archivbald · 4 years
       if avery had any say about how this was going to go , it was that everyone was going to leave their bullshit at the door and have a nice time . if it wasn’t for his sake then it was sure as hell going to be for aspen’s sake . it was a party and a celebration for those that knew the both of them or one of them but cared about their happiness regardless . this asshole though seemed as if he was going to be a buzz kill for the whole crowd and that wasn’t going to sit right with avery .
‘ okay, look , ‘ avery started , ‘  you  want  something  a  little  fancier  to  drink ? ‘ he motioned to the beer in his hand , ‘  there’s  still  shit  left  over  from  what  we  got  last  night  in  the  kitchen .  you  don’t  want  to  smoke ?  no  one  fucking  cares .  but  i  know  you’re  aspen’s  friend  so  if  you  can’t  even  fake  acting  like  you  want  to  be  here  then  leave . ‘
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Archie pretended as if he were more interested in his beer bottle than he was with Avery during the other’s rather aggressive rant, but what else was he supposed to expect from Avery fucking Adler? Someone you were meant to avoid on the streets or watch the words that tumbled from your lips if you wanted to sidestep a trip to the hospital? Although, he could have interjected and spoke his mind at that point without so much as a bothering care and Archie was continuously tempted more than anything, he knew causing a scene at a party, much less an engagement party, would result in Aspen’s unhappiness. Obviously, they were the only reason why he was here in the first place. 
“I’m surprised you’re mustering enough energy to bitch at someone who doesn’t want to jump on the flying high bandwagon.” Archie’s gaze lifted to the other man, attempting to not make what he phrased sound snarky. However, it wasn’t the best statement he could’ve or should’ve used. "Just because I’m not willing to get shit-faced almost drown in a neighbor’s pool like the rest of you, it’s no reason to grab the torch and pitchforks.” He commented, drinking from his beer, “Congrats on, you know, joining the Rabbit family, by the way.”
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archivbald · 4 years
       venus wondered if aspen had gotten round to telling everybody in their life that they were engaged , this all turned around pretty quickly and their family had only found out the night before last . she knew that boo wasn’t exactly impressed with archie right now , but vee was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt , at least because he’d always been fine with her , though vee was beginning to wonder if he valued their friendship at all at this point . 
she’d sat down beside him , plucking the joint from the person to her left and taking a few pulls , before offering it up to archie . her brows knitted together at his words , pausing for a moment before blowing the cloud of smoke in his face ,  “  what  the  fuck  is  that  supposed  to  mean ?  ”
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“Vee, why would you-” Archie waved away the smoke now forming in his face, holding in the temptation to nearly choke as some of it inhaled into his lungs. Venus’ question, rhetorical or otherwise, did not portray him in the best light. The man had his rough edges displaying a bout of arrogance that suggested he would ever turn up his nose at everyone around him in this community. Maybe he truly belonged somewhere like California or New York City where his preferred higher tastes wouldn’t be scoffed at. 
“I mean, my body’s a temple. Beer is fine, liquor is fine, but who knows what I could do or say smoking something like that.” He actually debated this decision for a moment. Indulge self-absorbance or cut himself a break? It might impress Venus or it might not even change her view. “Fucking hell, give it to me.” Archie reached out a hand and plucked the joint from the woman, placing it between his lips and inhaling a substantial amount. He pretended he knew what he was doing by holding it in, but it wasn’t long before he succumbed to a small fit of coughing. “Jesus.” The man quickly handed the joint to the next person as if he couldn’t rid of it quickly enough. “Are you happy?”
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archivbald · 4 years
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as kenzie continued to socialize with everyone she had grown up with, naturally a joint began to be passed around. if she was going to enjoy herself throughout the rest of the party, there was no way she was going to do it sober. after taking her own hit, holding her breath, waiting for it to fill up her body, she turned to hand it off to archie. she couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, was he serious? “better respect than what? it’s okay, trust me..” it was just weed, it wasn’t like she was passing him a line or something. “you sure?”
Archie’s lips pressed together as his gaze landed on the joint, knowing there were worse drugs shared at a party than marijuana. Most were either high off their asses or drunk enough to a point where he expected someone soon would find themselves spewing in the street to care about one person refusing to do what everybody’s doing. “If I try to explain, you’ll give me a dirty look. Best not ruin your fun.” He stretched a slow smile and shook his head, “You don’t want to see what happens when I’m high, Kenzie, I have a feeling it wouldn’t be pretty. I mean, drunk me is already bad enough.”
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archivbald · 4 years
   deacon was certainly no stranger to neighborhood parties especially in these parts . aikens had a way of celebrating everything and nothing at all and it was what deacon was used to . of course , he was also there to congratulate aspen and avery . just because him and vee weren’t together anymore didn’t mean that he didn’t become close to the rabbits over the years although he knew where their loyalty lied and that was fine with him even if he became nothing more than the ex boyfriend .
‘  you  really  trying  to  stick  out  like  a  sore  thumb  around  here ,  aren’t  you ?  thought  that  was  rydell’s  deal . ‘ he didn’t hesitate to pluck the joint from the fingers of the person passing it around . ‘  this  isn’t  the  ritz ,  you  know ?  cheap  liquor .  weed . that’s  on  the  menu  tonight  but  if  you  want  to  go  into  the  city  for  all  the  fancy  shit  then  have  at  it .  this  is  how   aikens  celebrates .  sure  as  hell  how  the  rabbits  celebrate . ‘
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Archie had seen Deacon around, mostly for his association with Venus, and not to say he hadn’t been jealous or god forbid intimidated to know her type, he didn’t exactly have enough caring in his body to worry over what men always perceived as an alpha threat. He developed his fair share of exes who tended to fizzle and it was curious to discover what about Deacon attracted her to him. He and Deacon wee clearly different, he had no tattoos, no tough guy attitude, not even a leather jacket in sight.
“So, just because I’m saying no to a recreational drug, means I’m the odd man out?” Archie couldn’t wrap his head around the logic unless it was something he was suppose to understand. It wasn’t as if refusing to smoke was some type of illegal crime...well, according to more than a few states. “I never said I wasn’t okay with the cheap liquor either. I mean, I prefer something a bit more high end that doesn’t go down like gasoline, but we have our preferences.” Placing the beer to his lips, the man’s expression changed to that of disgust before he dumped out the rest of what was in the bottle. Old and watered down, disgusting. “I’d hate to damper their partying mood by being here. Boo and I had a bit of a disagreement.” Archie paused, “Or I just really know how to piss her off.”
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archivbald · 4 years
The world was small, Aikens was smaller, and word along the grapevine traveled alarmingly quickly. Archie couldn’t be anywhere near offended when the gossip train reached his ears of Aspen and Avery’s engagement long before his friend ever grabbed the chance to tell him themselves. Of course, if the eldest Rabbit had any room to protest, family affairs weren’t actually his business despite his determination that may likely land him with a slapped face one of these days. You cannot continue proverbially poking the bear without it retaliating, but why should he not care about someone else’s family even he doesn’t care for his own? Both of them are screwed up beyond repair, both caused irreparable damage due to either absent or not-too-friendly parental figures.
Yet, those thoughts could not distract his mind from one party. He can’t recall exactly when a beer was thrust in his hand, he preferred something a bit more on the sophisticated side, or how long he spent floating between each cluster of bodies that crowded the sidewalks. Archie engaged in the usual polite chatter every now and then, winding up with a group of people he grew almost content with before those hopes were immediately dashed. Someone had decided to pass around a joint that landed in his general vicinity. “Oh, darling, that is kind of you, but I have better respect than that.”
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archivbald · 4 years
      she tipped her head to the side and smirked , that was very true , archie was a terrible liar , most of the time , although sometimes he border lined vacant and it could be rather frightening , though she pushed that to the back of her mind . vee shifted in her spot ,  “  sweetie ,  you  are  one  hundred  percent  uptight ,  good  thing  about  me  is ,  you  can’t  be  my  friend  and  be  uptight ,  I’m  sure  you’ve  realised  that  already .  ” she watched him take a bite of his food , brows knitting together as he seemed more displeased than anything else ,  “  you’re  uptight  because  of  me ?  what  did  I  do ?  ”
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“Oh, that’s adorable, you think I can’t master the art of multitasking by being your friend and also being uptight. Which that’s not a confession that I am.” Archie diverted his gaze to the pizza, picking at the cheese and obscene amount of toppings Vee preferred on her pizzas. He could be adventurous, he could be spontaneous when the situation called for it, but that did not mean he chose anything but pepperoni or cheese on his slices. “What did you do? More like what have you repeatedly done whenever you’re at my house?” He set his food aside, trying to hide his smile but finding it peeked through easily, “You wear your shoes past the welcome mat, you eat the food from my fridge, I found my remote control smeared with cheese puff dust and I know it was you. You’re-” In the midst of his rant, Archie almost forget himself allowing anything that shouldn’t slip, “You’re persistent to crawl under my skin.”
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archivbald · 4 years
      boo almost wanted to laugh , ‘ god ,  i  really  hope  avery  never  hears  those  words  come  out  of  your  mouth  or  you’re  going  to  get  one  pissed  off  adler  coming  for  your  knee  caps . ‘ she looked away from archie , running a hand down her face . ‘  you  can’t  fix  it  ,  archie .  you  can’t  fix  family  trauma  and  you  sure  as  hell  can’t  fix  aspen . aspen  isn’t   a  broken  toy .  they’re  not  a  car  you  take  in  to  a  mechanic .  they  need  meds  and  they  need  a  therapist .  something  our  mother  never  took  seriously . ‘ there was no magic fix to this . there was only hoping and medication and therapy and clinics and she hoped archie got that through his thick head . ‘  you  don’t  know  shit ,  archie . ‘ she turned to face him .  ‘  you  don’t  know  shit  when  it  comes  to  frank  or  what  i  do  for  those  kids  or  what  i  do  when  it  comes  to  frank .  it’s  not  business  and  it’s  not  your  place .  you  want  to  be  aspen’s  friend ?  fine  but  stop  sticking  your  nose  where  it  doesn’t  belong . ‘ she turned away once more , downing the rest of her drink .  ‘  sure  if  ry  has  any  say  we’ll  be  married  and  i’ll  be  barefoot  and  pregnant  within  the  year  so ,  i’ll  let  you  know  how  my  prison  of  a  life  is  going  then . ‘
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“Oh, for god’s sake, I’m talking about Frank.” Archie clenched his jaw tightly, “And there we are putting words in my mouth and misconstruing everything I am trying to say, Boo. I don’t want to fix Aspen, I’ve never implied I’ve ever wanted or assumed Aspen was someone to fix because I accept them for who they are. I don’t place judgment on them or sit around and wait for the day they really break because I know that whatever happens in Aspen’s head isn’t anything that can disappear. And I know you mean well for him and always will, but maybe you never fully understood him.” In truth, while he wanted Aspen to be their best selves for those around them, he had to wonder if any medication or therapy would ever genuinely change Aspen completely. And if that were the case, would they still be friends? Would Archie lose someone, the only person in the world, who could completely understand him? He’d just end up losing himself in the process. “I see more than you think I do, Boo, not everyone understands it, but I do.” His gaze searched hers, attempting to figure out how the woman’s mind worked, “This is you obviously settling. For someone like myself who rarely cares about anything ever, it’s sad when someone doesn’t believe they deserve better.”
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archivbald · 4 years
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“well that person is obviously an idiot,” she pointed out. in this town? in this kind of job climate? there was no way that kenzie would ever even imagine being late to her job, she knew she could probably be replaced in a heartbeat. sure, she’d go out fighting, but irregardless, it made sense why archie had gotten so heated. “you should turn off your phone,” the girl recommended before getting the attention of the bartender to order them a few shots. as soon as the shots had arrived, she passed two over to the other and kept two for herself. “to a much better night than all that shit you’re dealing with,” holding up the first one to cheers.
“Trust me, the world’s full of them.” At least he wouldn’t have to bend over backwards throwing out second chance after second chance when it came to that particular employee, as for the select few who continued their usual tardiness, well that would need to change eventually. “Just full of delectable ideas, aren’t you?” Archie lifted a smirk, reaching back into his pocket to pull out the phone and taking the brief moment to turn it off, only returning it to its original place as the shots the young girl ordered arrive. Two? Oh, she was spoiling him terribly. “Hear, hear, a toast.” Plucking on glass from the counter and clinked it to hers before tipping the liquid into his mouth, “If I am having a better night, I’d love to know the name of the girl who’s making it so. I’m Archie.”
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archivbald · 4 years
        “  really ?  ” vee responded , looking back to him with a single arched brow ,  “  you’re  really  happy  with  what  you  just  said ?  ” she knew that she was a little abrupt , way out of archie’s comfort zone , as he had reminded her time and time again , and yet , he stuck around . venus knew she could be intoxicating , archie had been a good friend to her for a while now and yet , she wasn’t exactly oblivious to the way he looked at her , to the way he spoke to her in ways that were less friendly and more desiring . he’d never made a move and she’d never done so in return , most of her relationships turned to shit and while she was , in herself , doomed to repeat her past indiscretions over and over , she did actually like him , she did like his friendship and she wasn’t in a hurry to lose that , even if he was a little weird . vee wiped her mouth with the back of her hand , rolling her eyes ,  “  I  think  you  should  just  eat  the  food  and  try  living  in  the  moment ,  sunshine ,  it’s  gotta  be  uncomfortable  to  be  so  uptight .  ”
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“Of course. I rarely stop to think if I’m satisfied over anything that flies from my lips, darling Venus. I don’t lie, especially to a friend who knows my tells.” Every now and then, or in many cases more often than not, Archie would forgo his proper standing and navigate the usage of sexual innuendo carelessly without sparing a thought whether someone would grow offended or receive the wrong impression. He attempted to keep such statement from the workplace, usually reserving such for the likes of Aspen or Vee, who knew his flirtations wouldn’t be taken seriously. However, there’d always be that part of him Venus may read into the signs and act on them before he ever jumped at the first move. “Oh, no, no, no, I resent that. I‘m not uptight, I just like things in a certain fashion.” Archie lifted the plate again and picked up the slice, taking a small bite to prove the point, “And then the atomic bomb that is you comes around and destroys the natural order. Or it could be I’m so uptight because you’re the reason why.”
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archivbald · 4 years
     ‘  did  it  ever  occur  to  you  that  maybe  the  reason  is  because  my  father  isn’t  any  of  your  fucking  business ?  i  don’t  care  if  aspen  is  your  friend  or  not .  my  family  isn’t  your  business . ‘ and if archie wanted to fight about it , boo was more than willing to throw down . she knew that aspen cared about archie on some level and archie seemed to care about aspen but plenty of people liked to open their mouth when it came to the rabbits and just because they were friends with them , or close , didn’t make them a rabbit . she almost wanted to laugh as archie continued on as if he wa giving her some helpful advice .  ‘  you  really  don’t  get  it  do  you ?  you’re  an  only  child ,  right ? ‘ of course archie didn’t get it and why would he ?  ‘  those  kids  are  my  life  and  i  know  emery  and  aspen  may  be  grown  now  but  that  includes  them  too .  there  isn’t  any  getting  tired  or  just  up  and  leaving . ‘
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“Oh, damn, and I’ll tell you what I told them. I feel a need to make it my business when someone who’s supposed to love and care for you disappoints your whole family time and time again.” Archie leaned slightly forward, giving the brunette woman a serious expression painting his typically blasé features, I get he’s your father, I get there isn’t much you can do to keep him away, but you have to admit that it’s destroying your life. It’s destroyed Aspen’s and you have no idea how determined I am to fix it.” He remained silent for a long beat as the consideration for Boo’s words tickled his mind. Well, maybe it was just the polite nature in himself never to interrupt that took hold instead. “Only child, yes. Thank god I never had siblings. Blood siblings, that is.” He sighed, “And is this really how you want to live out the rest of your days? Taking care of the children while simultaneously doing very little when it comes to Frank’s bullshit? That isn’t a life, Boo, it feels like a prison.”
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archivbald · 4 years
       “  I  appreciate  the  desperate  need  to  defend  my  honour ,  sweets ,  but  I  got  it ,  we’ve  always  got  it ,  ” aspen’s gaze drifted down the street to their father , a man who was nothing more than a thorn in everybody’s side – someone who , for some unknown reason , everybody felt entitled to comment on , like the rabbit’s had no idea who he was , what he was like , what he was capable of , if only it was that simple to just let him go , to just kick his ass and move on . they’d all exhausted every option , but the truth was , there was more to it than anybody could know . 
aspen glanced back at the other , then narrowed their eyes and punched him in the arm ,  “  dick ,  ” but their lips curved into a smile all the same . archie was mostly harmless , sure he could be a little much sometimes but he truly did want the best for aspen , and that had been proved time and time again . they smiled , sticking out their lower lip ,  “  I  won’t  ever  turn  down  food ,  thanks !  ”
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“Your father, your life, damn my protective instincts which surprisingly do exist.” Archie’s care for anything never really extended as far as himself, he didn’t feel a certain need to step up and become all-mighty protector over someone against all evil even if that aspect was a little on the dramatic spectrum. Aspen, in some form or another, lit the spark and essentially told him he was capable in caring for a friend personally. And while other people expressed sympathy for the Rabbits’ current parental situation, Archie felt as if he seemed prone to taking serious action if it was called upon.
“Ow! Such cruelty.” Archie lifted a hand and gripped his arm, smoothing up and down over the spot for a moment and finding a chuckle fleeing from his lips. It was this type of playfulness that was ever constant in their relationship, his shameless jokes never offended them, and he was sure Aspen would tell him if he ever went too far. It was a bordering line at times. “Especially when you aren’t the one paying for it, babe. Come on.” Archie nodded his head in the direction of the diner, leading them both to the entrance and pulling open the door before stepping inside himself. He guided the two to a table and slid into the booth. “I’ll play sugar daddy today. Order whatever you like.”
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archivbald · 4 years
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as archibald began to raise his voice at whoever was on the other end of that phone call, kenzie tried her hardest not to listen in. it had proven to be quite difficult as his voice got louder, she couldn’t help but pay attention, sucking her cocktail down quickly as if she was watching a movie. and just like that, the phone call was over and he was apologizing, damn. shaking her head in reply, “no, you’re fine. what’d they do though? it sounds like you need more than another beer, to be honest.”
Even in the midst of his heated phone conversation, Archie was aware of the eyes boring into him and more curiously, the ears listening in. It was a mystery he couldn’t quite explain the lack of embarrassment with any personal business displayed for the world to see, he didn’t care enough to worry over what others thought of him, though, it could have potentially affected any new customers. Who wished to buy a car from a temperamental owner? “Let’s just say I’m a stickler for punctuality. I own a business and I tend to expect those under my employment to be on time and working their shifts.” Straightening the collar of his light blue dress shirt as gaze settled on the woman, he hummed, “Another drink, that would be fantastic.”
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archivbald · 4 years
           “  I  swear  pizza  is  my  sexuality ,  ”  she never really knew when to keep her voice down , not even sat on the sidewalk outside her favourite pizza place , a night full of drinking behind her and barely a coherent sentence leaving her lips . any mind she had to people sleeping in the houses on the opposite side of the street disappeared the moment the pizza touched her lips and she let out a loud groan . her friends were used to her at this point and vee made no attempts to give into any shame she might feel tomorrow , with booze staining her shirt , her shoes sitting beside her and her tongue chasing a persistent piece of cheese that had taken a nose dive away from the pizza base . 
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“If that’s any indication how you eat out in the bedroom, consider anyone warming your mattress lucky.” Archibald watched her with immense amusement, his own plate of pizza resting on the sidewalk beside him. When he offered to treat Venus to what he knew was her number one pizza parlor, he went in with the hope she wouldn’t divert her full attention away from him to focus on what was the world’s greasiest and quickest artery-blocking food created by man. Vee was, in all standards, his complete opposite by the way she dressed from how she behaved and not the usual company he kept in his presence, but it was sure as the sun rose that he found himself seeking out spare time spent. He didn’t judge her profession, he judged the people she slept with out of slight jealousy, yet he never placed pressure for them to be anything more than what they were. Archie simply enjoyed having any friend. “Never heard of a napkin, have you?” He lifted his plate, turning to examine his slice, “I think I should’ve asked for more dough with this cheese.”
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archivbald · 4 years
    ‘  you  know  what  i’m  getting  real  sick  and  tired  of  ,  archie ? ‘ she turned towards him , ‘  people  asking  me  that  fucking  question . ‘ she didn’t expect archie of all people to get it and if he didn’t get it after being friends with aspen then he was never going to get it . ‘  at  what  point  was  i  supposed  to  walk  away ?  when  i  was  nine ?  eighteen ?  when  emery  was  sixteen  and  leave  all  of  this  shit  on  his  plate ?  or  now ?  when  frank  is  showing  back  up  again  and  i’m  not  sure  if  aspen  is  going  to  keep  their  head  on  straight ?  there  isn’t  a  fucking  expiration  date  for  this  shit ,  archie . ‘
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“Has anyone told you just how quickly your fuse is lit of anything to do relating to your father?” Archie’s expression remained calm, almost feeling a sense of neutrality towards facing Boo’s infamous hostility that she was certainly known for within Aikens. Some tended to back away from the conversation and others only accomplished pushing her buttons, the man was simply confident with his words to reveal the uncensored truth for the sake of honesty, not to be the asshole. Which Archie could be at times other than now. “And I thought the answer would be there staring you in the face, Boo. Move. Gather up any sibling who wishes to come along and leave that worthless excuse for a father in the dust.” His head bobbed from side to side, “I know money’s tight, but you’d figure out a way to afford it. You’re a fucking Rabbit, for god’s sake. Scam, cheat, do what you need to do.”
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archivbald · 4 years
      “  it’s  not  your  business ,  ”  aspen objected ,  “  besides ,  you  don’t  know  for  sure  that  he’s  being  a  dick ,  ” maybe from the outside frank shoving aspen like that wasn’t okay , but that was the tamest things were really , it wasn’t as if frank was violent – just emotionally abusive , and taxing . they sighed softly , rolling their eyes but smiling at archie as they walked along the street , their hands finding themselves buried deeply in their pockets to shy away from the cold that was already forcing numbness to spread across their digits . 
it was a rather unusual friendship between the two , everybody said it , but archie was the only one who had never judged them , not from the beginning . they knew that kieran and avery had never done so intentionally , but it was there at times , especially when aspen was more manic than anything else , and they hated how they’d made people feel in the past , but they never really had to worry about hurting archie , he didn’t care about much .  “  how  would  you  suggest  I  do  that ?  you  can  get  a  coffee  with  me ,  but  you  can  only  actively  leave  work  in  your  head  too ,  arch .  ”
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“Have to make it my business. He may not have been a dick at the moment, but he’s always one.” Yes, sticking his nose where it didn’t belong was a nasty habit to kick away so easily, but when he spent the years knowing the Rabbit clan through Aspen, Archie witnessed the highs and lows that were Frank. He’s had his fair share of foster parents who were just as shitty as the last, yet he has never come across someone so fucked in the head to miss out on raising his children. 
To be honest, Archie didn’t feel like he cared for Aspen’s siblings, they were the typical Rabbit gene pool, but it was Aspen who was the closest person to understand how his mind worked and they seemed to grapple an understanding for his. From his experience, no one ever truly managed the feat. “Let us not speak of work or cars or anything at all related to money. Dreadful business. Enough to send me to a loony bin.” Arch carelessly waved a hand realized all too late his mistake. “Sorry, too soon.” He tugged at the scarf around his neck, “Coffee, it is. Lunch is on me if you’re free.”
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archivbald · 4 years
      he rolled his eyes , laughing all the same , he’d never really taken much offence to anything archie said in the entire time they’d been friends . the man seemed to simultaneously take himself too seriously and not seriously at all , it was a difficult balance and yet , he was still standing , still had his business – it couldn’t be too bad . rydell leaned against the counter top , waiting for the sound of his name ,  “  you  know  I  don’t  swing  that  way ,  sunshine ,  but  nice  try .  ” he didn’t really imagine archie was all that serious anyway , but it didn’t hurt to clarify , maybe rydell was a little bit too passionate about his clarification at times . 
he took his coffee when it was handed off to him , making a beeline for a seat considering it seemed this conversation wasn’t exactly one for on the move . he shrugged out of his jacket and leaned back in his seat , nodding his head at what archie said ,  “  so  what’s  going  on ?  ”
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Archie wasn’t one to have too many friends. The Rabbits were frequent faces he saw whenever the chance arose for him to see Aspen, though, their absence in a hospital limited the time he spent with the family and actually gave him the chance to branch out on the whole friend department. Rydell was one such newcomer. “Well, if you ever gave it a go, I’m around.” It wasn’t always easy having sort of relationship with someone like Archibald, he was a sarcastic pain in the ass who didn’t fully understand social cues, but Ry was anything if not to keep him on the honest track.
Almost mirroring Rydell’s action by taking off his jacket and placing it on the back of the chair, Archie threaded his fingers together along the table in a business-like manner. Always the professional. “Everything and anything, apparently.” He released a scoff, “Dismal sales, workers missing shifts. I had to fire this one guy earlier when he skipped out on a week’s worth before giving me these lame excuses, was this close to throttling him instead.” Archie shook his head slowly, “I’m a fair boss and a fucking phenomenal salesman, so what the hell am I doing wrong?”
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archivbald · 4 years
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Graceland - Parallels ↳ Mike / 1x10, 2x09, 2x12, 3x02, 3x03
mirrors + pain
for thisnostalgiclife​
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