas to improve on moving forward, such as communicating, being initiative and asking questions. I think at the conclusion of this intensive subject, I will have developed amazing skills to greatly assist me with my career moving forward out of uni. Up to this point, I am impressed and pleased with my studies. My results have been good, and I’ve been learning so much. Expectations for this subject are simply to learn how to be professional and become more comfortable in workplace settings. For my internship, I expect to learn a bundle of things, and gain amazing experience in my respective workplace. 
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Myself and St Kilda Young Gun Mitchito Owens (From X, April 2023).
Chong, I. (2017). Assessment Dialogues Between Teachers and Students Using e-Writing Portfolios. TESOL Journal, 8(1), 240–243. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.312
KingArchboss Twitter/X. (April 2023). Tweets. February 2024.
Saavedra, J. Campos A. Espinoza, M. (2019). Chilean Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Benefits and Challenges of EFL Writing Portfolios. PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 21(2), 79–96. https://doi.org/10.15446/profile.v21n2.73116
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM A1 About Me
My sport journey started in 2011 when I began playing football at the Mount Martha Junior Football Club. I would play there my whole career from the under 10’s through to the 16’s, tallying 128 total games. I quit in 2020 when the season was cancelled to focus on my VCE study.
I also played 2 seasons of Cricket at Mount Martha in 2014 and 2015. I then focused my attention onto basketball. I begun playing in 2015 for Mount Martha and since then have been enjoying it more than the other two sports.
I currently play Tuesday nights for the Mount Martha Basketball Club in the Mornington District Basketball Association (MDBA), in the under 21’s.
I’ve done some volunteering work for junior clubs such as Mount Martha Junior Football Club, like boundary umpire, running water, and filming. 
I graduated from high school last year at Mornington Secondary College, so Holmesglen is my first post high school study. So far it has been amazing.
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM Week 12 Entry
What is the social media activity they are analysing?
It is a Instagram post from Basketball Victoria, which is a final score post between the Australian Opals and Canada, Australia won 95-65.
Who is leading the activity and who is involved?
The post of course features the Opals and Canada. It also involves Basketball Victoria’s logo, as well as the World Cup 2022 logo.
What are the major tools being used?
There is an image of Aussie Lauren Jackson beside the text, and multiple logos at the bottom. As well as two hashtags #FIBAWWC and #GoOpals
Where they saw it/how they engaged with it?
I saw the post on Instagram as for A4 I am using Basketball Victoria. Meaning I need to record BV’s followers, likes and posts across all social medias.
Critical Reflection
The post currently sits as 426 likes after 17 days, but no comments. This is a good indication that BV social media as a whole can be better, such as more volume in its content. This closely aligns with week 12’s lecture and content.
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      Post from @BasketballVictoria on Instagram
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM Week 11 Entry
What is the social media activity they are analysing?
It is a 7 minute video where Golf Barons hosts Kippa and Philbert analyse how deep is too deep and how rough is too rough. They are trying to show the audience how many ‘balls down’ they can go before they cant hit it at all.
Who is leading the activity and who is involved?
It just involves those two, Kippa and Philbert on a local golf course. Who are apart of the show Golf Barons, who create golfing content.  
What are the major tools being used?
It is a video which contains talking and subtitles.
Where they saw it/how they engaged with it?
First saw during a uni activity. Then followed the page on Facebook and it loaded into my home screen and I like reacted it. Since then its appeared on my screen at least ten times.
Critical Reflection
The post only has 42 reacts and 2 comments, but 13,000 views is promising. Its intention is to encourage people to watch the full episode on channel 9 or nine now. I think the ad is actually pretty effective as it made me visit its page on nine now.
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                                                  Screenshot from Facebook
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM Week 10 Entry
What is the social media activity they are analysing?
It is an Instagram post from LeBron James. The most popular basketball player of the last 20 years. The post involves his own signature shoe, the ‘Lebron XX’
Who is leading the activity and who is involved?
The activity is led by of course Lebron, as well as Nike, who sponsors Lebron and has a billion dollar contract with him.
What are the major tools being used?
The post is a very creative but short, it’s a 30 second video detailing the specific shoe and showing its features. There is also picures of Lebron shown in the background.
Where they saw it/how they engaged with it?
Lebron is one of the largest influencers going around, especially for me as I love the NBA and basketball in general. I follow him, that’s how I saw it on my feed.
Critical Reflection
The post has 484,000 likes and 6,900 comments, so there is clearly a ton of engagement. This related to week 10’s lecture topic as it shows how social media influencers have great control over their fans and consumers.
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                                        The Instagram Post/Reel, from @kingjames on Insta
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM Week 9 Entry
What is the social media activity they are analysing?
A social media post from a sporting organisation. The post was shared to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It is a ‘Thank You’ post to show appreciation of the support from fans.
Who is leading the activity and who is involved?
The post was made by the Sydney Swans, and features all twenty-two players on their current squad. It also contains the Swans head coach, John Longmire.
What are the major tools being used?
The main focus of the post is to make fans/members aware that Sydney are grateful and appreciate their support in 2022. The post contains two words: ‘THANK YOU’, as well as very red and white colouring.
Where they saw it/how they engaged with it?
Came across it on Twitter, as the official AFL account retweeted the post. I investigated it even further when we focused on the Swans media in class.
Critical Reflection
The post is a very nice thing to do, it makes the fans aware that Sydney truly care about them. It was effective as it reached 10,000 reactions on Facebook.
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                                   The graphic from @sydneyswans on Instagram
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archieroberts · 2 years
SM Week 7 Entry
What is the social media activity they are analysing?
I’m focusing on the campaign Play Like A Girl Australia, which was created in an attempt to increase both women and girls participation within sport in Australia.
Who is leading the activity and who is involved?
The campaign was created by Holly Bailey, who is a former Netballer and VFLW star. She along with many other inspiring Australian women are pushing the message forward to ‘play like a girl’.
What are the major tools being used?
PLAG have an Instagram, Facebook and YouTube account where they post all their content. They post short videos and photos of women/girls playing sport. They also do interviews and Q&A’s.
Where they saw it/how they engaged with it?
I came across the campaign as I used it for my presentation. I then researched about it to learn what it is and what they do.
Critical Reflection
I think that this specific campaign is amazing because it has a really clear objective and it engages with its publics through social medias very effectively. Their website looks very new and fresh, with good information about what they want you to know. Additionally, the content was interesting to me.                                
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 Promotional Ad for Play Like A Girl’s Sport Leadership Course
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