archivedbb · 5 years
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Gilbert Williams - Homeward Travelers (1989)
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archivedbb · 5 years
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archivedbb · 6 years
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Maxine Sanders, 1970s
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archivedbb · 6 years
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High School Sorority Secret Initiation, Webster Groves, Missouri, 1944*
Nina Leen: Lenslady
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archivedbb · 6 years
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archivedbb · 6 years
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archivedbb · 7 years
Cicadas and la vie en rose 🥀
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archivedbb · 7 years
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archivedbb · 7 years
a guide to exploring abandoned farms
essential supplies include: plenty of food and water, a change of socks, a hat, rope, bandaids, a knife, gloves, an acorn in your pocket, and an offering
there are always odd noises on the farm. half of them come from the animals
try to forget what the lake looks like between the hours of three and four AM
never ever find yourself alone in the milking shed in the south end of the farm. time passes differently there
if you happen to hurt yourself in your exploration, make sure you do not bleed onto the dirt
bring plenty of water, you do not want to drink from there
the cows will watch you, this is normal
close every gate you open, even if the fields are empty. don’t ever leave one open behind you, just trust me
beware unstable rocks, the cracks tend to be filled with insect nests
bring a weapon with you, but no guns
if you see someone else while exploring, never tell them your name. you can never be sure if they are real or not, and further out you go, the less real they will seem. the patupaiarehe have evolved in cruel and unusual ways
do not go inside the empty share-milkers cottages, whatever you do, do not go inside. something else lives there now
a tree with the undersides of its leaves showing mean that a storm is coming. a tree with no leaves means the storm has already come
sometimes the hills look like they’re moving. be aware of this, because some things don’t like to be disturbed
do not sleep under the full moon, in fact, just don’t sleep on the farm
finding skulls is normal, only become worried when you start finding ribs
if you find yourself lost in a forest, continue walking in a straight line until you are free again. the trees may make it look as though you are going in circles, but i promise you’re not. ignore the soft music you can hear
your phone won’t work out here
the ghosts from the land wars won’t harm you, but be sure to show them respect
don’t take anything from the farm with you when you leave. just be grateful you have made it out alive
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archivedbb · 7 years
Heard the song during the commercial for History Channel’s trailer for their upcoming Bonnie & Clyde movie. I liked the way it sounded so I had to add it to my iPod.
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archivedbb · 7 years
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can’t help falling in love // elvis presley
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archivedbb · 7 years
It is late now, I am a bit tired; the sky is irritated by stars. And I love you, I love you, I love you – and perhaps this is how the whole enormous world, shining all over, can be created – out of five vowels and three consonants.
Vladimir Nabokov, from Letters To Vera (via violentwavesofemotion)
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archivedbb · 7 years
You are a writer because you write. Keep writing and quit your bitching. Your book has a birthday. You don’t know what it is yet.
Cheryl Strayed (via meditationsinwonderland)
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archivedbb · 7 years
stories begin in the throat behind teeth / & words can be swallowed. Words can be dangerous.
Majda Gama, from “When I See the Crescent in the American Sky,” published in wildness (via lifeinpoetry)
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archivedbb · 7 years
I will love you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range loves braes. I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence, and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong.
Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters (via myartisnotforsale)
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archivedbb · 7 years
MAYBE— in our next life i’ll be the witch and you’ll be the convict. MAYBE— we’ll wear different faces, speak different tongues, call ourselves by other names. BUT CERTAINLY— you’ll be you and i’ll be me. i will find you in every single lifetime and i will love you over and over again. our souls are not meant to be apart.
O.M., a promise (even in death, i will find a way) / MATTHIAS HELVAR & NINA ZENIK (via sielkie)
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archivedbb · 7 years
[…]                                                           I burn’d    And ached for wings,
Jonh Keats, from “Ode on Indolence,” in Selected Poems (Bloomsbury Poetry Classics). (via existential-celestial)
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