archive-of-fate · 3 years
(askpokemoncrossover) Umbra @ Okko:
Continued from here
Upon Okko's request, Umbra nodded, knelt down and touched the amulet. It took at least thirty seconds to get some kind of response and answer. While Umbra didn't figured out the identity of the one who gave Okko this amulet, he discovered two things that are much greater: one was that this amulet serves as a lock and amplifier for aura users. Two: Okko has aura abilities like Umbra and has a unique transformation locked away inside of him. Despite having amnesia, being a different species of pokemon: Okko has a tremendous amount of potential, roughly the same as Umbra and his friend Saisei. But... just to be sure... Umbra stood up and nodded silently before saying. "Well, while I didn't find out who gave the amulet to you... I did discover something within you and figured out what that amulet's 'role' is. How about we have a spar to bring both of those truths into the light? Away from public eyes, of course. You have nothing else to lose and you can challenge me again and again if you lose to me the first time around. So..." Umbra then stretched out his hand. "What's your name, kiddo? My name's Umbra... and I'll be the one that'll test your strength."
Okko took Umbra's hand with hesitance shaking it slowly
My name is Okko. And...A-Are you sure? I mean..... I'm not really that much of a fighter isn't there some other way to bring whatever is "inside" of me?
The meowstic looks down at his paw with a saddened look on his face
I don't even know if there is anything inside to find to begin with. I-I'm just a coward....a loser
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Kass@Okko: The Kommo-o looms in front of Okko, trying to look as menacing as possible."Hey there, Wimpy. So... why would you want to to be turned back into a human anyway? I ain't got nothing against humans, so long as they aren't abusive assholes, of course. But as a Pokemon, you could be much stronger, after you've toughened up a bit. You could get back at that bully who was chasin' ya, for a start. Just imagine seein' the look on their face as you throw them 'round and 'round with your mind!"
Upon seeing the larger mon Okko immediately moved back a bit almost falling over
"W-Well for starters my family and friends wouldn't recognize me...."
Okko backs up a bit more not wanting to get close to Kass
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"A-And I don't want to get back at my bullies like that! Then I'd be just as bad as they are....."
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Envy @ Okko: "So, where are you headed to first now that you've made it to town? Perhaps look for a library?" He glances at Okko's amulet and gestures to it. "Or, maybe a jeweler can help you out with the necklace thing."
You know that's not a bad idea. Maybe I could find something on humans turning into pokemon or something like that!
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Now you wouldn't happen to know where those places are would you?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Cipher @ Okko: "Oh hello there, fellow Meowstic!" He notices Okko among the crowd of pokemon and approaches him. "Can I help you with something? You look rather troubled ..."
Okko laughs nervously rubbing his arm a bit before responding
It's that obvious huh? Well I'm kinda lost and by kinda I mean I am, I'm trying to find out who turned me into a pokemon so I can get them to reverse it. Oh yeah I also have this weird amulet dunno who gave it to me I woke up with it and now I'm trying to find out what it could be.
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You wouldn't happen to know anything about those subjects do you?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Cypress walks up to Okko curiously, tail twitching nervously. "Hm... you say you're human? I've never seen a human before!" He exclaims, ears twitching. "You must remember time as a human, right? What's your favorite memory? Did you have any accomplishments as a human? Oh, I wanna hear it ALL!" (contest-star-cypress)
Okko flinches a bit, startled by the glaceon's enthusiasm.
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I mean of course I remember my time as a human luckily those memories never left my mind. And accomplishments? Umm....well....i-if you count running 5 miles straight an accomplishment.......
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Whisper: "So, kid, what's it like being a human one moment, a fuzzball the next? Can't imagine it being any sort of fun unless you're into eating rodents and rubbing your head against the wall."
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I haven't really gotten a chance to do anyth- w-w-wait a minute! Eating rodents?! Rubbing my head against the wall?! What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not supposed to do any of that right?! R-right?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
S-048 @ Okko: "Awww, is someone afraid to take off that amulet~? Kekeke, I'm just busting your balls. I'm sure there is some meaning behind it. I'm just here to ask of what are your plans? Surely you're not the type who'll just wanders cluelessly and wait for something to happen, kekeke.
Okko rolls his eyes at the strange sylveon's comments deciding to ignore it and his strange appearance for the sake of not wanting to make a scene
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Of course I'm not gonna sit around waiting for nothing, that's not why I'm here. Speaking of which you wouldn't know anything about humans turning into pokemon would you? Or any hints as to where I can get answers about the amulet?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(ask-reluctant-nightshade | one of these days I’ll remember the blog she’s from) A terrifying shadow was cast down at the meowstic from atop a town building, ominous horns being visible. There’s a loud thud as whatever was atop it lands behind him and-
Oh wait, it’s just Tia. The sheep trots in a circle around Okko, trying to offer directions and failing miserably.
Okko smirks noticing Tia's intentions and giving her a few pats on the head
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Sorry if you wanna help me but I can't seem to understand you too well. maybe you have some other method of communication? A piece of paper and pen maybe?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(askgalacticpals) Finley@Okko: The pikachu looked at okko. "Hey. You okay now? How's it's like being a pokemon just like me? Cool right? Except, you're a meowstic and i'm a pikachu. But still, we got our own cool fighting moves!" They smoothed their hair.
I'm fine thanks for asking. Abou the being a pokemon thing....it's a little weird to be honest, I mean I've always wondered what it was like to be a pokemon I just didn't know I'd find out so soon, I would have liked the circumstances that got me turned to be better though. I wonder what kind of moves I can learn.....Oh yeah! I just remembered! Aren't meowstics psychic types? Maybe I can move things with my mind now?
Okko attempts to test that theory out on a nearby trashcan with no success, straining himself in the process
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Oh it didn't work....maybe I should practice it a bit more? Maybe I should find another meowstic or psychic type?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(Chance@Okko) So you're saying you used to be a human? Is that really true? Hm, I didn't know that was possible. So, what do you think about being a pokemon? Is there anything that surprises you about it? I have to admit, being human sounds like it would be nice. Do you miss it?
Okko rubs the back of his head slowly
I didn't know it was possible either but here I am, a human boy turned meowstic overnight.
Okko chuckles nervously before looking away slowly rubbing his arm
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I mean..I guess it's kinda cool being a meowstic? I would have enjoyed it more if the circumstances leading to the change were a bit better.... And do I miss being human? Maybe a little......there are some aspects of my human life I don't miss
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Benjamin: "Oh hey, you there. You're a psychic type, right? Looking for some swag for my gamer pad, know where I can cop some? First time in this town, no idea where stuff is."
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S-Sorry I'm afraid I can't help you, this is my first time in town as well. I'm just as lost as you are...maybe we can help each other? My name is Okko
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(askgalacticpals) Finley@Okko: The pikachu looked at okko. "Hey. You okay now? How's it's like being a pokemon just like me? Cool right? Except, you're a meowstic and i'm a pikachu. But still, we got our own cool fighting moves!" They smoothed their hair.
I'm fine thanks for asking. Abou the being a pokemon thing....it's a little weird to be honest, I mean I've always wondered what it was like to be a pokemon I just didn't know I'd find out so soon, I would have liked the circumstances that got me turned to be better though. I wonder what kind of moves I can learn.....Oh yeah! I just remembered! Aren't meowstics psychic types? Maybe I can move things with my mind now?
Okko attempts to test that theory out on a nearby trashcan with no success, straining himself in the process
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Oh it didn't work....maybe I should practice it a bit more? Maybe I should find another meowstic or psychic type?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(Chance@Okko) So you're saying you used to be a human? Is that really true? Hm, I didn't know that was possible. So, what do you think about being a pokemon? Is there anything that surprises you about it? I have to admit, being human sounds like it would be nice. Do you miss it?
Okko rubs the back of his head slowly
I didn't know it was possible either but here I am, a human boy turned meowstic overnight.
Okko chuckles nervously before looking away slowly rubbing his arm
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I mean..I guess it's kinda cool being a meowstic? I would have enjoyed it more if the circumstances leading to the change were a bit better.... And do I miss being human? Maybe a little......there are some aspects of my human life I don't miss
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
(askpokemoncrossover)Umbra@Okko: The lucario swordsman saw the amulet around the meowstic's neck and sensed something familiar... "This pendant... it's radiating the same aura that we lucarios use... tell me, did a lucario like me gave it to you?"
Okko was startled by the lucario's sudden appearance and even more startled by the fact he was wielding a weapon but he calmed down once he realized he meant no harm
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"Aura? What do you mean aura? Isn't that thing that's used in that one move? Anyway, I don't think anyone gave it to me at least....none that I could see. It's weird but I feel some kind of....connection to it.... Maybe you can help me?
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Journal Entry#0509 Another year of Mother's Day......another year without my mom. Another year without being able to thank her for all she's done for me Another year watching kids with moms getting gifts for them Another year visiting her grave......... This time I bring two batches of flowers, one from me and one from dad. Figured I'd bring a gift on his behalf since he can't do it himself although thinking about it now he's probably got a better gift up there to give her. I miss you so much. I wish we could have spent time together like a family, all three of us. I wish I could feel the warm embrace of your arms comforting me when I'm sad The warm meals waiting for me when I come home I wish I could see you so I can tell you......
I love you
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Continue From Okko quickly followed behind the sceptile not wanting to be left behind his gaze still fixed on the amulet as he walked "To answer your question Nick I don't know what it does or even how I got it but I feel like I'm supposed to have it like it's something important I need to keep...kinda strange. And to answer your question Atzin I can't remember everything it said, all I could remember it saying was that I was a "Hero Of Prophecy" and that I would be reborn...I guess I know what the reborn part meant..."
After what seemed like a few minutes of walking the trio made it to a small town, near the entrance was a sign that read "Curulea Town"
"Hm looks like we made it" Okko turns to the two mons who helped him get smiling "Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the help but I think it's best if we went our separate ways for now. While I do want to get to know you more I'm sure you have other things to worry about. See ya later!" And with that the meowstic heads into the bustling town of pokemon. But who will help him navigate? (Ask hints and playlist have been updated!)
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archive-of-fate · 3 years
Cont from here "I agree with Atzin I should find someone who might be able to help me find out why this happened and how. We should probably get going before it gets dark"
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"Shiny thing? What do y-" Okko looked down at the amulet that now hung around his neck. It looked like a mega stone of sorts but it was blue with what looked like a meowstic head and tribal-like markings on it "What the? Where did this amulet come from.....and why don't I want to take it off....." @atxin1 @ask-reluctant-nightshade @greedentstripes
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