arcsuf · 3 years
Vegan and Cruelty Free Makeup Brands
Makeup is used worldwide for many reasons. Some use makeup as an art form, while others may use it to boost confidence and hide blemishes. Regardless of the reason for the makeup, it is important to find the highest quality product at a reasonable price and the most environmentally friendly formula production. I have been wearing makeup for over 15 years now and have struggled with acne, dry skin, irritation, and swelling. After doing years of research I have found many vegan and cruelty free makeup brands that have completely changed my skin.
Animal testing is prominent world wide and roughtly “500,000 animals suffer and die worldwide every year in cosmetics tests” (The Humane Society). Many actions have been taken to reduce this number, such as endorsing the humane cosmetics act, and hopefully and animal testing for all cosmetic products manufactured or sold in the United States. Over 325 companies have endorsed this act and have made steps to going cruelty free. The Trend Spotter, a blog that constantly keeps its audience up to date on the latest trends, published their top 10 vegan and cruelty free makeup brands. Consists of good quality makeup that is vegan and cruelty free that can be purchased at reasonable prices. It contains vegan options such as elf that can be found at drug stores for a few dollars, as well as slightly more expensive brands that can be found at Ulta or Sephora: Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Milk Makeup, Cover FX, etc. Not only is it important to support brands who take the extra steps to be healthier and better for the environment, but these brands are much better for all skin types.
The New York Times published an article explaining why individuals should care about vegan beauty. Get brands will use animal derived ingredients such as lanolin (wool grease), squareness (shark liver oil), carmine (crushed-up beetles), gelatin (cow or pig bones, tendons or ligaments), and many other products that can cause irritation and swelling to users. Vegan brands use pure nature-derived ingredients that contain additives to maintain the product and benefit the wearer. Most take pride in how they look wearing makeup, but we should also take pride in the ingredients being used. The top 10 vegan and cruelty free brands listed in The Trend Spotter article are all healthier options for not only your skin, but the environment.
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